Represented Political Parties’ Fund 2020 ELECTORAL COMMISSION Report regarding the Management and Administration of the Represented Political Parties’ Fund during the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 in terms of Section 8 of the Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act, 1997 (Act 103 of 1997) 3 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 1 ELECTORAL COMMISSION The Honourable T Modise Speaker of the National Assembly I have the honour of submitting the Annual Report of the Electoral Commission regarding its management and administration of the Represented Political Parties’ Fund for the year ended 31 March 2020, together with the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditor General for the period under review. This report is hereby submitted to you for tabling in Parliament in accordance with section 8 of the Public Funding of Represented Political Parties’ Act, 103 of 1997. Yours faithfully Chairperson Chief Electoral Officer Glen Mashinini Phatudi Simon Mamabolo Electoral Commission Electoral Commission 16 February 2021 16 February 2021 2 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS ALLOCATIONS TO THE REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES 6 - 8 EXTRACTS OF REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10 - 50 African Christian Democratic Party 10 - 13 African Independent Congress 14 - 16 Al Jama-Ah 17 - 19 African National Congress 20 - 22 African Transformation Movement 23 - 25 Congress of the People 26 Democratic Alliance 27 - 29 Economic Freedom Fighters 30 - 32 Freedom Front Plus 33 - 35 Good 36 - 38 Inkatha Freedom Party 39 - 42 Minority Front 43 - 45 National Freedom Party 46 Pan Africanist Congress of Azania 47 United Democratic Movement 48 - 50 REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 51 - 53 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 3 54 - 57 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES’ FUND 58 - 76 Report of the Accounting Officer 59 - 60 Statement of Financial Position 61 Statement of Financial Performance 62 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 63 Statement of Cash Flow 64 Comparison of Expenditure to Budget 65 Accounting Policies 66 - 69 Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 70 - 76 ANNEXURE A 77 -78 Detailed Income Statement 78 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 3 4 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 3 ALLOCATIONS TO REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 5 6 ALLOCATIONS TO REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 Total allocation to the Represented Political Parties: R158 319 396 Proportional allocation (90%): R142 487 456 Equitable allocation (10%): R 15 831 940 TABLE 1: TOTAL NUMBER OF MEMBERS – REPRESENTATION REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES NATIONAL WESTERN EASTERN KWAZULU NORTHERN NORTH FREE LIMPOPO GAUTENG MPUMALANGA TOTAL ASSEMBLY CAPE CAPE NATAL CAPE WEST STATE AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AL JAMA-AH 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 230 12 38 44 37 44 18 21 22 19 485 AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE 84 24 3 10 20 11 8 4 3 6 173 ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS 44 2 7 5 11 8 3 6 4 4 94 FREEDOM FRONT PLUS 10 1 1 1 3 0 1 2 1 1 21 GOOD 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY 14 0 0 0 1 13 0 0 0 0 28 MINORITY FRONT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 NATIONAL FREEDOM PARTY 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 TOTAL 400 42 49 63 73 80 30 33 30 30 830 NUMBER OF PARTIES 7 4 6 6 8 4 4 4 4 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 ALLOCATIONS TO REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 TABLE 2: ALLOCATION TO THE REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES REPRESENTED POLITICAL NATIONAL PROVINCIAL TOTAL May-19 Jul-19 Oct-19 Jan-20 TOTAL PAID PARTIES ASSEMBLY LEGISLATURE R R R R R R R R AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1 201 701,43 1 037 053,41 2 238 754,84 559 688,71 559 688,71 559 688,71 559 688,71 2 238 754,84 AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS 343 343,28 - 343 343,28 85 835,82 85 835,82 85 835,82 85 835,82 343 343,28 AL JAMA-AH 343 343,29 220 910,79 564 254,08 141 063,52 141 063,52 141 063,52 141 063,52 564 254,08 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 83 260 742,75 3 006 841,25 86 267 584,00 21 566 896,00 21 566 896,00 21 566 896,00 21 566 896,00 86 267 584,00 AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT 686 686,56 754 778,52 1 441 465,08 360 366,27 360 366,27 360 366,27 360 366,27 1 441 465,08 CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE 343 343,28 3 - 343 343,28 85 835,82 85 835,82 85 835,82 85 835,82 343 343,28 DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE 29 699 192,75 3 006 841,25 32 706 034,00 8 176 508,50 8 176 508,50 8 176 508,50 8 176 508,50 32 706 034,00 ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS 16 137 133,67 3 006 841,25 19 143 974,92 4 785 993,73 4 785 993,73 4 785 993,73 4 785 993,73 19 143 974,92 FREEDOM FRONT PLUS 3 605 104,35 2 638 656,61 6 243 760,96 1 560 940,24 1 560 940,24 1 560 940,24 1 560 940,24 6 243 760,96 GOOD 515 014,93 220 910,79 735 925,72 183 981,43 183 981,43 183 981,43 183 981,43 735 925,72 INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY 4 806 805,78 816 142,62 5 622 948,40 1 405 737,10 1 405 737,10 1 405 737,10 1 405 737,10 5 622 948,40 MINORITY FRONT 171 671,64 368 184,64 539 856,28 134 964,07 134 964,07 134 964,07 134 964,07 539 856,28 NATIONAL FREEDOM PARTY 515 014,92 368 184,64 883 199,56 220 799,89 220 799,89 220 799,89 220 799,89 883 199,56 PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS 171 671,64 - 171 671,64 42 917,91 42 917,91 42 917,91 42 917,91 171 671,64 UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT 686 686,56 386 593,88 1 073 280,44 268 320,11 268 320,11 268 320,11 268 320,11 1 073 280,44 TOTALS 142 487 456,83 15 831 939,65 158 319 396,48 7 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 8 EXPENDITURE BY REPRESENTED POLITICAL PARTIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 African African African African Economic Inkatha National Pan United Christian Transformation Congress of Democratic Freedom Minority Independent National Freedom Freedom Freedom Africanist Democratic Democratic Al Jama-Ah Movement the People Alliance Front Plus GOOD Front Total Congress Congress Fighters Party Party Congress Movement Party (ATM) (COPE) (DA) (FF) (MF) (AIC) (ANC) (EFF) (IFP) (NFP) (PAC) (UDM) (ACDP) R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Allocations for the year 2,238,755 343,343 564,254 86,267,584 1,441,465 343,343 32,706,034 19,143,975 6,243,761 735,926 5,622,948 539,856 883,200 171,672 1,073,280 158,319,396 Less: Unused funds repayable 11 362 775 12,137 Less: Suspended amount i.t.o. the Act 128,754 128,754 Total amount paid during the year 2,238,755 343,343 564,254 86,267,584 1,441,465 343,343 32,706,034 19,132,613 6,243,761 735,926 5,622,948 539,081 883,200 42,918 1,073,280 158,178,505 Total Expenditure (1,246,299) (352,982) (505,343) (86,181,249) (1,340,205) (33,308,516) (15, 578, 837) (4,158,984) (735,654) (5,430,392) (471,831) (1,075,297) (150,385,589) Personnel expenditure 363,170 45,300 149,192 83,029,504 996,669 23,980,465 - 1,793,602 37,161 1,084,683 149,070 95,607 111,724,423 Accommodation expenditure 12,144 - 4,500 - 19,984 - 3,326,767 - - 665,238 - - 4,028,633 Travel expenditure 242,785 92,006 41,750 - 124,356 285,514 113,021 150,989 - 1,353,178 - 128,300 2,531,899 Arrangements of meetings and rallies 230,372 50,462 155,130 - 44,525 1,579,386 4,604,083 507,549 - 502,774 19,818 - 7,694,099 Administrative expenditure 370,941 130,214 98,321 3,151,745 138,143 7,390,627 4,451,683 1,492,822 96,115 1,276,034 212,226 411,390 19,220,261 Promotion and publications 26,887 35,000 56,450 - 16,528 72,524 1,082,069 214,022 602,378 548,485 90,717 440,000 3,185,060 Fixed asset and other expenditure - - - - - - 2,001,214 - - 1 - - 2,001,215 Unspent money at end of year 992,456 (9,639) 58,911 86,335 101,260 343,343 (602,482) 3,553,776 2,084,777 272 192,555 67,250 883,200 42,918 (2,017) 7,792,915 Plus: Interest received 33,850 - 181 369 - 189,434 - 84,464 52 8,937 - - 317,287 Surplus / (deficit) for the year 1,026,306 (9,639) 59,092 86,704 101,260 343,343 (413,048) 3,553,776 2,169,241 324 201,492 67,250 883,200 42,918 (2,017) 8,110,202 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 3 EXTRACTS OF THE REPRESENTEDPOLITICAL PARTIES’ STATEMENTS PUBLISHED IN THIS REPORT AS FILED WITH THE COMMISSION Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 9 AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (ACDP) Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2020 2020 2019 Notes R R Assets Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment 2 10 176 12 536 Current Assets Trade and other receivables 3 17 080 - Cash and cash equivalents 4 1 013 881 - 1 030 961 - Total Assets 1 041 137 12 536 Equity and Liabilities Capital and reserves Reserves 1 035 900 9 594 Liabilities Current Liabilities Trade and other payables 5 5 237 2 787 Bank overdraft 4 - 155 5 237 2 942 Total Equity and Liabilities 1 041 137 12 536 Accounting Officer D Kissoonduth Auditors PKF Cape Town Chartered Accountants S.A Audit Opinion Unqualified 10 Represented Political Parties’ Fund Annual Report 2020 AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (ACDP) Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 March 2020 2020 2019 Notes R R Cash flows from operating activities Cash generated from (used in) operations 11 983 333 (180 962) Interest income 33 850 12 088 Net cash from operating activities 1 017 183 (168 874) Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment 2 (3 147) (11 406) Total cash movement for the year 1 014 036 (180 280) Cash at the beginning
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