10A WK419 From thefront page MIAMIHERALD.COM H1 Trump confidantRoger Stone has along historyinpolitics president, apresidency me,” he told the Herald in Stone’s retreat from D.C. BY HOWARD COHEN ultimately won by Demo- 2014. to Fort Lauderdale wasn’t [email protected] crat Jimmy Carter, who without its bumps. He has beat sitting President Ger- HIS FIRST ‘POLITICAL said there have been two RogerStone, the former ald Ford. Stone would be TRICK’ attempts on his life. informal adviser to Presi- more successful helping Stone is aself-pro- One happened in 2017, dent Donald Trump’s 2016 guide Reagan to victory in claimed “dirty trickster.” when he told Miami presidential campaign who 1980against Carter. His first trick? Helping a Herald news partner CBS4 had worked for decades on Stone has atattoo of his Democrat. that he was avictim of a U.S. political campaigns, idol —Nixon —onhis According to The hit-and-run driver in Pom- was indicted Friday in Fort back. He got it in 2004 in Washington Post, when pano Beach while en route Lauderdale as part of spe- California. “I was drunk, Stone’s high school held a to the airport to promote cial counsel Robert Muell- and it seemed like agood mock vote in the 1960 his book, “The Making of er’s Russia investigation. idea,” he said in a2014 presidential election, Stone the President 2016:How The seven-count Miami Herald profile. stumped for Democrat Donald Trump Orchestrat- indictment charges him Stone also tried to get John F. Kennedy against ed aRevolution.” with lying to Congress and Jack Kemp and Bob Dole Nixon. Yep, that Nixon, the He said at the time the CHARLESTRAINOR JR [email protected] obstructing the probe. into the president’s seat in man he would later immor- accident “‘certainly could Protesters gather as Roger Stone speaks Fridayafter being So who, exactly, is Roger the White House in the talize in ink on his back. be’ Russian hacking-scan- indicted at the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale. Stone, the man born 66 1980s and 1990s. But 12 years before he dal retaliation.” years ago in Norwalk, Con- His allegiance to Trump helped guide Nixon into a The Broward Sheriff’s necticut? dates to the time he served second presidential term, Office confirmed that there way for me to sell books,” told her husband Stone was as the future president’s he campaigned at his high had been an accident he told CBS4 at the time. missing something down NO STRANGER TO casino lobbyist in the school for Kennedy in a where Stone said it oc- there. PRESIDENTS 1990s when he first sug- rather underhanded way curred. But he wasn’t listed ‘MIAMIVICE’ STYLE “I’m not wearing socks Stone worked on the gested to Trump that he that hit students where as apassenger in the car BEFORE IT WASATHING until the Soviets are out of 1972 campaign of Presi- consider running for presi- they lived: “I remember that got hit. He said he “Miami Vice” star Don Afghanistan,” Stone told dent Richard Nixon, which dent in 1998. going through the cafeteria took an Uber home and left Johnson wasn’t the first to the soon-to-be president, helped the Republican line and telling every kid the driver behind because make going around with- The New York Times incumbent handily defeat SOUTH FLORIDAISHIS that Nixon was in favor of it was taking deputies too out socks afashion state- reported. ‘‘I had to say Democratic challenger HOME school on Saturdays. It was long to arrive. ment. something, and that an- George McGovern. It was The consultant moved to my first political trick,” He also claimed he was Stone did it as far back swer seemed acceptable to his first major official polit- Fort Lauderdale in 2001 Stone said in the 2007 Post poisoned around Christ- as Reagan’s 1980presi- Gov. Reagan.” ical job. after 9-11. story. mas 2016 withpolonium dential campaign, asarto- Stone worked on Repub- “I could see the smoke but recovered. rial decision not beloved by Howard Cohen: lican Ronald Reagan’s of the Pentagon from my ABUMPY RIDE IN “I know some people the fastidious future first 305-376-3619, failed 1976 campaign for office, and that was it for SOUTH FLORIDA chortle and say this was a lady, Nancy Reagan. She @HowardCohen FROM PAGE 1A anydealwith the special of emails that the special Inaddition, the indict- rapherswaitedoutside the counsel to testify against counsel says were hacked ment delves into whatpros- courthouse. Trump,saying “there is no byRussian officersand ecutors say were Stone’s Stonethanked the judge STONE circumstancewhatsoever then providedtothe anti- false statements to law- after she grantedhis bond, under which Iwill bear secrecy website WikiLeaks. makers about his conversa- which restricts his travel to being released on bond Stone, dressedinanavy falsewitness against the Theindictment says uni- tions withJerome Corsi, a South