STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESPA PARK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Aghios Germanos, Prespa January 2005 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESPA PARK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Aghios Germanos, Prespa, January 2005 This publication was funded by the Society for the Protection of Prespa and WWF Greece Bibliographical reference: Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), WWF-Greece, Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (ƒƒ¡∂∞), Macedonian Alliance for Prespa (ª∞ƒ) (2005). Strategic Action Plan for the Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park, Executive Summary, Aghios Germanos, pp.76. Cover Photo: SPP archive/Giorgos Catsadorakis Editing: Daphne Mantziou, Miltos Gletsos (SPP) Design: Dimitris Biniaris (ALPHABET S.A.) Press & Prepress: ALPHABET S.A. ii The study on which the Strategic Action Plan was based was funded by the Bilateral Development Coop- eration and Assistance Programme - Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of Greece. HELLENIC MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, PHYSICAL PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS Scientific Coordinator: Ms. Myrsini Malakou Working Groups: Albania Dr. Spase Shumka, biologist - PPNEA (National Coordinator) † Prof. Dr. Leke Gjiknuri, biologist - PPNEA, Tirana University Dr. Aleko Miho, biologist - Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana University Prof. Dr. Romeo Eftimi, hydrogeologist - Faculty of Geology, Tirana University Prof. Dr. Arqile Berxholi, geographer - Geographic Study Centre, Albanian Academy of Sciences Dr. Wolfgang Fremuth, biologist - Frankfurt Zoological Society Ms. Nina Theodhosi, spatial planner - Institute of Urban Planning, Tirana Greece Ms. Myrsini Malakou, biologist - SPP Managing Director (National Coordinator) Dr. Panagiota Maragou, biologist - WWF Greece Dr. Vivi Roumeliotou, international environmental lawyer - SPP Mr. Alekos Kotsampopoulos, economist Dr. Vaggelis Nikolaidis, economist - University of Crete Dr. Aris Sapounakis, architect-urban planner - University of Thessaly Mr. Apostolis Karalis, MSc Regional Development Ms. Vassiliki Gamagari, engineer- spatial planning and regional development Ms. Klio Syrmakessi, engineer-spatial planning and regional development FYR of Macedonia Prof. Dr. Branko Micevski, biologist - Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Skopje University (National Coordinator) Mr. Pene Penev, spatial planner Mr. Vasil Anastasovski, geographer - Ministry of Environment Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby, protected area management expert Prof. Dr. Dragan Kolchakovski, geographer - Institute of Geography, Faculty of Sciences, Skopje University Prof. Dr. Radoslav Rizovski, biologist - Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Skopje University Dr. Svetozar Petkovski - Natural History Museum Prof. Ljupcho Grupche, biologist - Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Skopje University iii iv Abbreviations BR Biosphere Reserve CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna DPSIR Driving force – Pressure – State – Impact – Response (Environmental Pressure Indices Model) EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESEPI European System of Environmental Pressure Indices GEF Global Environment Facility GIS Geographical Information System MAP Macedonian Alliance for Prespa – NGO NGO Non Governmental Organisation OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PNF Prespa National Forest in Greece PNP Prespa National Park in Albania PP Prespa Park PPNEA Protection and Preservation of the Natural Environment of Albania – NGO SAC Special Area of Conservation SAP Strategic Action Plan SPA Special Protection Area SPP Society for the Protection of Prespa – NGO TBPAC Transboundary Protected Area Cooperation WFD Water Framework Directive WWF World Wide Fund for Nature – NGO v vi Table of Contents FOREWORD 1 CHAPTER A. INTRODUCTION 3 A.1 AIM OF THE STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESPA PARK 3 A.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESPA PARK CATCHMENT AREA 3 A.3 PLACING THE PRESPA PARK IN THE WIDER REGION 3 A.4 DESIGNATED AREAS AND EXISTING MANAGEMENT REGIMES 3 CHAPTER B. OUTLINE AND ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY AREA 7 B.1 ABIOTIC ENVIRONMENT 7 B.1.1 Geomorphology 7 B.1.2 Geology 7 B.1.3 Climate 7 B.1.4 Hydrology, Water Quality, and Hydrogeology 7 B.1.5 Soils 8 B.2 BIOTIC ENVIRONMENT 8 B.2.1 The Vegetation and Flora 8 B.2.2 The Fauna 8 B.2.3 Important Areas for the Fauna and the Rare Species of Flora 9 B.3 ANTHROPOGENIC ENVIRONMENT 11 B.3.1 The Primary Sector 11 B.3.2 The Secondary Sector 11 B.3.3 The Tertiary Sector 12 B.4 SOCIAL PARAMETERS AND TRENDS 12 CHAPTER C. COMPLETE APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION OF THE AREA AND SYNTHESIS OF ALL RECORDS 13 C.1 ANALYSIS OF THE BASIC STRATEGIC AND POLITICAL KEYSTONES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION OF THE PRESPA PARK 13 C.1.1 Basic Assumptions 13 C.1.2 What is the Prespa Park and What is its Exact Aim 14 C.1.3 What are the Objectives of the Prespa Park 14 C.1.4 Difficulties Impeding Transboundary Cooperation in Prespa 15 