Saturday, October 5, 2019 Vol. 1 No. 7 (USPS-6) www.henrycountyenterprise.com • $1.00 Forestry fi rm to invest $21 million in Henry County & Forestry Bettina Ring called it the “largest new investment in sawmill and kiln capacity in Virginia in decades. Th e impacts of this investment can be felt across the Com- monwealth, providing economic vitality as well as all the environmental benefi ts that we receive from sustainably managed forests.” Meanwhile, on Can- ada’s western coast, nu- merous articles in the From left, Harvest Foundation Board President David Stone, Virginia Gov. Ralph Vancouver Sun newspaper Northam, Teal-Jones Group CEO and President Dick Jones, and Secretary of Gov. Ralph Northam announces a $21 million investment describe a worsening crisis Agriculture & Forestry Bettina Ring pose with a $600,000 incentive check offered to and 67 new manufacturing jobs in Henry County in an this summer in the region’s the company by Harvest in return for its expansion in Henry County. economic development announcement on Sept. 25. timber industry. Dozens of recent news reports of Kim Barto Meeks ing an average salary of as well as costs,” said Kiel by a very high govern- tions, according to a news sawmill shutdowns, mass Contributing writer $35,000, county offi cials Miller, of Teal-Jones. ment tax.” Loggers pay a release from the governor’s layoff s, work stoppages, said. Miller said the indus- fee known as stumpage in offi ce. and reduced shifts at for- A Canadian forestry Th e move was driven in try is facing reductions in order to harvest trees from Both sites will undergo estry fi rms across British fi rm with facilities in Vir- part by a major economic harvest quotas imposed public lands. High export building upgrades and the Columbia seem to echo ginia recently announced downturn in the timber by the government due costs from tariff s in the purchase of state-of-the- the erosion of Martins- a $21 million investment industry across the Cana- to the impact of a years- U.S. and China also play art sawmills, dry kilns, ville and Henry County’s in Henry County. dian province of British long mountain pine beetle a role, he said. and other manufactur- manufacturing base over Gov. Ralph Northam Columbia, where Teal- infestation. Severe forest Th e expansion of Teal- ing equipment, the news the past two decades. and other state offi cials Jones is headquartered, a fi re seasons in 2017 and Jones in Virginia also in- release said. In addition, After the passage of visited the Henry County company spokesman said. 2018, and the creation of cludes a $10.75 million the company plans to buy the North American Free Administration Building Multiple forestry fi rms environmental protection investment and 59 new all of its net new timber Trade Agreement (NAF- on Sept. 25 to announce have had to cut back their areas where harvesting jobs at its sawmill in West- purchases from Virginia, TA) in the mid-1990s, the expansion of Teal- operations this year in re- is off -limits have further moreland County. Th is worth an estimated $100 the textile and furniture Jones Group’s pine pro- sponse to the shrinking reduced the timber sup- and the facility in Henry million over the next four industries that made up cessing operations in the supply of trees and other ply available to loggers, County manufacture di- years. the backbone of South- county, which the com- factors. according to Canadian mensional Southern yel- Speaking at the eco- side Virginia’s economy pany purchased in 2018. “Th ere is a lot of un- news reports. Miller also low pine lumber for use in nomic development an- began moving production Th is will result in 67 new certainty around both pointed to “high log costs, a wide range of construc- nouncement, Virginia manufacturing jobs pay- the ability to access logs which are underpinned tion and project applica- Secretary of Agriculture See Investment, page 3 County, city schools among 92 percent to earn ‘Accredited’ rating School division accreditation year’s score. A student that does Henry County student in reach- ratings recently released by the not pass their SOL but show sig- ing his/her individual goals.” Virginia Department of Edu- nifi cant improvement from year Superintendent of Public In- cation (VDOE) show that all 1 to year 2 is considered a pass for struction James Lane recently an- Henry County and Martinsville the school due to growth. Th is nounced that 92 percent of Vir- schools will be designated as Ac- growth model is only used in El- ginia’s public schools are meeting credited. ementary and Middle School in the state Board of Education’s For Accreditation, a school the contents of Math and Eng- expectations for achievement and must achieve an adjusted pass lish (Reading). Th