1 tl :% eç l . i J. N ; I *% . +l % ' ) . T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E PublYhed by Authority of the Republic of Kenya , (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.0.) = 7 - - E . Vol. CV- NO. 1 NAIROBI, 3rd January, 2003 Price Sh. 40 CONTENTS GAZETTENOTICES GAZE'ITE NOTICES-VCINIIZ) PAGE PAGE The National Cereals and Produce Board Act AppoJlnt- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development- llltrlt ()fr (:)l11t iIIrIIt l1, (,t(; . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 2 Loss of Local Servièe Order .. The Environmenml M anagement and Co-ordination Change of Names .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Act-vAppointment of Chainnan .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 n e State Corporations Act - Appointment of Chairman 2 SUPPLEMENT N*. 123 Legislative Supplement The Agriculture Act- Appointment of a Board Member 2 LEGAL NOTICE NO. PAGE The Public Holidays Act Dedaration of a Public 381-The Customs and Excise (Refund of Dutyl % 2 (7rder, :!()():! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 *7 t; 1 The Local Government Act- Appointment of Board 382- The Kenya Airports Authority Levy Order. n e Oaths and Statutory Deçlarations Act Commis- 3 383-The Coffee'tGrowçr's Levy) Order, 1002 .. 1762 The Registered Land Acs- lssue of New I-rand Title 384-The Coffee (Application Fees) Rules, 2001.. 1762 Deeds, etc. 385-The Sugar (llnposition of Levy) Order, 2002 .. 1763 Probate and Adminiseatiön .. 5-16 38&-The Meat Control Act- Declaration .. .. .. 1764 nxe National Assembly and Presidential Elecsions Açt Results of Parliamentary Elections .. .. .. .. (Published as Special Issue on 24th December, 2002) 'Ihe Tmde Unions Aqt--Registration .. .. ..' .. .- .. .. 20-21 The Capjtal Markets Authority Act Nositkatilm of SUPPLEMENT Nm IM 21 u gisladve Am lc/rlent The Companies Act hange of Receivers and LEGAL NOTICE N(). PAGE Manaeerq ' 21 387- The Constimtion of Kenya- New Session of The Banpnlptcy Act Receiving Orders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21-22 Parliament- proclamation.. .. 1765 1..0ca1 Govemment Notice.. .. .. 22 (Published as Special Issue on 31st December, 2002) 2 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3rd January, 2003 CORRIGENDUM GAZE'I'TE NOTICE N0. 4 IN Gazette Notice No. 8405 of 2002, delete the word Hcandidates' THE AGRICIJLTURE ACT and the expression Tfandidate's Name'' and insert ç'persons'' and (Cap. 318) çfNaine of Person Elected'' respectively. where they appear. APPOINTMENT OF A BOARD MEMBER IN EXERCISE of tbe powers conferred by section 35 (1) (c) to (p) ' of the Agriculture Act. the Minister for Agriculture appoints- GODFREY MATE GAZETT'E NOTICE NO. 1 Pennanent Secretal'y, Ministry of Agriculture and R'ural Develop'ment, to be a member of the Centra' lAgricultural Board, for a period of three THE NATIONAL CEREM ,S AND PRODUCE BOARD ACT from 30th August (3) years, with effect , 2002. (Cap. 338) Dated the 16th December , 2002. ANOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN B . A. GODANA, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 (2) (aj of the Ministerfbrhgriculture. National Cereals and Produce Board Act, 1, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, President and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the ' Republic of Kenya, appoin' t- GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 5 THOMAS K. TUWEI THE NATIONAL CEREALS AND PRODUCE BOARD ACT tobe chairman of the National Cercals and Pr6duce Board, for a (CGP. 338) period of three (3) ytars, with effect from 24th December, 2002. APPOINTMEW OF MEMBERS TO THExlajoxAt- CEREAI.S AND Dated the 24th, December jxoogcs noapo , 2002. D T ARAP M0l IN EXERCISE of the powers con fe rred b ysection 3 (2) (bj. (c), Presid, ent. (d), td). (/), Q), (/1) and (i) Of the National Cereals and Produce Board Act, the Minister for Agriculture appoints- Hugo W ood, - . -- - . - - j-aevi Mwashimba M.washigadi, Salim Bajaber, Fred Wafula, GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 2 Jackson K. M'Mutea, THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Francis Chachu Ganya! CO J. T. Rotich (Dr.), Managing Director, to be Secretal'y to the Board -ORDINATION ACT of Management, $No. 8 //1999) permanent secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural APPOINTMENT oF CHAIRMAN Development, Permalwnt secretary, Ministry of Finance aad Plarming, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 10 ( 1) (a) of the Permanent Secretary, Office of the President, Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (No. 8 of 1999), 1. Kenya Farmers Association, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, Presidcnt and Commander-in-chief of the j j cereals and Produce Board to be members of the Nat ona , for a period, Anned Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint- g) yeam with effect from 12th November, 2002. of three ( , PAIJL K. Mk'r'ro D' ated the l 1th Decem be r,2c:2. ' to be chairman o f the National Environmental Management Authority ' B A. Gooxxx Board, for a period of four (4) years. Minister for Agriculture. Dated the 24th December, 2002. D. T. ARAP MOl, GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6 President. Tus pgBjuc HOLIDAYS ACT ( CUp. l l 0) - DECLARATION OF A PUBLIC HOLIDAY IT IS notified for general information that Thursday. 