1 SYWTSS Index (Expanded Version) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z So You Want to Sing Spirituals by Randye Jones General Index (Expanded Version) This version of the index for So You Want to Sing Spirituals includes contents from both the print book and the online appendices: Ap1: Appendix 1 – Recommended Recordings Ap2: Appendix 2 – Concert Spiritual Singers and Their Recordings Ap3: Appendix 3 – Spirituals in Musical Anthologies Ap4: Appendix 4 – Song Literature Classification Ap5: Appendix 5 – Relevant Resources Ap6: Appendix 6 – African–American Art Songs Resource List Ap7: Appendix 7 – Composers Brief Biographies Ap8: Appendix 8 – Art Songs by African American Composers in Musical Anthologies Ap9: Appendix 9 – Spirituals in Choral Music Anthologies Entries from the book are in black and include references for figures that are italicized, with indexed notes consisting of a page number, the abbreviation “n,” and the note number. Appendix entries are direct links consisting of appendix number and page. Please access the song index for listing of individual song titles. A abdomen, 219 abduction, 223 Abromeit, Kathleen, 59 accents, syllabic, 13, 86, 126, 127, 166–67, 175, 231. See also syllables, stressed and unstressed affected by dialect, 107 ACDA, 185, 189, 255. See also American Choral Directors Association Adams, H. Leslie, Ap8p1-2, Ap8p11, Ap8p12 Adams, Lydia, 201, Ap9p3 Adderley, Cedric, Ap8p3 Aframerican Folksong: Telling the Story of the Life of Christ (Hayes, 1961?), Ap2p7 Aframerican spirituals. See spirituals Africa dance, 126 ; language, influence of, 86 ; music, 7–8, 35, 126–27, 197, 203n5 ; spiritual growth and purification, 66 ; tracing musical roots, 25, 64–65, 179n7 African American Art Song Alliance (AAASA), 34 African American English (AAE) dialect, 206–13, 208. See also dialect African American Heritage Hymnal, 199–200 African American Music for the Classical Singer: Spirituals and Hymns (Simpson–Curenton, 2018), Ap3p22, Ap4p13, Ap4p15, Ap4p16, Ap4p24 Contents of this document may be used for non-commercial purposes only if the source is acknowledged. All material remains the property of its creator. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright ©2019. 2 SYWTSS Index (Expanded Version) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z African American musical stylistic elements, 165–70, 167, 169. See also performance practice African American musicians in Europe, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 44, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 97, 105, 146, 148, 149–50, 181, 184 African American spirituals. See spirituals African diaspora, 23, 39, 96, 99, 100, 105, 108, 256 Afro-American Folksongs (Hayes, 1983), Ap2p7 Ah! Love But a Day (Toppin, 2000), Ap2p4, Ap7p4, Ap7p13 Aiken, Conrad, Ap8p11 Ain’t a That Good News: African-American Art Songs and Spirituals (Heard, 1998), Ap2p7 Ain’t That Good News!: Arrangements of Traditional Spirituals, SATB (Hogan/Purifoy, 1999), 202, Ap9p8 Ain’t That Good News/Were You There (Clark, 1922), Ap2p8 Albert, Donnie Ray, Ap2p8 Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers, 184–85, 185 Albrecht, Sally K., Ap3p3 Album of Negro Spirituals (Johnson, 1940, 2000), Ap3p17, Ap4p8, Ap4p10, Ap4p11, Ap4p12, Ap4p13, Ap4p14, Ap4p15, Ap4p17, Ap4p19, Ap4p23, Ap4p24, Ap4p25, Ap4p27, Ap4p29, Ap4p30, Ap4p31, Ap4p32, Ap4p35 Album of Negro Spirituals: Arranged for Solo Voice (Burleigh, 