THEATRE The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN PRESIDENT The Rt . Hon. Sir John Latham, G .C.M.G., Q .C. CHAIRMAN Dr . H . C. Coombs EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hugh Hunt HON . SECRETARY Maurice Parker ST A TE REPRESENTATIVES: New South Wales Mr. C. J. A. Moses, C.B .E. Queensland Profes sor F. J . Schonell Western Australia P rofessor F. Alexander Victoria Mr . A . H . L. Gibson South Australia ........ Mr . L. C. Waterman Tasmania Mr. G . F. Davies LOLA MONTEZ THE story of this musical is based on historical fact . In 18 5 5-6, the "Spanish" dancer, Lola Montez, was attra cted to A11s­ tralia, like other theatric al personalities of her time, in the hope of cashing in on the new fo1ind wealth of the gold miners. She le/ t behind her a trail of legends and debts, bnt it was in Ballaarat ( as Enioy your favourite melodies it was then spelt) that she created her greatest sensation, when her Spider Dance was rewarded with a hail of nuggets, and the miners PIANO ACCORDION! swarmed onto the stage in approbation. with a Following an nncomplimentary newspaper criticism of her Play just for (un--or capture admiration and popularity in rumpus performance, she p1iblicly horsewhipped the Editor of "Th e Ballaarat room, bunkhouse, at dances or barbecues, with the stirring notes of Time s" (let modern critics beware!) and le/ t Australia 1inder the the piano accordion. management of an American for further performances in the United It's so easy to learn, so easy to own! For as little as 8/6 a week States. Lola was for a time morganatically married to Ludwig I of you can play a famous Scandalli or Settimio Soprani piano accordion. Bavaria, from which country she was expelled thr01igh the premir e Model s cost from as little as £33, in of Church and State. Her other matrimonia l entanglements were less attractiv e carrying case. elevated, but no less comp licated. Lola was born in C01mty Limerick, Ireland, in 181 8; her real name was Maria Dolores Eliza Rosanna Gilbert; she died in the United States in 1861. SCANDALLI or In making me of thii colou.rful personality, the a1ithors have, I believe, mcceeded in writing a m1isical which might well have SETTIMIOSOPRANI an international appeal. Many months were spent in rewriting and polishing it be/ ore it was tried 01d 1mder the sponsorship of the Piano Accordions Tmst by the Union R epertory Company in Melbourne. The snccesi of this prodnction, which was necessarily a small scale version of the present mmical, enc01iraged us to commission the mithors to rewrit e MATON GUITARS it fo r a major prod1iction. -the finest in the world --and there's a full range We are proud to present onr first Australian f1ill-scale at Palin gs, from only 6/6 Palings m1isical and grate/1tl to all who have participated both in pioneering a week! the first version and in preparing this full scale version which you are seeing to-night. 138 George Street , Sydney, Bl 2331 ; 328 Chapel load, Bankstown, UY 1404 ; and at HUGH HUNT. Wollongong , Newcastle , Goulburn, Or1n91, Tamworth, Usmore . &/N-AI NOW ON ... COLUMBIA THE ORIGINAL STAGE CAST OF At:~TRALIA'S OWN MU81CAL ontez 1855 - and the scene is Balbrat, hot, dusty and at the peak of its gold fever. Into town comes Lola Montez with her fast-talking American manager, Sam Van­ derburg. Goldmincr Daniel Brady dis­ CO\•ers a huge gold nugget and Jane and Daniel discover their love for each other­ these are the ingredients of the lustiest, most virile musical comedy ever co come out of Australia. And here on record are the numbers that make it so . on a Columbia 12m. LP-JJ0CX 7ll4. SOUTHERLY BUSTER 'TIL L Sl.n,l1IER'S BEEN AND GONE I CAN SEE A TO\\'. SATURDAY GIRL A DAME LIKE THIS l'M THE MA LET 'ME SI G! LET ME DANCE! HE'S MI E ALL ABOUT LOLA MAR IA, DOLORES, ELIZA RO A A l ALONE LADY, LADY, PLEASE DO 'T CRY THE WAGES OF SIN A LADY FI DS LOVE PARTNER, NAME YOUR POISON NOW AT LOLA MONTEZ ~ YOUR FAVOURITE Famous Courtesan wlw visited Australia, 1855-6 '9 RECORD STORE ON COLUMBIA 4 MaryPre ston To star in "Lola Mont ez," th e Au str alian Elizabe ­ than Th ea tr e Trust is proud to pr eselll En glish Mu sical Com­ edy actr ess, Mary Pr eston. B o r n i n Truro , Cornwall, of