The Cryosphere, 8, 2335–2351, 2014 doi:10.5194/tc-8-2335-2014 © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Inferred basal friction and surface mass balance of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream using data assimilation of ICESat (Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) surface altimetry and ISSM (Ice Sheet System Model) E. Larour1, J. Utke3, B. Csatho4, A. Schenk4, H. Seroussi1, M. Morlighem2, E. Rignot1,2, N. Schlegel1, and A. Khazendar1 1Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive MS 300-323, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099, USA 2University of California Irvine, Department of Earth System Science, Croul Hall, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 3Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL 60439, USA 4Department of Geological Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA Correspondence to: E. Larour ([email protected]) Received: 5 April 2014 – Published in The Cryosphere Discuss.: 8 May 2014 Revised: 9 September 2014 – Accepted: 30 September 2014 – Published: 15 December 2014 Abstract. We present a new data assimilation method within 1 Introduction the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) framework that is capa- ble of assimilating surface altimetry data from missions such Global mean sea level (GMSL) rise observations show an as ICESat (Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) into re- overall budget in which freshwater contribution from the po- constructions of transient ice flow. The new method relies on lar ice sheets represents a significant portion (Church and algorithmic differentiation to compute gradients of objective White, 2006, 2011; Stocker et al., 2013), which is actually functions with respect to model forcings. It is applied to the increasing (Velicogna, 2009; Rignot, 2008) relative to ther- Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, where surface mass balance mosteric expansion and contribution from terrestrial glaciers and basal friction forcings are temporally inverted, resulting (Gardner et al., 2013). In order to quantify the contribution in adjusted modeled surface heights that best fit existing al- of polar ice sheets to GMSL in the near future, accurate mass timetry. This new approach allows for a better quantification balance projections must therefore be carried out, which can of basal and surface processes and a better understanding of either be based on extrapolation of current trends (Velicogna the physical processes currently missing in transient ice-flow and Wahr, 2006; Velicogna, 2009; Shepherd and Wingham, models to better capture the important intra- and interannual 2007; Rignot et al., 2011) or supported by transient ice-flow variability in surface altimetry. It also demonstrates that large models that are physically validated against data. Such mod- spatial and temporal variability is required in model forcings els, however, as demonstrated in the SeaRISE (Sea-level Re- such as surface mass balance and basal friction, variability sponse to Ice Sheet Evolution) and ice2sea intercomparison that can only be explained by including more complex pro- projects, are not fully capable of capturing the present-day cesses such as snowpack compaction at the surface and basal trends (Bindschadler et al., 2013; Nowicki et al., 2013a,b), hydrology at the bottom of the ice sheet. This approach is in- which hinders our ability to project them into the future with deed a first step towards assimilating the wealth of high spa- a high degree of confidence. Indeed, one of the critical dif- tial resolution altimetry data available from EnviSat, ICESat, ficulties faced by ice-sheet modelers is the spin-up of ice- Operation IceBridge and CryoSat-2, and that which will be flow dynamics in a way that matches present-day observa- available in the near future with the launch of ICESat-2. tions. At the root of the problem is a complicated interaction between (1) paleo-reconstructions that can match the evo- lution of the ice volume for the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) or Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) (Pollard and DeConto, 2009; Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 2336 E. Larour et al.: NEGIS data assimilation of surface altimetry Huybrechts et al., 2011; Ritz et al., 1997; Greve, 1997a) tial corrections that have to be applied (within specific mea- but which fail at capturing present-day ice-flow dynamics surement error margins) for the model to converge to present- and (2) what is now referred to as “instantaneous spin-ups”, day conditions. For example, one such boundary condition which rely on inversion of basal friction at the ice–bed in- that is inherently difficult to reproduce from the previous in- terface from satellite-derived surface velocities (MacAyeal, terglacial onwards is surface mass balance (SMB) (Ritz et al., 1993; Morlighem et al., 2010; Seroussi et al., 2013; Price 1997), which is a critical component of the GIS and AIS mass et al., 2011; Arthern and Gudmundsson, 2010), which are transport. The second method is the so-called flux-correction more efficient at capturing present-day ice-flow dynamics but method (Aschwanden