BRODIE’S BRITANNIA BEERS AND CIDERS Favourite beers and ciders from around the world. DRAUGHT BEERS WORLD LAGERS CIDER Shipyard American Pale Ale Corona Aspall Cyder 4.5% abv | Pint | 4.75 Mexico | 4.5% abv | 330ml | 4.25 England | 5.5% abv | 500ml | 4.65 BRODIE’S Peroni Nastro Azzurro Peroni Nastro Azzurro Thatchers Gold 5.1% abv | Pint | 4.75 Italy | 5.1% abv | 330ml | 4.25 England | 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.50 Marston’s Pedigree Budweiser Strongbow Dark Fruits 4.5% abv | Pint | 4.35 USA | 4.8% abv | 330ml | 4.15 England | 4.0% abv | 440ml | 4.35 Stella Artois Bud Light Strongbow 5.0% abv | Pint | 4.35 USA | 3.5% abv | 330ml | 4.15 England | 5.3% abv | 440ml | 4.15 Foster’s Carling 4.0% abv | Pint | 4.10 UK | 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 STOUT John Smith’s Extra Smooth Beck’s Guinness Draught Can 3.6% abv | Pint | 4.10 Germany | 5.0% abv | 330ml | 4.15 BRITANNIA 4.2% abv | 440ml | 3.95 Birra Moretti L’Autentica Italy | 4.6% abv | 330ml | 4.15 BRITISH BEERS Welcome to Brodie’s. As you can see, it encompasses all the best qualities of Stella Artois SPECIALITY Brewdog Punk IPA a true local; a relaxed ambience, tempting pub snacks, live music, sports and Belgium | 5.0% abv | 330ml | 3.85 Aspall Waddlegoose Three Berry 5.6% abv | 330ml | 4.25 England | 3.8% abv | 500ml | 4.75 entertainment. As well as serving a wonderful selection of bottled British beers, Carlsberg Sharp’s Brewery Doom Bar Denmark | 3.8% abv | 330ml | 3.25 Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime your favourite spirits and world wines by the glass (and bottle of course!). 4.3% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Sweden | 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.50 8LMW¾SEXMRKTYFMWREQIHEJXIVMRRSZEXSVEHZIRXYVIVERHGSJSYRHIVSJXLI Old Speckled Hen Estrella Damm Daura – Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O), Brodie McGhie Willcox. 5.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 LOW AND NO ALCOHOL Gluten Free In his honour, take your time exploring our adventurous Great British Beer Menu, Fuller’s London Pride Beck’s Non-Alcoholic Spain | 5.4% abv | 330ml | 4.15 the largest collection of bottled British beers at sea. 4.7% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Germany | 0.05% abv | 330ml | 2.75 Crabbie’s Original Alcoholic Marston’s Pedigree San Miguel Ginger Beer 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Spain | 0% abv | 330ml | 2.95 Scotland | 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Newcastle Brown Ale Kopparberg Alcohol Free Old Speckled Hen – 4.7% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Mixed Fruit Gluten Free England | 5.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 John Smith’s Extra Smooth Sweden | 0% abv | 500ml | 3.50 3.6% abv | 500ml | 3.95 PERFECT SHARERS WITH FRIENDS Why not ask your steward about our beer and cider buckets? All prices in £ sterling. GREAT BRITISH BEER Follow a tantalising journey around the UK with our Great British Beer range. CLASSIC ENGLISH ALE Cumberland Ale Rev James Original PALE ALE Organic Lutrins Real Ale BEST OF BRITISH Admiral Lord Collingwood Jennings | Cumbria Brains | Cardiff Brewers Gold Laverstoke Park Farm | Hampshire Wylam Brewery Ltd | Northumberland Golden colour, slight citrus taste. Rich, well balanced with a mellow Crouch Vale Brewery | Essex Strong pale ale, with slight caramel Lancaster Bomber QEPX]¾EZSYV sweetness. Honey coloured, light and soft bodied. 