C.1.5 Policy Keystones for the Development and Protection of the Prespa Park 15 C.1.6 Fundamental Management Issues that Relate to All Three Countries and Require Coordination on a Catchment Basin Level 16 C.2 IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIFIC INDICATORS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 24 C.2.1 Introduction 24 C.2.2 Policy Fields 24 C.2.3 Environmental Indicators 26 C.2.4 Socio-economic Policy Fields and Proposed Indicators 29 C.3 PROPOSALS FOR FORMALISING THE TRANSBOUNDARY COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PRESPA PARK 30 C.3.1 Introduction 30 C.3.2 Cooperation in the Context of International Organisations and Treaty Regimes 30 C.3.3 Proposals for the Development of TBPAC in Prespa 32 CHAPTER D. PROPOSALS FOR SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES AND MANAGEMENT MEASURES PER SECTOR 39 vii viii Foreword The Strategic Action Plan for the Sustainable circumstances and be subject to review to ad- Development of the Prespa Park (SAP) is the dress new needs. first building block of trilateral cooperation within the framework of the transboundary The SAP is structured as follows: protected area. The Prespa Park was estab- lished by the Declaration of the Prime Minis- Chapter A presents the aim and objectives of ters of Greece, Albania and the FYR of Mace- the SAP, a description of the Prespa Park donia on 2 February 2000, aiming at the catchment area and its placing in the wider preservation of the extraordinary natural and region, as well as a brief overview of the ex- cultural values of the region, as well as the isting designated protected areas and man- promotion of peace, friendship and coopera- agement regimes. tion between the three peoples. Chapter B gives an outline and analysis of the The SAP study was funded with bilateral de- study area. More specifically, sub-chapter B.1 velopment assistance funds from the Greek describes the abiotic environment and refers Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning to the geomorphology, the geology, the cli- and Public Works, and was prepared from mate, the hydrology, water quality and hy- January 2001 until May 2002 under the re- drogeology, and the soils of the study area. sponsibility of the Society for the Protection Sub-chapter B.2 presents the biotic environ- of Prespa (SPP), with the collaboration of ment and refers to the vegetation and flora, WWF Greece, the NGO Protection and Preser- the fauna, and the important areas for the vation of Natural Environment in Albania fauna and the rare species of flora. Sub-chap- (PPNEA) and the NGO Macedonian Alliance ter B.3 investigates the anthropogenic envi- for Prespa (MAP). This is the first joint proj- ronment and the productive sectors with ref- ect of the three neighbouring countries and erence to the primary, secondary and tertiary forms a product of close collaboration of the sectors. Sub-chapter B.4 presents the social Non-Governmental Organisations actively parameters and trends in the Prespa area. In participating in the Prespa Park and of sever- the executive summary of the SAP, only a al independent experts. brief overview of chapter B is provided; full description and analysis of the study area is Following its completion, the SAP underwent available in the full text of the study. an extensive consultation process in the three countries with the participation of competent Chapter C gives a complete appraisal and central, local and regional authorities and a evaluation of the area and a synthesis of all variety of other stakeholders. The present Ex- records. Sub-chapter C.1 presents an analysis ecutive Summary accommodates all major of the basic strategic and political keystones concerns that were raised during that process for the development and protection of the and was finally endorsed by the Prespa Park Prespa Park. This section describes the basic Coordination Committee in May 2004. That assumptions for the area, the exact aim and does not imply that the text and content of objectives of the Prespa Park, as well as the the Strategic Action Plan for the Sustainable difficulties impeding transboundary cooper- Development of the Prespa Park is to be ation in the area. In addition, it identifies the viewed as rigid and unalterable; it is rather a policy keystones for the development and dynamic agreement on basic policy guidelines protection of the Prespa Park and the funda- that could with time be adapted to changing mental management issues that relate to all 1 countries and require coordination on a catchment basin level. Sub-chapter C.2 puts forward specific indicators for the environ- mental protection and sustainable develop- ment of the region. This section identifies both environmental and socio-economic pol- icy fields and proposes relevant indicators for measuring impacts on the former. Sub-chap- ter C.3 presents proposals for formalising the transboundary cooperation in the framework of the Prespa Park. This section considers the issue of cooperation in the context of inter- national organisations and treaty regimes, presents the main international instruments binding one or more of the three countries and discusses possible designations for the Prespa Park.
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