Australian Photographic Collectors’ Society Members-only auction 20th October 2019 Auction Results – The descriptions below are abbreviated – refer to the full catalogue for further details (see notes at end of listing) Item Description Price Item Description Price 1 Premo Pony No 4 Red Bellows 4xDD Slides, Case 106 55 Kodak Bantam 127 with handbook ~1947 40 2 Bessamatic with ZOOMAR 220 56 Exakta VX with Tessar 3.5/50 works 65 3 Pentax SV 1.8/55 Super Takumar, etc 60 57 Zeiss Luminar 25mm in case (early model) 320 4 Book - How to use PENTAX - Shipman 2 58 Exakta W/L finder and lens hood for Varex VX 18 5 Leica Manual 11th Ed - Morgan & Lester 5 59 Rollei 35 SE 2.8/40 Sonnar with filter 210 6 Handbook of Photography - Henny & Dudley 12 60 Rollei 35 3.5/40 (Singapore version) 120 7 Kodak Reference Handbook circa 1948 15 61 Flexo TLR Enna 4.5/75 95 8 19th C Child's spirit Projector with slides 150 62 Reflekta II TLR Meritar 3.5/75 70 9 Advertising display for Nikon TW Zoom 5 63 Zeiss Luminar 16mm in case (early model) 240 10 Kodak "vintage car" drink set 10 64 Canon P Populaire Canon 1.8/50 lens 180 11 Kodak Ice Bucket 3 65 Exakta VX Iia with 3 finders, etc 135 12 Unusual metal developing tank 22 66 Agfa Ambi Silete outfit, 4 lenses, etc 184 13 Graphlex RB series B with 6" Ross lens 120 67 Voigtlander 4/135 lens for Bessamatic 28 14 Oil safe light 34 68 Arco 8mm Super Mechanica 3 lenses 105 15 Kodascope Model C 16mm Projector 110V 60 69 Kodak Vollenda 620 in case 42 16 TWO daylight loading Kodak tank systems 70 70 Contax IIa (Black dial) body only 62 17 Lowrey & Hennesy "Light Master" flash, box 6 71 Zeiss Sonnar 2/85 lens (separation) 44 18 Odd Spotlight or projector? 30 72 Bessamatic, 2.8/50 Color Skopar lens 120 19 Box of plates, films and flash bulbs 54 73 Fotochrome camera 38 20 Lantern slide projector pre WW1 65 74 Eumig C3 standard 8mm camera 10 21 Timber box containing approx 150 slides 65 75 Optimus 5 position turret finder for Contax 42 22 Early timber tripod with cable release 5 76 Yoshita plastic camera 5 23 Kodak "Feather" tripod - complete 10 77 Zeiss Movikon 8 in leather case 50 24 Very well made set of 3 tripod legs 15 78 Bell & Howell Sportster double 8 cine 15 25 Incomplete set od 17 BJP 1934-1963 20 79 Rolleicord 3.5/75 Triotar and cap 150 26 Cyclone box 5x4 camera ~1890 with holders 24 80 Zeiss Sonnar 2/50 lens - ~1937 for Contax 34 27 Zeiss box Tengor with case 38 81 Konica C35 in case 30 28 Ensign Ful-vue (box type) TLR 16 82 SIX-16 Brownie Special ~1935 26 29 Kodak Duex 44 83 Baci metal box camera 18 30 Agfa strut camera 26 84 Hanimex C35 camera 42 31 Ensign Ful-vue Super TLR Black ~1940 28 85 Goerz Tenax Plate strut Dagor 6.8/90 85 32 Ensign Ful-vue Super TLR Burgundy ~1940 54 86 Braun Paxina 3.5/75 camera 19 33 Ensign Ful-vue - common post-war version 22 87 KNEB 30M minature camera 40 34 Ensign "All Distance" box camera ~1930 32 88 ACON 35 Mod-II 3.5/45 22 35 Kodak Box camera Mod B - 124 film 30 89 Minolta 110 Zoom SLR 10 36 Ensign "All Distance" Mod "Twenty" Box camera 38 90 Yogi-bear plastic camera 8 37 Lomo ALAT 18K in box with book 11 91 Kodak Retina 1A type 015 Xenar 2.8/50 50 38 Kodak VP127 camera - no stylus 40 92 Kodak 35 camera - Anastar 3.5/50 34 39 Transistor radio looks like a packet of film 6 93 Kodak EK8 instant camera 24 40 Zeiss Erabox box camera 20 94 Zeiss Contina camera 2.8/45 11 41 Kodak Portrait Brownie - Green 34 95 Kodak Reflex S Xenar 2.8/50 52 42 Kodak Box "0" Model A - 127 - ~1910 30 96 Smena 6 Plastic camera 7 43 Kodak No 2 Hawkeye Model C 30 97 Retina 1A camera Reomar 2.8/45 meter 30 44 Butcher Carbine box camera 20 98 Chajka-II Russian half-frame camera 36 45 Kodak No 2 Brownie Model B (dark green) 40 99 Retina IIa type-016 Heligon 2/50 90 46 Warwick No 2 Box camera 20 100 Franka Solida I 6.3/75 20 47 No 2A Brownie Model C ~1926 18 101 Kodak Bantam Colorsnap 12 48 No 2 Brownie Model E ~ 1920 23 102 Kodak Retina II C type-029 Xenon 2.8/50 75 49 Brownie Flash II 26 103 Kodak Retinette Reomar 4.5/50 50 50 Brownie Reflex 13 104 2 Lure pocket cameras 2 51 Early Baby Brownie 20 105 Asanuma (Tokyo) quarter plate, lens 180 52 VP Twin (Black) 20 106 Litonar lens in shutter 4.5/135 10 53 Kodak "Bullet" 10 107 Pair of British military lenses 5" f4 22 54 VP Twin (Brown) 22 108 Brass lens 210mm 32 APCS Auction October 2019 Page 1 Results Item Description Price Item Description Price 109 Lizars stereo camera - needs some TLC 300 170 Minolta 110 Zoom SLR Mark II with manual 30 110 Lancaster Meritore 2 x DD slides 190 171 Canon VI-L Canon 1.2/50 400 111 Two primitive wooden shutters 28 172 Photovit outfit with film loader etc 85 112 Two TP shutters 70 173 Canon RF Serial 17230 Seronar 3.5/50 300 113 Brass lens Rotary stops 16 174 Proxar set for Contax 1343 44 114 Ross brass lens slot for Waterhouse stops 24 175 Voigtlander Vitessa 2/50 Ultron - shutter sticky 110 115 Brass lens and flange - diaphragm stops 24 176 Voigtlander Vitessa 2.8/50 Color-Skopar 100 116 Anaorthoscope full plate brass lens 12" 42 177 Voigtlander Prominent 1 with 2/50 Ultron 115 117 Small TP-Beck Brass lens with flange 26 178 Exakta II post war SLR with 2/58 Biotar 50 118 TP-Beck Brass lens 26 179 Zeiss Contax IIIA (black dial) 2/50 210 119 2 early photographic thermometers 15 180 Edixa Reflex B 2/58 Biotar 70 120 ~50 single use and novelty cameras 70 181 Edixa Reflex 2.8/50 Cassar 30 121 Kodak Retina 1 camera type 013 32 182 Practica PL nova 2.8/50 Domiplan 50 122 Venaret simple camera 7.7/75 22 183 FED 3 E-61 2.8/52 lens 42 123 Werra 1c with Tessar 2.8/50 with covers 45 184 Agfa Karat wirh 2/50 Xenon 50 124 Zeiss Contaflex Super 76 185 Fujica 35-SE in ERC 32 125 Canon VI-T camera with Canon 1.2/50, meter 470 186 Compact Tripod 5 126 Zeiss turret finder designed for Contax - 437/7 80 187 4 cased photos 55 127 Canon Pelix with 1.8/50, meter and book 100 188 Pentax auto 110 kit with all lenses 90 128 Rolleicord 3.5/75 Triotar and filter 190 189 Dallmeyer Adon lens 5 129 Werra camera with 2.8/50 Tessar no caps 30 190 Large lot of good lens caps, etc 36 130 Zeiss Contarex "Bulls-eye" Planar 2/50 600 191 Large Nikon wall poster in frame 5 131 Ricoh FF-9SD transparent shop display 42 192 Edison standard-D cylinder gramophone 302 132 Meyer Tele Megor 4.5/300 34 193 Very early HMV record player 250 133 Purma Special - no cap 18 194 Box of Goodies. 36 134 Nimslo 3D camera 50 195 Agfa Silette 1. 