!‘hJ fTED NATIONS &oup of Experts on. Geographlca! names WORKING PAPEd ~0.56 30 September 1986 - Wefflh Session Geneva, 29 September - 7 October 7986 Agenda Item 14(c) . Ceomphical Names in the Federal Republic of C.ermang According to the Official General Map (Ubersichtskarte) l:~OO,OOO WoYld Map Serie 1404* Submitted by Mr. R. Boehme (Federal Republic of Germany . ‘. * Compiled by the Permanent Conrmittee on Geog'rsphical Name& in the Federal Republic of Germany and prepared for publication by its Chaim, Professor Dr. Herbert Liedtke, Geography Department, puhr-nniGersity,. Bochum. * _,.. : -- - AccoRD~ffi ~0 THE omcm GWERALW (UBERSICHTS~~E)W~O~,O~O, bJORLD NAJ’ SERIE 1404. T- ’ ~. - Compiled by the,Permanent Carmittee on Geographical Names in the Federal Republic of Germany and prepared for publication by its chairman Prof. Dr. Herbert Liedtke, Geography Department, Ruhr-University, Eochrm. Frankfurt am Nain April 1966 -Adresses: Stgndiger Ausschu6 far Geographische Namen (Permanent Comittee on Geographical Names) Institut fii Angewandte GeodZsie . Richard-Strau%Alltie 11 . D 6000 Frankfurt am Fhin Chairman: Prof. Or.‘H. Liedtke Ruhr-UniversiMt Bochum Geographisches Institut * Postfach 102148 D 4630 &chum . -2- 1 \ ROld TO USE THE LIST OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAIrlES . Alphabetical order . Aa,ai5 tih CJO,Utl uu,uo Bb Ii PP vu . cc J3 Qq NW Od Kk Rr xx Ee Ll ss YY Ff mm Tt zz Gg Nn _. Annotation: A 8, 0 5 & U U are handled as a, o k U. I3 can be handled as sse Examples Breisqau: Underlined names are printed in the Ubersichtskarte der Bundesrepublik Oeutschland 1:SOO 000. Abteiland: Names not underlined are not printed in the above-mentioned map but . are hereby.recMrmended for consideration in 6 new edition. .’ (Oavert) ’ se Die Davertt Names in parantheses are not used, mostly because of a difference in spelling or an additional article is needed. (‘Bitgau’) S. Bitburqer Land: Names in par&theses and quotes are used synonymously. +Breqenzer Yald+r Crosses show landscapes at the German border with an uncertain area1 extension. %7/51”: This gives the geographical co-ordinates and means 7 degrees eastern longitude and 51 degrees northern latitude. Abbreviations . The gramnatical‘gender of geographical names (“der, die, das”) is shown by: 111 IlW3CUl.i~~ f .feminine n neuter Nz indicates the plural. The gender is not’mentioned, for the German plural article “die” is the same for all genders. : s. see *I* In topographical maps the combinded form of the article plus geographical name is preferred. *2* The article is only used together with an adjective; this concerns all islands and some other geographical names. *3* A dialectic connection with a preposition is customary and therefore used . on topographical maps. *4* Besides the standard German spelling ‘ending with -er, there exists a shorter spelling which is more regionally used. *5* In topographical maps a combinded form of the specific article plus geographical name is used every time. *I? Besides the geographical name, there exists a place name which was officially created during the time of a new organisation of the comnunity boundaties, mainly during the 70’s. *7* This name covers a large area, which is not shown on the above&entioned m?