2nd January, GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 3 2003. shall be obscrved as a public holiday throughout Kenya. THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT Dated the 31st Dec'zmber, 2002. Lcap. 446) s . J . KOSGEI .' y/skt-.rdllo' to the TI'IE JOMO KENYAW A FOUNDATION Permallent s'trcrtlfflr. Cabinel Jl/d He6ld fJ/r/lf' Plblic Wrl/itv. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN IN EXERCISE Of the powers conferred by section 6 ( 1) (J) Of tlle State Corporatitms ACt, 1, Dan ie l Toroitich arap Moi. President and GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 7 Command er-in-chief of the Armed Forces of tbe Repubiic of Kenya. TI4E LOCAL GOVERXMEXT XcT appoint- a6j) . (Cap. M ENATU J. SIGOT (PROR) ' ' THE KIRINYAGA TRADE DEVELOPMENTJOINT BOARD zo be chairmah o f the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Board of Directors, ' for a term of threc (3) years, with effect frpm 12th August, 2002. APPOINTMENT OI7 BOARDMnuslms IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 of the Dated the 24th December, 2002. Local . Government (Kirinyaga Trade Development Joint Board) Or(jer, D. T. ARAP MOl, 1966 upon the Minister for Local Government and in pursuance of a Presl'dent. direct, ion given under section 38 ( l ) of the Interpretation and General + 3rd Janual, 2003 THB KENYA GAZETTB 3 Provision Act (Cap. 2), tlle Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade GAZEWE NOTICE NO. 10 and Industry appoints- ' TllE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT Charity Wambui Wanyaja--tchafr- n), Lcap. 15) District Conmussioner, hirinyaga-qFx omcioj. District Trade Development Ofticer, Kirinyaga--uecrclcc), A COMMISSION samuel Wachira Nderebe--tMcv:er), Chairman, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and llldustry. T0 Xfl t0 Whom These Presents 'V/lfzlf Come Greetîng: Kkinyaga Branch, ss j,r xxowx tlat on the 16th April, 2002- to be lembers of the Kirinyaga Trade Development Joint Board, for a Y period of three (3) years. USUF MAHMOUD ABOUBAG R Gazette Notice No. 2918 of 1997, is cancelled. an advocate of tle High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a commissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long as he continues to practise as such advocate and this commission is not revoked. Dated the 9tl1 Decemher, 2002. ' Given under my hand and the seal of the court, on 16th April, 2002. MARGARET CHEMENGICH, BERNARD CHUNGA Permanent Secretary Chi . Ministry ofTrade and Industry eflustice. GAZ= E NOTICENO. 8 TIIE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT Gxzgjx NoTlcE No . 11 fcap. 15) Ti1E OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLAR'ATIONS ACT A COMMISSION (cap. 15) To All to Whom Fàfkd Presents Shall Come Greeting. x coususslox BB IT KNOW N that on the 22nd January, 2002- 7'o 4y, to whom ràexe presents shall c'ome Greeting. t z GRACE NEKOYE ICATASI BE j.r jthjowN that on the 6th March, 2001- an advocate of the High Court of Keqya, was appointed to be a BREXOA w AKA commissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long as she continues to practise as such advocate and this commission is not an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a revoked. , commissioner for oaths under the above-mcntioned Act. for a.s long as Gi * she continues to practise as such advocate and this commission is not vdn under my hand and the seal of the court, on 22nd January, reyoked 2002. Given under my hand and the seal of the 'clurt, on 6th March, 2001 . BERNARD CHUNGA, BERNARD CHUNGA, . Chieflustice. câieygustice. GAZETI'E NOTICENO. 9 ' GAZB-ITE Norrlcs No. 12 THE OATHS Ar STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT (Cap '1ME REGISTERED LAND ACT . 15) A C (Cap. 300, section 35) OMMISSION lssIJE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED To .411 to Whom These Presents Shall Come Greeting: ' WHEREAS Nganga Gatungo, of P.O. Box 243, Gatundu in the BE IT KNOWN that on the 29th April, 2002- Iupublic of Ktnya , is registered as propridor in absolute ownership JAMES TORORj; Mauom intercst of that piece of land containing 2.56 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Thika, registered under title No. an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a Kiganjo/ilandege/48g, and whereas sufficient evidence has been commissioner f0r oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long as . adduced to show that the land title deed issuçd thereof has been lost, he continues to pmctise as such advocate and this commission is not notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the dpte revoked. ' hereot I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection Gi ' has been received within that period. ven under my hand and the seal of the court, ùn 29th April, . 200 a . , Dated the 3rd Januat'y, 2003. FLORENCE AKINYI. BERNARD CHUNGA. lzmd #e'#ï.ç?rJz', Chieflustice.
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