Mid Year Results: U.S. Pit Bull Attacks 2009 Mid Year Results 2009 Year Month # Number of Minor Severe Severed Fatal On Off Chain Incidents Injury Injury Part Attack Property Property 2009 January 41 17 30 2 1 8 31 1 2009 February 37 24 22 0 0 11 26 0 2009 March 57 29 42 5 2 13 42 2 2009 April 54 20 46 4 1 18 34 4 2009 May 57 23 53 3 0 26 30 1 2009 June 72 27 55 2 2 22 49 6 318 140 248 16 6 98 212 14 Summary and Discussion Age Group % Victims Ages 0-4 12% In a 6-month period (January to June 2009), 318 media by pit bulls was 0-4 with 84% followed by 5-11 with 66%. Ages 5-11 24% reported pit bull attacks were recorded. 388 victims sustained Property information was available in 310 incidents. The data Ages12-20 13% bite injuries in these attacks and each incident produced just shows that 68% (212) of the pit bull bites occurred off owner over one bite victim (1.2 per incident). Of the injured victims, property and 32% (98) occurred on owner property. This is a Ages 21-54 42% 64% (248) suffered severe bite injury[1] and 36% (140) reversal of non-breed specific dog bite data, which consistently 55 (and >) 9% suffered minor bite injury. Of the severely injured victims, 4% reports that up to 70%[3] of bites occur on the dog owner's (10) suffered the loss of one or more body parts totaling 16 property. As documented in this 6-month report, as well as the Age Group % Severe severed parts. 2% (6) of these victims suffered death by a fatal DogsBite.org 3-year fatality study, pit bulls escape owner pit bull mauling.[2] property and inflict bites at a substantially higher rate than other The 21-54 age group suffered the most pit bull bites 42% dog breeds. Ages 0-4 84% (163), followed by the 5-11 group with 24% (94) and the 12-20 States with the highest number of pit bull attack victims Ages 5-11 66% group with 13% (51). The combination of two groups (0-4 and included: Texas (38), Florida (34), Ohio (21), Pennsylvania and Ages 0-11 72% Combined 5-11) with 36% still incurred fewer bites than the 21-54 group. Virginia (each with 18) and New York (16). Counties with the Ages12-20 57% Yet the combined 0-11 group suffered a higher percentage of highest number of victims included: Allegheny, PA (8), Essex, Ages 21-54 60% severe injury, 72%, than the 21-54 group, which suffered 60%. MA and Dallas, TX (each with 7) and Cook, IL, Marion, IN, 55 (and >) 63% The group that incurred the highest rate of severe injury Clark, NV and Salt Lake, UT (each with 6). "% Severe" equals the percentage of Note: The Mid Year Results are preliminary and may be subject to revision at the end of 2009 when the final 12-month report is complete. severe injury victims within age group. DogsBite.org: Some dogs don't let go. Mid Year Results: U.S. Pit Bull Attacks 2009 Report Summary # Date City County State Name Age Sex Minor Severe Severed Fatal Injury Injury Part Attack 1 02/16/09 Birmingham Jefferson AL Cesar Escobedo 14 M 1 1 03/12/09 Boaz Marshall AL Alice Lee 64 F 1 1 03/19/09 Fayette Fayette AL Christina Selman 30 F 1 1 06/15/09 Fort Payne DeKalb AL Letter Carrier Steven McCay 32 M 1 1 03/06/09 Loxley Baldwin AL Trever Jernigan 3 M 1 1 03/12/09 Mobile Mobile AL Betty Campbell 73 F 1 1 03/14/09 Mobile Mobile AL Nicole Harris 21 F 1 