e EL growth improving student outcomes, rate of 75 percent in English (in- is based on the students WIDA: and are accredited for the 2019- cludes reading and writing) and Access 2.0 growth and if a stu- 2020 school year. 70 percent in mathematics, sci- dent shows signifi cant growth All four schools in Martinsville PHOTO COURTESY OF PUBLIC THEOLOGY Farmer and author Bill Guerrant, pictured with his wife, Cherie, ence, and history/social science. on their scale then that student is are Accredited with no condi- will present on “Faith and Ecology” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9 “Student success can be mea- considered a pass for the school tions, with gains in mathematics at Mountain Valley Brewing as part of the PUBlic Theology monthly sured in multiple ways. Th e VA and counted as a passing score across the division, a release from discussion series. Standards of Learning Assess- in the content area of English the city school division stated. ments are one way to measure (Reading). “We saw a slight drop in read- success. I am so happy for the “Our students work diligently ing scores across the division, Connection between faith, students, teachers, staff , and ad- each day to exceed the learning which refl ects the drop seen ministrators at all of our schools. goals set before them. Th is dem- in the state reading scores. We It took the hard work of every- onstration of their growth and are extremely proud of Patrick ecology to be explored one to accomplish this goal,” said success is one of the many ways Henry Elementary, which was Lisa Millner, HCPS Assistant they are showing that they are Accredited with Conditions last Kim Barto Meeks including families with children. Superintendent of Teaching and ready for a successful future,” said year and is now Accredited with Contributing writer Guerrant and his wife, Cherie, Learning. Superintendent Sandy Strayer, all School Quality indicators own and operate White Flint Farm Student growth is based on adding, “We are grateful to the at Level 1. Patrick Henry saw a What does religious faith have to in Keeling. According to the event the previous years tested subject members of the school commu- See Accredited, page 3 say about ecology? Th at will be the page on Facebook, “Bill met his score and the corresponding nity who have supported each topic of the next gathering of PUB- wife in Florida while practicing law lic Th eology, a monthly discussion for over 25 years. Bill now describes group started by two local church himself as ‘a homesteader, a goat- leaders that meets at Mountain Val- herder and small-scale farmer.’ Gains in chronic absenteeism, declines ley Brewing in Axton. “Eventually homesickness, and a “Faith and Ecology,” a talk by au- yearning for authenticity, caused Bill thor and local farmer Bill Guerrant, and Cherie to come back home to will be held the evening of Wednes- Virginia, where they now live on the on state reading tests reported by VDOE day, Oct. 9 at Mountain Valley Brew- ing. Th e event is free and open to all, See Connection, page 10 Th e accreditation ratings 2019-2020. Th ese latest rat- and resources on the board’s reported by the Virginia De- ings will help VDOE target goal of reducing — and ulti- partment of Education also its eff orts toward increasing mately eliminating —achieve- show that schools are making student literacy and further- ment gaps while maintaining progress in reducing chronic ing progress toward eliminat- high standards for all stu- absenteeism, but that declines ing achievement gaps in the dents. Th is work, along with Canadian company in performance on state read- schools that are most in need the work the board is current- ing tests — especially among of the department’s support ly doing on the Standards of black and economically dis- and expertise.” Quality, advances the board’s advantaged students — have Th e number of schools equity agenda, as set forth in acquires, partners resulted in an increase in the meeting the state board’s goal our adopted comprehensive number of schools that will for reducing chronic absen- plan.” receive state assistance to ad- teeism increased 4%, from Under the revised accredi- dress achievement gaps in 1,600 to 1,663. Twenty-three tation system, schools are with Ten Oaks LLC English. schools are identifi ed as in evaluated on school quality “Th is is the second year need of state support to re- indicators grouped in three that schools have been evalu- duce chronic absenteeism, 21 categories: academic achieve- Enterprise Staff Report ville, Henry County and Lawson- ated under the 2017 Board of fewer schools than last year. ment, achievement gaps, and ville, N.C., Williams said.
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