U QUARTERLY IMPLEMENTATION. PVO AND MIS REPORTS March 31. 1987 USAID/CAIRO Prepared by: PPP/P/MIS QUARTELLY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT March 31. 1987 USAID/CAIRO Prepared by: PPP/P/MIS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) USAID/CAIRO PROJECT STATUS SHEET - GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following terms or abbreviations are explained: ABBREV. TITLE COMPLETE TITLE DEFINITION PRJ # & NA4E PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME Assigned number and title of project followed by "G" or "L" signifying "Grant" or "Loan", respectively. CAT CATEGORY A full description of all possible categories follow. -- OOS ON ORIGINAL SCHEDULE This classification is for projects that are proceeding well along the original schedule with minimal delays and no major problems. The project purpose remains valid and progress towards it is satisfactory. Expenditures are on target and within the planned budget. -- ORS ON REVISED SCHEDULE This classification is for projects that have fallen behind the original schedule by a year or more' but are proceeding satisfactorily on a revised schedule approved by USAID, GOE. and contractors. Such minor problems and delays as-are encountered are being resolved in a timely fashion, i.e. are not causing the project to fall significantly (three months or more) behind on the revised schedule. Project purpose and progress toward it remain satisfactory. Expenditures are on target and the project is within the budget. -- A ALERT This classification is for projects requiring special attention to correct one or more problems seriously threatening the implementation or- undermining the purpose of the activity (not day-to-day or routine implementation actions). The secondary code lettering is intended to specify the principal reason(s) for the alert listing. Along with the principal reason(s), other alert factors that exist should be detailed in the narrative. -- Al ALERT/IMPLEMENTATION The project is encountering serious implementation problems. -- AC ALERT/CONTRACT The project requires new or additional contracting arrangements that are sufficiently important to overall momentum to warrant attention as an alert matter. particularly if agreement on the arrangements among USAID, GOE and the contractors (if applicable) has not yet been reached. -- AE ALERT/EXPENDITURES Performance against expenditure target is falling seriously behind. -- AB ALERT/BUDGET A project amendment may be necessary because of cost overruns or new budget factors. -- AO ALERT/OTHER The project is. encountering problems due to factors not listed above which are specified in the narrative. NOTE: Combinations of up to two factors are possible (for example. AIE, AIB, etc.). The order of appearance should ref!ct the relative importance, the first being the more serious problem. PROJECT STATUS SHEET - GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) ARBREV. TITLE COMPLETE TITLE DEFINITION CAT CATEGORY (Cont.) -- D DEOBLIGATION The following combinations are nescribed. -- DR DEOBLIGATION/ROUTINE A routine or partial deobligation is anticipated or may be in order. -- DT DEOBLIGATION/TERMINATION Because of long-standing (two years or more) implementation problems or an unfavorable change in the purpose aasumptions, the project should be considered for full or significant termination of activities and deobligation of unused funds. Assignment of this rating includes a decision reached and approved by the Director to formally enter discussions with the GOE to deobligate a project as no longer viable. -- DD DEOBLIGATION/DECISION This classification is for projects for which a joint GOE/JSAID decision on a partial or complete deobligation has been made or a unilateral deobligation is underway. -- F FINISHED A project is finished when the Project Completion Report has been submitted and all remaining funds have been deobligated or designated for deobligation. PROJ OFF PROJECT OFFICER USAID/Cairo Mission Officer responsible for the management of the project. OFF OFFICE An administrative unit within a Division. DIV DIVISION An administrative unit within the USAID/Cairo Mission. POSTED ON .POSTED ON Date on which the Q-sheet was last edited, regardless of the extent of edit. AGRDT AGREEMENT DATE Date on which the Project Agreement was signed. IPACD INITIAL PROJECT Date, as'specified in the original Project Agreement, by which AID assistance ougi ASSISTANCE to be completed. COMPLETION DATE PACD PROJECT ASSISTANCE The Initial Project Assistance Completion Date (IPACD). as amended. COMPLETION DATE TDDA TERMINAL DATE FOR DIS- The last date for requesting disbursing authorizations.under a loan. BURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION TDD TERMINAL DISBURSEMENT The last date for requesting payments under the project. DATE LEVDT LAST EVALUATION DATE Date on which the last project evaluation was completed. NEVDT NEXT EVALUATION DATE