DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN ISSUED MONTHLY BY RADIO DIVISION Washington, August 31, 1928—No. 137 CONTENTS Page Page Abbreviations and SYmbols-1 Miscellaneous—Continued. ' New stations 2 Radiophone time signals transmitted by Alterations and corrections 5 Chelmsford, England 12 Miscellaneous: Radiobeacons established at Noise and Changes In radiobeaoon stations of the Myggenaes, Faroe Islands 12 United States 7 Health regulations for vessels equipped with Vessels equipped with a radio compass radio entering ports of Australia 12 New lists of radio stations of the United Swan Island meteorological information 13 States 7 List of high-frequency channels allocated to Obituary commercial stations 13 General orders of the Federal Radio Com- Cross index of article numbers of the Inter- mission national Radiotelegraph Convention 15 Cape Town (South Africa) time signals 10 List of broadcasting stations of Canada 10 Experimental radlobeacon and submarine List of principal broadcasting stations of the oscillator established on Coningbeg world arranged in order of wave length 19 (Ireland) Light Vessel 11 References to oprrent radio literature 23 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS The necessary corrections to the list of Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States and to the International List of Radiotelegraph Stations, appearing in this bulletin under the heading "Alterations and correc- tions," are published after the stations affected in the following order: Name =Name of station. Loc. =Geographical location. W= west longitude. N=north lati- tudc. S=south latitude. E=east longitude. Call =Call signal (letters) assigned. System =Radio system used and sparks per second. Range =Normal range in nautical Miles. W. l. = Wave lengths in meters; normal wave lengths in italics. Fy. =Frequency in kilocycles; normal frequency in italics. Service =Nature of service maintained: FX= Point-to-point (fixed service). PG= General public (ship to shore). PR= Limited public. RC= Radio conipaSs. FA= Aeronautical station. AB= Aviation'beacon. RB=Radio beacon. P= Private. 0= Government busineSs excludvely. Hours =Hours of operation: N= Continuous service. X= No regular hours. F. T. Co. =Federal Telegraph Co I. R. T. Co. =Intercity Radio Telegiaph Co. I. W. T. Co. =Independent Wireless Telegraph Co. K. & C. =Kilbourne & Clark Manufacturing Co. M. R. T. Co. = Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co. R. C. A. =Radio Corporation of Ameriea. R. M. C. A. =Radiomarine Corporation of America. T. R. T. Co. =Tropical Radio Telegraph Co. U. R. Corp. = Universal Radio Corp. W. S. A. Co. = Wireless'Specialty Apparatus Co. C. w. =Continuous wave. I. c. w. =Interrupted continuous wave. A. c. =Alternating current. V. t. = Vacuum tube. U. S. L. = Applies only to the list of Cbtamercial and Government'Radio Stations of the United States. =Equipped with a radio compade (direction finder). 10320° 28--1 2 RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN NEW STATIONS Commercial land stations, alphabetically, by names of stations [Additions to the List of Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, edition of June 80, 1928, sad to the International List of Radiotelegraph Stations published by the Borne Binnsnil Coll•Wave lengths Service Hours Station controlled by— Station eignal - • zone (portable) J. KOIA 180.2 FX Geophysical Research Fifth ..• • . .... i. —...... , . Corporation. Do.' KG111 180.2....._,...,• ____ FX.Do.--___ Do.' KOIC 189.2-.. ---..., PX • Do. DO KOID 180.2 VX Do. Byrd Antarctic expo- Main basil I KFK 13.758, 17357. 17.945, 22.75, P • X : 26.55, 26.74 34.02, 45.59, . dition. 53.1, .53.57, 68.1, 91.2, SOO, 750, 800. I Do.' WFA. 13.758, 17.857, 17,945, 22.75. P X Do. 26.63, 26.78, 34.06, 43.59, £5.1, .53.67, 68.1, 91.2, 600, 750.800. Subbase' WFD 13.768, 17.857, 17.945, 22.75, P X Do, 26.55, 25.78, 34.05, 45.59, 58.1, 53.57, 68.1, 91,2, 800, ,o---750, 800. Do.' WYE 13.758, 17,867, 17.945, 22.75, P X Do. • 28.56, 26,78, 34.03, 4649, 53.1, 53.57, 68.1, 91.2, 650, 750, 800. , - 'System, composite v. t. telegraph, 1. c. w.; hours, a. m.to 5p.la. datly except aundays. Systems, composite v. t. telegrAPh, i. c. w. System, composite v. t. telegraph, e. w. Commercial ship stations, alphabeticaily, by names of vessels [Additions to the List of Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, edition of June 30, 1928; and to the International List of Radiotelegraph Stations published by the Bernt, bureau] • CO' Station con- Name of veiled' Haunt Owner of vessel trolled by— lima ' _ ... :_ ._ • — --_ . Boston College....,-. WTBG 8 PA . Portlandra&PVitzIAtlantic Fish o Co..- Coot kUJM ' . Cormorant VITODU -h- ..., . Cyprus WTBE 4- . Emma R. 8 WWI?:',.