JUNE 17, 1882. ] ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. 311 nla a a IN our number for May 27th, we published a letter from “Silver,” in Ore- ENGINEERING aud MINING JOURNAL, gon, giving an account of some valuable mines in that section belonging VoL. XXXIII. No. 24. to Mr. ‘‘ J. H. HUTCHINSON” and others. Our correspondent wrote ‘‘ HuNtT- INGTON,” and that is the correct name. Justice compels us to add that RIOHARD P, ROTHWELL, ©.E., M.E,, ROSSITER W. RAYMOND, Pu.D., f Editors. the compositor and the proof-reader are innocent in this particular case. CHARLES KIROHHOFF, Jr., M.E., Assistant-Bditor, If the blunder and its correction should give Mr. HUNTINGTON’S mines a Note.—Communications relative to the editorial management should be addressed to double advertisement, he will perhaps forgive it. ” EpiTor, P.O. Box 1833, New York. Communications for Mr. RayMonp should be addressed to Rossirer W. RAYMON p, P.O. Box 1465, New York. Articles written by Mr. Raymonp will be signed thus * ; and only for articles so signed is he responsible. So far as the resumption of work by the striking men in the Western SUBSCRIPTION PRIcE, including postage, for the United States and Canada. $4 per annum ; $2.25 for six months ; all other countries, including postage, $5.00 = 20s. = iron-mills is concerned, there is little that is new, except that the work- 25 francs = 20 marks. All payments must be made in advance. Parties accepting any other than our official receipt for subscriptions, from agents, do so at their own risk. men at the Cincinnati mills have partially gone in. Attempts are Advertising Rates.—See page ix. made at a number of mills in Western Pennsylvania, to run with non- Messrs. C. A. Green and D. B . Rich are our accredited representatives fcr New York. union men. The manufacturers, it is said, have perfected the details of Messrs. D. B. Rich and A. R. Brown, Jr., are our accredited representatives for Boston and the Eastern é States. ia Office, Room 4, Simmons Building, 40 ater street, Boston. their organization, and an early completion of the movement is looked Mr. J. Viennot, 150 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, is our accredited representative for Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. for. From the iron districts of Eastern Pennsylvania, come alarming Mr. A. H. Taylor, 159 Lake street, Chicago, is our accredited representative for Chi- rumors that a general demand for higher wages is contemplated in that cago and the Northwest. Mr. O. D. Cotton, Room 15, Pike’s Opera-House, Cincinnati, O., is our accredited section, and that the tone of the manufacturers is strongly against grant- representative for Cincinnati, O., Louisville, Ky., and vicinity. ingit. In view of the heavy engagements of these mills for the next REMITTANCES Should always be made by Post-Office Orders or Bank Drafts on New York, made payable to THE ScIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY. month, many refusing orders now, it does not seem as though resistance THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO., Publishers, to an increase would be likely to be general. P.O... Box 1833. 27 Park Place, New York. nhcaiepresnieabeantntactaoe? eee aeieSenSSiie eeaeSsingeatisenh anaes CONTENTS, THE SMUGGLER CASE. P PAGE, | PAGE EDITORIALS: | GENERAL MINING News: The second trial of the suit between the Iron Silver Mining Company Swindling in Electric Companies..... 31 and the owner of the Smuggler claim on Iron Hill, was decided on Satur- RMNNUIIRS oS. ace A clclnic mois aie area hela 317 The Yale Lock Company and Emery’s day last, by a verdict for the defendants, the jury being out only ten COIR is ccc ewe sax Mebues B18 | Testing-Machine... ...3..5.<6s0050%6 311 | minutes. The charge of Judge HALLETT was both fair and strong, as The Prospects for a Fair Crop........ 311 RENMEI cosa a's Sows, Secndeusunsscsbwce 318 may be seen in the following extract from it : The Wear of English Gold Coins..... 311 RIMIMMR Ne oy casa Weccinca toe Mapas ances 318 MMM «5. cine dacicnties bane ne teiwetons 318 “The principal question is, whether there is a lode or vein in the line which United States Exports of Breadstuffs. 311 extends into the Smuggler. A body of mineral or mineral-bearing rock in the Pg a 311 MUOMMMOIR Ds ccccncass: ereeecnass 318 general mass of the mountain, so far as it may continue unbroken and without PRAM Ts ccivss xeonaiees acs Joncaeas 318 interruption, may be regarded as a lode or vein, whatever the boundaries ma The Strike in Western Iron-Mills..... 311 be. If ore is found within the boundaries or fissures, although at considerable The Smuggler Case..... .......0000-. 311 PUR icc s'sl ars. Wan eiaares “aeaaeves . 319 intervals and small quantities, it is called a lode or vein. OMEN Ss 6 aca lkcscoeavasmes ses 319 ** The plaintiffs must prove that a lode, as here defined, extends from the Lime Explosives, Fuses, and Igniting Ap- to and into the Smuggler, and in reverting to the definition, the two particulars, paratus for Submarine Mining..... 