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References Employed in the Footnotes Bao, Guiqin. Qingdai Menggu guanshi zhuan. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 1995. Bawden, Charles R. TheModern History of Mongolia. New York: Praeger, 1968. Brunnert, H. S. and V. V. Hagelstrom. Present Day Political Organization of China. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1912. A Buddhist Terminological Dictionary. The Mongolian Mahavyutpatti. Edited by Alice S^rkbzi in collaboration with Janos Szerb. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1995. Mongolian-English Dictionary. Edited by Ferdinand D. Lessing. Bloomington: Mongolia Society, 1973. Mongolian Heroes of the Twentieth Century. Edited and translated by Urgunge Onon. New York: AMS Press, 1976. Olziikhutag, N. Biigd Nairamdakh Mongol Ard Ulsyn guurst urgamlyn Latin-Mongol- Oros neriin toT. Ulaanbaatar: Shinjlekh Ukhaany Akademiin Khevlel, 1983. (Ulsyn ner tom ’eony komissyn medee. No. 129-133). Rupen, Robert A. Mongols of the Twentieth Century. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1964. Sanders, Alan J. K. Historical Dictionary of Mongolia. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 1996. The People’s Republic of Mongolia: A General Reference Guide. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. Tsevel, Ya. Mongol khelnij tovch tajlbar toT. Ulaanbaatar: Ulsyn Khevlelijn Khereg Erkhlekh Khoroo, 1966. Who waj Who in the USSR. Compiled by the Institute for the Study of the USSR. Metu- chen: Scarecrow Press, 1972. —Henry G. Schwarz INDEX Note: Some non-Mongolian names have been transliterated into Mongolian in the original, and then transliterated into English for this translation of the Mongolian original text. Wherever possible an attempt has been made to restore them to their original spelling. Anand, 143 Anfilogov, S. N., 124 A Arab-Israel conflict, 142 arj, 7n27 Aalto, Pentii, 171n9 arkhi, 7n27 aarch, 3nl6 Arslan Tsagaan, 3-4 aaruul, 2, 3nl6, 8, 55 Association of Mongolian Graduates of the Abakumov, Sergei Ivanovich, 124nl Soviet Union, 147 Abematsu, Gen’ichi, 184 Avkhai, J., 187 abominable snowman. See almas Avkhia, General, PI. 38 Academy of Sciences, xxii, xxiii, 169, 170, Awakening, 215 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 180, 184, Axis, Berlin-Tokyo-Rome, 76 185, 192,211,214,218 “Ayuush”, 121 Ackermann, Anton, 129 Azerbaidjan, 148 Ad’yaa, G„ PI. 38; 187 Adilbish, D., 160 Afro-Asian Solidarity Association, 142 B Agitator's Note Book, 105 agriculture, postwar, 154 Baasanjav, B., 158 aimag, 2n4 Baatar, the elder, 207 airag, 2nl6, 7n27 Baatar, the younger, 207 Aleksandrov, A. P., 189 badar (begging bowl), 24nl3 Aleksandrov, Georgii Fedorovich, 102n8 Badmaarav, PI. 48 Alexandria, 141 Badrakh, 65 Allen, D. F., 183 bag, 1 Almaas, 144, 146 Bagdash, Khaled, 142 almas, 189-191. See also abominable Bagramyan, I. Kh., 98 snowman. Big Foot Baigaliin uzesgelen, khiinii bayasgalan, 149 Altan Gadas medal, 86n6, 140 Baikal, Lake, 71 Altanbulag, 66 Bakhrushin, Sergai Vladimirovich, 102nl0 Amadu, Jorge, PI. 28; 140, 141 Baldan, T., 212 Amar, 83, 94 Baldandash, L., 170 Index 221 Baldoo, B„ 121 btirekh, 3nl6 Balevskii, Angel, 180 Buddhist-Party tensions, 38 Balganjav, T., 158 Buddhists, persecution of, 46, 88 Balgoev, Dmitrii, 129 Bulganin, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 98, 157, Baljinnyam, D., 154, 159 160 Baljinnyam, L., 160 Bumtsend, G., PI. 5; 92, 95-97, 100, 