English Series Vol, XXI No, 9 Friday, November 14,1986 ~Kartika 23,1908 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Seventh Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXI contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 6.00 C O N T E N T S No. 0 Friday, November / / „ !9X6f Kartika 23, 190S (Saka) COLUMNS Ora 1 Answers to Questions : ‘Starred Questions Nos. 162 to 164, 166 1—-28 167, 169 and 170 Written Answers to Questions ; Starred Questions Nos. 165, 168, 171 to 183 2 9 - 4 5 Unstarred Questions Nos. \6 \\ to 1633, 1635 to 1799, 1801 to 1841 and 1843 to 1863 45— 237 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 238— 240 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA — 241 INDECENT REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN (PROHIBITION) BILL, AS PASSED BY RAJYA SABHA 241— 244 STATEMENT RE : AGREEMENT REACHED ON THE DEMANDS s OF JUNIOR DOCTORS’ FEDERATION OF DELHI 245— 247 Shri P.V, Narasimha Rao • . * CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC . MPORTANCE 248— 269 • Reported sharp increase in clandestine deposits made by Indians in foreign banks 248— 254 Shri Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan — 248 Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh 248— 270 Shri Zainul Basher 254— 256 Shri M. Raghuma Reddy 256— 258 Shri Harish Rawat 258— 269 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 270— 277 INDIAN POST OFFICE (AMENDMENT) BILL, 1986 278— 308 Motion to consider Shri Son tosh Mohan Dev 280—-281 Shri V. Tulsiram 281 —283 Shri Virdhi Chandcr Jain. 283— 287 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 287 —291 Shri Girdhari Lai Vyas 291— 295 Shri Kammodi Lai Jatav 295— 296 0 #The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the Moor of the House by that Member. 9 COLUMNS COMMUTE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Twenty-fifth Report 296 RESOLUTION RE : GROWTH OF RURAL ECONOMY— CONTD. 296— 342 Shri Mool Chand Daga 297—302 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 302— 306 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 306— 309 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 309— 315 Shri T. Basheer 315— 319 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 319— 323 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 323— 325 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 325— 329 Shri K.D. Sultanpuri 329— 334 Shri Anadi Charan Das 334— 336 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 336— 337 Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy 337— 342 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA impression that the loans disbursed at credit camps did not carry an obligation to repay. Opportunity is being taken at credit camps to Friday. November Jl, ll/HOfKartika 23, educate borrowers about the correct position luos (Saka) regarding utilisation of credit and repayment of loans. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH : In the Statement, it is said that loan camps are [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] organised in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Now, I wrote to the Prime Minister [English] about lot of complaints of malpractices and he replied on 28th May that there were com- Repayments of Loans Disbursed at plants of malpractices in some cases and Credit Camps that such malpractices could, however, be controlled by better coordination between *162. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH : Will rural banks and development agencies. ihe Minister of FINANCE he pleased to state : I want to know whether Central Vigilance Commission had to interfere later on in this (a) whether it is a fact that a general wide range of complaints all over the country impression is being created amongst borro- and whether a Study Team of Reserve wers that the loans disbursed at the crcdit Bank had gone into the details of the case camps represented more or less moneys and made some comments. 1 want to know doled out by Government and consequently that from the Minister. do not carry the obligation to repay ; and Regarding Delhi, I want to know whe- (b) if so, the steps taken/proposed to ther they asked for proper identification and improve the situation ? assessment of credit needs was not done in Delhi. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI In Karnataka, bank manager had no JANARDHANA POOJARY) : (a) and (b) opportunity to meet prospective borrowers A Statement is given below : for assessing the credit needs. Statement MR. SPEAKER : Please don't read out all that. You put a question. The credit camps are being organised by public sector banks as a part of their overall SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH : In efforts to increase the flow of credit to Maharashtra also, the complaints are there. weaker sections of the society. The sanction, disbursement and recovery of loans in all In West Bengal, there are lot of cases including those relating to credit camps complaints. have to be in accordance with the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India. I want to know whether tfcese complaints are there, whether the Vigilance Commission However, it has been reported that in had interfered and whether the Study Team some cases, in order to undermine the pro- had gone into the details. May 1 know from gramme for weaker sections, certain vested the Minister whether the Vigilance Commis- interests have sought to create an erroneous sion and the Study Team have vested interest. 