JAMINI ROY COLLEGE (NAAC Accredited-B) P.O.-BELIATORE, DIST.-BANKURA (W.B.), PIN-722203 TEL. NO. : 03241-259261, Email : [email protected] PROSPECTUS (2021-22) From the Principal’s Desk Jamini Roy College is situated at Beliatore, within Bankura district, West Bengal. This village is the birth place of one of the world's greatest artists Sri Jamini Roy.The college is thus named to honour his memory. Jamini Roy College runs on Grants-in-Aid disbursed by the Government of West Bengal like many other colleges in the state. We have been accredited by NAAC with Grade B (GPA 2.33). The college was establishedwith only a few departments and students in 1986 and affiliated to the University of Burdwan. From 2017 it has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly set up Bankura University. Beliatore is a rural (panchayat) area. Local population mainly comprises of economically weaker section of society. Thus we feel there is a need to develop a social network and stronglinkage with people through education. The college encourages spread of knowledge and value- based education amongst young minds. Thereby our students are empowered to build their careers withemphasis on all-round development. We firmly believe that this is required in the current global scenario. The vision, mission and objectives of this college are as stated below: VISION Imparting quality education at the undergraduate level to the students of the locality with focus on under privileged sections of society. MISSION To make our students 1.Academically confident 2.Mentally tolerant 3.Morally upright 4.Environmentally conscious OBJECTIVES · Minimizing the gap between privileged and underprivileged section of the society regarding attaining higher education. · Ensuring holistic development of the students. · Encouraging students to participate in co-curricular activities. · Making students socially responsible. · Creating more space for interaction with local people through NSS and cultural programmes. LOCATION Jamini Roy College is situated in Barjora Block in the district of Bankura. It is linked with Durgapur, Bankura townand Burdwanby roadand railway. The college is located by the Bankura-Durgapur highway. Beliatore Railway station is situated only 1kilometre away. AFFILIATION Jamini Roy College is running under Grants-in-Aid Scheme of Government of West Bengal. The collegewas previously affiliated to the University of Burdwan and was recently shifted to the jurisdiction of Bankura University. It is recognized under 2f and 12B Acts of the UGC. GOVERNING BODY SL N a m e D e sig na tion N O 1 M r. A s utos h M uk he rje e (E x M .L.A , Pre s ide nt B a rjora C ons titu e ncy) 2 D r. Prad ip Kum a r B an e rje e M .Sc., Prin cipa l/ Se cre ta ry P h.D . 3 D r. Tu sh ar K an ti H al de r (Prin cipa l) N o m ine e O f W es t Be n ga l S tate Co un ci l O f Hi gh e r Ed uca tion 4 S ri D urg ap ras an na M uk hop ad hya y G ov ’t. N om in e e ( A ss is ta nt H e a dm a ste r) 6 D r. N ikh ile s h D ha r (A s sis tan t U ni ve rsi ty N om i ne e P ro fe s so r) 7 P ro f. B ina pa ni Gh os h U ni ve rsi ty N om i ne e ( A ss is ta nt Pro fe ss or) 8 S ri Ka li da s M u khe rje e , B .C om , H ons . D ono r M e m be r 9 P ro f. Su chitra M itra (A ss ocia te T e a ch e rs’ Re p re se nta ti ve P ro fe s so r) 10 P ro f. D e bop ro ka s h B ha tta cha rje e T e a ch e rs’ Re p re se nta ti ve ( A ss is ta nt Pro fe ss or) 11 M r. Sa roj M on da l (Lib raria n) T e a ch e rs’ Re p re se nta ti ve 12 M r. A ji t K um a r Pra m a nik N o n-T e a chin g S ta ff Re p re se nta ti ve COURSES OFFERED HONOURS & PROGRAMME COURSES IN ARTS Honours Courses Offered: Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History and Geography Programme Courses Offered:Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History, Political Science, Geography,Philosophy, Economics and Education CERTTIFICATE COURSE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTRE Jamini Roy College Computer Training Centre is run by Webel informatics Limited (A Govt. of W.B. Undertaking) to fulfill our dreams of spreading computer education among poor students of this area. The Centre functions under the leadership of the Co-ordinator, Sri Samiran Banerjee. They issue certificates after completion of training. NURSING TRAINING Recently a Nursing Training Centre has been set up in the college. It is running successfully. Many students who have received training in this centre have been placed in various institutions. NEWLY INTRODUCED CBCS CURRICULUM: From the academic session 2017-2018, semester-wise Choice