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Pale, refreshing with aroma of tropical fruits. Thwaites | Lancashire 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.15 5.0% abv | 330ml | 3.95 4.1% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.25 'LIWXRYXMRGSPSYV[MXL¾SVEPFMWGYMX Devon Dreamer Tanglefoot Pumphouse Pale Ale aromas. Bank’s Bitter Hunters Brewery | Devon Ghost Ship Classic English Ale | 4.4% abv | 500ml Hall & Woodhouse | Dorset Sambrook’s Brewery | London Marston’s Brewery (Bank’s) | 3VERKIV]¾S[IV]EVSQEPIEHWXSE^IWX] Adnams | Suffolk 4.15 refreshing ale. Golden ale, hints of melon and pear. Balanced sweetness and hop character, Worcestershire Assertive bitterness with fresh citrus 4.1% abv | 500ml | 4.15 5.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 [MXLETPIEWERX¾SVEPERHPMKLXWTMGI Masquerade Deep gold colour with malty, hoppy EVSQEWERHFMWGYMX¾EZSYVW aroma. ¾EZSYVW 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Monty’s Brewery | Powys Double Dragon T.E.A Traditional English Ale 4.2% abv | 500ml | 4.15 3.8% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Golden, gluten free beer with tropical Felinfoel Brewery | Carmarthenshire Hogs Back Brewery | Surrey Love Lane Pale fruit aromas. Silver Dollar Bombardier Old English Ale Deep copper, nutty, light toffee notes, A copper colour, toffee aroma, sweet The Liverpool Craft Beer Co | Golden/Blonde Ale | 4.6% abv | 500ml Tyne Bank Brewery | Tyne & Wear Charles Wells | Bedfordshire tangy red fruit. slightly fruity taste. Merseyside 4.25 %QFIVGSPSYV[MXLFSPHGMXVYW¾EZSYV A burnished copper colour with a dark 4.2% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.2% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Biscuit malt balances the whole leaf 4.9% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Tribute fruit aroma. Good Old Boy Trooper citrus hops for a refreshing lasting taste. St Austell | Cornwall 5.2% abv | 500ml | 4.15 West Berkshire Brewery | Berkshire Robinsons Brewery | Cheshire 4.5% abv | 330ml | 3.95 Snowdonia Ale Light, hoppy, zesty and easy drinking ale. Purple Moose Brewery Ltd | Gwynedd Pale Ale | 4.2% abv | 500ml British Bulldog An amber ale, fruity aroma, smooth 7[IIXQEPX]^IWX]LSTW[MXL¾EZSYV Mary Jane 4.15 Westerham Brewery | Kent chocolate, coffee taste. of bitter, strong hops. Ilkley Brewery | West Yorkshire +SPHIR]IPPS[JYPPSJGMXVYW¾EZSYV 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.7% abv | 500ml | 4.15 3.6% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Young’s Double Chocolate Stout &EPERGIHXSJJIIERHVMGLJVYMX¾EZSYVW Packed with surprising balance and body [MXLE¾SVEPQEPX]EVSQE for such a low abv. Wells & Young’s Brewery | Oxford Gold Wadworth 6X Titanic Quarter Beer 4.1% abv | 500ml | 4.15 3.5% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Bedfordshire Brakspear | Oxfordshire Wadworth Brewery | Wiltshire Hilden Brewing Co | County Antrim The original dark beer brewed with Golden colour with a zesty aroma and Full bodied and distinctive, a strong A pale ale that’s clean and refreshing, with real chocolate making it silky, rich and JYPPJVYMX]¾EZSYV premium ale. a good level of bitterness. creamy smooth. 