u N I T DIGEST CAMPUS NEWS: Need helµ with your taxes! SU[J's VITA reµrer..e11tatives offer /Josic aid at no co,;t to student ,;. PAGE 3. CAMPUS SPORTS: suu·s te11111s team lost its only home maLcl1 of the yea, Ol'er Lhe weekend to Utah Stote. PAGE 17. STATE NEWS: St. George's mayor soy, he·~ lwtl IL with teen-age spring breake, 'i and tell., them to .'itay home in the futme. PAGE 14. NAT'L NEWS: fury r;e fect10n in the tncil of accused 0/<lahonw City bomber 'limnthy Mc\leigh continues in Denver. PAGE 15. WORLD NEWS: l'alestinums suffered o d1ff1cult and dead]}, dav ye.,terday m growmg Gnw Stnp violence. PAGE 15. NATIONAL SPORTS: J<entuck\' d1et11m, aln ml v.•Jwt m 1,~ht h1n•c he1·n w/11/c Anzmw reveh 111 the• NCAA ca.~c cmwn PAGE 22. ACADEMIC FOCUS Coni1ocation: fame!:. Burl<e. among the most popular speokers in S UU's Con voe a liuns · history. returns. IT'S SPRING AND THAT MEANS ... 'PLAY BALL.' PAGES 18-21. I 1i ALMANAC THE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL • SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1997 I • Pr.LO.E. jformerly the Cay&. Lesbian Student IN THUNDERBIRD CIRCLE DINING: ~IBID) NIE§JD) A 1l Union) support meeting, 5-6 p.m., GC 309. Lunch (11-1 :30): Chicken Fa jita1 beef &. broccoli with April • Outdoor Club Meeting, 8 p.m., BU 203 rice, pasta bar, soup &. sa lad bar, gri ll, deli. • Centennial - The Show, 7:30 p.m., Ccntrum, $8 Dinner: (5-6:30): Frito pie, stuffed chicken breast, adults, $6 students, reserved seating only. soup &. sa lad bar, grill, ddi. WEATHER FORECAST: C L OUDY HlGH: Mid 40s LOW: Low 20s • Convocation speaker: Jomes Burke:, "Riding Lhe IN THUNDERBIRD CIRCLE DINING: Network'' I l a.m., SUV auditorium, free. Lunch (11-1:3 0): Burrito upremc, c:ampfirc hnsh • NCAA Division I Baseball, SUU hosling Lewi s cassero le, casscrnle bar, soup & salad h;ir, i ri ll, deli. and Clark College, I p.m ., Thunderbird Field, $3 adults, $2 students 13 tmd ovcr and s1:nior Dinner: (5-6:30): Swiss steak, sweet & sour shun ribs, citizens, $1 chil<lrcn fiv l!- 12 wiLh ;111 adult. soup &. sal:id bar, gril l, deli • Regional Sterling Scholar Awards program, 7 p.m., WEATHER FORECAST: Randall L. Jones Theatre, free. C L OUD Y • Centennial - The Show1 7:30 p.m., Cent rum, $8 adu lts, $6 students, reserved seating only. HIGH: Mid 40s LOW: High 10s • NCAA Division I Baseba ll, SUU hosting Lewis IN THUNDERBIRD CIRCLE DINING: and Clark Collcgc, noon doubleheader, Thunderbir<l Field, $3 adults, $2 students 13 ,1nd Lunch (11-1 :30): Breaded anti baked hoki, chicken & over and senior citizens, $ I children five-12 with vegetable turnover, cheese sticks, nachos, soup & an adult. sa lad bar, gri ll, deli. • Ce ntenni11l - The Show, 7:30 p.m., Centrum, $8 Dinner: (5-6:30): Shrimp & cot! nu~cts, hard & soft adults, $6 sLUclcnts, reserved seating only La cos, soup &. snl.i<l bar, gri ll, deli . WEATHER FORECAST: PARTLY C LOUDY HIGH: High 40s LOW: High 20s • NCAA Division I Baseball, SUV hosting Lewis IN THUNDERBIRD CIRCLE DINING: and Clark College, noon, Thunderbird Fi eld, $3 .idults, $2 students 13 .ind over and senior Lunch (12-1): Stacked ham & Sw iss sandwich, chili citizens,$ l chjldrcn five-l 2 with an adult. hot dog with cheese, soup & salad bar, gri ll, deli. • Centennial - The Show, 7:30 p.m., Ccntrum, $8 Dinner: (5-6): Philly beef&. Swiss, scalloped potatoes adults, $6 students, reserved seating only. & ham, soup & sa l::td bar, 1,rrill, del i. WEATHER FORECAST: PA RTLY C LOUD Y IDGH: LowSOs LOW: Mid 20s NOTIC E: Those wishing to place an announcement of an on-ca mpus event, a T he Journal makes every effort to collect items fo r inclusion in this space University-sponsored off-campus event or an off-campus event of interest to the otherwise, but is not responsible for omissions. DeadUne for receipt of information campus community in 'Almanac' should stJbmit the informati()n to the University for Monday issues is noon Fridays, for Wednesday issues is noon Tuesdays and for fournnl by calling S86-77S9 (24 hours per day) or by sending or bringing it to SUU Friday issues is noon Thursdays. The edit0r of ~.lmanac' is Joshua S. Morrill. The Box 