THE XX COTVGRESS THE WORLD ECONOMY: A COMMON RESPONSIBILITY The Socialist International held its Twentieth Congress at the headquarters of the United Nations in Netv York on 9-11 September 1996. More than one hundred and fifly parties and organisations from every continent took part. Some seven hundred delegates together with other parties of the United States and elsewhere represented the political parties social democratic orientation and from the UN diplomatic and organisations which belong invited to take part in the community brought the to the Socialist International Congress. Additional guests from numbers to around one thousand. Our venue, the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations, lent a particular DECISIONS OF T}IE XX CONGRESS REGARDING MEMBERS}IIP solemnity and symbolism to the CHANGE OF STATUS TO FULI MEMBERSHIP debates. ALBANIA: Social Democratic Party, PSD The XX SI Congress, which ALGERIA: Socialist Forces Front, FFS was opened by our president, CAPE VERDE: African Independence Party of Cape Verde, PAICV Pierre Mauroy (see page 4), had CHILE: Party for Democrary, PPD on its agenda three main CHILE: Socialist Party of Chile, PS themes: 'Markets serving people, HAITI: Party of the National Congress of Democratic Movements, KONAKOM not people serving markets', HUNGART Hungarian Socialist Party, MSZP peace, IVORY COAST Ivory Coast Popular Front, FPI 'Making keeping peace' MONGOLIA: Mongolian Social Democratic Party, MSDP and'A human rights agenda for NICAMGUA: Sandinista National Liberation Front, FSLN the twenty-first century'. Debating those themes were FULI MEMBENSHP social democratic leaders from ESTONIA: M66dukad around the world, some of MEXICO: Party of Democratic Revolution, PRD whose reflections are printed on POLAND: Social Democracy ofthe Republic of Poland, SdRP POLAND: Union of Labour, UP the preceding pages. They SLOVAK REPUBLIC: Party of the Democratic Left, SDL included heads of government: SLOVENIA: United List of Social Democrats, ZL Gro Harlem Brundtland, first vice-president of the Socialist COI{SULTATIVE STATUI International and then prime ARGENTINA: Radical Civic Union, UCR minister of Norway; Ant6nio CAMEROON: Social Democratic Front, SDF Guterres, prime minister DOMIMCA: Dominica Labour Party of EQUATORIAT GUINEA: Convergence for Social Democracy, CPDS Portugal, who introduced the GABON: Gabonese Party of Progress, PGP first Congress discussion on the MALI: African Party for Solidarity and Justice, ADEMA-PASJ World Economy; Chancellor MAURITIUS: Mauritius Militant Movement, MMM Franz Vranitzky of Austria; Prime MEXICO: Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI Minister Paavo Lipponen of MOZAMBIQUE: Frelimo Party Finland; Prime Minister Gyula NIGER: Party for Democracy and Socialism of Niger, PNDS Horn of Hungary, and Prime PANAMA: Democratic Revolutionary Party, PRD ROMANIA: Democratic Party, PD Minister Navin Ramgoolam of ROMANIA: Romanian Social Democratic Party, PSDR Mauritius. Other distinguished figures OBSERVER STATUS attending included Shimon ANGOLA: Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, MPLA Peres, former prime minister of ARMENIA: ARF Armenian Socialist Party Israel; Felipe Gonziiez, former AZERBAIJAN: Social Democratic Party of Azerbailan, SDPA prime minister of Spain; Rafl BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina, SDp BiH BOTSWANA: Botswana National Front, BNF Alfonsin, former president of EL SALVADOR: Democratic Parry PD Argentina; Rodrigo Borja, former GEORGIA: Citizens'Union of Georgia, CUG president of Ecuador; and Pedro HAITI: Lavalas Political Organisation, OPL Pires, former prime minister of INDIA: Janata Dal Cape Verdc, as well as the leader IRAN: Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdiitan, PDKI of the Party o.f European FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA: Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, SDUM MOLDOVA: Social Democratic Party of Moldova Socialists in the European MONTENEGRO: Social Democratic Party of Montenegro, SDPM Parliament, Pauline Green. TERRITORIES I.INDER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY Fatah Among the many guests were Bill Jordan, general secretary of ASSOCIATED ORGANISATION STATUS the ICFTU, Yvan Rybkin, since Intemational League of Religious Socialists appointed secretary of the Security Council of Russia, and leading representatives of the US International's work and In elections to the SI Democratic Party and trade commitments in the coming presidium, Pierre Mauroy was re- union movement. years. elected president and Luis Ayala Boutros Boutros-Ghali, As the highest statutory body was. re-elected secretary general. secretary-general of the United of the International, the Twenty-five vice-presidents were Nations, addressed the Congress Congress decides on the also elected. The members of