Approximate date or fiscal year quarter during which the next project evaluation will commence. PROJECT STATUS SHEET - GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) ABBREV. TITLE COMPLETE TITLE DEFINITION AUTH AUTHORIZED The maximum project amount as specified by the Project Authorization ($000). OBLIG OBLIGATED The amount of the Grant or Loan as specified by the Project Agreement ($000). COMM COMMITTED The value of all contracts executed to date under the project ($000). CUM EXP CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES Expenditures accumulated to date since project inception ($000). CUM DIS CUMULATIVE DISBURSEMENTS Portion of cumulative expenditures which are actual cash outlays accumulated to date since project inception ($000). ACCRUED ACCRUED Total expenditures minus total disbursements on the last day of the current quarter ($000); i.e.. "CUM EXP" minus "CUM DIS". PIPELINE PIPELINE Unexpended portion of the obligated amount; i.e.. "OBLIG" minus "CUM EXP". TFY TGT TOTAL FISCAL YEAR TARGET Planned expenditures for the total fiscal year (all four quarters) ($000). % TFY TGT PERCENT TOTAL FISCAL Actual fiscal year expenditures through the last completed quarter as a percent of YEAR TARGET planned expenditureg for the total fiscal year ($000). FY EXP TD FISCAL YEAR EXPENDITURES Actual expenditures for this fiscal year through the last completed quarter ($000). TO DATE FY TGT TD FISCAL YEAR TARGET Planned expenditures for this fiscal year through the last completed quarter ($000). TO DATE • FY TGT PERCENT FISCAL YEA Actual fiscal year expenditures through the last completed quarter as a percent of* TARGET planned fiscal year expenditures through the last completed quarter ($000). - iii USAID/E~ypK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INDUSTRY AND SUPPORT DIVISION ............ ....................... 1 Office of Commodity Management & Trade (IS/CMT) ....... .............. 1 COVER SHEET FOR CMT .............. ............................ 2 CIP - Suez Canal VTMS.... ....... ........................ 3 CIP - Cairo Junction Microwave System ....... ............... 4 CIP - Alexandria Microwave System ........ ................. 5 0201.01 - Private Enterprise Credit - CIP ........ ............... 6 Office of Industrial Resources (IS/IR) ..... ..................... 7 COVER SHEET FOR I!IR ................................ 8 0012 - Suez Cement Plant 9........................9 0052 - Quattamiya Cement 0........................10 0090.3 - Industrial Technolcgy Application. 11............... 0090.4 - Innovative Productivity Activities ..... .............. 12 0101 - Industrial Production (IPP) ....... ................... 13 0101.3 - El-Nasr Steel Pipes ........ ..................... 14 0101.4 - Refractories ECR ... ................. ............ 15 0101.6 - UYpsum i......... ............................ 16 0101.7 - National Metals ..... ................... ........ 17 0101.8 - Kaha Food Processing ........ ..................... 18 0101.10 - Environmental Subactivities ........ ................. 19 0147 - Production Credit I Short-Term ...... ................. 20 Office of Finance and Investment (IS/FI) ...... ................. 21 COVER SHEET FOR IS/FI ............ ........................... 22 0097 - Private Investment Encouragement Fund ..... .............. 23 0112 - Private Sector Feasibility Studies ........ ............... 24 0115 - Tax Administration ........................ 25 0159 - Business Support and Investment ........ ............... 26 0201'02 - Private Enterprise Credit - Project Finance Facility ...... 27 - iv ­ Page DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES DIVISION ...................... 28 Office of Infrastructure Development (DR/ID) ...... ............... 28 COVER SHEET.FOR DR/I). ............. ........................... 29 0009 - Isnailia Thermal Power Plant ....... .................. 30 0023 - National Energy Control Center ....... ................. 31 0028 - Grain sics ............. .. ........................... 32 0030 - Shoubra El Kheima Power Plant ....... .................. 33 0033 - Urban Electric Distribution ........ ................... 34 0040 - Irrigation Pumping .......... ....................... 35 0054/0075/0117 - Telecommunications I/II/III ..... .............. 36 0160 - Aswan High Dam Runner Replacement ...... ................ 37 0165 - Safaga Grain Silos Complex ........ ................... 38 0196 - Talkha Combined Cycle .......... ...................... 39 CIP - Automated Bakeries .......... ...................... 40 CIP - Train Traffic Control System ....... .................. 41 Office of Local Administration & Development (DR/LAD)............42 COVER SHEET FOR DR/LAD ............ .......................... 43 0161.0 - Decentralization Sector ........................... 44 0161.1 - Development Decentralization I (0021) .... ............. 45 0161.2 -
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