Spani sh d escent , Mar y Pr esto n h as grad u­ ated rapidly in h er p r of e s s i o n. She studied dancing at a ver y early age und er variou s tea ch ers, in­ cludin g th e well­ known Georg e Gon­ shernoff, and lat er she took up singi ng under the tutor ship of soprano Gwen Catl ey. She has appeared in nu mero us musicals, amongst which were Ivor ovello 's " Kin g's Rhapsody " at the Palace Th eatr e, London , and "Th e Talk of the Town " at the Adelphi. he has taken pan in th e George and Alfred Blacks Summer R evues, and also appeared at th e London Palla ­ ~fVF.:R WA~ rHE R F A PRETTIER WA Y TO G A E:ET SP R ' NO dium in two pantomime~ and two r evues. Jn additio n to appea rin g in pant omim es as prin cipal dan cer, she TA lrn \ Tl T . .. 8 h1.11lhP,1 011r legA 1n ni'rt' "m11ll11 tmu" has acted as choreograp her and director in ,uch productions . She has pn,,,,,Jnylon 11fnrhnw,. "' "'' " ,,,,,... mad e featur ed app eara nces on Commercial and B.B.C . T elevision , th"'" n prPll iPr U'fl _l/ In 'I'"''' ,..;p n ,ig . ~·Hm1 ~rrst\.9r including those of pri ncipa l dancer at th e televised "Sunday Night at RP1111l1Jul iihPPT 11:y/nn-""lt1jl/1 1 111,fpd th e Palladium " shows . She has been associat ed with th e George Carden ,,, pnlf/p/ IOUPx, In motrh _11011r dr P.''fA, Dancers in these telecasts . She was chosen for leading dan cin g rol e 1/0/ lf Rhl>PJt ,,nrl olhpr flr('i'JlHOrl PM ,'n in th e films, "The Melba Story" and "Let's Be Happ y." 'pnng'" PJrit, m1 ,,,..,,, rolnu r/j . I n full fru hrnnPd nnrl ~P111nfr"" at'IIP-8. She has just concl ud ed a two-year run at the Lyri c Theatr e, London, in which she played a leading role in the musi cal, "Grab Me a Gondola ." Pri or to th e Lond on pr emier e of this production, she wa presented to members of th e Ro yal Family , who att end ed a per­ formanc e at the Theatre R oyal, vVind sor . b FRANKWILSON TELEVISION: Call in to our modern television de - I Melb ourn e-born actor , Frank partment and choose from a complete range of latest model receivers . Everything we sell , we ser• Wil son, began a career in theatre afler hi , vice, Easy payments. ar m y discharge wiLh ·riv oli Circuit a nd la te 1 with J.C .W . in "Oklah oma" and "Bri gadoon" . In 1952 he went lO England and app eared in hi s own producti on numbers at leadin g Lond on nightclub s. Hi s first imp onan t mu si­ cal role wa, in "Call Me Mad am" al the PIANOS: At Nicholson's you have the choice of Coliseum , then in "Paint Your Wagon" and world-famous names, including Steinway , Danemann , "Wonderful Town" , and "Guys and Dolls". Mignon , Beale, etc . Easy payments and trade-in On return lO Aust ra lia he appeared in allowances, "Witness for the Prosec tui on," and most I recentl y appeare d in "Can Can" and "Damn Yankees" . He has appeared in several films­ " Kangaroo Kid " (mad e in Australia) , "Counter feit Plan" , "London Bridg e" , and in Charlie Chaplin's "A King in New York" . Frank has written sever al production MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Nichol son's wide range I numbers which have been used in London Varie ty by such people as Lorr ae Desmond incl udes Piano Accordions , Guitars , C larinets, Saxo­ and Kitt y Blu ett. phones , Violins , Flutes , Trombones, Trumpets, and all types of accessories and novelty instruments. _ __ o_ o _ ___ __ _ _ RADIO: All types of radios and radio~rams create,d by the leading manufacturers are on display. You II I find tho instrument you want right hore, RECORDS: Our lar ge , mod ern reco rd bar carries I complete stocks of all type s of discs , in oil sizes and speeds . am to 6 pm Lun che on at the Rh ine Castle Bistro ls quite an eating adventure any we ek day . tem pting co ntinental di shes with a glas s MUSIC: Nicholson's vast stock s embrac e the works of wine are serve d from 11.45 a.m , in a real cellar- cum-Parisian of the great masters, ballads, instrumental works, atm osphere. Our Plat du Jou r is really something and from current popular songs. 3 o' clock to six we also serve open style Danis h Sandwiches, I Class ical Soups and Patisseri es with a glass of Champagne . Espr esso coffee available with every meal.
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