the Barnes Review ... TO BRING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS In the Tradition of the Father of Historical Revisionism, Dr.Harry Elmer Barnes NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 O VOLUME VII O NUMBER 6 Table of Contents 5 THE HALF-FORGOTTEN AROOSTOOK WAR— STEPHEN J. MARTIN This war along the borderlands between Canada and the state of Maine turned out to be a bloodless one. But what was the great Daniel Webster doing, handing over American resources to the British? ... 11 REVERSE DISCRIMINATION:AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN AMERICA—HUGH MURRAY A white man who played a key role in the early days of “affirmative action” exposes the hypocrisy of the liberals. .. 19 RACIAL MIXING IN COLONIAL TIMES—ROBERT GROOMS Was there more interbreeding between the black and white races in the 17th and 18th centuries of early America than in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries? So it would seem. 23 AJEWISH HOLOCAUST OF CHRISTIANS—ISRAEL SHAMIR It has come to light that a large number of Christians were murdered in Palestine in the seventh century. Proportionally speaking, in view of the overall world population, the death toll was equivalent to what today would be about 6 million. 27 THE IDEA OF EUROPE—DR. M. RAPHAEL JOHNSON What was the role of Christianity in the development of European civilization? A book review. ... 33 COUNT MANNERHEIM & THE FÜHRER—DANIEL W. MICHAELS This former head of state of Finland remains a man respected by everyone, and not without reason. A great military leader, he led his small country valiantly in their heroic struggle against the communists. 39 POLEVOY & THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ—DON HEDDESHEIMER A Soviet journalist known in the West as Boris Polevoy was the first to report on the so-called liberation of Auschwitz. Not too surprisingly, it turns out he was more of a propagandist than anything else. ... 44 THE FRENCH MASSACRE AT ORADOUR—FROM THE NATIONAL ZEITUNG Many wild stories have been circulated about the southwest French village of Oradour, allegedly the scene of many atrocities by German soldiers of World War II. The French government has ordered the relevant documents sealed until far into the 21st century. However, the truth about the village is now leaking out. 47 EDUARD BENES:THE BOHEMIAN PAWN—DANIEL W. MICHAELS It is hard to say anything good about the president of Czechoslovakia who turned his land over to the Reds and who oversaw the brutal expulsion of millions of innocent civilians who happened to be ethnically German. 53 HOLLYWOOD DISTORTS THE MEMORY OF PEARL HARBOR—MARGO TURNER Michael Eisner’s Disney corporation has produced an expensive, politically correct exploitation of the notorious “Day of Infamy.” . 59 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF WILLIAM JOYCE—MICHAEL WALSH They called him “Lord Haw-Haw” for his funny way of laughing. But William Joyce was a man of principle, willing to die for what he believed was right. ... 67 CIVIL WAR BREAKS OUT WITHIN THE NAZI PARTY—GEN.LEON DEGRELLE In 1933, Adolf Hitler found it necessary to move brutally against the radical wing of the National Socialist Party. ... 71 YEAR 2001 TBR INDEX Personal from the Editor he fear that the enemies of truth and justice have We here at TBR, however, are not frightened. The truths we instilled into the American body politic is truly report are a threat to the system, pure and simple, because the amazing to behold. What’s more, the ability of the establishment regime is based on lies. Nor will we go away, as, establishment regime to destroy the lives, for- evidently, the establishment would like to hope. The regime and tunes and very existence of political dissidents its academic lackeys have been exposed as frauds, and their Twith impunity can only lead one to believe that intellectual assumptions as a house of cards, and thus the estab- the regime we are forced to live under is revolutionary in every lishment now feels the need to enforce its perverse world view, sense of the word, and that our present state of government and justifiably confident of middle-class compliance and media sup- culture is a mere consolidation of complete power by the revolu- port. tionaries of the left. History is not made by majorities. History is made by small Populists have already begun to learn that the system cur- but highly motivated minorities, natural aristocracies of con- rently in command is beginning a greater and more complete science, who rouse the slumbering masses out of their habitual crackdown on intellectual dissent. The regime exists by enforcing political inertia to bigger and better things. TBR seeks to be a a rigid set of historical myths as fact, and the very thought of small part of this aristocracy, and we will not be daunted by offi- rejecting them is sufficient for one to lose one’s job or reputation. cially sponsored intellectual and physical terror from the sick The simple fact to remember is that the state of intellectual ter- and