3 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 14, 1986 Oral Answers 4 (Interruptions) It has been observed that the Melas do generate an awareness among the rural folk SHRI A. CHARLES : Lakhs and lakhs about the various types of Concessionary of people are benefited. assistance under the priority sector schemes available to them under the Banking (Interruptions) System. They are aware that poor people are Now they have found out certain benefited. deficiencies also which have been highlighted in the Press. Some of the/hon. Members MR. SPEAKER : Let the Minister reply. have also been highlighting this. In the I think at the hon. Minister can better Credit Camps, loans under the 1RDP, even explain that. under the educated unemployment Scheme and other schemes also, are distributed. So SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Sir, it only far as IRDP beneficiaries are concerned, shows the vested interest of the Congress........ these are the major beneficiaries. They are big in numbers. While we are granting Joans MR. SPEAKER : They will be proud of through Credit Camps, these beneficiaries that if you say that. are identified by the State Governments. Regarding DRDS, in some States even local SHRI D1NESH GOSWAMI : Not only authorities are identifying. It is not that the that. The Question may be deferred because banks were identifying the beneficiaries Miss Mamata Banerjee is not here. under IRDP and also under the Scheme for the Educated Unemployed, State Govts, [Translation] are identifying the beneficiaries. If the hon: Members are complaining that there is some MR. SPEAKER : Did you not give defect in identification, then the State notice to her earlier to this effect ? Governments should be pulled up for that-- whether it is the Congress= ruled States, [English] whether it is Opposition—ruled by States......... SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY : It is true that the Vigilance Commission (Interruptions) has referred to a case. But the case pertained to the year 1976 and in SHRI ANIL BASU : It is not at all that credit camp in Haryana, there related to IRDP case. It is exclusively was some complaint. They referred to that meant for the Loan Melas. case. Now, this ease has been highlighted. Their case has been highlighted to discredit the Credit Camps which are held during this SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY : I period. There is another thing also. Now, just give an example because the hon. Mem- the Reserve Bank has conducted a study. It ber who has put the question is coming is an internal assessment that has been done from West Bengal. In JaJpaiguri District in order to help the administration to find about 16000 and odd people were given loan. out if there are any deficiencies in the work- The Deputy Commissioner, the Collector ing of the Credit Camps and also function- and also the Additional Collector there ing of the administration. Only some of the told me. “The backlog which was pending portions have been taken out and highlighted for three years is covered because of your, saying that all these things are bad in the coming here, because of loan function. The Credit Camp. I will just read what they backlog for last many years is covered- have stated in the Reserve Bank Report : because an expeditious and accelerated flow of credit hag come”. This is the statement “Loan Mela is a useful method of of State Government officials. identifying the borrowers and eliminating the possibilities of the borrowers’ com- Sir, in every system there is deficiency. plaining that they did not receive the loan We have to rectify it and remedial mea- amount or they receive less.” sures arc also to be taken. 5 Oral Answers KARTJKA 23, 1908 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH : The SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY : We Reserve Bank Report says that in Jalpai- are receiving complaints and also a state- gurj beneficiarics were identified by outside ment has been made on the floor.... parties, without much regard to the usual norms. I will give one example... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Put your question. MR. SPEAKER : Order, order, Let us listen to the reply. SHRI HANNAN M OLLAH: One Chairman of the Sagar Gramin Bank in SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY : West Bengal asked the Manager to identify Complaints have been received from other the applications. 13.000 applications came- parts also and here also on the floor of this 7th April was the last date-and they were House hon. Members from our side have finalised in two days; Rs.
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