104, Baljinnyam, Shirendev’s sister, PI. 40, 13, 116, 117 33 burial customs, 4n23 Balkhaajav, Ts., 215 Burov, V., 158 Bandung, 198n5 buttons of office, 6n26 Bangladesh, 198 Buusiyang (also Baoxiang), 206, 207n6 Bannikov, Andrei Grigor’evieh, 124 Buyankhishig (also Buyankheshig), 207n8 Banzragch, B., 158 Byamba, Jigjidiin, 63, 149 Baotou, 205 By-passing Capitalism, 168n3 Baoxiang. See Buusiyang Bardin, Ivan Pavlovich, 110n2, 119 Barsbold, R., 179 Bataa, D., 159 c Batmonkh, J., PL 38; 68, 187, 214 Cairo, 140, 141 Bat-Ochir, 81 Carr, Edward Hallett., 181 Bat-Ochir, D., 121 Cenggeltei, See Chinggeltei Bat-Ochir, O., 160 Central School of Agriculture at Tsetserleg Batsuur’, D., 125 Mandal, 39, 43 Bayar, Shirendev’s son, PI. 41; 163 Chadraa,B., 187, 189,212 Bazar, Shirendev’s father, 11, 19-20, 31,40, Chagdarjav, D., 112 death of, 55 Chandra, Ramesh, PI. 11; 141, 142, 197 heel, 49 Charles University. See Karl University Beijing, 137. See also China chatsargana, 172, 189 Belov, N. A., 98 Cherkasov, Nikolai Konstantinovich, 101 n5 Belyaev, S. T., 177 chikher obs, 9 Beregevoinar, G., 187 Chiang Kai-shek. See Jiang Jieshi Beria, Lavrenti Pavlovich, 101n4, 158 Chimed, Chorjilyn, PI. 22; 81 Berlin, 181 China, and Mongolian independence, 115; Bernal, John Desmond, 141, 142, 171 limited cultural influence of, 127; 156 Beshchev, B. N., 156, 161 China, People’s Republic of, 137 Betancourt, A., 201 Chinese traders, 1, 23, 33, 41, 58, 62, 167 Betancourt, PI. 36 Chinggeltei (also Cenggeltei, Qinggeertai), Bierut, Boleslaw, 136 206n5, 207 Big Foot. See almas Chinggis Khan, xiii, 23-24,205,206 Bira, Arkhu [iic,- perhaps Indian] 197 Bira, Sh., 197 chOb, 3nl6 Choibalsan, Khorloogiin, PI. 5, PI. 8, PI. 33, Blagoeva, Stela, 129 PI. 52; xxiv, 1, 75, 81, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, Bloem, Isabella, 141, 142 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 115, Bdkhchuud clan, 7 119, 122, 123, 126, 128, 134, 157, 158, BdkhoO, 207 209 Bogd Khan, 3n21, 57-59, 62-63, 111,121, Choidog, D., 121 168 Choijinjav (also Coyijungjab, Que- Boldin, I. V., 98 jingzhabu), 207n9 Boudevin, J., 201 Choisdoo, early Party member, 26; Brezhnev, Leonid Il’ich, 189 Shirendev’s teacher, 64-65; 36-40 Bruevich, E. G., 110 Chuluun, Ch., composer, 121 Biidragchaa, S., 214 222 Index clans, 7 Demchig, 75 Coyijungjab. See Choijinjav Demid, General, 75, 158 collectivization, early. 51-54 Dendev, L., 122, 158 (also Lhamsurenjiin Comintern, 76 Dindub) Contemporary Mongolia, 111, 112n5 Densmaa, D., 151 cosmonauts, 186, 188 Ding, Ling, 143 Cotton, Eugene, 135, 141, 142 Dmitrov, Georgii, 140 Cyrillic alphabet, ofTicial adoption of, 119 Dogsom, D., 158 Czechoslovakia, 127 Dolgorsiiren, Ch., PI. 48; 121 Donya, Shirendev’s grandson, PI. 43, PI. 45 Dordnitsin, A., 174 D Dorj, Ts., 122 Dorjdagva, J., 121 Da Sheng Hu Company, 1 Dorjgotov, 86 daalimba, 51 Dradaa, Jan, 143 Dagvasambuu, PI. 39 Dragoicheva, Tsola, 163 Dagzmaa, A., 151 drama, popular, 62, 69. See also theater Daichin Van Khanddorj, 111 Dresden, 180 Dairtan clan, 7 Dubois, William Edward Burghardt, 165 Dalai Choinkhor, 1, 4, 63 DOgersuren, J., 110 Dalai Lama, 42 DiigersUren, L., 121 Damba, D., PI. 5; 94, 95. 104. 