• Might sound like a little ■0 The election pot could :scarcely be boiling, over a bull, that strange calf found in a stable — if you didn’t ^weekend when we had frost arry New know K. C. MacLeod. ■-and Wintermeyer. ONE OF CANADA’S A W A R D - WI N NI N O WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS yOL. LXVIII — No. 21 # ^* » ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1969 SINGLE COPY 7o Mrs. I. McCormick Lost Finger To Inartintowii School Girl Power Mower Succumbs To Omer Quesnel, Green l/ialley, suf- fered a painful experience last Fatally Injured By Car Lengthy Illness Sat-urday evening, when a new power lawn mower amputated one Sharon Edna Sansom, 9, of Març- McDonald of Alexandria. Many friends in Cornwall and of the fingers on his right hand. tintown, died in Cornwall General Constable E. E. Foreman of Lan- throughout Glengarry ■will learn Hospital, Tuesday afternoon, after caster OPP detachment investigat- with real regret of the death, early being struck by a car that morning ed, and we understand no blame this morning, of Mrs. Ian MoCor- as she was leaving her home to is attached to the driver. miok, the former Elaine MacDon- Couple 57 attend school. She was a daughter ald. Her death, in Hotel Dieu, of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. San- The chUd ■was rushed to Corn- Cornwall, ended a tragic two-year Years Wed som, who reside one-half mile east wall General Hospital, where she of the ■village. was attended by Dr. A. MoLeod. fight against cancer which had Both native Glengarrians, Mr. been foUowed with sympathetic ad- The district was free of traffic Death ensued at 2:40 p.m. from and Mrs. Donald A. Chisholm of miration by ' many outside her fatalities over the long holiday internal injuries. Port Arthur, celebrated their 57th family circle. weekend but there were tragedies wedding anniversary at their home, Mourning the loss of their There is warm sympathy for her both before and after. Three Com- daughter, are her mother, Char- 213 Lower Tupper street, in that waU men met death last Thursday husband, piorents and family and city on April 21st. lotte, and her father, Edwin 'Walker night west of Lancaster when their Sansom. Also surviving are two a widespread sense of loss in her Mr. Chisholm is a son of the late untimely death. This is shared in car struck a transport. Then came brothers, Ronald and Roy, and one Alexander Chisholm of the 6th Tuesday’s accident near Martin- sister, Janice. All the children are a particular way by members of Lancaster, while Mrs. Chisholm is a the News staff who knew her as a to^wn. living at home. 'daughter of the late Lauchlin Peter likable, capable co-worker for three According to police report of the McDonald of Alexandria. Mrs. The funeral service was held to- years prior to the onset of her accident the chUd was waiting by Delphine MacDougall of Alexandria day from the Sansem home to St. illness. the side of the King’s Road to ride is a sister of Mr. Chisholm. to school with her teacher, whose Andrew’s United Oh-urch in Mar- ’During those years as reporter town at 2:00 pm. Ml’S. Chisholm ’was celebrating car was approaching. She is said and bookkeeper she hod come in her 88th .birthday that day. Her to have darted into the path of a FoUowing the service, burial took contact with many of our readers h-usband attained that age in Feb- car being driven by Peter Roderick place in North Branch cemetery. and the continuing inquiries as to ruary. Both are in fairly good her health were indicative of the health and stUl active. fine impression Elaine made on all. They began their anniversary day His Stable, But Montreal Club Her warm friendliness, so genu- CANDIDATES AND THEIR LEADER — Are those W. J. MAJOR, candidate in Glengarry; NOEL by attending Mass in St. Andrew’s ine and ever-present, was but one smiles of anticipated vtctory Ontario’s Liberal BAZINET, Hawkesbury, who takes on Hon. L. P. Roman Catholic Church. Not His Calf Has New Slate of many personal attributes. She Leader and three of his area candidates are seen Cecile in Prescott; and PETTBR MANLEY, who has It is not uncommon to find a A new executive of fhe Montreal was intelligent, industrious and They were married in St Anne’s flashing at Monday night’s rally in’ Alexander held Btorrmont over the post .eight years. Church, Sudbury, where they re- calf in your stable — if it is Glengarry Club has been formed, Hall? Been with JOHN J. WlENTrERMElYER are —Photo courtesy Standard-Freeholder talented in many of the arts, ever following the transfer to Toronto willing to give of her time to par- sided before moving to Port Arthur your calf. of Donald McKinnon, who has been ticipate in