• IN ARTS & MORE ::J Community Newspaper Company • www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton APRIL 13 - 19, 1999 Vol. 3, No. 52 80 Pages Two Sections 50¢ Harvard gears up for expansion With new dorm completed, Business School focuses on 52 acres it owns in Allston By Debra Goldstein TAB Staff Writer cArthur Hall on Soldiers Field Road in Allston, a new donnitory for the M Harvard Business School executive education program, was dedi­ eated amid fanfare last Wednesday in honor of fonner Dean and professor emeritus John H. McArthur. 'The six-story structure provides sin­ gle-occupancy bedrooms for 170 busi­ ness executives enrolled in Harvard Business School's two-day to 10-week courses. The cla<>s themes range from '·how to mam~e a businc<.,s" to .. run­ ning a nonpmfit org:mi1at1nn." Until now. nc<u·by Baker H.. 11 has been lious­ ing these students . .. Given the Ul ir 1d in CXl'CUth e edu­ cation O\ ~r tht; I ..i..,t h. \ ) cars. then: .,.,a..., a lll.'Cd tO OUiitJ !hi... f<1Liht),'" '<'li<l l\1JUr.l B)mC, a-.sistant dn\X:tor ot rnmmunica­ tions at Harvard Business School. More important to area rc~idents. though. is that the building completes a piece of Harvard's old master plan, approved in 1992, for j ts Allston cam­ pus, just as the university gears up to A big crowd shoned up to applaud the opening of McArthur Hall at Harvard Business School on Wednesday, April 7. Meanwhile, the university is gearing up for the next seek Boston Redevelopment Authority phase of its de~ elopmcnt plans. HARVARD, page 31 Hate crime reports on the rise incidents reported to Boston police in the last sider them hate crimes. Despite changing attitudes, year has risen dramatically - from 21 to 37 Despite the numbers, leaders of the gay attacks on gays, lesbians incidents, a 43 percent jump from 1997 to community and people on the street say most 1998, according to the Boston Police gay people feel relati vely safe in Boston. Still, still common in Boston Department's Community Disorders Unit. the Fenway's statistics indicate that even The Fenway Community Health Center, though Boston may be farther ahead than the 8\' Tom Witkowski which tracks hate crimes against gay, lesbian, rest of the country in its tolerance for gay, les­ TAB Staff Writer bisexual and transgender people, released its bian, bisexual and transgender people, hate hi le Boston Police have not clas­ annual report for the state last week. Although crimes still happen here. Even as the number sified the November 1998 mur­ the number of reports made to the center in of reports climb. police and Fenway officials W der of Rita Hester in her Allston 1998 decreased from the year before, that believe many arc ~t ill not reported. apartment a hate crime, members of Boston's number is deceiving, because a program that About two months ago in broad daylight, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender com­ helped track crimes in schools was di scontin­ for instance, Joseph DiStefano of Dorchester Allston's Rita Hester was one or two Bostonians "ho were killed in hate-crime attacks in 1998. munity believe the brutality of the murder ued last year, the center's senior advocate wa~ walking on Tremont Street when he had a suggest a hate motive. says. Further, the center has seen a 13 percent oad experience. He stared at what he thought soon as they went past me, one kind of dug up Hester, a 34-year-old transsexual, received increase in violent attacks in the state against was a car crru.h about to happen. a huge lunger full of spit and spit back in my multiple stab wounds to the chest. The investi­ lesbian, gay, bisex ual and transgender com­ He did not sec the two men approaching direction and it landed at the back of my heel. gation continues, although no arrests have munities in the past year. him. .. I felt endangered. If this kid is willing to been made. About half of all incidents reponed "Two young guys dressed like construction spit, what the heck else is he willing to do? He Hester's murder is a brutal reminder that statewide happened in Boston. In addition, workers or housepainters and rea lly gri my spit, but he never said anything," DiStefano hate crimes against gays and lesbians are still Fenway officials have labeled two Boston came through my range of vision. Since my said, adding that the incident also led him to happening in Boston and throughout murders as hate crimes, even though there is head kept looking at that car, it almost looked consider how a young heterosexual man might Massachusetts. The number of hate-motivated not enough evidence for Boston Police to con- like I \\as cru i ~ i ng them:· DiStefano said. "As HATE, page 30 -=· PYCCKOE IIPHAO:IKEHHE! New post office tabled Russian Supplement - Pages 28 - 29 ,, Page 32 The Allston-Brighton TAB, April 13- 19, 1999 www.lownonline.com/allslonbrighlon • ~ 0¥er Eaotof=f Invoice . .