Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome of Mantis Shrimp Pseudosquilla ciliata (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) Lars Podsiadlowski, Thomas Bartolomaeus Institute of Biology, Freie Universita¨t Berlin, Ko¨ nigin-Luise-Strasse 1-3, D-14195 Berlin, Germany Received: 4 February 2005 / Accepted: 25 March 2005 / Online publication: 12 August 2005 Abstract have proved useful in studies concerning population genetics and speciation events. We determined the nearly complete mitochondrial For a long time the phylogeny of Crustacea has genome of Pseudosquilla ciliata (Crustacea, Sto- been controversial (for review, see Richter, 2002). matopoda), including all protein-coding genes and all Even the monophyly of this group has been ques- but one of the transfer RNAs. There were no gene tioned. In the last years molecular phylogenetic ap- rearrangements relative to the pattern shared by proaches strengthened this debate, while different crustaceans and hexapods. Phylogenetic analysis approaches using different molecular data sets (18S using concatenated amino acid sequences of the rRNA, elongation factors, and mitochondrial genes) mitochondrial protein-coding genes confirmed a ba- led to diverse views of crustacean phylogeny. A few sal position of Stomatopoda among Eumalacostraca. examples of such controversial statements from Pancrustacean relationships based on mitogenomic molecular analyses might illustrate the present sit- data were analyzed and are discussed in relation to uation. crustacean and hexapod monophyly and hexapod In a combined approach (8 partial gene se- affinities to crustacean subtaxa. quences and morphology; Giribet et al., 2001), al- most all Crustacea form a monophyletic group with Key words: arthropod phylogeny — Stomatopoda — Malacostraca and Copepoda combined in one clade, mitochondrial genome — Pancrustacea while Branchiopods, Remipedia, and Cephalocarids are grouped together as a sistergroup to that branch (in addition, an odd clade consisting of Barnacles, a dipluran insect, and Drosophila is found between Introduction the remainder of Crustacea and Hexapoda). Several studies using complete mitochondrial genomes The high information content of mitochondrial ge- suggested a sistergroup relation between Malacost- nomes has been proved very useful in phylogenetic raca and Hexapoda (Wilson et al., 2000; Hwang et analyses of higher ranked taxa (Boore, 1999). In ani- al., 2001), but in most analyses only decapod and mals the mitochondrial genome is typically a single branchiopod species represented the Crustacea. circular duplex molecule, about 16 kb in size, and Recently additional mitochondrial genomes of spe- contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA cies from Remipedia, Cephalocarida, Branchiura, genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and one AT-rich and Cirripedia (Lavrov et al., 2004) were published. noncoding part, the control region (Wolstenholme, Using tRNA translocation data these authors com- 1992). Nucleotide or amino acid sequences, mito- bined Cirripedia, Cephalocarida, Branchiura, and chondrial gene order, transfer RNA secondary the formerly enigmatic Pentastomida in one clade. structure, and mitochondrial deviations from the In the same study phylogenetic analysis using se- universal genetic code were formerly used as char- quence information supported monophyly of Mala- acters for phylogenetic analyses. Sequence data from costraca and Branchiopoda, but failed to support the single genes or the mitochondrial control region also cases of Maxillopoda (Cirripedia and Copepoda- Branchiura-Pentastomida as separate lineages) and Correspondence to: Lars Podsiadlowski; Hexapoda (with insects and collembolans as sepa- E-mail: [email protected] rate lineages). All in all the interrelation between 618 DOI: 10.1007/s10126-005-0017-8 Volume 7, 618–624 (2005) Ó Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005 LARS PODSIADLOWSKI AND THOMAS BARTOLOMAEUS:STOMATOPOD MITOCHONDRIAL GENOME 619 Table 1. PCR Primers Used to Amplify Crustacean Mitochondrial Gene Fragments PCR primer name Sequence (5¢–3¢) Annealing temperature (°C) crust-cox1f ACTAATCACAARGAYATTGG 45 crust-cox1r TAGTCTGAGTANCGTCGWGG 45 crust-cox3f ATAATTCAATGATGACGAGA 45 crust-cox3r CCAATAATWACATGWAGACC 45 crust-nd4f TTGAGGTTAYCAGCCYG 45 crust-nd4r ATATGAGCYACAGAAGARTAAGC 45 crust-nd5f AGAATTCACTAGGDTGRGATGG 45 crust-nd5r AAAGAGCCTTAAATAAAGCATG 45 crust-16Sf GCGACCTCGATGTTGGATTAA 48 crust-16Sr CCGGTCTGAACTCAYATC 48 crust-12Sf CAGCAKYCGCGGTTAKAC 50 crust-12Sr ACACCTACTWTGTTACGACTTATCTC 50 the above-mentioned taxa remain poorly resolved. Materials and Methods Hexapod polyphyly was proposed previously by Nardi et al. (2003), who also used mitochondrial DNA Isolation and PCR. A specimen of Pseudo- genome data. Finally, a study of combined 18S and squilla