HERITAGE PENETANGUISHENE MEETING AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWNHALL, APRIL 10, 2011, 3:30 p.m. Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 6-11 i) Heritage Penetanguishene minutes of the meeting of February 14, 2012 Recommended Action: THAT the minutes of the meeting of February 14, 2012 be approved as printed. 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE 12-13 i) Simcoe County Museum re: Events Calendar 2012 Recommended Action: For information. 14-18 ii) Correspondence from the County of Simcoe re: Night at the Museum Recommended Action: For information. 19 iii) Correspondence from the County of Simcoe re: Simcoe County Museum Receives a Little Help From Their Friends Recommended Action: For information. 20-21 iv) Correspondence from the County of Simcoe re: History Lives On With Expansion of Simcoe County Archives Recommended Action: For information. 22-24 v) Correspondence from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport re: Land Registry Exemption Letter Recommended Action: For information. vi) Heritage Matters - November 2011 - February 2012 (War 1812 Special Edition) Recommended Action: For information. (Full publication available at Page 1 of 189 Town of Penetanguishene Heritage Penetanguishene Agenda Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE meeting) 25-27 vii) Community Heritage Ontario News - January 2012 - March 2012 Recommended Action: For information. (Full publication available at meeting) 28 viii) Correspondence from CHO re: CHO Weblog site Recommended Action: For information. 29 ix) Invitation to Annual Fundraising Dinner re: The Civil War of 1812 Recommended Action: For information/discussion (attendance) 30-76 x) Ontario Heritage Conference 2012 Kingston May 31, 2012 to June 2, 2012 Recommended Action: For information/discussion (attendance - conference budget $200). 5. DESIGNATED PROPERTIES i) Update from B. Turner re: 12 Water Street Renovations Recommended Action: For information. 77-78 ii) Update from the Town Clerk re: Water Street Mural Recommended Action: For information. 79-90 iii) Report from the Town Clerk re: Heritage Tax Rebate Program Approvals for the 2011 Tax Year Recommended Action: THAT Heritage Penetanguishene: Option 1 Deny the rebate applications as submitted as they do not meet the established criteria of By-law 2011-92 Heritage Tax Rebate Program. Option 2 Allow the property owners that submitted applications an opportunity to provide the missing information from their applications. Option 3 Page 2 of 189 Town of Penetanguishene Heritage Penetanguishene Agenda Page 5. DESIGNATED PROPERTIES Approve the Heritage Tax Rebate at the rate of 50% to the applications that meet the criteria of the previous guidelines (14 Water Street, 69 Poyntz Street). Option 4 Provide all heritage properties with the opportunity to reapply. AND THAT Heritage Penetanguishene will review the completed applications at their June meeting. 6. PENETANGUISHENE CENTENNIAL MUSEUM & ARCHIVES i) Verbal Update from C. Burns re: Museum Matters Recommended Action: For information. 7. FINANCIAL 91-93 i) Heritage Section Financial Statement (Period Ending March 31st, 2012) Recommended Action: For information. 94 ii) Friends of Heritage re: Use of Funds Recommended Action: For discussion. Suggestions to discuss: - Doors Open - Water trough and interpretive sign - Courtyard heritage sites sign - Water Street Mural - Heritage promotional items/display board 8. DOORS OPEN 2012 95-99 i) Update Report from the Town Clerk re: Doors Open Huronia 2012 - Update Recommended Action: For information. 9. ONTARIO HERITAGE CONFERENCE 2013 100-103 i) Local Organizing Committee Minutes Dated - February 28, 2012 Recommended Action: For information. 104-106 ii) Logistics Sub-Committee Meeting Notes Dated - March 14, 2012 Page 3 of 189 Town of Penetanguishene Heritage Penetanguishene Agenda Page 9. ONTARIO HERITAGE CONFERENCE 2013 Recommended Action: For information. 107-108 iii) Report from the Assistant to the Clerk re: 2013 Ontario Heritage Conference – Request for Funding Advance Recommended Action: THAT Heritage Penetanguishene recommends to the Planning & Development Services Section and Finance & Corporate Services Section that the Town of Penetanguishene advance $2,500.00 to the 2013 Ontario Heritage Conference Local Organizing Committee to be repaid upon receipt of seed money from the CHO/ACO Boards following the 2012 conference. iv) Penetanguishene Representation - Local Organizing Committee (currently Nicole Jackson & Holly Bryce) - Logistics Sub-Committee (currently Angele Proulx) - Other (Conference Prep etc.) - Conference Support during conference Recommended Action: For discussion and appointment of reps. v) 2013 Conference Promotion in Kingston re: Penetanguishene Heritage Items to send Recommended Action: For discussion. Possible items - Glimpses of our Past (50 copies), Museum brochures, Discovery Harbour brochures vi) Verbal Update from the Town Clerk re: Conference Venue Locations and Key Note Speaker Suggestions Recommended Action: For information. 