ISSN 1226-9999 (print) ISSN 2287-7851 (online) Korean J. Environ. Biol. 35(3) : 305~318 (2017) https://doi.org/10.11626/KJEB.2017.35.3.305 <Original article> New Recorded of Several Taxa in Freshwater Algae from South Korea Yong Jae Kim* Department of Life Science, Daejin University, Pocheon 11159, Republic of Korea Abstract - Freshwater algae (green algae, blue-green algae and flagellated algae) were collected at 103 freshwater sites (including lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, and rivers) throughout South Korea March 2015-October 2016, and were identified using light microscopy. A total of 345 taxa in 2015 and 329 taxa in 2016 were identified and among them, 6 taxa in 2015 and 8 taxa in 2016 were new recorded species in Korea; The new recorded species were Characiopsis malleolus in Xanthophyceae, Phacus mammillatus in Euglenophyceae, Epipyxis utriculus and Lagynion ampullaceum in Chrysophyceae, Bicosoeca planctonica in Bicosoecophyceae and Salpingoeca frequentissima in Choanoflagellatea in 2015, and were Ankistrodesmus bernardii and Quadrigula korsikovii in Chlorophyceae, Didymocystis planctonica in Treubouxiophyceae, Spirulina nodosa, Raphidiopsis curvata and Geitlerinema claricentrosum in Cyanophyceae and Lagynion macrotrachelum in Chrysophyceae, Bicosoeca oculata in Bicosoecophyceae and Salpingeoca rosetta in Choanoflagellatea in 2016. Key words : Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyuceae, new recorded species INTRODUCTION (Prescott 1962; Wehr and Sheath (eds.) 2003) and Asia (Phi- lipose 1967, 1984; Hirose and Yamagishi (eds.) 1977; Yam- Algae are divided into freshwater, seawater and soil al- agishi and Akiyama 1994, 1995, 1997; Hu and Wei 2006). gae, depending on habitat. There are currently 148,936 spe- Numerous other studies also have been conducted. Fresh- cies reported (Guiry and Guiry 2017). Many of these algae water algae research has been conducted domestically by taxonomies have changed considerably until recently. Espe- many researchers since Kawamura (1918), that will contin- cially in earlier studies, alpha classification by simple opti- ue during studies currently in progress (Chang 1986, 1987; cal microscope was conducted, but various research meth- Wui and Kim 1987; Chang and An 1989; An and Chang ods such as beta classification according to development of 1990; Chung and Kim 1994; Kim et al. 1994, 2012; Kim the electron microscope and recent molecular classification 2013a, 2014a-d; Shin et al. 2013; Song and Lee 2014). of gamma classification and phylogeny classification were In recent years, studies on freshwater algae in Korea have introduced. Therefore, we have discovered several features focused on securing biodiversity through exploration of na- that have not been found previously and set up a classifi- tive species, although there are many ecological areas. This cation system based on them. Although it is described in is also vital for ensuring sovereignty of biological resources Algaebase, it is continuously changing. in Korea. In particular, through discovery of these species, Studies on freshwater algae have been actively conducted we will establish a foundation to secure future resources and globally, including Europe (Lemmermann 1908; Chodat become a center of R & D in Northeast Asia. 1913; Hindak 1977, 1988; Hegewald and Schnepf 1979; In this study, freshwater algae (green algae, blue-green al- Komárek and Fott 1983; John et al. 2002), North America gae and flagellated algae) were collected at 103 freshwater sites (including lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, and rivers) * Corresponding author: Yong Jae Kim, Tel. 031-539-1851, Fax. 031-539-1850, E-mail. [email protected] throughout South Korea March 2015-October 2016. A total ⓒ2017. Korean Society of Environmental Biology. 306 Yong Jae Kim 345 taxa in 2015 and 329 taxa in 2016 were identified and among them, 6 taxa in 2015 and 8 taxa in 2016 were new re- corded species in Korea. MateriAlS And METhOdS Freshwater algae were obtained from samples collected using 10 μm or 20 μm mesh-sized plankton nets towed vertically and/or horizontally through water, and benthic or soil algae were collected from samples collected using a pincette or brush. Samples are immediately fixed using Lugol’s iodine solution (0.5%), that immobilized cells for microscopic examination. To examine fine structure and cellular shapes, and to identify and classify freshwater algal species, temporary microscope slides of algae were made by mixing freshwater algal samples with glycerin in micro tubes, transferring drops of mixture to glass slides, and covering with cover slips. Permanent slides were made by mixing freshwater algal samples with liquid glycerol gel- atin, transferring drops of mixture to histochemical slides Fig. 1. Location of sampling sites of new recorded taxa