OPINION HIATUS SalnMendes Dired democracy strikes out pesto .. nuances of Califomia's initiatives and San Diego's mayoral r~-­ Album reviews 11 Director hits the Orr.mrdl 12 Middle East with in a fray of politics. We wade through, and find an emntUIW16 "Jarhead~ pile 4 Sports II page 8 UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 VOLUME \1 6, ISSUE" 13 Congress considers York banned from SRTV By MAn' L'HEUREUX York said his second porn air­ decision to ban York and "Koala cutting -billions in aid Senior Staff Writer ing - feauturing the overlaid face lV' mem bers from the station's of T hurgood Marshall College premises. In response to the recent airing Senjor Senator Kate Pillon - did "The straw on th e camel's back of pornography on tudent-Run not violate regulations because A. has been broken," he sa id . Television, the A.S. Council has President Christopher Sweeten Along with expelling York ba nned "Koala TV" producer and had not fo rmally signed the nudity and his show, the bill also ga\'c John Muir College seni r Steve ban by the Oct. 27 broadcast. Commjssioner of Srudent ' ervice~ York from the station's premjses "That is a moot point," 1aurice J uniou the ultimate and forbidden SRTV from further A.S. Commis ioner of Student authority to enforce the lebrisla­ ajrings of any "Koala TV" ma te­ Advocacy T ravis ilva said at the tion. III addition, the council cre­ rial. Nov. 2 A. Counci l meeting. ated an ad hoc task fo rce to " rea s­ C iting the show's violation of Silva argued that the nudity pro­ sess the SRTV purpose" as well the recently amended SRTV char­ hibition was technica lly adopted as to revi e the ambiguities of ter, whjch bans "graphic depiction ea rlier thj month, during a spe­ the station's charter regardi ng ti,e of sexual activity, including nudi­ ci al council session on Oct. 23 _ manager's role in cen oring con­ ty," the council passed legislation H owever, several councilmembers tent. Ln its current form , the char­ to fonnally enforce the am end­ had previously raised questions ter dictate that managers are to ment and denounce the porno­ over the counstitutionali ty of the "[address] concerns and requests graphic airing in a 17-0-1 vote. hastily arranged meeting. of di rectors, producer , adminjs­ According to the bill, the SRTV Silva also sponsored the most tration and the student body," but managers are to "actively enforce recent bill, which was borne o ut of no provision describes how this i [the] order of the council ," con­ Marshall senators' personal ven­ to be done. trary to the content-neutral stance detta against the Koala , accordiJlg The managerial role has been backed by SRTV co-Manager to York. heavily debated in past council Andy Tess in the management's ' York added he has been seeking meetings, with member~ of both role in program production. consul tation from everal "high­ the council and RT\, di~cus ing "Under duress, the SRTV profi le" advocacy groups, in case how the tation's l11anagers are managers will comply wi th the he wishes to pursue legal action supposed to handle qllc~tions over bi ll passed by the A.S. Counci l," against the counci l. Such action Tess sajd. may be at hand, with the council's See SRTV, Page 3 Black Dledical students still Billy WonfJGu«dion Sf Ms •• "-S. President 0lriskJpher Sweeten wlic:es his ooncems about fmndal aid cuts duing a New. 1 press ronference, as 0lanceII0r Marye Anne Fox looks on. rare despite school efforts By YASHA SHAIIMA . Students, chancellor Contributing ~ Sixth College seniorJoan Bianca Watson is a rare breed_ unite'd in opposition She is one of the few black students who are in the process of applying for admission to a medical By (HAILES NGUYEN President and fonner A.S. Presdient school. Numbers released by the News Editor Jenn Pae stated in an e-mail. "This Association of American Medical issue threatens the future of our Colleges show that, despite increas­ In an effort to reduce the federal generation and our country." es in the number of Asian and budget by $50 billion, a U.S_House Downsizing the benefits for stu­ Latino applicants for fall 2005, the of Representatives committee has dent borrowers will add unnecessary number of black applicants saw a approved cuts to congressional stu­ burdens to universities, Pae said_ slight decline from last year. dent financial aid for students that Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and "Sometimes it is hard to find could make it the largest downsizing A.S. President Christopher Sweeten support systems that you need, ever for student aid. spoke out against the committee's especially for people who don't The Education and Workforce vote in a USSA-sponsored press kno~ anyone who has been to col­ committee approved, in