Based CreditSystem (CBCS) is being followed. Under CBCS,subjects to be studied are classified into five categories – (1) Core Course (CC), (2) Discipline Specific Elective(DSE), (3) Generic Elective (GE) (4) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) and (5) Skill Enhancement Course (SEC). The table below depicts CBCS course structure at a glance: COURSE STRUCTURE (HONOURS & GENERAL) Course Components B.A Honours Programme Course Core Course (CC) 14 12 [Credit for each CC course -6] Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) course 4 4 [credit for each DSE course -6] Generic Elective (GE) course 4 2 [credit for each GE course -6] Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 2 [Credit for each AECC course-2 Skill Enhancement Course (sec) 2 4 [credit for each SEC course-2] Total credit for the 3 years course: 140 120 As depicted above a student from Honours Course shall study 14 Core papers from the respective Honours subjects In case of B.A. Programme Course, out of 12 Core papers, 8 Core papers (4+4) to be studied from to subjects of his choice and 4 papers (2+2) are to be studied from two MIL : Bengali/Sanskrit. To guide students regarding choice of core course subjects (for B.A/B.com general courses only), Discipline Specific Elective Subjects, Generic Elective subjects and Skill Enhancement Course Subjects under CBCS, course wise separate guidance programme shall be held after admissions. After getting detailed information from such programmes, students may choose from options offered under CBCS. GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION SESSION: 2021-22 READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE APPLYING Candidates who have passed H.S (10+2) examination or any other equivalent examination in 2019/2020/2021 are eligible to apply for B.A. Course. Students who have passed Vocational Course at (10+2) can apply only for B.A. Programme course. Students who have secured 45% marks in H.S. examination are eligible to apply for Honours Subjects. Students can select maximum three Honours subjects at a time during the admission process. Marks of five subjects (Best of five) will be taken into account for making merit list. Separate Merit Lists will be published for each Honours subject. Students will have 2 maximum attempts for changing subject after admission in Honours and Programme course. If marks of two or more candidates happen to be same, scores of immediate previous examinations (Madhyamik Exam result) will be looked into. If it does not help, number of the particular subject in which she/he is interested to apply for Honours subject would be considered for ranking. Admission into a particular subject in Honours or Programme Course will be closed if available seats get fulfilled. If any entry has been done by the candidate proved false, his/her candidature will be cancelled. Mobile Number is mandatory in the application form and that specific number should not be changed without informing the college. Important information will be conveyed through that given number time to time from college and the University. College will not be responsible for any wrong exchange of numbers. Students from ST, SC, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH Category must produce their original certificate issued by the appropriate authority during documents verification (offline or online) otherwise their candidature will be treated cancelled. Students need to fill up the application form with proper Email Id which may be used for official communication. Course Fees are given accordingly: o For Honours Course (except Geography)– 2990/-, o Geography Honours – 3140/-, o Any Honours Course with Geography – 3065/- o Programme Course –2590/-, o Programme course with Geography – 2660/-. Students must inform the present college authority if they move to another college otherwise their admission will be not be counted. Required documents for Online Form Fill up: Madhyamik Admit Card and Marksheet H.S. Admit Card and Marksheet Caste Certificate (if applicable) PH Certificate (if applicable) Passport Size colour Photograph (30kb) Signature (20kb) School Leaving Certificate The entire admission process will be conducted through Online Mode thus students need not to be present physically in the college for admission. If any student's name is missing in the 'Registration list' due to late payment or technical error please contact the given HELP LINE NO. or EMAIL ID within due date (Mention in the Notice) else their request will not be considered.
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