et al., 2013; Price et al., 2011), where lack the long-term trends in the stress and thermal regime of boundary conditions at the ice front are corrected for in or- both ice sheets. der to match time series of observed fluxes. This is a direct In order to bridge the gap between both approaches, so tuning approach which, however, can be incompatible with that paleo-reconstructions of ice sheets and present-day dy- realistic boundary conditions at the ice front. The third and namic conditions can be captured in one continuous run of final method is a quasi-static approach, in which surface ve- an ice-sheet model, there needs to be a shift in the way we locities are used at different snapshots in time to invert for approach integrating data into transient ice-flow models. In- parameters such as basal yield stress. This approach is used deed, there is a wealth of data available to ice-sheet mod- in particular in Habermann et al.(2013) to understand the elers that is not yet fully leveraged to constrain transient dynamics of Jakobshavn Isbrae in the past 2 decades. Such ice-flow models of the GIS and AIS. These data include methods are indeed precursors to more sophisticated meth- among others (1) ice coring that provides temperature pro- ods which can tightly couple mass transport and stress bal- files for calibration of thermal models (Greve, 1997b, 2005); ance in time-dependent assimilations. (2) radar stratigraphy that provides layering and age struc- For example, new approaches are emerging, based on ture (Fahnestock et al., 2001); (3) sediment coring in pro- time-dependent adjoint modeling (Heimbach, 2008; Gold- glacial lakes around the GIS (Briner et al., 2010, 2011) that berg and Heimbach, 2013), which show great promise in provides vital information about margin positions throughout potentially enabling sophisticated data assimilation of dis- the Holocene; (4) high spatial resolution surface altimetry parate data sets into ice-sheet models. Here, we propose one from small-footprint satellite laser altimeters onboard mis- such approach, based on algorithmic differentiation of the sions such as EnviSat (2002–2012), ICESat (Ice Cloud and Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), to improve assimilation of land Elevation Satellite, 2003–2009) and CryoSat-2 (2010- surface altimetry data (over the entire ICESat time period) present) as well as ESA and NASA airborne laser altime- into a transient reconstruction of the ice-flow dynamics of the try campaigns flown as part of PARCA (Program for Arc- Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). The goal here is to tic Regional Climate Assessment, 1993–2008) (Thomas and invert for temporal forcings, namely SMB and basal friction Investigators, 2001; Thomas et al., 2004) and Operation Ice- at the ice–bed interface, such that best fit to surface altimetry Bridge (2009–present) that provide an almost continuous sur- data is achieved, while respecting the constraints inherent in face height record for the past 20 years (Csatho et al., 2013); the physics of an ice-sheet-flow model. On NEGIS, altime- and (5) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data from mis- try data provided by ICESat display high levels of spatial sions such as ERS-1,2 (European Remote Sensing Satellites), and temporal variability, which presents a good case scenario RADARSAT-1,2, ALOS (Advanced Land-Observing Satel- for investigating how model forcings need to be corrected lite), PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aper- for in order to replicate such variability in surface height, ture Radar) and TerraSAR-X, among others, that provide a and what are potentially missing components in the way we surface velocity record (albeit relatively discontinuous com- model surface and basal processes that should be improved pared to the altimetry record) for the last 20 years (Joughin accordingly. In addition, recent studies suggest that NEGIS et al., 2004a, 2010; Mouginot et al., 2014). All these data sets is undergoing dynamic thinning linked to regional warming are yet to be systematically assimilated into ice-sheet mod- (Khan et al., 2014), which will exhibit characteristic surface els, to provide better constraints for transient models. altimetry signatures that should be investigated, especially One of the main difficulties in reconstructing past and for a basin that previously was considered stable. present ice-sheet flow that is compatible with observations This study is structured as follows: in the next section we and ice-flow dynamics is the lack of temporally variable as- describe our forward transient model, the equations, the ob- similation methods. Most attempts at assimilating surface al- jective function we are interested in and the algorithmic dif- timetry so far have relied on indirect approaches. The first ferentiation approach to computing gradients of such an ob- one is ensemble methods, where sub-sets of model runs that jective function along with the temporal inversion algorithm are compatible with present-day conditions of the ice sheet necessary to infer temporally variable model forcings that are down-selected (Applegate et al., 2012).
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