Florida, Washington, following his arrest Friday blue poloshirt and jeans, presidentnor will Imakeup dentified senior Trump conservative writerand D.C.,New York City,and morning. He is charged told athrongofreporters lies to ease the pressure on campaign officials contact- conspiracy theorist,and the eastern area of Virginia. with obstructing justice, and spectators outside the myself.” ed Stonetoask whenstolen Randy Credico,aNew York The judge asked Stoneto tampering with awitness, courthouse that Mueller’s “I look forward to being emailsrelating to Demo- radiohost. They are identi- surrender his passport as a and lying to Congress in investigation was “politically fullyand completely vindi- craticpresidentialnominee fied in the indictmentas condition of his bond. He Special Counsel Robert motivated” and that he had cated,”Stone,66, said. HillaryClinton might be “Person 1” and “Person 2.” told her that he does not Mueller’s investigation into been “falsely accused” of Theseven-countindict- disclosed. The indictment accuses own acurrent passport the Trump campaign’s lying to the House Intelli- ment filed against Stone Mueller’scasealleges Stoneofcarrying out a because his had expired. possible collusion with the gence Committee. reveals fresh details on how cover-ups anddeceptionby “prolonged effort” to keep Prosecutors Jared Strauss Russian government during The behind-the-scenes Trump campaign associates Stone —not thatheconspir- Credico fromcontradicting and Aaron Zelinskywith the 2016 presidential elec- Trump adviser also de- inthe summer of 2016 ed with WikiLeaks or with Stone’s testimonybefore the U.S. attorney’sofficein tion. clared he would notmake actively sought the release the Russian officersac- theHouse Intelligence South Floridaalso request- cused of hacking the Committee. Prosecutors ed that Stone undergo a emails. Stone, instead, is claim thatStonerepeatedly substance-abuse screening. accusedoflying to congres- told Credico to “do a‘Frank The judge ordered one as sional members in aMay Pentangeli,’ ”referringto part of his bond conditions. 2017 letter andinhis Sep- the“The Godfather:Part Stone’s arraignment date tember 2017 testimony II”character who lies to must stillbeset in the fed- about WikiLeaks’ activities. Congress. Stoneisalso eral court in Washington, Heisalso accused of ob- accused of threatening D.C. In the meantime, structingacongressional Credico as well as hisdog, Stonewill be abletostay at CITY OF SOUTHMIAMI probe intowhether the Bianca. his FortLauderdalehome Trump campaign collab- On Friday, Trump and as he awaits trial. Stone’s NOTICEOFPUBLIC HEARINGS orated withRussiatosabo- his defense team blasted defense team consists of NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City of SouthMiami, Florida proposes to adoptthe tage the U.S. election to Stone’s indictment.Trump FortLauderdale lawyers following ordinances: help him beat Clinton, as attorneyJay Sekulowsaid it Bruce Rogow, Tara Cam- well as beingaccused of “does not allegeRussian pion, RobertBuschel,and An Ordinance modifying the following sectionsofthe Land Development Code: tamperingwith acongres- collusion by Roger Stone or GrantSmith. Section20-3.1 Zoninguse districtsand purposes (A) and (B); Section 20-3.3 Permitted sional witness. by anyone else.”Trump Outside the courthouse, Use Schedule; Section 20-3.4 Special Use Conditions; andArticle VIII, Transit- Theindictmentsays calledthe investigation the Rogow, the most prominent Oriented Development District, Sections 20-8.1 through 20-8.17. Stonerepeatedly discussed “Greatest WitchHunt in member of Stone’s team, An Ordinance amending the City of South Miami OfficialZoning Map to advance WikiLeaks withTrump theHistory of our Coun- called the FBI’searlymorn- Goalsofthe Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the purpose of the campaign associates and try!” ing arrestofthe longtime Transit-Oriented Development District includingthe following rezonings: (1) certain detailshis conversations During his brief hearing GOPpolitical operative a about emails stolen from inFortLauderdale federal “spectacle.” parcelsfrom Transit-Oriented Development District Mixed Use4(TODD MU-4) to Clinton campaign chairman courtafterhis arrest, Stone “Everyoneknows where Transit-Oriented Development District Mixed Use 5(TODD MU-5); and (2) certain John Podesta and posted was granted a$250,000 Roger Stone is; he’s not in parcelsfrom Transit-Oriented Development District Light Industrial 4(TODD LI-4), onlineinthe weeksbefore bond that was jointly rec- hiding,” Rogow said.“The to Transit-Oriented Development District Mixed Use6(TODD MU-6). Trumpdefeated Clinton. ommended by U.S. prose- spectaclethis morningwith Prosecutors allegethat cutors and his defense the SWAT teambreaking Stone
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