CYAN MAGENTA GELB SCHWARZ 19231913 The Welte Mignon Mystery Vol. XVII Edwin Fischer today playing all his 1923 ( 1909?) interpretations TODAY Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mozart TACET-T181_Seite_1 TACET-T181_Seite_1 The Welte Mignon Mystery Vol. XVII Impressum Edwin Fischer today playing his 1923 (1909?) interpretations Recorded: 2010 Instrument: Steinway D CD 1 Ludwig van Beethoven Tuning and maintenance of the piano: Johann Sebastian Bach Sonate Nr. 7 D-Dur op. 10, 3 Paul Stöckle bl Presto No. 1840 [6:59] 1 Präludium cis-Moll BWV 849 [3:34] bm Largo e mesto No. 1839 [8:15] Welte-Vorsetzer-Technik: Hans - W. Schmitz 2 Fuge cis-Moll BWV 849 [5:20] bn Menuetto. Allegro – Trio No. 1839 [2:06] aus: „Das Wohltemperierte Klavier“ Technical equipment: TACET bo Rondo. Allegro No. 1839 [3:20] (Teil 1, Nr. 4) Für die Aufnahme wurden freundlicherweise Welte-Mignon Catalogue No. 1834 CD 2 Rollen zur Verfügung gestellt von: 3 Präludium b-Moll BWV 867 [3:51] Hans - W. Schmitz, Stuttgart Sonate Nr. 31 As-Dur op. 110 4 Fuge b-Moll BWV 867 [3:30] 1 Moderato cantabile, Translations: Celia Skrine (English), aus: „Das Wohltemperierte Klavier“ molto espressivo No. 1841 [7:11] Stephan Lung (French) (Teil 1, Nr. 22) 2 Allegro molto No. 1841 [2:10] Photo 1 : Welte Mignon Catalogue No. 1835 3 Adagio ma non troppo No. 1842 [3:56] Photos 2, 3, p. 32 : Jochen Trabant 5 4 Präludium D-Dur BWV 850 [1:09] Fuga. Allegro ma non troppo [7:53] Photos 4, 5: Promotional book 6 Fuge D-Dur BWV 850 [2:01] No. 1842 “Welte, Autogramme berühmter Meister aus: „Das Wohltemperierte Klavier“ der Tonkunst” (Teil 1, Nr. 5) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Photo 6 : aus dem Nachlass von Edwin Fischer No. 1836 5 Fantasie c-Moll KV 396 [9:04] ( Zentralbibliothek Luzern ) No. 1843 Ludwig van Beethoven Booklet layout: Toms Spogis 6 Romanze As-Dur KV Anh. 205 Cover design: Julia Zancker Sonate Nr. 8 c-Moll op. 13 „Célèbre Romance“ [4:53] „Grande Sonate pathétique“ Recording: Andreas Spreer No. 1844 7 Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio [8:09] Produced by Andreas Spreer No. 1837 7 Konzert für Klavier und Orchester c 2010 TACET 8 Adagio cantabile No. 1838 [7:17] Es-Dur KV 482, 2. Satz: Andante [11:47] p 2010 TACET 9 Rondo. Allegro No. 1838 [4:21] No. 1846 2 31 TACET-T181_Seite_2 TACET-T181_Seite_31 TACET 166: Debussy and Ravel TACET 178: Opera Composers What is a Welte Mignon? This is not an historical recording: In 1904, at a time when the recording and reproduction of music were still in their quite the opposite. TACET’s recording tech- infancy, the German fi rm of M. Welte & Söhne niques, renowned for their crystal clarity came up with a sensational invention. It had and spaciousness, score another triumph pioneered a procedure which could record here. Yet the music is heard in its original and reproduce “all the subtleties of a pianist’s interpretations, accurate to within a hair’s- performance”, which it patented under the breadth. And the mystery is that the origi- name of “Welte-Mignon”. By means of per- nal performer was present at the recent forated strips of paper the playing of famous recording session, but not there in person. pianists could be reproduced authentically He is heard playing on a modern Steinway, and entirely automatically. When the Mignon without the loss of sound quality usually was demonstrated for the fi rst time, the press inevitable with historical recordings. Seen hailed it as the latest wonder of the world. as a whole, the Welte Mignon player piano The mechanism, driven as if by an invisible is reminiscent of a kind of time machine. hand, was built into pianos, both upright and TACET 177: Theodor Leschetizky TACET 179: Mahler, Reinecke, Grieg Moreover, never before has music stored in grand, by famous makes such as Steinway, the Welte Mignon system sounded so “right” Bechstein and Blüthner. In the so-called and so good. And because the mechanism of “Vorsetzer” or “push-up” version ( photo 1 ) the Welte Mignon system has recently been a cabinet was installed in front of a piano on meticulously adjusted by the leading expert, whose keyboard it played with its felt-cov- Hans-W. Schmitz, it is now possible to get ered wooden fi nger-like actuators ( photo 2 ). to know the interpretations of yesteryear Welte & Sons produced their Welte Mignons really well – and this may lead to unexpected in limited numbers and at exorbitant prices. insights. The Welte Mignon’s treasures are Thanks to sophisticated advertising these only now systematically unveiled – by TACET soon began to appear in the music rooms of – because at last the necessary requirements the aristocracy and high society as well as in have been met. The Welte Mignon “player- those of industrialists and men of property. It piano” and its reproduction mechanism were was also to be heard in the lounges of grand invented in 1904. hotels and in the saloons of ocean liners ply- Ulrich Oesterle ing between Hamburg and New York. By the outbreak of the First World War some 2500 titles had been recorded, drawn 30 3 TACET-T181_Seite_30 TACET-T181_Seite_3 predominantly from the classical repertoire. Further releases: Camille Saint-Saëns today playing all The postwar years brought a new albeit his 1905 interpretations · Selected works short-lived boom. In well-to-do circles new Enrique Granados today playing all his by Saint-Saëns · TACET 159 dances such as the shimmy, the one-step, the 1913 interpretations · Selected works by tango-milonga and the Boston waltz were all Granados · TACET 139 Carlo Zecchi today playing all his the fashion thanks to revues and musicals. 