2.8/45 18 135 Tessina L in box with instructions 360 196 Agfa Isolette 120 6X6. 4.5/85 Agnar lens. 18 136 Tessina with instructions 300 197 Metraphot 3 light meter in leather case 5 137 Tessina accessories 320 198 Sekonic Auto-Lum 1 light meter 5 138 Monroe No 1 quarter plate 180 199 Box of instruction manuals, etc 26 139 Montanus super reflex TLR 85 200 Kodak Super-XX 4X5 glass plates 14 140 Weha Chrome-six Auto zenor with poor ERC 102 201 Zeiss Ikon Simplex 120 6X9 51 141 Weha Auto Rapid Ehira 100 202 Rowi shoulder support. 10 142 Exakta Varex IIb SLR with Pancolar 2/50 32 203 Various Graflex film holders etc 80 143 Kershaw APM strut camera 127 film 60 204 Elmo Synchronizer model R-1. 14 144 Kiev 35mm camera Jupiter 2/50 46 205 Poppet tape recorder 6 145 Kiev 35mm camera Jupiter 2/53 58 206 Magic Lantern slipping slide 61 146 Exakta Varex VX SLR with 1.9/59 Primoplan 60 207 Magic Lantern slipping slide 35 147 Ensignette strut - bellows weak 40 208 Magic Lantern slipping slide 42 148 Zeiss Kolibri - a highly sought classic 80 209 Magic Lantern slipping slide 31 149 Zeiss Press Flash - good display piece 58 210 Magic Lantern slipping slide 25 150 Kodak model truck 11 211 Magic Lantern slipping slide 40 151 Kodak ice bucket 25 212 Magic Lantern slipping slide 50 152 Lot of about 40 items 30 213 Magic Lantern slipping slide 25 153 Picture - Leica family tree 5 214 3 wood framed magic lantern slides. 25 154 Underwood Stereo viewer 50 215 Bell & Howell Filmo-121 16mm 56 155 Full book of portraits - late 19th C 80 216 Gevaert 8mm movie camera 17 156 Modern wall clock advertising Ticka cameras 8 217 Voigtlander Bessa 1 50 157 Modern LED movie light 19 218 Exakta 127 (torn blind) PI 158 Ilford mug advertising B&W 15 219 Kodak Panoram No 1 Model D 220 159 Un-named drop quarterplate with carreirs 27 220 Pentax SP 1.8/55, 3.5/135 100 160 Lot of about a dozen DD holders 70 221 Minolta Marble in pieces 34 161 "Century" 19x19cm roller holder 5 222 Kodak No2 Autographic with stylus 27 162 Asahiflex with Takumar 2.4/58 300 223 Kodak No 2A Box Brownie, case (BROWN) 42 163 110 camera in form of a Coca-Cola can 22 224 Kodak Brownie box 620 Mod D in leather case 10 164 Tessina film loader with 6 cassettes 220 225 Kodak (UK) Brownie Senior Box SIX-20 16 165 Tessina film loader with 6 cassettes 150 226 Kodak daylight developing tank (133 etc) 5 166 Minox B in case with cube flash, 2 films 90 227 Rollei 35B - ding on top 60 167 Minob B with AG1 flash 105 228 Mystery lot of goodies 24 168 Minox assessories in box - tripod, WL finder etc 65 229 Nikon FE with MD12, 2.8/28 Nikkor, cap etc 100 169 Practica IV B with 2.8/50 Tessar 38 230 Nikkor 4.5/300 lens with tripod ring and filter 75 APCS Auction October 2019 Page 2 Results Item Description Price Item Description Price 231 Nikkor 4/200 (non-AI) and 3.5/135 (non-AI) 100 258 ICA 1910 folding camera (Minimal?) 50 232 Lot of 7 Kodak models 22 259 Kodak daylight loading developing tank for 122 22 233 Pentax LX for parts 52 260 Bell and Howell slide/sound projector 2 234 Olympus 707 for parts 12 261 Pecto No 1a, 1902, 2 DD slides, case Inc v 235 Panagor bellows and copy unit for Minolta 0 262 Kodak No.
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