312 Patents to be Promulgated from the the mineral body and the boundaries, must be considered; and it may be said The Geology of Tombstone General Land-Office, May 6.......... that without proof of one of them a lode can not exist. The plaintiffs claim to show that a lode exists in the ground in controversy. The defendants Mining in Arizona Patents Granted by the United States deny that proposition, and the case turns on that question. They The Cerro de Pasco Mill.......... ..... 313 PII i's sk iwbneciowends tence 320 concede that there is ore, in detached masses or fragments, but that it can not be regarded as a continuous body, or marking the line of a lode or vein. The Law as Affecting Mining.. ....... 314 Excluding the wash, slide, or débris on the surface of the mountain, all things in FINANCIAL ! Official Statement and Reports........ 314 the mass of the mountain are in place. A continuous body of mineral, or min- eral-bearing rock, extending through disjoined rocks, is as fully a lode as that Gold and Silver Stocks......... ....... 320 The Amount of Oil Remaining in Penn- found in more regular formations ; bit if it is not continuous, or found in an sylvania and New York..... ....... 315 COBDAM BGIGKB ss... ccs oss ie cavecccnce OOM | opening which is itself continuous, it can not be socalled. In that instance, it BIUESION TERABWE oe 6-0 o0cis 5 hos cccccaccccs 322 lacks individuality and extension, which is an essential quality of a vein or lode. The Production of Steel in the United ‘* Plaintiff bas given evidence to establish the existence of porphyry and lime ONE i Nn ss oo cecdn, bscseeoee . 316 RE Se acces avahpce cS isla smia as reais 323 with regularity, and a crevice between them, filled with vein matter; and defend- The World’s Production of Lead in 1881. 317 Iron MaRKeT REVIEW...... .......... £ 24 ants sought to show the ground broken and disjointed, and the parts so inter- mingled that no lode can extend from one claim to the other. CoaL TRADE REVIEW................ 324 PROGRESS IN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS: ‘* The question is one to be decided by the weight of the testimony, as the num- STATISTICS OF COAL PRODUCTION....... 324 ber of witnesses and the effect the testimony has on your minds, accepting such The Basic Lining in Copper Refining. 314 which seems to you to be worthy of belief, and rejecting the other.” PINE G25 eB Neils toe eaccendeirie — The Liquefaction of Ozone........... 316 There is nothing in this charge to favor the pet notion of Mr. BELFORD Relining Basic Converters............ 316 Advertisers’ Index ........-.-..-.-. x and other amateurs, that a ‘‘ blanket-lode” is something so different from A STRIKING instance of the swindl ing which has crept into the organi- all other lodes as not to be possibly included under the law. But the zation of electric companies is furnished by the career of Dr. PAGET action of the jury is understood by Colorado people in that sense. The Hiaes, who has suddenly left this country, leaving behind him a num- Denver Tribune says, ‘‘ Thus again the claim of a right to pass one’s ber of victims to regret the confidence they placed in him. side-lines on a contact mining claim has proved futile ;”’ and adds that the verdict was the occasion of general gratification among Leadville WE understand that the Yale Lock Company, of Stamford, Conn., has people in Denver, ‘“‘inasmuch as pending litigation has been averted thereby.” That is to say, the owners of U. S. patents, who supposed acquired EMERY’s testing-machine patents, under which the famous themselves protected: by the mining law, will be prevented from attempt- Watertown machine was built, and that a fifty-ton machine is now ing to enforce their rights by this new evidence of the popular feeling building for the Altoona shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad. and the hostility of Colorado juries. In addition to the usual talk about ‘‘ monopolies,” ‘‘ great corporations, DuRING the past week, the prospects of a fair crop have brightened driving out the poor, honest, hard-working” trespasser, etc.,with which Mr. considerably, and a more confident tone is prevailing. In afew weeks, PATTERSON has made the courts familiar, the proceedings were enlivened the long and dreary period of suspense will be over; and with a tolerably by the pathetic appeal to the jury of the Hon. Mr. BELFORD, who pleaded accurate knowledge of what is in st ore for the business community, it will be able to shape its course. that he had left his public duties in Congress, and come all the way home, to appear both as client and counsel in this case, because he had invested Mr.
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