Timbre Presents EPIC RECORDING ARTISTS Doors 8PM Show 9PM " NIRVANA SPECTA. FRIDAY MARCH 8 UESTS THUS m ) Thursday March 14 A&M Recording Artists D from San Francisco ,u Z\T PUMP Show 10:30pm CiTR k*** JA***U* with special ^ DOORS 8PM SHOW 9:30PM 101.&9 fM /5»»fruN " FRIDAY MARCH 15 COOP guests the %Qi(£ *^1—«•— -o—- Tlu' Fabulous 10 2.7 0MM0D0RE present y STEEL BAND CS7(l Ciraiivillt- Mill with guests Saturday "ftf. B MIASHA TRILOGY MarcMreiTih 16e GW SATURDAY MARCH 23 WITH SPECIAL GUESTS CiTR SATURDAY MARCH 23 101.9 fM presents TOWN REDDHKROSS 6/7 (5fi PUMP with special guests 06ted- FROM MANCHESTER, ENGLAND ^^ f»m W0**\ TUESDAY APRIL 2 HAPPY MONDAYS 0MM0D0RThe Fabulous E •• "• WITH SPECIAL GUESTS C H7() <-..liiv ill. M.ill KREATOR • BLITZSPEER • MORGOTH Sunday April 14 ALL AGES at the New York Theatre Tickets Available At: Zulu, Black Swan, Track, Highlife, Scratch, Razzberry Records (95th & Scott), and Reminiscing Records (across from The Bay at Surrey Place), ^^^S**"8^ outlets or charge by phone 280-4444. Tickets for Culture also available at Barrett Electronics, Caribbean Market, Gerard's Hair Salon, The Patty Shop and Ebony Eyes. MARCH 1991 - ISSUE #98 ROLLINS A Faxinating Discussion 7 SCREAMING TREES ATreemendous Interview? 11 FULL PULL Mikey + Gav, Mud + Monster Trucks 13 MONTREAL JUBILATION CHOIR Sing Halleluiah 15 HANK THE HOBO Nardwuar, Kennedy, the CIA + a Singin' Bum 16 HAPPY MONDAYS ButWilltheRecordCompanyPayfortheCall? 18 MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO Adam Sloan + Jack Dangers Beat Off 18 LONDON SCENE Michael GriggTrades Shots with Popguns 19 FICTION A Brush with Organized Religion by Rob Howatson.. .30 •iWlf.UI AIRHEAD 5 UNDER REVIEW 24 MINIS , 8 7" 25 THEBUOUX ...20 FUTURE RAP 25 SUBTEXT ...21 HELL'S KITCHEN 26 REAL UVE ACTION... ...22 DATEBOOK 27 VANCOUVER SPECIAL.. 23 ON THE DIAL 28 CHARTS 29 ••MAH* STUPID DUMMYHEDS Rob Adamson 5 DANCING ON THE CLOUDS Marc Yuill & Julian Lawrence 26 JUNKFLESH Bryce Rasmussen... on holiday in honour of the holyday Cover artwork by Julian Lawrence, local comickist extraordinaire and co-artl*t of Dancing on tha Clouds. l*]JJH*'H*_CT_q EDITRIX Lisa Marr ART DIRECTOR Robynn Iwata DISCORDERLY ORDERLY Lydia Schymansky EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Paul Funk, Randy Iwata PRODUCTION Rick Awender, Bill Baker, Dean Doherty, IVI AFRICAN BLEND X ALTERNATIVE Randy Iwata, Robynn Iwata GRAPHICS Rick Awender, Dan Planko WORD PROCESSING Trlcia Festejo PHOTO DEVELOPMENT Lydia o H Schymansky SPINLIST Randy Iwata, Lloyd Uliana ADVERTISING IM FIRE DANCE U BZZRBASH Graf Elsia ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Robynn Iwata LOCAL DISTRIBUTION Mitt Steffich SUBSCRIPTIONS / MAIL DISTRIBU­ TION Lydia Schymansky PROGRAM GUIDE / DATEBOOK / DELIV­ X ERY FRIEND Randy Iwata ACCOUNTS Linda SchoHen TECHNICAL SUPPORT Tad V Sua PUBLISHER Barb Bgood u Discorder Copyright © 1991 by Tha Student Radio Society of the ALTERNATIVE • IVLANDNIT! University of British Columbia. All rights reserved. Discorder is that magazine from CiTR 101.9 fM, and Is printed monthly in Canada on paper manufactured in Canada. Discorder prints what it wants to, w DIRECT FROM U.K. GO-GO DANCERS including the CITR On The Dial program guide and the CiTR SpinList JK playlist charts. Circulation is 17,500 copies distributed free to over E & SHOOTER-SHOCK 230 locations. 12 month subscriptions are $15 in Canada, $15 (US) EURO-BEAT X EVERY l-fOUR to the states, and $24 elsewhere. Please make cheques or money orders payable to Discorder Magazine. "The sickness Is in all of us. "• everybody. Deadline for ads and submissions is the 15th of the month. We want your stuff—send it our way, and if we like it, we'll Doors Open use it; if not, we'll lose it 9pm - 2am Mon - Sat CiTR 101.9 fM is 1800 watts of neurotic bliss from UBC to Langley, Squamish, and points beyond. We're also on all major cable systems in the Lower Mainland except Shaw in White Rock. Office hours for Party Line 682-8550 CiTR, Mobile Sound, and Discorder are M-F, 10-4. Call CiTR DJ line Zon 9 822-CITR, our offices « 822-3017, our news + sports 9 222- 2487, fax us c/o CiTR ® 822-6093, or write Discorder, #233-6138 #7 ALEXANDER GASTOWN SUB Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, CANADA V6T 2A5 MARCH 1991 3 COCTEAU TWINS SPECIAL GUESTS GALAXIE 500 ORPHEUM THEATRE FRIDAY, MARCH 22 9:00 PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL jssa@___» OUTLETS, TRACK Jfljjjjj| AND ZULU RECORDS, OR CHARGE BY PHONE «* >-$___________£_ 280-4444Onn-AAAA. (00 A PERRYSCOPE PRODUCTION somewhat difficult to adjust to the WHAT THE LORD, THE LORD YOU SLAY ME realization