116, 134, Dugersuren, M., 137 156, 158, 159, 160, 164, 209 DiigersUren, PI. 23 Damba, Sh., 158 Dulamjav, 137 Dambadarjaa, S., Ambassador, PI. 51, PI. Duvchin, 83 24; 182 Dylykov, Sandzhe Dantsikovich, 165 Damchaabadgar, PI. 39; 19, 31-32, 34, 36, 39-40, 54, 65 Damdin, 159 E Damdin, J., 190 Damdindorj, O., 198 East Germany. See German Democratic Damdinsiiren, “Green Hat,” 63 Republic DamdinsUren, B., composer, 121 education, traditional, 14, 19, 29-31; mod­ Damdinsuren, Tsendiin, PI. 14, PI. 21; 106, em, 59, 61, 67-68, 129-134 124, 139, 156, 158, 160, 170,213 eedruulekh, 2nl6 Dangaasuren, N., 109, 160 eezgii, 2, 3nl6 Danjuur, 175 Efremov, I., 119 Danzan, A., 112 Egypt, 141 Danzan, D., theatrical clown, 121 Eh Mi Hsiao. See Hsiao Emi Dar’jav, L., 158 Eldev-Ochir, 65 Dariina, Shirendev’s granddaughter, PI. 44 Elyutin, V. P., 148, 161 Dash, M., xxi Endicott, James, 141, 142 Dashiimaa, 71 England, 1, 90, 140, 141, 165, 181, 202 Dashiimaa, S., 125 environmentalism, 193-195 Dashjamts, D., 125 Erdene, Sengiin, 149 Dashzeveg, T., 84, 158 Erdenebilig, PI. 49 datsan, 13n4 Erdeniin Ochir medal, 111 Davaajamts, Ts., xxii, 179 Erenburg, ITya Grigor’evich, 93, 135n2, Deed Ud. See Ulaan Ud 137, 140, 143, 144 degd, 9 Everest, Mt. (Jomolungma), 195n4 Dejid, B., 187,212,213 Index 223 F Gira, Tulsi, 196 Gobi Desert, 82 Gombojav, B., 73 Fadeev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 135nl, Gombojav, D., 211 141, 143 Gombojav, Khanginy (J. G. Hangin), Far Eastern Institute of the USSR Academy 183nl3 of Sciences, 164 Gonchig, D., 125 Farge, Yves, 139, 140 Gonchigsumlaa, S. Faure, Edgar, 202 composer, 121 Fedin, K„ PI. 10; 143 Gongorjav, B., 151 Fedorenko, Nikolai Traofimovich, 161 Gorbatko, V. V., 187 Fedorov, Ye. K., 169, 170, 186 Gorki, Maxim, 109 Fierlinger, Zdenek, 129 Gorodovikov, Oka Ivanovich, 97nl filial ceremonial behavior, 24 Gottwald, Kliment, PI. 34; 127 fish, cultural aversion to eating, 54 Grafurov, V. V (perhaps identical to B. G. folktales, 17n8,9, 23 Gafurov)., 210 Foteeva, L. A., 102 Grekov, Boris Dmitrievich (perhaps same France, 90, 202 person as B. G. Grekov), 127n3 Fuchik, G., 143 Grekov, B. G., 102 Fuchkova, G., 143 Gromyko, Andrei Andreevich, 161 Groshkovski, 180 Grotte, K., 180 G Giinjiin Uul, 49 Guber, A. A., 166 Gabj, 15n6, 23,31 Guo Moruo, 137n4, 138, 143, 170 Gafurov, Bobdzhan Gafurovich (See also Guomindang, 118 V. V. Grafurov), 165, 166, 210 Gurragchaa, JUgderdemidiin, PI. 38; 188- Gagarin, Yurii Alekseevich, 187 189 Galkin, I. S., 125 Gandhi, Indira, PI. 27; 198 Ganjuur, 175, 204 H Garam-Ochir, F., 186 Garin, V. I., 124 Hangin, John Gombojab. See Gombojav, Gavaa, L., 121 Kh. Gazenko, O. G., 187 Hattori, Shiro, 184 gelen, 41 Heissig, Walther, 184 Genden, P., 65, 158 Helsinki, 141 Genden, S., 121 herding economy, 7, 8, 9, 12, poswar, 154- Genden, T., 159 156 geography, traditional, 18-19 Hikmet, Nazim, 141 ger, 3nl7, 6 History ofHohhot, 207nl0 Gerasimov, Sergi Vasil’evich, 101n7 History of Mongolian-Soviet Relations, German Democratic Republic (East Ger­ 1921-1978, 168n5 many), 134, 173, 176, 180, 181, 185 History of the Mongolian Revolution of Germany, 90, 96, invasion of Russia, 78 1921, 168 Germany, East. See German Democratic History of the MPR [Mongolian People's Republic Republic], 126, 134, 164, 168n4, 173 gichgene, 8n29 History of World War //, 214 Gichgene R., 2n4 Hitler, Adolf, 76, 78, 90, 92, 97, 110 Gilen, Nicolas, 137, 140 Hohhot, 14, 14n5, 204 gimnaz, 67 Hong Kong, 144 Gipilmaa, G., 151 224 Index Hsiao, Emi, 143 Jiigdemanijil, 70 Hungary, 128 K / Kabanov, F. G., 161 Ichinkhorloo, D., 121 Kachalin, I., 78 Ider R., 2nl4 Kaftanov, S., 125 Ikh Khural, 59, 121, 123, 124, 151, 152, Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich, PI.

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