1926 interpretations · TACET 160 Welte & Sons was obliged to respond to this Felix Mottl today playing all his 1907 new trend, with the result that their studios interpretations · Selected works by Wagner Vladimir Horowitz today playing all his now made fewer recordings with concert TACET 135 ( 2 CDs ) 1926 interpretations · TACET 138 pianists: the last were Vladimir Horovitz late in 1926 and Rudolf Serkin in 1928. Richard Strauss today playing all his 1907 Debussy and Ravel today playing all their The growing threat of a worldwide depres- interpretations · Selected works by Strauss 1912 interpretations · TACET 166 sion and the introduction of improved, i.e. TACET 137 electrically recorded, gramophone records Theodor Leschetizky today playing his and wireless broadcasting meant that Welte Dead or Alive ? Frédéric Chopin: Études 1906 interpretations · TACET 177 Mignon’s exclusive products were soon for- op. 10, op. 25. Various artists playing 1904 – gotten. Production ceased in 1932. 1928 and P. Orth playing today · TACET 140 Opera Composers: Leoncavallo, Photo 1: Welte Mignon “Vorsetzer” Humperdinck and others today playing Musical reproduction and in position at the piano Max Reger and Frieda Kwast-Hodapp their 1905 – 13 interpretations of own the Welte piano roll • Welte-Mignon-Vorsetzer am Flügel today playing all their 1905 / 1920 works · TACET 178 • Welte Mignon « Vorsetzer » au piano interpretations Selected works by Reger In contrast to pianola rolls, which were ( appareil s’adaptant devant l’instrument ) TACET 152 Mahler, Reinecke, Grieg today playing already well known, those made by Welte & all their 1905 / 06 interpretations of own and Sons, with their exclusive recording technique, where pedals are activated. When a roll is Ernst von Dohnányi today playing all other works · TACET 179 created the fi rst-ever opportunity in the his- played, all these tracks of perforations are his 1905 interpretations · TACET 145 tory of music to capture a pianist’s “live” read pneumatically with underpressure from Josef Lhévinne performance, save it, and then play it back below by a tracker bar. All the subtleties of a Artur Schnabel today playing his today playing his 1906 / 1911 European on an instrument. pianist’s performance are recorded digitally 1905 interpretations · TACET 146 interpretations · TACET 180 Welte piano rolls are punched rolls of ( i. e. by a perforation or none, as appropriate ) paper resembling perforated strips in which so that the apparatus can reproduce them Elly Ney today playing her 1906 More information: www.tacet.de every note of the keyboard has its exact on the keyboard thanks to its pneumatically interpretations · TACET 158 counterpart ( see photo 3 ). In addition their activated relays and valves and its minute edges contain further perforations indica ting pneumatics. In this process the volume is dynamic nuances and specifying when and uniformly regulated from the most delicate 4 29 TACET-T181_Seite_4 TACET-T181_Seite_29 1952 enregistrement des Lieder de Schubert avec Elisabeth Schwarzkopf pianissimo to fortissimo and can respond as which, through insuffi cient knowledge, have à partir de 1955 pour cause de maladie, plus que de rares concerts promptly as the performance requires. received scant attention for many years. (entre autre paralysie des mains) The accurate reproduction of Welte piano It would seem that for commercial reasons 1956 Docteur honoris causa de l’Université de Bâle ; rolls presupposes the thorough restoration of Welte & Sons were ready to accept a slight membre d’honneur de sa commune d’origine the playback apparatus and complex tuning diminution in the technical specifi cations of 1957 dernier concert publique (6 décembre) with the aid of special test-rolls. Then fur- their apparatus. As a result a differentiation 1960 † 24 janvier (Zürich) ther adjustments have to be made in order in volume between treble and bass is possi- to regulate and fi ne-tune the expressive ble, but not between individual notes within dynamics and the speed of the reproduction a chord, either in treble or bass. Photo 2: The felted fi ngers seen from below.
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