1917), 57, 73, Ap3p9, Ap3p17, Ap4p5, Ap4p8, Ap4p12, Ap4p13, Ap4p15, Ap4p23, Ap4p24, Ap4p26, Ap4p28, Ap4p32, Ap4p33 alcohol, 242, 249 Alda, Frances, Ap2p1, Ap7p2 Alexander, Roberta, Ap2p1, Allen, Betty, Ap2p4 Allen, William Francis, 73, 93n5, 180 allergies, 245 Alston, Lettie Beckon, Ap3p20, Ap8p3, Das Alte Lied von Alabama (Spencer, 2010), Ap2p11 Althouse, Jay, Ap3p3-4 Alto Rhapsody; Selected Spirituals (Anderson, 2007), Ap2p6 alveoli, 217 Amazing Grace (Norman, 1990), Ap7p7 Amen! African-American Composers of the 20th Century (Moses, 2001), Ap2p10, Ap7p4 American Art Songs for the Progressing Singer (Various, 2017), Ap3p4, Ap4p13 American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), 255, 256 American colonies, 13 American Spiritual Ensemble (ASE), 119 American Spirituals (Spencer, 1945?), Ap2p11 America’s Great Baritone: Sings Folk Songs (Duncan, 195–?), Ap2p8 amplification, 227–29, 252 Anderson, Anita Turpeau, Ap8p11 Anderson, Lela, Ap9p15 Contents of this document may be used for non-commercial purposes only if the source is acknowledged. All material remains the property of its creator. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright ©2019. 3 SYWTSS Index (Expanded Version) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Anderson, Marian, 21, 26, 29, 34, 45, 46, 47–49, 48, 56, 141, 142, 155, 156, 164, 172, 176, 179n1, Ap1p6, Ap1p16, Ap1p17-18, Ap2p6, Ap7p2, Ap7p5, Ap7p7, Ap7p18 Lincoln Memorial concert (1939), 30 ; Metropolitan Opera, 30, 144 ; singing spirituals, 80, 162–63 Anderson, T[homas] J[efferson], Ap8p11 Angels’ Glory (Battle, 1996), Ap1p2, Ap2p2, Ap7p13 Angels Watching Over Me (Graves, 1997), Ap1p5, Ap2p4 Angels Watching Over Me (Quivar, 1997), Ap2p5 Anne Brown Sings Spirituals (195-?), Ap2p2 Anthology of Art Songs by Black American Composers (Patterson, 1977), 152, 159, Ap6p3, Ap8p11 antiphonal texture, 165, 169, 177, 256. See also call–and–response anxiety, 212, 243–44, 251 ; drugs, 243 apple cider vinegar, 239–40, 253n8 Arnold, Matthew, Ap8p4 Arroyo, Martina, 75, 107, Ap1p17-18, Ap7p18 The Art of Marian Anderson: Arias, Songs and Spirituals (Anderson, 1986), Ap2p6 art song, 108, 129, 132, 135, 141, 194, 255, 259 by African American composers, 40, 144–60 ; comparison with folk song, 11, 145 concert spirituals, 6, 25, 30, 35, 39, 128, 132, 134, 162–63, 171, 172, 174, 175, 179, 194 opposition to concert spirituals, 1, 26–27, 103–4 The Art of Dorothy Maynor (Maynor, 1969), Ap2p3 The Art of Maureen Forrester, Ap1p7 The Art of Roland Hayes (Hayes, 1990), Ap2p7 The Art of Roland Hayes: Six Centuries of Song (Hayes, 2010), Ap2p7 Art Songs and Spirituals (Hayes, 1967), Ap2p7 Art Songs and Spirituals by African American Women Composers (Taylor, 1995), 159, Ap3p1, Ap3p23, Ap4p6, Ap4p10, Ap4p15, Ap4p18, Ap4p33, Ap6p3, Ap7p4, Ap7p8, Ap8p14 Art Songs and Spirituals by Contemporary African American Composers (Bullock/Cox, 2011), Ap6p2, Ap8p3 articulation, 216, 231–32 Arvey, Verna, Ap8p5, Ap8p13 arytenoids, 224 aspiration for dramatic effect, use of, 167–68 athletic demands, 234–36, 242–43, 244–47 audience, 112, 125, 134, 136, 147, 149, 155, 157, 204, 251. See also congregation acceptance of spiritual performance, 103, 154, 158, 160, 181, 190 ; effects of spiritual performance practice, 130, 158, 230, 244 ; impact of spiritual performance, 1, 20, 23, 54, 69, 76, 83, 104, 141, 192, 194, 252 ; negative reactions, 147, 154 autonomic nervous system (ANS), 244 Ayers, Vanessa, Ap1p15, azmari, 11, 257. See also griot Contents of this document may be used for non-commercial purposes only if the source is acknowledged. All material remains the property of its creator. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright ©2019. 4 SYWTSS Index (Expanded Version) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B Bailey, Mable, Ap8p12 Baker, Barbara W., Ap9p15 Baker, David, Ap8p11 Baker, Janet, Ap2p4 balancing, 75, 178 Baldwin, Dalton, Ap1p4 A Balm in Gilead (Matthews, 2000), Ap1p11, Ap2p9 baptism, 65, 67 Barnett, Steve, 201, Ap9p3 Barnabas, as a literary reference, 58 Bartholomew, Marshall, Ap9p9, Ap9p15 Bass, George Houston, Ap8p11 Battle, Kathleen, 32–33, 59, 84, 117, 141, Ap1p2, Ap1p17, Ap1p18, Ap1p19–20, Ap2p1-2, Ap7p13, Ap7p16, Ap7p18, Ap7p19 Bayard Rustin Sings Spirituals, Work & Freedom Songs (Rustin, 1988, 2003), Ap2p8 Bayard Rustin Sings Twelve Spirituals on the Life of Christ (Rustin, 195–?), Ap2p8 Bayard Rustin, The Singer (Rustin, 1992), Ap2p8 Becton, Shelton, Ap1p5 Beck, Andy, Ap3p4 Been in de Storm So Long: Songs My Fathers Taught Me (Overton, 2012), Ap7p13 Beethoven, <Ludwig>, Ap8p13 Belafonte, Harry, 35 Bennett, Gwendolyn B., Ap8p12 The Best of Kathleen Battle (Battle, 2004), Ap2p2, The Best of Negro Spirituals (Various, 2003), Ap7p6 Best of Spirituals & Gospels (Luedeman, 2001), Ap3p18, Ap4p7, Ap4p10, Ap4p12, Ap4p13, Ap4p14, Ap4p15, Ap4p16, Ap4p18, Ap4p23, Ap4p25, Ap4p26, Ap4p27, Ap4p28, Ap4p29, Ap4p30, Ap4p31, Ap4p32, Ap4p33, Ap4p34 biblical characters, 57, 68 biblical texts in spirituals: 58–59, 67–68, 89, 130, 197 Biblical Women (Alston, 2011), Ap8p3 Bible, 58, 65, 66, 84, 87. See Christianity used to justify slavery, 15 Big Psalms, Hymns and Spirituals Box (Hayes, 2015), Ap2p7 Black Christmas: Spirituals in the African–American Tradition (Ayers/Young/Mosley, 1990), Ap1p15 black church, 34 hymnals, 198 ; impact of, 34 Black Europe: Sounds & Images of Black People (2013), Ap1p15, Ap2p9 Black Sacred Music Symposium, 117 Black spirituals. See spirituals Black Swan Records, 22 black voice, 104–8 Contents of this document may be used for non-commercial purposes only if the source is acknowledged. All material remains the property of its creator. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright ©2019. 5 SYWTSS Index (Expanded Version) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Blackwell, David, 201 Bledsoe, Jules, Ap1p16, Ap1p18, Ap2p8, Ap7p18 blues, 2, 30, 39, 78, 111, 129, 193, 199, 203n1, 226 Blues Everywhere I Go (Hendricks, 2015), Ap2p3 Boatner, Edward, 45, 49, 67, 67, 262, Ap1p3, Ap1p4, Ap1p7, Ap1p10, Ap1p11, Ap1p13, Ap1p14, Ap1p17, Ap3p5-6, Ap3p21, Ap7p7, Ap7p18 body chemistry, 240 Bohanan, Otto Leland, Ap8p5 Bon Voyage Recital @ McCormick Place (Matthews, 1966), Ap2p9 Bonds, Margaret, 29, Ap1p4, Ap1p8, Ap1p11, Ap1p17, Ap1p19, Ap1p20, Ap3p6, Ap3p23, Ap7p4, Ap7p9, Ap7p18, Ap7p19, Ap8p3, Ap8p11, Ap8p14 Bontemps, Arna, Ap8p13 The Book of American Negro Spirituals (JR Johnson/JW Johnson, 1925), 23, Ap3p16, Ap7p2, Ap7p5 The Books of American Negro Spirituals: Including The Book of American Negro Spirituals and The Second Book of Negro Spirituals (JR Johnson/JW Johnson, 1977), Ap4p5, Ap4p6, Ap4p7, Ap4p8, Ap4p9, Ap4p10, Ap4p11, Ap4p12, Ap4p13, Ap4p14, Ap4p15, Ap4p16, Ap4p17, Ap4p19, Ap4p21, Ap4p22, Ap4p23, Ap4p24, Ap4p26, Ap4p27, Ap4p30, Ap4p31, Ap4p32, Ap4p34, Ap4p35 Border Line, op.
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