* The following letters show the Bundesland of the Federal Republic of Germany which-&(or are) concerned by a geogragh~cal na2ne: - Bw Eaden-Wiirttembmg Mw I?ordrhein-Westfalen BY Basem He Rheinl8.nd-Pfa.lt m3 Bremen SH Schleswig-Holstein HH Hamburg SL Saari=a HE Hessen MS Niedersachsen ' Berlin (West)* is shown asr B Berlin (West) If there axe two or three states (IfundesUinaer) concerned, the one which occupies the larger area is mentioned first. * like interests of Berlin (West) are represented by the Federal Republic of Germany in the United Nations and its specialized agencies. GEOGRAPHICAL NAPES IN THE FEDERAL REBUBLIC OF GERNAh!Y*- ACCORDINC TO THE OFFICIAL GENERAL IWJ (UBERSIU~~SKARTE) 1: 500 000 WURLD IVU' SERIE 1404 Abteilarid nr *13/4B* BY Adelegg Ps "10/47" BW Ahlsburq fr "09/51" NS Albuch nt "09-10/48" BW Allqäu nt “ffl-10/47” BY, BW Allq%ter Alpen flzr *10/47" BY Altdorfer bfald m: "09/47" BW Altes Land nt-"09/53" NS Alzeyer Hüqeliand n: “08/49” RP Amberqau m: "lO/Sl-52" NS +Amnerqebirqe+ n (also Amnergauer Alpen PIZ) Amnergawr Berge &):'n10-ll/47w BY Amnerland n: %7-09/S3” NS Am-um n *2*: nOB/S4R SH Angeln n *2*r “09/S4” SH . Anqerland n: "06/51" NW Ankumer Höhe fr “07/52” NS Ardeygebirge n (also Ardey m): *07/51" NW _ Arnsberqer Wald m: "OB/51n NW Artland n: "07-06/52" NS ~ Asse f$ "10/52" NS ('Auf den Wäldern' Fzz): "10/49" BW " Aukrug m *6*8 "09/54" SH '.. Eaar f: Va/47-48” BW &&m n *2*r *07/S3” NS Barnbruch n: “lO/S2” NS Barnim m: “13/52” a Bauland n: “09/4y’ BW Batierqe Mzr "07/51-52" NW Bayerische ,Alpen mz *4,7* (also Bayrische Alpen &z *4,7*); ~"09-13/47" BY Bayerischer Wald m l 4* (also Bayrischer Wald h *4*)r n12-13/4B-49n BY Beckumer Berqe Mtr "08/51" NW (Benthelm n *2*) sa Niederqrafschaft &ntheim and Oberqrafschaft BentheQn Berchtesgadener Land n *4* (also Berchtesgadner Land n *4*): "12-13/47" BY . Berqisches Land n: "07/51" NW, RP Berqstraße ft “08/49” HE Bienwald m: "OB/48-49" Rp Binqer Wald m: "07/49" RP Bitburqer Land n (also Bitgau m): "06/49-50" RP ('Bitgau' m) s. Bitburqer Land Bliesqau m: “07/49” SL Blockland n: “OB/S3” HB Bodanrück m (also Bailanrücken m): *09/47” BW BodenwEhrer Bucht ft “12/49” 6Y Böherwald m: “12-14/4B-49” i3Y ‘_ Bötide ft “08/S2” NS Bökinqharde ft “08~09/S4” SH Baldecker Land nt *10/52” NS Böminqhardt fr “CE/Sl” NW Eorkenberqe Mzr “CP/51 ” NW Borkum n *2*r "06/53* NS GZ&zer flöar n: WXl7/52-WNS Bra&ald m: "ö9/51" NS Brechte f: “08/52” NW, NS * Locations in alphabetical Order including those of Berlin (West) as indicated by (B). t8reqenrer Wald+ mr "CB-10/47" DY hisqau m: "07/47-48" BW Breisiqer L&xkhen n: “Ci7/!3Jw RP Ekelte struth ft "08/51' HE Ekiloner Hochfläche ft "O8/51" NW Elirckeberqe PIZ: ao9/52" NS Büdinqer Wald m: "09/SO" HE Burqwald m *6*: "06/50" HE Eutjadiqen n l 2,6*t *06/53".NS Calenberqer Land nt %9/SO" NS Cham-Further Senke fr "12/49" 6Y Chiemgau m: "12!47-48" EY Chiemqauer Alpen Plot "12/47" 8Y Coburger Land n: "IO-11/50" 8Y $railsheimer Hart fr "10/49" BW Dachauer Noos n: "11/48" 8Y. Datner Felsenland n: "07/49" RP Damner 8erqe Nzr "08/52" NS Dänischer Wohld m: "09-lO/S4" SH Das G&I n *5*r "06/49" RP . (Das Rote Land n) S* Rotes Land (Davert f) S. Die Davert Oeister PI: "09/52" NS Delbrücker Land n: "OB/Si" NW (Delligser Höhenzug m)a "OS-10/51&2" NS Derklinger Rotwald m: "10/47" 8Y Der Nutscheid m *l*r "07/SO" NW Der blarndt m *l*t "06/49" SL Die Davert f *l*r "07/51" NW Die Düffel f *l*r “06/5’1” NW (Die Filder Nz) S. Filder Die Gilbach f *l*r "06/51" NW Die Haard f *l*r "07/!3" N!IJ Die Halliqen Nz *l*r‘ “08/S4” SH Die Homert f *l*t "07-08/51" NW : Die Klötzie f *l*r "IO-11/53" NS (Die Langen Berge Nz) s. Lanqe Berqe . Die Lucie f *l*t "jl/S2-53" NS - ..- ..:. Die Pellenz f *l*t "07/SO" RP Die Seme f *l*r "08/51" NW . Die Struth f l l*: "08/SO" HE Die ViUe f *I*t "06/SO" NW Dinkelberg m: "07/47" BW Dithnarschen n *2*r "08-09/53-54" SH ('Dobmck' m) s.'Winqst Donawnoos n: "11/48" BY Donauried n: "10/46" 8Y Darm m: "10/52" NS - Drawetn Al: "IO-11/52-53" NS DrBmlirrq m: "lO-11/52" NS (Düffel f) so Die OOffel Duinoer 8erq m: a09,%1-S2w NS Dmqau 9 (also Cäuboden m)r "12-13/46" 8Y OUrnbucher Forst m: n11/48R 6Y Ebbegebirqe n (also Ebbe n): "07/51" NM Ebersberger Forst m: "11-12/46" 8Y Qgeqebirqe n (also Egge f) t w08-09/Slw NW (Elchsfeld n) s. Unteres Eichsfeld Eiderstedt n *Z*r “08-09/54” SH @fel f : w08-07/49-50” RP, NW Einrich m: "G7/50" Rp Elfas mr "ffl/Sl" NS Gnqer Berge fltt “Ci9~10/48-49” BW ; E mr ‘10/52” NS Emsland nr “Cl7/52” NS Erdimer Ploos n: “11/48” 9Y Estergebirge nr “11/47” BY Federseer Ried n: “Cl9/46” BW Fetunarn n *Z*t “11/54” 5H Fichtelqebirqe n: “ll-12/49-50” 8Y Filder Plzr "G9/48" BW Gd m (also Virngrund m):-“IX-10/48-49” BW . Föhr n *2*t “08/54” SH Frankenhöhe ft “10/49” BY, BW . Frankenwald m: "ll-12/50" 8Y Frtirkische Alb f (also Frankenalb f or farmerly Fränkischer Jura m)r "lO-12/48-50" 8Y Fränkische Schweiz fr “11/49” 8Y Fredeburqer Land n: “98/51” NW Frickenhofer Höhe fr “CB-10/48” BW - Friesische Wehde f (also Wehde f): “07-G8/53” NS . ('Fürstenauer Berge' RZ) s* Ankumer Höhe (Gäu n) sa Das Gäu ('Gällboden' n) S. Dunqau Gehn m: “07/52” NS . (Gilbach f) S. Die Gilbach Glemswald m: “08-09/48” BW Gobert f (also Goburg f): “10/51” HE Gocher Heide f 8 “06/51” NW Göhrde ft “10/53” NS Goldene Nark fr “10/51” NS : Goldener Grund mr “Cl8/50” HE Göttinqer Wald m: “CB-10/51” NS Grabfeld n: “10/56” BY I I Grafschaft ft "tJ5/51" NW Grinderwald m: "Cl9/52" NS .
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