• • • "Less Any Factory Rebate.'~' -- • • .• CHRYSLER • GRAND VOYAGERS ?OWN & COUNTRYS 20 40 AVAILABLE .,;.;;-,~~~~~ AVAILABLE 300M LYMOUTH NEONS 6 4 AVAILABLE CHRYSLER CIRRUS AVAILABLE 8 AVAILABLE • .• ---- • 10 • • • ~ AVAILABLE • .• .• •. .• \9~ • • SALE ENDS 4/17 /99 PRIOR SALES EXCLUDED Marie-Louise Kehoe, KEHOE President Page 2 The Allston-Brighton TAB, April 13-19, 1999 www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton "Now that I have BankBoston Reserve Credit, I don't have to worry about accidentally bouncing a check:' Open a BankBoston checking account with Reserve Credit to prevent overdrawing your account today. 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THE OFFICIAL GUIDE --. -..-~I ) TO EARTHFEST '99 Ill more . A n IBM Company www.townonline.com/arts ' Listen to 92.9 WBOS for complete EarthFest line-ups or call the WBOS Concert Line at 617-740-0929. The WBOS EarthFest is produced in conjunction with The MDC. ' www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton April, 3-19, 1999 The Allston-Brighton TAB, page 31 F ROM PAGE O NE This rendering of McArthur Hall was unveiled during the bui.lding's dedication last week as a gift for former Dean and professor emeritus John H. McArthur. Allston braces for next phase of Harvard deVelopment HARVARD, from page 1 guage discusses appropriate uses for the 52 important statement," said McClusky. "It is chairman of the Harvard University Allston approval for the Spangler Student Center. The acres. the first Harvard project to face toward Campus Task Force. center is the first project in a five-year univer­ Meanwhile, groundbreaking has already Allston as well as facing in toward the busi­ As for the community master plan, task sity master plan the BRA approved on May taken place for the Spangler Student Center, ness campus." force members have asked that a consultant 21, 1998. The university master plan includes located in the middle of the Business School The landscaping was included in the latest help with the design and planning of Harvard's a commitment to undertake a community mas­ campus between North Harvard Street and university master plan, but is better defined in 52 acres io Allston. It is not clear yet who will ter plan for university-owned property located Western Avenue. The building is scheduled to the new Spangler Center proposal, said Owen hire or provide the consultant - Harvard or in Allston but outside the borders of Harvard's open in November 2000, and will accommo­ Donnelly, the BRA's deputy director for insti­ the BRA, said task force member Paul Business School campus. date gatherings of several hundred people. tutional development. The landscaping would Berkeley. In June I 997, four months before the uni­ Construction cannot begin until Harvard gains be visible from Western Avenue up to the "We think, as a community, the master plan versity master plan that the BRA approved the BRA approval for the specifics of the plan. parking garage near Soldier's Field Road would be a huge benefit to our community," following year was submitted, Harvard That plan is scheduled to be presented to the heading toward Cambridge. It calls for said Mellone. announced that, over the previous nine years, BRA on April 29. removing large sections of chain-link fence, Some of the upcoming projects in the uni­ it had purchased a total of 52 acres of land in The proposal includes extensive landscaping said Donnelly. The landscaping would primar­ versity master plan include a few hundred Allston. This was the first time the Harvard for the area near Spangler Center that is visible ily mask parking lot areas.
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