• Guy IL Slims ,. • Georgetown .. WTBII 8 PO -X Atlantic & Paclito Fish Co— Gulthawk' WIC() - 8' PG " X Gulf Refining Co Oulfwing WJCP 8 PG , X .do Holy Cross ' WTBI' '8 PO X Atlantic 4it Pacifie Ffsh John F. Cushing WGDV Oren Lakes Dredge & DockCo.- .. , i Co. Kingfisher KOQR 8 Pd . X Portland Trawling CO----z. 1,0011.: • KUM' 8 • PG • • X do Martha Foss WGDQ Foss Co ....• Munwood W,GDO B PG X Munson 8.8. Co Plover • ' PG X* Portland Trawlirag• 0o,........ Roland I RIDTX , • • Harbor Tug ir Barge Co.-- Shenango WODP ., Venda. W.GD8 • Goose KOTSPO X Portland Trawling Co--- Wild . tr. - .. .. I We've length, 423.4. RADIO SERVICE ,BULLETIN 3 Commercial land and ship stations, alphabetically, by call 8ignal-9 •.r. [b, ship station; a,land station] . Call Name of station Call Name of station signal signal KFK Main base 0 WGDP Shenango b KGIA Fifth zone (portable) c WGDQ Martha Foss. b KGIB do o WGDR Emma R. S b KGIC do o WGDS Vanda , b KGID do ....!..i. o WODU Cormorant. , b KOQR Kingfisher b WODV John S. Cushing b KOTS Wild Goose b WGDX Roland . b KUFT Plover b WJCQ. Gulfhawk b KUGJ Loon . b WIC? Gulfwing ... b KUJM Coot b WTEE Cyprus b WFA Main base ,. .. o WTBG Boston College b WFD Subbase o WTBH Georgetown b WFE do WTBI Holy Cross b WGDO Munwood b Commercial aircraft stations, alphabetically, by names of stations [Additions to the List of Radio Stations of the United States, edition of June 30, 1028, and to the • International List of Radiotelegraph Stations published by the Berne bureau] - Station controlledcontrolled StatiOn —,- towClill Wave length Service. Hours Fairchild plane I WFC 13.758, 17.857, 17.945, 22.75, 26.5.5, P N Byrd Antarctic 26.78, 34.06, 45,59, 53.1, 63.0, 68.1, expodition. 91.2, 600, The 800. Fokker piano 1 WFF 18.758, 17.867, 17.045, 22.75, 26,55, P... .. N Do. 26.78, 34.05, 45.59, 63.1, 63.37, 88.1, 4 91.2, 600, 750, 800, • , • .1\k"Orstem, oomposite v. t. telegraph, i. o. w. Commercial aircraft stations alphabetically, by call signals., CallCallName of station ; ,. Name of station l'•' • ' '. , signal signal4 1 i. '''s:::•'. - WFC Fairchild plane. "Wkiii ' Auer plane i '1. '''..'' F., , .. Broadcasting stations, alphabetically, by! names lio[Staies and cities , [Additions to the List of Radio Stations of the UnitedState, edition of June 30, 1928] _ ave • Call it.th quenoy rower State and city (watts) signal (mer,;ra) (kilo- .. cyclas) . , • • : . ___, Portable: Nebraska , KOIF 217. 4 1,380 . N • • • -TI Broadcasting stations, alphabetically, by call signals _. stationWave Call Location of Power an Frequency Owner of station (kilooycles) signalsi (address) (watts)(meera) .. EGIF Nebraska (portable)._ Robert B. Howell, 811 Omaha National 7h 217.4 1,1180 Bank Building, Omaha, Nebr. 4 RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN Government land stations, alphabetically, by names of stations [Additions to the List of Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, edition of June 30, 1928, and to tho International List of Radiotelegraph Stations published by the Berne bureau] StationWavelengthCall Servioe Hours Station controlled by— Ingnal . Atlanta, Ga WHZ .fe._ Department of Commerce, . r--- Bureau of Lighthouses, Greensboro, N 0 WRW FA Do. Moline, Ill WTI FA Do. Richmond, Va_ WNR F.A. , Spartanburg, S. C WFT .FA '"I A.0. • * Toledo, Ohio KRL .. FA . „,...--- -. _...P.O... , Wichita, Kane WEK FA Do. Government land and ship stations, alphabetically, by pill signals [b, ship station; o, land station] - Call • Name of station Name of station signal . trigtudoall' KRL Toledo, Ohio o WFT Spartanburg, S. 0 4,.o WEK Wichita, Kans o WRW Greensboro, IC 0 o WTI Moline, III 0, .,_ WNR Richmond, Va...--__...... WEZ Atlanta, Ga c Special land stations, alphabetically, by names of stations [Additions tha List of Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, edition of June 90, 1928] Call Wave length FrequencY (Un- Pmer Station controlled by— Station' siffnal (meters) cyclee) (watts) . c , • California: San W6XT 8.78, 17.34, 34.68, 34,24007,200, 8,650, 800 Charles L.'Watson and Francisco. 70.09, 14/1.2. , 4,280, 2,140. Ralph C. Gray. Mimic: Chicago W9XAA 61.22 to 83.83 4,900 to 4,700 600 Chicago Federation of Labor. Do W9XC 34.68, 70.09, 140.2._ 8,630, 4,280, 2,140 10,000 Universal Wireless Coin- munication Co. Maryland: Bahl- W3XE ''8.76, 17.34, 34:68, 34,240, 17,300, 8,830, 500 Baltimore Radio Show, more. 70.09, 140.2. 4,220, 2,140. New Jersey: 4er• W2SBY• 8.76, 17.34, 34.68, 34,240, 17,300 8,650, 450 Walter C. Von Brandt. soy City. 70.09, 140.2. - 4,280, 2,140. New York* I a c li $ o n W2XAU 10.979,16.402,17.857, 27,323,18,290,16,800, John R.
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