03/14/09 Mobile Mobile AL Christie Harris 21 > F 1 1 04/28/09 Greenwood Sebastian AR Avery Rogers 6 F 1 1 05/13/09 Mountain Home Baxter AR John Doe (adult) 85 M 1 1 04/30/09 Van Buren Crawford AR Archie Hoback 76 M 1 1 06/05/09 Bagdad Yavapai AZ John Doe (adult) 21 > M 1 06/05/09 Bagdad Yavapai AZ John Doe (child) 14 M 1 1 06/22/09 El Mirage Maricopa AZ John Doe (child) 3 M 1 06/22/09 El Mirage Maricopa AZ Parent (mother) 21 > F 1 06/22/09 El Mirage Maricopa AZ Parent (father) 21 > M 1 1 02/03/09 Phoenix Maricopa AZ Jane Doe 44 F 1 1 06/26/09 Phoenix Maricopa AZ Maria Papamatheakis 80 F 1 1 01/07/09 Anaheim Orange CA Vicki Perry 45 > F 1 1 01/04/09 Bakersfield Kern CA Jane Doe 12 F 1 1 05/14/09 Bell Gardens Los Angeles CA Officer Martha Muro 26 F 1 1 1 01/14/09 Chula Vista San Diego CA Jane Doe 21 > F 1 1 04/02/09 Colma San Mateo CA Colma Police Officer 21 > M 1 1 05/31/09 Glendora Los Angeles CA Glendora Police Officer 21 > M 1 1 02/05/09 Hilmar Mercedes CA John Doe (teenager) 13 M 1 1 06/08/09 Lincoln Placer CA John Doe (child) 3 M 1 1 06/29/09 Montclair San Bernardino CA John Doe (teenager) 17 M 1 1 06//17/09 Sacramento Sacramento CA Jane Doe (child) 4 F 1 1 05/09/09 Twentynine Palms San Bernardino CA Kaitlyn Thackerson 9 F 1 1 01/18/09 Vacaville Solano CA John Doe 13 > M 1 1 03/19/09 Vallejo Solano CA Jane Doe 21 > F 1 1 01/14/09 Centennial Arapahoe CO Jane Doe (grandmother) 55 > F 1 01/14/09 Centennial Arapahoe CO Jane Doe (child) 11 < F 1 1 05/15/09 Cortez Montezuma CO Nancy Thomas 21 > F 1 1 04/10/09 Fort Collins Larimer CO Jacqueline Harris 21 > F 1 1 03/02/09 Fruita Mesa CO Cody Strauser 7 M 1 1 02/16/09 Grand Junction Mesa CO Coby Williams 7 M 1 1 05/06/09 Greeley Weld CO John Doe (adult) 21 > M 1 1 05/01/09 Norwich New London CT Letter Carrier Jeff Glen 21 > M 1 1 01/24/09 Wilmington New Castle DE Trey Glover 9 M 1 DogsBite.org: Some dogs don't let go. Mid Year Results: U.S. Pit Bull Attacks 2009 Page 1 Date On Off Chain Citation Prop. Prop. 02/16/09 1 "Dog Attacks Child," ABC 3340, February 16, 2009 (www.abc3340.com) 03/12/09 1 Carson Clark, "Pit Bull Attacks Woman in Boaz," WHNT, March 12, 2009 (www.whnt.com) 03/19/09 1 "Woman Mauled By Neighbors Dogs Speaks From Hospital," ABC3340, March 19, 2009 (www.abc3340.com) 06/15/09 1 1 Mark Harrison, "Dog attacks mailman, officers," The Times-Journal, June 15, 2009 (www.times-journal.com) 03/06/09 1 Pat Peterson, "Dog Attacks Loxley Toddler," WKRG, March 6, 2009 (www.wkrg.com) 03/12/09 1 Emily Foster, "Dog Attacks Mobile Woman," WKRG, March 12, 2009, (www.wkrg.com) 03/14/09 1 Chad Petri, "Pregnant Woman Attacked By Dog At Own Baby Shower," WKRG, March 14, 2009 (www.wkrg.com) 03/14/09 Chad Petri, "Pregnant Woman Attacked By Dog At Own Baby Shower," WKRG, March 14, 2009 (www.wkrg.com) 04/28/09 1 "Child Bitten In Face By Pit Bull," KHBS NW Arkansas, April 28, 2009 (www,4029tv.com) 05/13/09 1 "85-year-old Mountain Home man bit by pit bull," Baxter Bulletin, May 13, 2009 (www.baxterbulleting.com) 04/30/09 1 "Van Buren Dog Attack," KFSM, April 30, 2009 (www.kfsm.com) 06/05/09 1 Jennifer Thomas, "Deputy shoots dog after it attacks 2 in Bagdad," AZ Family, June 5, 2009 (www.azfamily.com) 06/05/09 Jennifer Thomas, "Deputy shoots dog after it attacks 2 in