College of Fine Arts 167 The College of Fine Arts includes the Schools of Art, Dance, Film, College of Interdisciplinary Arts, Music, and Theater. The College offers a broad cultural ed u ca tion in the fine arts, as well as spe cial ized training in a Fine Arts wide range of ca reer fields. Jennings House Schools and Programs Double Ma jors The School of Art, located in Seigfred If you wish to pursue a second major Hall, offers degree programs in outside the College of Fine Arts, apply Raymond Tymas-Jones art education, art history, ceramics, for admission to the college offering Dean graphic design, painting, photography, the second major. See “A Second printmaking, and sculpture. Bache lor’s Degree” in the Grad u a tion Norma J. Humphreys Requirements section of this catalog for Assistant Dean The School of Dance, located in Putnam Hall, offers a single preprofessional specific re quire ments. Chuck McWeeny de gree program in dance. A limited You may wish to pursue two majors Associate Dean number of exceptional students may within the College of Fine Arts be approved to pursue work in dance simultaneously, earning a dual major through the Honors Tutorial College. degree. You must be admitted to and The School of Film, located in Lindley complete all requirements for each of Hall, does not offer an un der grad u ate the majors. degree program. You may, however, earn a minor in film, and many un der- grad u ate film cours es are available, Minors some of which may be used to fulfill Minors are available in art, dance, film, specific degree re quire ments. A limited interdisciplinary arts, music, and the ater. number of ex cep tion al students may The minors are designed for students be approved to pursue work in film majoring in other fields who wish, in through the Honors Tutorial College. the course of their formal ed u ca tion, to The School of Interdisciplinary Arts, pursue study in the arts. Spe cif ic require- located in Lindley Hall, does not offer ments for each minor can be found in an under-graduate degree program. this section following the re quire ments You may, however, earn a minor in for majors in each school. interdisciplinary arts, and many un der- If you wish to declare a minor in the grad u ate interdisciplinary arts courses College of Fine Arts, consult with both are available, some of which may be your major advisor and an advisor with- used to fulfill specific degree re quire- in the minor program. ments. If you are a major in the College of The School of Music, located in the Fine Arts and wish to pursue a minor Robert Glidden Hall, offers degree offered by another school or de part- pro grams in music composition, music ment within the University, consult that history and literature, music ed u ca tion, school or department’s section of the music the o ry, music ther a py, orchestral catalog. in stru ments, organ, pi ano, piano pedagogy, and voice. The School of Theater, located in Kantner Hall, offers degree pro grams in production design and technology, the- ater arts and drama (management and playwriting), and theater per for mance (acting). 168 College of Fine Arts Admission Requirements Education Abroad Degrees and Re quire ments High school applicants to Ohio Uni- For information about education The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree ver si ty who wish to pursue a degree abroad opportunities, refer to “Office is granted upon com ple tion of pro- program in the College of Fine Arts of Education Abroad” in the “Academic grams in the School of Art, the School may apply for direct entry into the Opportunities–University Wide” section. of Dance, and the School of The ater. Col lege. You may enter the School of The School of Music grants the Bach e lor Art as a gen er al art major. En try into of Music (B. Mus.) degree. a de gree program in the School of Advising All programs of study within the Art requires the successful com ple tion The College of Fine Arts maintains a sys- College of Fine Arts are in tend ed to of a portfolio review which usually tem of academic advising for its ma jors, pro vide students with a strong foun- occurs during the soph o more year. with assigned members of the fac ul ty da tion in the arts and culture, as well You may enter the School of Theater serving as advisors. Maintain ongoing as an op por tu ni ty for specialized pro- as a general theater major. Entry con tact with your advisor for assistance fes sion al training. Every effort is made into a degree program in the School with con cerns related to academic and through careful individual advising and of Theater requires the successful career plan ning. Your ad vi sor will assist a flexible cur ric u lum to meet the in di- completion of an audition/interview, you with an ap pro pri ate selection of vid u al needs of each student. which occurs during spring quarter of courses each quarter as you prepare the freshman year. You are re quired to If your qual i fi ca tions are out stand ing, your sched ule. It is es pe cial ly important au di tion if you de sire direct entry into certain cours es may be waived from that you work closely with your advisor pro grams in the School of Dance or the the proposed program of study. You to main tain the prop er sequence of School of Music. For final ac cep tance may re quest of your advisor a re view of cours es in your ma jor. De vi a tions from into a ma jor pro gram, you must meet qual i fi ca tions for course waiver. In some the nor mal course re quire ments, in clud- all entrance re quire ments described cases, ad di tion al approval by a faculty ing waiv ers and/or substitutions, must un der that major. com mit tee is required. be approved in writ ing by your ad vi sor To transfer from another college or and the Dean’s Office. In some cases Candidates for degree programs in the uni ver si ty, you are required to audition, additional ap prov al by a faculty com mit- College of Fine Arts must complete a submit a portfolio, or meet the re quire- tee is re quired. min i mum of 192 quar ter hours with ments specified by each program in an accumulative grade-point average Although your advisor will be help ful the College of Fine Arts in addition to (g.p.a.) of at least 2.0 (C). The minimum in assisting you with the prep a ra tion gain ing admission to Ohio University. num ber of quarter hours and ac cu mu- of your sched ule, it is your re spon si bil- Write to the director of the particular la tive g.p.a. for some degree programs i ty to make certain that all grad u a tion program in which you are in ter est ed for is high er. re quire ments are met. detailed in for ma tion. Ohio University students requesting transfer to major programs in the Academic Probation col lege also are required to meet the above criteria and should consult the Students who are placed on academic appropriate school before applying for probation during their first year are transfer. required to complete an Academic Success workshop. The 90-minute workship aims to help students Scholarships and Awards improve their academic performance and return to good academic standing. A limited number of schol ar ships and Information about the workshop is awards of varying amounts are avail- sent to students’ local addresses and able to majors in the College of Fine University e-mail accounts. Students Arts. Some awards are renewable; oth- should also arrange to meet with ers are grant ed on a one-time basis, their assigned academic advisor to get renewable at the discretion of the further help on ways to improve their school involved. Awards are based pri- academic situation. ma ri ly on talent demonstrated through audition, in ter view, and/or portfolio submission. In each case, academic performance is considered important. Con tact the director of the appropriate school be fore January 1 to arrange an au di tion or portfolio sub mis sion. College of Fine Arts 169 of the explorations focus upon study within the chosen School of Art area of specialization. (Students interested in becoming art education or art history majors should consult with Robert Lazuka, Director faculty in those areas during their first year of study.) Studio areas require an exhibition of each student’s art works as The School of Art is a community of artists and scholars the crowning event in achieving the BFA degree. Student dedicated to exploration and education in the visual arts. achievements are acknowledged through awards presented Our goal is to prepare graduating students for professions at student exhibitions, as well as through talent and as artists, teachers, or professionals in related fields, as academic scholarships. These scholarships are available to well as for admission to graduate programs. Our nationally both incoming and continuing students. acclaimed faculty members were chosen for expertise Advising in their fields of study, as well as for their dedication to With a faculty of 30 members, the School of Art makes teaching.
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