in South Ko- rea. 1. Seogangdaegyo, Han River (37°32ʹ03ʺ, 126°55ʹ18"), (Sigma), covering with cover slips, and sealing margins of 2. Geomdan waterway (37°35ʹ53ʺ, 126°36ʹ12ʺ), 3. Gonchon the cover slips with nail polish (Thecashop). Temporary and stream (37°ʹ32'25ʺ, 126°36ʹ35ʺ), 4. Chukdong reservoir and fishery (36°06ʹ34ʺ, 126°47ʹ57ʺ), 5. Geomgurimot (36°06ʹ06ʺ, × - permanent slides were observed at 200 1000 magnifica- 126°43ʹ02ʺ), 6. Estuary of Mangeong river (35°52ʹ22ʺ, tion using light microscopy (Axioskop 20 and Axio Imager 126°42ʹ45ʺ), 7. Dombaemul (36° 09ʹ14ʺ, 126°48ʹ37ʺ). A2; Zeiss, Germany); an attached digital camera (Zeiss Ax- iocam HRc, Germany) was used to capture images. Scale leolus in Xanthophyceae, Phacus mammillatus in Eugleno- bars in illustrations represent 10 μm. phyceae, Epipyxis utriculus and Lagynion ampullaceum in At each site water temperature (WT: ℃), electrical con- Chrysophyceae, Bicosoeca planctonica in Bicosoecophyce- -1 ductivity (EC: μS cm ), and pH were measured (Table 1) ae and Salpingoeca frequentissima in Choanoflagellatea in during the sampling period using a U-50 multiparameter 2015, and were Ankistrodesmus bernardii and Quadrigula water quality meter (Horiba, Japan). korsikovii in Chlorophyceae, Didymocystis planctonica in Treubouxiophyceae, Spirulina nodosa, Raphidiopsis curva- ta and Geitlerinema claricentrosum in Cyanophyceae and rESulTS And diSCuSSiOn Lagynion macrotrachelum, Stokesiella lepteca in Chryso- phyceae and Salpingeoca rosetta in Choanoflagellatea in Freshwater algae (green algae, blue-green algae and flag- 2016. ellated algae) were collected at 103 freshwater sites (includ- ing lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, and rivers) throughout Class Chlorophyceae South Korea March 2015-October 2016, and were identi- Order Sphaeropleales fied using light microscopy. A total 345 taxa in 2015 and Family Selenastraceae 329 taxa in 2016 were identified and among them, 6 taxa Genus Ankistrodesmus Corda 1838 in 2015 and 8 taxa in 2016 were new recorded species in Korea; The new recorded species were Characiopsis mal- Ankistrodesmus bernardii Komárek (Fig. 2a, b) New Record of Several Taxa in Freshwater Algae from Korea 307 a b c d e Fig. 2. a, b. Ankistrodesmus bernardii, c, d. Quadrigula korsikovii. e. Didymocystis planctonica. Scale bar is 10 μm. references: Komárek 1983. p. 138, 176, pl. 26, fig. 65; distribution and Ecology: Brazil, Indonesia, Cuba, Ma- Komárek and Fott 1983. p. 687, pl. 193, fig. 3. laysia and Singapore (Komárek and Fott 1983), Taiwan Synonym: Raphidium polymorphum var. fasciculatum Küt- (Yamagishi and Akiyama 1998), China (Hu and Wei 2006). zing sensu Bernard. Specimen: KTSN 120000072459 (Nakdonggang NIBR, Occurrence site: Chukdong reservoir (WT 30.2℃, pH 8.9, 2016); DAEJINCD-201500709-1. - EC 233 μs cm 1). remark: Members included this species inhabited ex- description: This species occurs as colonies of 4, 8, 16 clusively freshwater. Thallus composed of single cell or or 32 cells. Cells are narrow and long fusiform shape, and coenobium and is uninucleate and non-motile. The group gradually sharpening into both ends, with slightly S-shaped consisted of morphological and ecological characteristics is curved. Cells were joined and helicoidally twisted together traditionally classified by the order Chlorococcales (March- with other cells at the middle of the colony. The cell has a and 1895). Fritsch (1935) divided Chlorococcales into eight long, parietal and laminated chloroplast without a pyrenoid. families. Among them, the family Chlorellaceae composed Cells are 30-70 μm in length and 1-3 μm in the width. of non-motile and single cell or colonial thallus. This spe- 308 Yong Jae Kim cies consisting of this morphological type is traditionally Hindak 1988). And he reported Q. korsikovii as a new spe- classified into family Chlorellaceae by Komárek and Fott cies. These taxa are included into Q. korsikovii by Komárek (1983), Hu and Wei (2006). However, Chlorococcales and and Fott (1983), Hindak (1988) and John and Tsarenko (2002) Sphaeropleales were apart by the ultrastructures of CW but Guiry and Guiry (2017) report that the synonym is not orientation of basal apparatus (Krienitz and Bock 2012). currently included in AlgaeBase. The taxa belong to the family Selenastraceae are not zoo- spore with DO-orientation of flagella apparatus, non-motile Class Trebouxiophyceae and solitary or colonial type. Therefore, the needle-shaped Order Chlorellales and colonial typed this species is transferred into family Family Oocystaceae Selenastraceae by Krienitz and Bock (2012), and Guiry and Genus Didymocystis Korshikov 1953 Guiry (2017). This species is like A. densus that is charac- terized by denser shrub-like colonies, slightly curved and Didymocystis planctonica
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