“Keep the Cat Free” 31/05/13 Issue 1549 felixonline.co.uk A kick in the pants for entrepreneurs An interview with the author and businesswoman Sháá Wasmund. Page 13 Summer Imperial alumnus killed in Syria Inside...>> Elections HIHS Nida Mahmud News Editor underway Tim Arbabzadah Editor-in-Chief COMMENT An Imperial alumnus has been killed in Syria after a bomb hit the fi eld hos- Voting to open pital where he was treating patients in challenging conditions. Isa Abdur from 3-10 June Rahman (pictured), 26, was a medi- cal student at Imperial and was killed Tim Arbabzadah Editor-in-Chief while helping the British charity Hand In Hand for Syria (HIHS). Dr Rahman was from North West Nominations have closed for Imperial London and was married. He had put Students put last at College Union’s Summer Elections. his medical career in the UK on hold Voting will be open from Monday 3 to help the civilians hurt by the con- Harlington? 9 June to Friday 7 June. fl ict in Syria. Even though he was not >> h is year, the position of Deputy a native Arabic speaker, he managed President (Education) will be part of to master the language in less than a the election. h is is after the original year. Dr Isa Abdur Rah- winner of the post had to give it up He left his job at the Royal Free man was killed when TV due to an interruption of studies. h is Hospital almost a year ago and fl ew a bomb hit the fi eld will be a two horse race between Na- to Syria to set up a clinic in the village hospital that he was talie Kempson and Frank Machin. of Atmeh, near the border of Turkey, working at Other positions available are BME before moving from town to town of- Offi cer, Campaigns Offi cer, Council fering medical help. >> 3 Chair, Disabilities Offi cer, Ethics & St Mary’s library gets revamp Voicing opinions on Elections Union £3 million renovation is completed about The Voice >>20 Imperial College London DPE 2 Tim Arbabzadah Editor-in-Chief 03/06/13 – 07/06/13 Dammit there’s ALWAYS PUZZLES h e medical library at St Mary’s has a queue for the printer been reopened following six months when you need it most Environmental Offi cer, Gender Equal- of renovation works on the building ity Offi cer, Interfaith Offi cer, Interna- and facilities. tional Offi cer, and LGBT Offi cer. It h e library is to be renamed the appears that the Council Chair, who Fleming Library (after Sir Alexander chairs the meetings of Union Council, Fleming). is hotly contested as four people have h e renovation, which was fi rst thrown their names into the hat. In- planned in 1999, cost a total of £3 mil- ternational Offi cer also has four con- lion. Half of this funding was from the tenders. h ree positions (BME, Ethics St Mary’s Development Trust. & Environmental, and LGBT Offi c- Felix contacted Emeritus Professor Two whole pages of ers) only have one person running for Averil Mansfi eld CBE who is Chair of 28 them. It is rare for RON to win elec- the St Mary’s Development Trust and time wasting >> tions, so these candidates will be >> 6 was involved in the work. She >> 6 2 FRIDAY 31 MAY EDITOR’S PICKS 24 28 31 TECH >> PUZZLES >> SPORT >> Xbox One Procrastinate away Riding to victory Nowadays it seems everything Big shout out to the Puzzles team Polo fi nally have their write-up must be able to do everything. for two whole pages of Puzzley from the Nationals. They had The question for Microsoft is: goodness. Special mention for mixed fortunes it seems. Also, a you could make a toaster in a Lousia, who came in the day be- great report by the Fellwander- fridge, but would you want one? fore an exam to do the pages! ers on their hiking exploits. CLASSIFIEDS The Good, The Bad Tutor wanted Help with Homework for Year 2 and 3 girls - £10/hour and The Elections I am looking for a female student who can help with homework after school around 3 days a week starting from 11th June until 18th July approximately. We live in Tim Arbabzadah Ifi eld Road by the Earls Court Tube. Female applicants Editor-in-Chief only. If interested, email Lucia: [email protected] his week, as always, there to pay council tax), and they should be the few seconds it takes to vote and is a mixture of good news pleased that it’s looking pretty plush. make a difference. All the positions Temps wanted and bad news. I will start Imperial teams also seem to be dom- matter in their own way. As with all with the bad news. The inating the Engineers Without Borders part time positions they can be made Temp Renewable Energy installers required for east tragic death of an Impe- Challenge. I’m glad that they had the bigger or smaller by the person fi lling Trial alumnus is not the most pleasant opportunity to take such a course, it. This is to say that if someone truly london project 10th June. Must be fi t & strong, practical, quick learning & a team player. thing to be reporting. It reminds