the (see page 6). admission of new member new presidium are listed The delegates adopted parties and organisa$ons. In the overleaf. detailed Declarations on the period since the XIX Congress in An important initiative of the three main themes, as well as a 1992 an unprecedented number XX Congress was the Resolution setting out the of applications for membership establishment of a neq high- International's perspective on has been received from parties in level commission, to be chaired curent developments in every every continent. The Congress by Felipe Gonz6lez. The continent and region, on the admitted 33 new parties to commission will examine the question of local authorities and various categories of aspirations of social democracy in support of the United membership, as well as a new and the role of an, expanding Nations. These maior policy associated organisation. Full and increasingly global Socialist documents, which are printed in membgrship was also granted to International in today's fast- full at the end of this report, will a number of consultative and changing and interdependent guide the Socialist observer parties. (see page 24). world. PRESIDIUM ELECTED BY THE XX CONGRESS PRESIDEIIIT Pierre Mauroy First elected ai the XIx sI Congress, Berlin, 199.2, in succession to willy Brandt. Mayor of Lille. Former first seoetary of the Socialist Party, PS, Frunce.Tonier prifie ministq of iiiiii. vlCE PNESIDEIIIT' Gro Harlem Brundtland (First vice-oresident) party, 26 Former leader of the Norwigian Laboir bNe. Former pime minister of Norway. Rolando fuaya Monse Leader of the'National Liberatiott pafly, pLN, Costa Rica. Tonv Blair Leader ofthe Labour Party, Great Bitain. Leonel Brizola Leado of the Demooatk Labour Party, PDT, Brazil. Formo gwemor of the state of Rio ile laneiro. Philippe Busouin Lead?iof the Socialist party, pS, Belgium. Massimo D'AIema Leader of the Demooatic Party of the Lefr, pDS, Italy. Ousmane Tanor Diens Firct seoetary of the So"cialist pafi pS, Senegal. Minister of state. Felipe Gonz6lez Lead* party, psoE. of the spanish socialist workers' Formo prime minister of Spain. Ant6nio Guterres Leader of the Socialist Party, pS, porfrgaL prime minister of portugal. Gytla Horn Liader of the Hungaian Socialist party, MSzp. pime minister of Hungary. l Erdal Inonti Former leail* of the Republican People\ Party, CHP, Turkey. Former foreign minister anit deputy pime minister of Turkey. Lionel Jospin t First seoetary of the socialist party, ps, France. Former minist* of education. ,i Oskar tafontaine Leadu of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD. fuime minister of the State of Saarland. i22\:r':fii\tr"ish sociat Democratic party, sDp prime ministei of Fintand. Wim Kok party, Leader of the Netherlands Labour pvilA. prime minister of the Netherlanils. Alexa McDonoush Leader of the Neti Demooatic party, NDpNpD, Canada. Pedro Paris Montesinos President of Democratk Action, AD, Vutezuela, Jaime Paz Z,amoru Leader of the Revolutionary Left Movement, MIR, Bolivia. Formo presidmt of Bolivia. Shimon Peres Leader of the Israel Labour party. Former pime minister of Israel. Gdran Persson Leader of the swedish social Demooatic party, sAp. prime minister of sweilen. Poul Nynrp Rasmussen. Leader'of the social Democtatic party, Dmmark. prime minister of Dmmark. Costas Simitis Leailer of the pAsoK, Panhellk socialist Movemmt, Greece. prime minister of Greece. Anselmo Sule Leader of the Social Democratic Radical party, pRSD, Chile. Makoto Tanabe Formo Leader of the Social Demooatk party, SDp, lapan. Franz Vranitzky ,Leader of the *icial Demooatic party of Austria, spoe. chancellor of Awtria. Er-Offlclo: Pauline Green party Leader of the Group of the of European sociarists, pES, European parliament Jos€ Francisco Pefla G6mez Chair of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caibbean, SICLAC Audrey Maclaushlin Presidmt of Socialist Intemational Women, SIW Rudolf Schamins hesident of tfie PZrty of European Socialists, pES Nicola Znsaretti Presidmt ofthe Intemational Union of Socialist youth, MSy SECNETANY GENERAL Luis Avala First ebded at the XVIr sI congress, stockholm, 19g9. Re-elected at the XN congress, Berlin, THE WORLD ECONOMY The Need for o New System of Collective Responsibility NTRODUCT'ON conditions for conservative ideals to unsafe nuclear plants could easily gain prestige. The neo-liberal ideas replay the Chemobyl catastrophe. 'We believe quite simply that markets acquired such a universal character must serve people and not the other way that some considered them the main 3. Facing these new realities, we around.' $ohn Smith) result of the global information age. stand at a crossroads: Underlying the ultra-liberal model of o either we mobilise our traditions of 1. A new age is emerging based on development there is the
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