a 22-19 Gtea o.leiGuorrJion conference on Nov. 1 at Price lege and don't know what to expect vote, to take approximately $14.5 Center Plaza. The committee's at college," Watson said. flit ~ Students trc1llerse the campus of UCSD School of Medidne, which billion over five years &om higher decision should incite a sense of Despite efforts to increase the has not seen an increase in black or Latino enrollment this academic year. education financial aid, which has urgency among srudents across the number of students from disad­ spurred opposition IocaJ and applying in greater numbers to endless opportunities," he said_ &om nation, said Fox, who is one of the vantaged backgrmmds, the number national student groups. medical schools comes from focus Efforts to communicate with few university chancellors in the of such students in the entering "We cannot have an entire gen­ groups and SUJ"YeYS that we've con­ minorities are ongoing at UCSD as countty to speak out publicly against class of fall 2005 is approximately eration of educated youth in debt," ducted," he stated in an e-mail. weU, according to Kelly. the satne as last year, according to "'The results indicate that the cost of "The UCSD School ofMedicine U.S. Student Association Vice See ..,DGIt Page 3 Caroyln Kelly, dean of admissions medical education and the lepgth of continues to have strong commu­ at UCSD School of Medicine. time it takes to become fu1Iy trained nity outreach programs that seek "In the class entering in the as a doctor are major deterrents." to increase the numbers of students WEAnlD SPoKEN SO. fall of 2005, we have 16 students The association speculates from disadvantaged backgrounds who self-identify as Hispanic, that black families arc generally who will have the preparation to liPGIll' black or Native American," Kelly less inclined to borrow substan­ be successful applicants to medical cannot , "We M\Ie an 11/5 said. "That places the percentage tial amount of money, despite the school," she said. Wnd: 1()'20kL of underrepresented minority stu­ attractive interest rates that are However, Watson said she does entire generation He9t. 1-2 ft. of dents in this class at about the avaibble for medical students, NaJ WIler ~.: 53-58 deJ not think enough efforts are being ...... national avenge_" H66l49 H66l 51 educated youth Cohen said. made, which led her and a few 11/4 MMC PresidentJordan Cohen "We hope to communicate other students to develop their own m. debt" . Wnd: 1()'15 kL said he was concerned about the more effi:ctively with prospective outreach program, dubbed Hope, HeiFt 2-3 ft. lack of pro(p'tSS in the involvement WIler _ .: 55-58 ~ [black] students that an investment for underrepresented minorities - of black applicants. in a mcdicaI education is not only pursuing health care professions. Na5 ...... ..... "'The best evidence we have 6nancialIy wise ... but can lead to a Hfi9l53 H73l54 _ _=tUlllld_acilian 1..... ..,.1 fOr why A&ican Americans arc not most • fuI6lling career in a field with See MEDICAL" Page :.2 • " •• I . , I • •••• " . " , , , I 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 2005 rnuRSOt.y. NOVEMBER J. Z005 1l!E UCSD GuAAoIAH NEWS 3 Budget: Aid vote split along party lines I CURRENTS ETCETERA I A.S. COUNCIL AT A GLANCE I ... GtJARD~ cOlllinued frum po,t I reducing subsidies paid to lenders, critical, as their short-tenn vision Grant Sdlrader Elitar In Chief the cuts. but is, in general, fiscally respon­ could endanger higher education Supreme Court rejects al affairs programs, and we are A.S. Meeting .11 - NO¥. 2 agers in monitoring the content "This is a very important chal­ sible, Boehner said. in the furore. 'kdmlr KoRan M.1IICinI Editors pleased to have this recognition ~h, its "re-tty nlGe ••• of the programs they broadcast, lenge we are all facing: FOlI said. "This plan accomplishes two "Unfortunately, House Mlcrosoft-UC appeal from scholars in the field: she Ian S. ~rt holding them responsible for any ~y j ~nJ ~\l ~€. (ree Special Presentations "Any effort that shifts the responsi­ very important goals," Boehner Democrats have pushed fiscally stated in a press release. Nathan Miklos Copy Editors breaches of the station's charter. bility &om the kderal government stlIted in a press release. "It pre­ irresponsible proposals that would The U.S. Supreme Court rejected UCsD was the only university CuI~y 'fov.. (4n eQ,t. Heather Welles For full story, see the front page. an appeal from Microsoft thiS week, to the becks of students is not a serves and expands critical student actually weaken and dest3 bilize the on the West Coast to be ranked Charles Ngu)'en News Editor Thurgood Marshall College prudent way to address the future.
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