me and hopefully more students will get proactive is in the role they could re- of another incident earlier this year, to benefi t from these extra courses ally change some things for the better. See www.sogosolar.co.uk& call Ben on 07804 614833. which was similarly upsetting to put next year. Take the opportunity to do The fact that all Union positions aren’t into the paper. The fact that so much something beyond your subject next elected in one burst does make peo- To place something in Classifi eds, email [email protected] money has been raised in his mem- year if you haven’t already. Trust me, ple a bit bored with the whole proce- ory in such a short time, and that he you’ll really regret it if you don’t. When dure. It’s tough on everyone involved, seems to have had so many friends you’re in a job, your life becomes more because the previous round of voting at Imperial, shows that his character rigid, and learning about new things happened before Easter when people must have been strong. It is particu- becomes restricted to documentaries weren’t as busy, stressed, tired of Im- LOLCAT OF TEH WEEK: A perk of the job larly upsetting that he died so young, by the latest dough-eyed scientist. perial, tired of work, or all of the above. and left behind a wife. I hope that This actually extends to taking part This means the Summer Elections his friends and family can take some in clubs and societies at the Union always have a vastly reduced turnout comfort in the fact that he seems to as well. Hobbies take time, effort and compared to their counterparts before have inspired a lot of people into be- money, and, here, you have an oppor- Easter. ing very generous: to raise that much tunity to do something fun while not There is actually a big position up for money in barely any time at all is al- losing too much of all three. grabs: Deputy President (Education). most unbelievable. Hopefully, the fi eld This is the person that is in charge of hospital will help people and so it will Elections again your educational needs. Need to com- be for a good cause. The Summer Elections have loomed plain about a lecturer’s terrible notes? up once again. It’s that super stress- They are your fi rst port of call. They Some good news ful work season, so the last thing you also head up the Rep system, which There is some good news to talk about. probably want is for someone to start is all of the Dep Reps and Year Reps Firstly, there is the Fleming Library re- waving their arms in your face telling who sit on the Student Staff Commit- opening after donations. There are you they’ll instantly transform your tees. You only have one week to vote, always a few students that feel the life into blissful relaxation if you click a so make an informed decision and go need to essentially move into a library button. Firstly, try to be gentle to any- for it. If you don’t like any of the candi- around this time (if they weren’t stu- one distracting you to give you sweets dates, click RON or abstain. Good luck dents they would probably even have and a voting link. Secondly, spend to all of the candidates running! Felix, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB. Email: [email protected]. Tel: 020 7594 8072. Fax: 020 7594 8065. THIS BROUGHT Printed by Iliffe Print Cambridge, Winship Road, Cambridge. Registered newspaper ISSN 1040-0711. Copyright © Felix 2013. WEEK WASTO YOUBY Editor-in-Chief Tim Arbabzadah Deputy Editor Saskia Verhagen Assistant Editor Matt Colvin News Editors Aemun Reza, Nida Mahmud Features Editors Caroline Wood, Stephen Smith Business Editor Deepka Rana Science Editors Philip Kent, Laurence Pope, Philippa Skett Politics Editors Padraic Calpin, Marie-Laure Hicks Food Editors Carol Ann Cheah, Sophia Goldberg, Yiango Mavrocostanti Comment Editors George Barnett, Navid Nabijou, James Simpson Fashion Editors Saskia Verhagen, Alice Yang Arts Editors Eva Rosenthal, Meredith Thomas Books Editor Maciej Matuszewski Music Editors Riaz Agahi, Mark England, Ross Gray, Simon Hunter Television Editor Lucia Podhorska Film Editors Katy Bettany, John Park, Lucy Wiles Games Editor Ross Webster Technology Editors Jason Parmar, Maximilian Eggl Coffee Break Matt Colvin Travel Editor Veronika McQuade Sports Editors Oli Benton, Sorcha Cotter, Margot Pikovsky Online Editors Philip Kent, Jonathan Kim Puzzles Commanders Louisa Byrne, Sotirios Karamitsos Copy Chief Annina Sartor Web Uploading James Simpson Illustrators Hamish Muir, Outi Supponen FRIDAY 31 MAY 3 News Editors: Aemun Reza, Nida Mahmud [email protected] NEWS Over £50,000 donated for hospital in his honour Evening Standard continued from the front page Muslims; some appeared to >> be from people that did not know him personally and/ What religion truly Doctors in Syria work in extreme or are not Muslim.
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