ciliata was obtained from a commercial 28S rRNA (Mallatt et al., 2004) found a monophy- source. A single pleopod was used for total genomic letic Hexapoda as a sistergroup to copepods, as well DNA extraction, using the DNeasy Tissue and branchiopods as next relatives to that clade. Kit (Qiagen) and following the manufacturerÕs pro- These 3 taxa form in turn the sistergroup to Mala- tocol. costraca. Other crustacean species in this study Initially 6 partial mitochondrial sequences (cox1, were taken from Branchiura and Cirripedia, while cox3, nd4, nd5, 16S, and 12S) were determined with Remipedia and Cephalocarida were not represented. PCR primer pairs specially designed for this purpose The phylogenetic position of Stomatopoda (Table 1) by looking for conserved regions of mito- among Malacostraca is also under discussion. chondrial genes from other crustacean sequences. Schram (1986) as well as Richter and Scholtz PCR primers were purchased from Metabion. PCR (2001) proposed Stomatopods as a sistergroup to all was performed on Mastercycler and Mastercycler other Eumalacostraca. Schram and Hof (1998) and Gradient (Eppendorf) using the Eppendorf HotMas- Wills (1998) found that Stomatopoda was a sister- terTaq kit. Reaction volumes of 50 ll were set up in group to Eucarida, while Peracarida and Syncarida the following manner: 42 ll sterilized distilled wa- formed more basal branches in Eumalacostraca. To ter, 5 ll10· reaction buffer, 1 ll dNTP mix (Eppen- date phylogenetic analyses of arthropod or crusta- dorf), 1 ll primer mix (10 lM each), 1 ll DNA cean relations with mitochondrial genomes have template, 0.2 ll (1 U) HotMasterTaq polymerase. included malacostracan species only from the de- The cycling protocol includes an initial denaturation rived clade Decapoda. Recently the nearly com- step (94°C, 2 minutes), 40 cycles of denaturation plete mitochondrial genome of a euphausiacean (94°C, 30 seconds), annealing (1 minute; see Table 1 species was added (Machida et al., 2004), but phy- for annealing temperature of each primer), and logenetic analysis was not included in this study. extension (68°C, 90 seconds), and a final extension To sequence mitochondrial genomes of malacos- step (68°C, 1 minute). After agarose (0.9%) gel sepa- tracan species, we developed a versatile polymerase ration and ethidium bromide staining, PCR products chain reaction (PCR) primer set for short fragments were inspected under UV transillumination. PCR of 6 mitochondrial genes (Table 1). For better taxon purification was done using the PCR purification kit sampling among Malacostraca, we sequenced the (Qiagen) or if necessary using the gel extraction kit nearly complete mitochondrial genome of Pseud- (Qiagen). PCR products were subsequently se- osquilla ciliata (Stomatopoda). We then used the quenced (see below). concatenated sequence data of 12 protein-coding In a second step the determined first sequences genes for phylogenetic analyses of eumalacostracan were used to design 5 additional PCR primer pairs and pancrustacean interrelations in order to obtain bridging the gaps between them. PCR was performed better information about the phylogenetic posi- as described above, except an extension time of 7 tions of Stomatopoda and Malacostraca, respec- minutes was used. PCR products were inspected and tively. purified as described above. 620 LARS PODSIADLOWSKI AND THOMAS BARTOLOMAEUS:STOMATOPOD MITOCHONDRIAL GENOME Table 2. Taxa and Accession Numbers of Mitogenomic Sequences Used in Phylogenetic Analyses Species Phylogenetic position Accession no. Limulus polyphemus Chelicerata – Xiphosura NC003057 Lithobius forficatus Myriapoda – Chilopoda NC002629 Narceus annularus Myriapoda – Diplopoda NC003343 Tetrodontophora bielanensis Hexapoda – Collembola NC002735 Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni Hexapoda – Collembola NC005438 Tricholepidion gertschi Hexapoda – Zygentoma NC005437 Locusta migratoria Hexapoda – Pterygota NC001712 Speleonectes tulumensis Crustacea – Remipedia NC005938 Hutchinsoniella macrantha Crustacea – Cephalocarida NC005937 Pollicipes polymerus Crustacea – Cirripedia NC005936 Tigriopus japonicus Crustacea – Copepoda NC003979 Vargula hilgendorfi Crustacea – Ostracoda NC005306 Argulus americana Crustacea – Branchiura NC005935 Armillifer armillatus Crustacea – Pentastomida NC005934 Artemia franciscana Crustacea – Anostraca NC001620 Daphnia pulex Crustacea – Phyllopoda NC000844 Triops cancriformis Crustacea – Phyllopoda NC004465 Euphausia superba Crustacea – Euphausiacea AB084378 Pagurus longicarpus Crustacea – Decapoda NC003058 Portunus trituberculatus Crustacea – Decapoda NC005037 Panulirus japonicus Crustacea – Decapoda NC004251 Penaeus monodon Crustacea – Decapoda NC002184 Cherax destructor Crustacea – Decapoda NC011243 Pseudosquilla ciliata
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