9384 or to TH 003 or to the Stu<lcnt Acti vities Office in the Student Center. weather is provided by the National Weather Service. ----- - I THE U NIVERSITY JOlJJlNAL • SOUTHERN UTAH UNlV£Q$1T'Y • WEDNESDAf, APRIL 2, 1997 THE CAMPUS 33 1 Tax help E-mail system offered still upgrading By AMY NAY atSUU /OURNAL STAl'F WRI 11::R Last quarter Networking Sl!rviccs was By TODD RANSOM up,bting the IBM cumputers' Pegasus Mail 1 IOURNAJ.. STMF WRITER system . This left the M,1cintosh s Pegasus Mail system inuper:i bl e. Well , 1t 1s lax time again, nnJ Many students wcrc ld t looking fo r other if you're like most students options to com m unicate via E-mail. The and dun't know a 1040 from a students, though k w in number, wcrt: fo rced w J OY9, th en it's the part of Lh l! sha re thl! lBM computers wi th the m her yt.:aI th ey J rcaJ . But don't studcn ts. reach f1 1r the Prozac yet. There Tom Compagno, a senior computer sc1enn : is help avail:.t blc, ~md it's (rel!. major from Salt La ke: City, works at Volunteer lncome Tux Networkrng Se rvi ces. He says lhat as s0t>n as J\ ssisrnncc, 01 VITA, is a the P-Mail on Macin wsh 1s upgra<l ecl by its service thal prov ides tax hl! lp creator then stu<.lt..:nls hen: at SUU will ht: able to the com muni ty. Its main C raduoie studen t Brent l'e t1u.~an. helps senior. ei:orwmics ma}ur Sw cie tu return to using their E-111 :1 il on hoth s ystems. purpose is to help those with Talbol wilh li er taxes. Tax 11ssistance is availuble to s wde nLs Mond(ly But until that time, stuJcms must choose lnw or fixed incume, 1lm>uRh Thursday /rum 6-ti:30 p.m. in JJw;iness BuildinR rvom 209. um: or rhc othe r !IBM or Mnc) lo tit ilize their C· tl isab ili tics, nr no n-Englis h mai l accounts. No studen t is 11 ulomntically speaking people, aml especially stu<lents. rcvit!w ing .1 rcqui rctl IRS munual :inti h:wt: taken issuctl an E-mail acco un t on Mncinwsh Smee VITA is a volunteer service, tht.:y fi le onl>1 ACCT 320, which 1s 11 n indi vidual tax return class. computers. Evl! ry vc:ir these voluntecr:,, dedicate about 450 hours to 10,10EZ 1 1040/\, anJ S()me 1040:,,. ln other won.I-;, If this systt: m is the e<1 s ier way for you they can't do larg1.: corpor:it ioni,, , busincsst.:s, or of their lime nnd serve about 400 student!>. This access your ,tccount Lh en you can s impl) go tn busmcss p:i nne r:. h1p,;. Just hn,;ic tax retu rn s. makes VITA the largest volunteer service Rnom 008 in the General C l.i i; .. rno m hutl<ling VITA is sponi:.cm:d by the l'rokss10n :1 l Acc.:o unt:1ncy org:111i zation on SU U's ca mpus. and sign up for one. Clu b ,ind nrn nagcd hy pmlcsi:.o r Jeif n:y N. Barn es, VJTA h:n; bl!t:n opcraung si nce Febru:i ry J and will Over Spring 13 rcak, Mn1k Wa ltun and wh() h:tn dle5 :Ill the ftl cJ t:ix form !> J,rcdly with Lh e continue until April IS. Those whn wo uld like tl> Net workmg Services were busy making this ms Graduntc srndcnts Beck}' Su llivan, C uy Franct·, ta ke :iJ va nuige c, f thi&va luable servicl' shoul i.l go to m:w arrangement poss1h lc T hc1e •~ nn !'>l:t o, and Chris Yllakum 11ver!i t.!c 40 w SO undcrgmJuatc rnom 209 1n the business hu ii ding, Mondny thrnugh known lime as to when e-mail 11 1.! rl' on uur :1ccoum1 111-: :.Ludcnts that wmk with the VITA T hursday t:venings, frnm 6-8:.30p1n . ca mpus will he comp;n1 hlc with both IBM and cltl'OtS Students nct: tl to hrin.1-: lhl!. yc:_1r' i. tax packagc Macintosh com puters. The tax fm1i1s art.: fil led ottt by h,ind and done on a ml/or label, al I W-2 and l 099 lorms, info rmation l111t unti l that timl'., '> tulknts can still use lhe compule1 prngrnm TUR80 1 AX fro m lnt111 l. c1 lm ut other income, J t:tlu L. t1hlcs1 11 ml c1t.!tlits, anJ a thci, L-mail accountb. Tlwy 1ust m:l'd ti, J cc1Je All VITA volunteers h.we spe nt 20 to 30 hours copy of lasr }'Car'i:. tJ>. return. on which system hl.!-. t su its thci1 needs SUUSA officers fulfill their campaign promises One goal accomplished was increasing the com m unication between students, administration communication betwt:en adm1n1 struli on and proat: ti VI.! one.
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