10.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 109-182 i) Report from the Town Clerk re: Properties of Interest (available score sheets included) THAT in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Penetanguishene recommends to the Planning and Development Services Section and Council that the following properties be officially placed on the Town of Penetanguishene Heritage Property Registry for future consideration for heritage designation: 47 Chatham Street 131 Main Street 13 & 21 Peel Street 18 & 58 Robert Street East 50 Robert Street West Page 4 of 189 Town of Penetanguishene Heritage Penetanguishene Agenda Page 10.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 26 & 30 Water Street AND THAT Heritage Penetanguishene and Staff will contact each property owner to arrange for a meeting to further discuss the registration and historical significance of the property; AND FURTHER THAT Heritage Penetanguishene will undertake a property evaluation for each property on the official registry prior to the end of this Council term; AND FINALLY THAT, should a property not meet the requirements for official designation, that the property will be removed from the registry and considered for heritage recognition only. 183-189 ii) Verbal Update from the Town Clerk re: Townhall Courtyard (Water Trough) Recommended Action: For information. (Previous report provided for information. Update sheet included) 11.ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INQUIRIES 12.DATE OF NEXT MEETING i) Tuesday June 12, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. 13.ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 189 HERITAGE PENETANGUISHENE MEETING MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWNHALL, FEBRUARY 14, 2012, 3:30 PM IN ATTENDANCE: H. Luzius, Councillor, Chair G. Marshall, Mayor Lois Lipton Chris Burns ABSENT: Barb Turner Holly Bryce, Town Clerk ALSO IN ATTENDANCE Angele Proulx, Assistant to the Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER The Chair call the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. i) Election of Vice-Chair The Chair opened the floor for nominations of the position of Vice Chair of the Heritage Penetanguishene Committee for 2012. THAT Barb Turner be nominated for the Vice Chair position. A second and final call for nominations was presented. Seeing none, the floor was closed for nominations. Moved by Councillor L. Lipton and Seconded C. Burns THAT Barb Turner be appointed as Vice Chair of Heritage Penetanguishene for 2012. CARRIED 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None were declared. Heritage Penetanguishene minutes of the meeting of Page 6 of 189 February 14, 2012 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING i) Heritage Penetanguishene Minutes re: Meeting of November 8, 2011 Moved by C. Burns and Seconded by Mayor G. Marshall THAT the minutes of the meeting of November 8, 2011, be approved as printed. CARRIED 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE i) Heritage Matters - November 2011 Action: For information. ii) CHO News - January 2012 Action: For information. iii) Correspondence from the Simcoe County Museum re: The Infinite Journey Newsletter - Winter 2012 Action: For information. 5. FINANCIAL i) Heritage Section Financial Statement (Period Ending December 31st, 2011) The Committee asked the Mayor to confirm the surplus for the period ending December 31, 2011. Action: For information. 6. DESIGNATED PROPERTIES Heritage Penetanguishene minutes of the meeting of Page 7 of 189 February 14, 2012 i) Friends of the Gordon House re: Donation It was noted that a donation was given towards an Historical plaque for the Gordon House. The Town Clerk had written a beautiful letter thanking the donor. Action: For information. 7. PENETANGUISHENE CENTENNIAL MUSEUM & ARCHIVES i) Verbal Update from C. Burns re: Museum Matters It was noted that the Board was disappointed that Council did not approve of the sprinkler system as they only had one bid. They would need three quotes to move forward and would have to retender in the spring. However, Council did approve $25,000.00 for 2012 budget. It was suggested that they try to encourage bidding by contacting other firms. Chris noted that it would be nice to have someone from the Town to represent them in the tendering process. It was also mentioned that the March Break Day Camp is very successful as Day Camp registration is full. Action: For information. 8. DOORS OPEN 2012 Confirmation of the Doors Open. i) Confirmed Sites (Penetanguishene) Action: For information. The Assistant to the Clerk is to confirm the dates of Doors Open. 9. ONTARIO HERITAGE CONFERENCE 2013 i) Update on the Ontario Heritage Conference 2013 Heritage Penetanguishene minutes
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