that this group of proud ALMIGHTY SAYS: blue bloods have been photographed () MY PEOPLE WHO LIVE: Hey Airhcad(0. in a very unflattering manner. Our IN /ION- Did ya' catch knowledge of traditional portraiture DO NOT 8E AFRAID OF the SLAYER gig at docs not include many bassists with THE ASSYRIANS, the Forum? I did and double chins. It i here that my WHO BEAT YOU WITH A I paid S27 to sec'em, knowledge ot­ ROD loo (my mistake). the story bc- AND LIFT UP A CLUH Shitty thing was that AGAINST YOU, Ihadwon2lickctson AS EGYPT DID CiTR's own "IW VERY SOON MY ANGER crchord" radio show. AGAINST YOU WELL END Banger host Mr. Yo- AND MY WRATH WILL BE shida asked yours DIRECTED LO THEIR OB­ truly • "skill-lcsling- STRUCTION. quesiion," and I re­ Tankhog accepted this Peers Noble sponded wilh a cor­ image. Somehow Whistler managed Burnaby rect answer. A buddy to slander a conventional image of and I travelled in from musicianship withixit being exiled And who says Discorder doesn't the suburbs on theday for it. Whistler has constructed ihc serve the interests of tlie religious of ihc show to pick photograph so lhat the truth of the freaks population? up the tickets, and image is seen by the viewer as some­ guess what?! No thing laughable, but the irony lies in tickets!! "I just gave them all away" the fact that this was not the inten­ ATTENTION JUNKIES tion of the sitters. Our thoughts and spewed some snob­ bish chick who really feelings are manipulated by Whis­ Dear Airhead: looked like she tler who photographs Tankhog An open letter lo "Bryce- THAT'S SIC! ALL LETTERS PRINTED AS RECIEVED. looking into a camera. This is not a couldn't have cared caricature of idle wealth as we might Okay.maybc this is World War . I | . this NMN ON DOA Rob Wright at first think, but a historically accu­ III, and maybe the Cradle of Civili­ wasn't "TANKHOG NOMEANSNO rate rendering of a group of people zation will also be ils grave. The al the Town Pump" Dear Airhead, who obviously trusted their photog­ question is, if wc must go, how arc tickets (no offense, I read with considerable rapher's skill. Whistler manages lo we going logo? Whining and snivel­ guys) this was 27 amusement the comments and anec­ HOW MANY POLISH PEOPLE stamp his photograph twice. Once as ling, sarcastic and snide, or wilh dollar SLAYER, ihc dotes that went into your tribute of DOES IT TAKE TO WRITE A a photographer of Tankhog and once some kind of grace and dignity? Per­ godso'thrash [sic)!! GET DOA, but I think a couple of facets LETTER TO AIRHEAD? as an artist concerned with sonally, I don't see anything wrong YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!! revealing his particu- of their career still need to be pointed wilh helping old ladies across the Aahh, that's better. OK? Plus, ifyou win tickets lo a r vision of the out. One is the fact lhal no band ever Hello Airhead! street. When the flash comes, I'd show, make sure you know wheth­ truth. played as many benefits or was as My name rather be doing lhal lhan hiding in SUBURBAN (effing) er you have lo COME TO THE consistently supportive of the' scene' is Peter. I come Robynn I wa- the dark all dressing in black, com­ DEATH STATION lo claim them, or if your it came out of as DOA. They were from Torun, ta's "Werner plaining aboul what a lousy world P.S. The show wasn't loo hot. TES­ name will be AT THE DOOR of always incredibly generous and sup- Man" is an­ this is TAMENT (openers) were beyond the venue. Oh yeah: bring ID portiveof theotherbands as well. At other ex­ Life may be short but there's horrid. Got any TANKHOG tick­ 4.Treat your prize nicely.Hey, it has DOA shows opening acts always got ago I read ample of a ets??! feelings too! paid fairly and were treated with aboul your kind of de­ respect (unless, of course, they over­ Radio. In this bunking of You love to win prizes. We love to And finally, sometimes mean people stayed their welcome on stage at article I read We tried to find Bryce lo gel his give 'em. But please, kids, follow swindle prizes lhal don'l belong lo which point Joey would pull their lhat you are pub­ portraiture. If comments but he was hiding in Ihe these E-Z suggestions and we'll all them, but they always pay dearly for chains without compunction and haul lishing a magazine this is a reclining dark all dressed in black. be happy: il later (heh, heh). them off like gaffed salmon). We about your pro- ^mW frank, ildoesnotlook I.Pick up your prize during OF­ should know, having often been on gramms. With my friends ^mLW like any I have seen be­ FICE HOURS: Monday lo Fri­ the receiving end of their..
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