Bagdad," AZ Family, June 5, 2009 (www.azfamily.com) 06/22/09 1 "Police: Dog Still On Loose After Attack," KHPO Phoenix, June 22, 2009 (www.kpho.com) 06/22/09 "Police: Dog Still On Loose After Attack," KHPO Phoenix, June 22, 2009 (www.kpho.com) 06/22/09 "Police: Dog Still On Loose After Attack," KHPO Phoenix, June 22, 2009 (www.kpho.com) 02/03/09 1 "Pit bulls attack Phoenix postal carrier," AZ Central, February 3, 2009 (www.azcentral.com) 06/26/09 1 "80-yr-old attacked by pit bull; Dog shot by police," AZ Family, June 26, 2009 (www.azfamily.com) 01/07/09 1 Rob Hayes, "Man stabs pit bull in self defense," ABC7, January 7, 2009 (abclocal.go.com) 01/04/09 1 "Boy stops pit bull attack with his bare hands," Bakersfield Now, January 4, 2009 (www.bakersfieldnow.com) 05/14/09 1 "Pit bull severs thumb of animal control officer in Bell Gardens," Los Angeles Times, May 14, 2009 (latimesblogs.latimes.com) 01/14/09 1 Courtney Dwyer, "Woman Attacked by Two Pit Bulls," San Diego 6CW, January 14, 2009 (www.sandiego6.com) 04/02/09 1 Michael Manekin, "Colma owner of pit bull accused of attacking police officer pleads not guilty," Inside Bay Area, April 2, 2009 05/31/09 1 (www.insidebayarea.com)Brian Day, "Glendora police officer bitten by Pit Bull," SGV Tribune, May 31, 2009 (www.insidesocal.com) 02/05/09 1 Sara Sandrick, "Pit-Bull Attacks 13-Year-Old Boy During Superbowl Party," KFSN-TV, January 5, 2009 (abclocal.go.com) 06/08/09 1 "3-year-old boy bitten; pit bull is euthanized," The Modesto Bee, June 8, 2009 (www.modbee.com) 06/29/09 1 Christee Lemons, "Pit bull killed after attack in Montclair," San Bernardino County Sun, June 29, 2009 (www.sbsun.com) 06//17/09 1 "Sacramento Child, 4, Attacked by Family Pit Bull," News 10, June 17, 2009 (www.news10.net) 05/09/09 1 Kurt Schaupper, "Girl recovering after pit bull attack," Hi-Desert Star, May 9, 2009 (www.hidesertstar.com) 01/18/09 1 "Public's assistance sought in finding dog," The Reporter, January 18, 2009 (www.thereporter.com) 03/19/09 1 Tonya Buchyns, "Pit bull attacks woman, kills pet," Times Herald, March 19, 2009 (www.timesheraldonline.com) 01/14/09 1 "Dog Sitter Bit By Pit Bull," The Denver Channel, January 14, 2009 (www.thedenverchannel.com) 01/14/09 "Dog Sitter Bit By Pit Bull," The Denver Channel, January 14, 2009 (www.thedenverchannel.com) 05/15/09 1 "Woman Survives Attack By Two Pit Bulls," KOAT Alburquerque, May 15, 2009 (www.koat.com) 04/10/09 1 Nate Taylor, "Video shows Fort Collins woman, dog hurt in attack by pit bulls," Coloradoan.com, April 10, 2009 (www.coloradoan.com) 03/02/09 1 Cassie Hewlings, "Dog that mauled boy forced its way into Fruita woman's home months earlier," GJSentinel,com, March 2, 2009 02/16/09 1 Joe(www.gjsentinel.com) Garden, "7-year-old Attacked By Dog," NBC 11, February 26, 2009 (www.nbc11news.com) 05/06/09 1 "Pit bull attacks owner in Greeley," The Tribune, May 9, 2009 (www.greeleytribune.com) 05/01/09 1 Greg Smith, "Mail carrier hospitalized after pit bull attack in Norwich," Norwich Bulletin, May 1, 2009 (www.norwichbulletin.com) 01/24/09 1 Frank Gerace, "Pit bull attack hospitalizes 9-year-old," WDEL, January 24, 2009 (www.wdel.com) DogsBite.org: Some dogs don't let go.
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