4.6% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.3% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.2% abv | 500ml | 4.25 Speciality Ale | 5.2% abv | 500ml 4.15 All prices in £ sterling. GREAT BRITISH BEER Follow a tantalising journey around the UK with our Great British Beer range. INDIA PALE ALE (IPA) GOLDEN/BLONDE ALE STRONG ALE SPECIALITY Lemon Dream CRAFT CIDERS Okell’s IPA Hophead Belhaven Wee Heavy Banana Bread Beer Salopian Brewery | Shropshire %RRMRKW)PHIV¾S[IV Okell’s | Isle of Man Dark Star Brewery | West Sussex Greene King | East Lothian Charles Wells | Bedfordshire A golden ale brewed using organic & Cucumber Cider lemons giving subtle zesty aromas. Light in colour with spicy lemony notes. %TEPIKSPHIREPIWXVSRK¾SVEPEVSQE Mahogany in colour, with biscuit and Toffee sweetness with a tempting aroma Lyme Bay Winery | Dorset 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.25 ERHIPHIV¾S[IVRSXIW roast malt aromas. of bananas. 1EHI[MXLIPHIV¾S[IVNYMGIERH 3.8% abv | 500ml | 4.15 7.4% abv | 330ml | 4.15 5.2% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Sea Fury cucumber extracts; light, refreshing, Punk IPA original. Sharp’s Brewery | Cornwall Brewdog | Aberdeenshire Jarl Broadside Black Sheep Ale 4.0% abv | 500ml | 4.50 An aroma of roasted and dark berry Light and golden, with tropical fruit and Fyne Ales | Argyll Adnams | Suffolk Black Sheep Brewing Company | North Yorkshire RSXIW[MXLJVYMX]QEPX]¾EZSYVERH Old Rosie caramel. Light and golden with citrus and grassy Dark ruby red, rich in fruitcake aromas. ELST½RMWL LST¾EZSYVW Orange and roast coffee aromas with H Weston & Sons Ltd | Herefordshire 5.6% abv | 330ml | 4.25 6.3% abv | 500ml | 4.15 5.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 3.8% abv | 500ml | 4.25 bittersweet fruity taste. Cloudy, medium bodied, wild berry and Sadler’s Red IPA Old Peculier 4.4% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Tart Bakewell Sour honey aroma. Sadler’s Brewery | West Midlands Wild Hop T&R Theakston Ltd | North Yorkshire 7.3% abv | 330ml | 4.50 Cheltenham Spa Thornbridge Brewery | Derbyshire Rich amber colour with fruity, hoppy Harvey’s Brewery | East Sussex Rich, dark, smooth, strong and mellow. Battledown Brewery | Gloucestershire Refreshingly tart and dry with citrusy Reveller aromas. 0MKLXMRGSPSYV[MXLGPIERGMXVYW¾EZSYVW 5.6% abv | 500ml | 4.15 LSTWERH¾EZSYVWSJKVETIJVYMXERH Orchard Pig | Somerset 5.7% abv | 500ml | 4.15 3.7% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Deep golden, easy drink with summer bitter lemon. fruits, biscuit malt. Light, crisp and gently sparkling with 6% abv | 330ml | 4.15 White Shield Wold Top Wold Gold 4.6% abv | 500ml | 4.25 tangy, freshly squeezed lime notes. Worthington’s | Staffordshire Wold Top Brewery | East Yorkshire Mocha Ale 4.5% abv | 500ml | 4.50 Coolship Fruit Sour Ale Aromatic hops, hints of smoke and spice Blonde, continental style beer with soft George Bateman & Sons Ltd, aroma, fruity characters. JVYMX]¾EZSYV Elgood & Sons Ltd | Cambridgeshire Lincolnshire 5.6% abv | 500ml | 4.15 4.8% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Purple colour with hedgerow fruit Fresh coffee and chocolate beans subtly EVSQEERHVMGLFIVV]¾EZSYV combined with aromatic crispy malt. Yorkshire Pride 5.0% abv | 330ml | 3.95 6.0% abv | 500ml | 4.15 Acorn Brewery of Barnsley Ltd | South Yorkshire Innis & Gunn Rum Finish Welsh Black Pale straw colour, light and easy drinking, Innis & Gunn | Edinburgh Great Orme | Conwy tropical fruit and citrus aroma. Ruby red, fruit and mulled spice aromas, Rich, dark, chocolate malt, rich coffee 3.7% abv | 500ml | 4.25 aromatic spiciness from the rum barrel. ¾EZSYV 6.8% abv | 330ml | 4.15 4.0% | 500ml | 4.25 All prices in £ sterling.
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