local dramatics, dance five years ago. Mr. (Jhisholm was But K. C. MacLeod, 19-6th president for the past five years. direction and other such activities one of the early employees of the Lochlel, is still wondering how It follows: president, Donald where she Was always in demand. International Nickel Company in Liberal Leader Outlines Platform the plant at nearby Coniston. He a strange Ifolsteln calf, found (Parmer) Macdonald; 1st vice- She lived life to the full and pres., Henry Duggan; 2nd when dread illness struck on the recalls working for '15 cents ftn in his stable two weeks ago, • pres,, Mrs, Finiey MeNeil; 3rd vice-’^ eve of her marriage she took it in hour. might have gained entry. Hi? Strongly Condemns Frost Government prese., Campbell MacDonald; sec- gallant stride that won the admir- They have one daughter, Mrs. best guess is tbat it was lost ation of all who knew her, Wyatt Hegler of Atikokan, and four retary, Innls Campbell; treasurer, An enthusiastic audience of over tario Liberal Association, and by rèsUlt that an increasing burdefl near his farm while en route to John M. Kennedy; entertainment The late Oatherlne Mac- grandchildren, the oldest of whom 200 in Alexander Hall on Monday W. J. Major, Liberal Candidate in has been placed on the municipal Elaitw a sale, and that someone later committee, Janet Kennedy, Mickey Donald was bom at Alexandria, will graduate this year from Tea- night heard Ontario Liberal Leader Glengarry. property owners. A Liberal gov- chers (JoUege in North Bay. came along and, thinking it was Dale, Jean Hay, Kenny McNeil. John i-. Wiuteimeyer outline some Mr. Major, speaking in English ernment in Ontario will assume November 30th, 1927, the youngest A gala get-together is being Their recipe for a long and happy his calf gone astray, put it in of the proposals and reforms 'which and French, expressed hds pleas’ure progressively the basic cost of edu- daughter of J. J. MadXmald and planned on Friday, Jtme 5th, when life, Mrs. Chisholm explains; We he hopes to port into effect if he is at being the Liberal standard-bear- cation, leaving to municipalities his ■wife, Agnes MacDonald, who his stable. the club is hoping to see Glengar- elected to head a new government er, and spoke of the very favorable only that portion that assures local now reside at Cornwall. After com- have always shared everything, He’s advertising for the rians unite with their city coun- good or bad, and we have lived in on June 11th. reception which is being given him. responsibility. An outstanding ef- pleting her education in the local owner, probably to satisfy his terparts in a real old “Glengarry perfect companionship. Mr. Wlnljermeyer came to Alex- in all parts of the constituency. He fect of this educational, reform Separate and High Schools she at- curiosity as to how it got there. night”. andria frcan Ottawa after a press dealt with some of the local farm measure would be to remove the tended University of Toronto before interview, a radio broadcast and’ a problems which have been aggrav- burden of education costs largely entering the world of journalism TV appearance. In spite of the ated rather than improved by the from the shoulders of the ordinary as a reportée on the staff of the €har-Lan Cadets •tremendous pace which he has set Diefenbaker - Frost team. He also home owning taxpayer. Cornwall Standard - Freeholder. Glengarry Dancers Retained Many for himself, he was in excellent had some pointed remarks about ■Dealing with agriculture; he stat- Five years ago she 'came to this Haye Inspection form, and he impressed) the audi- the conditions of highways in East- ed that the Conservative govern- ofiBce, happy to be back again in Prizes In Competition At Maxyille ence with his gentlemianly manner, ern Ontario. He pointed- out that ment failed to realize that farm her native Glengarry. It was In The cadet corps of Char-Lan the clearness of his presentation, as a resident of the constituency problems today were those of mar- May, 1957, as she completed plans District High School at WUliams- Members of the Montreal and Jig and Hornpipe, and second in his forceMness and his sincerity. he is aware of local problems, and keting and not production. for her manriage to Ian McCor- to'wn underwent its annual inspec- Ottawa Highland Dancing Associa- the Swords. Sandra McDermaid, At the conclusion of his 4fl-minute he promised to devote his efforts A separate Department of Mar- mick that her illness was discov- tion, Friday, when it reportedly tions met the Glengarry group In Corn-wall, took a second' in the address, which was frequently and his time to their solution.
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