decadent American ruling class. ror is the necessary precedent for the state of physical terror. Intellectual terrorism is often a antecedent to physical terror- As part of TBR’s campaign for the truth as regards the alleged ism. Don’t think it can’t happen here; it already is starting to Jewish Holocaust, we sent copies of our “All Holocaust” issue to happen. The ultimate result, unless something is done, will be a major political players in the American political culture—so- Soviet-style dictatorship. It is up to you and me. O called thought leaders. Included on our list were opinion molders Paul Weyrich, Ed Feulner, Mona Charen, Bob Novak, Juan Wil- liams, Paul Craig Roberts, Michael Kinsley, the Cato Institute, the Holocaust Museum, Suzanne Fields, Donald Lambro, the Barnes review Emmett Tyrell, Katherine Meyer Graham, The New York Times, Publisher: W. A. CARTO the History Channel, the National Conference of Catholic Editor: JOHN TIFFANY Bishops, Frank Gaffney, Jack Anderson, Ben Wattenberg, Irving Associate Editor: M. RAPHAEL JOHNSON and William Kristol, Joe Sobran, David Gergen, Alan Greenspan, Contributing Editor: DANIEL W. MICHAELS Rush Limbaugh, Tony Snow, William Raspberry, E.J. Dionne, Jr. Contributing Editor: FRED BLAHUT and dozens of others—200 in all. Production Director: PAUL ANGEL The results were predictable: We received no response what- ever. These people are not truly independent thinkers; they are THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., 1433 merely posturing, gutless wonders. Many tried to make believe Pennsylvania Avenue SE,Washington, D.C. 20003. Periodical rate postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. For credit card orders including they were no longer at their addresses. We were a little surprised subscriptions, call toll-free 1-877-773-9077 to use Visa or MasterCard. Other to find that we did not even receive any hate mail. The reason for inquiries cannot be handled through the toll free number. For changes of address, the silence? What else but cowardice and intellectual terrorism. subscription questions, status of order and bulk distribution inquiries, please call Republican America is no more. Alien bankers, capitalists, leftist 909-587-6936. All editorial (only) inquiries please call 703-737-6100. All rights thugs, the tax exempt foundations, and violent and semi-civilized reserved except that copies or reprints may be made without permission so long minorities have all been mobilized at one level or another to as proper credit and contact information is given for TBR and no changes are destroy the social fabric of American society.At present their pre- made. All manuscripts submitted must be typewritten and doublespaced. No ferred method to enforce their will is intellectual terror. Soon, it responsibility can be assumed for unreturned manuscripts. Change of address: Send your old, incorrect mailing label and your new,correct address neatly print- will be physical. Why are there more than 33 agencies of the fed- ed or typed 30 days before you move to assure delivery. Advertising:MEDIA eral government who are armed? Governmental terrorism. Waco, PLACEMENT SERVICE, Ms Sharon DeWitt, 301-722-1948 or fax 301-722-2810.Website: out-of-control SWAT teams, IRS actions against patriots and www.barnesreview.org. Email: [email protected]. other incidents too numerous to list here are only a foretaste of what is to come unless the trend is stopped. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toTHE BARNES REVIEW, P.O.Box 15877,Washington,D.C.20003. Even more frightening is the response to the obvious state of intellectual martial law imposed upon the American administra- SUBSCRIPTION RATES (ALL ISSUES MAILED IN CLOSED ENVELOPE) tive unit of the New World Order. The white American middle U.S.A. class members are lemmings—politically inert, completely clue- Periodical Rate: 1 year, $46 2 years, $78 less and off balance. Many of those who do sense that something First Class: 1 year, $70 2 years, $124 Foreign Countries: All payments must be in U.S. dollars. ominous is going on are, like the “thought leaders,” too scared to Regular Surface: 1 year, $58 2 years, $102 take decisive action. The near-complete lack of organized resist- Foreign Airmail: 1 year 2 years ance has many feeling that the war is lost and Western civiliza- Canada and Mexico $72 $130 Western Hemisphere $80 $144 tion is finished. Many feel that the theoretical possibility of get- Europe $88 $161 ting rich off the stock market or the lottery is payment enough Asia and Africa $95 $176 Pacific Rim $96 $178 for their surrender of their birthright. One thing concerned patri- Quantity Prices: 1-3 $10 each ots can count on, as the noose tightens around our necks, is the (Current issue U.S.A.): 4-7 $9 each 8-19 $8 each complete lack of resistance from the middle classes or the estab- 20 and more $7 each lishmentarian “right wing,” the latter long bought off by the bil- Bound Volumes: $99 per year for years 1996-2001 (Vols.
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