- · 1964 -----------.'\ •, -:Sr:s-fr3_ J 1! i i f .I ------- 1 ~- " REVI.EW of· the , FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA 1964 . ' OTTAWA • CANADA 1966 1 - I I 1 ) 98212-1 1 ------------------- ---------------- '\ 'J I ·' © ROGER DUHAMEL, F.R.s.c. Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Ottawa, 1966 ,. Cat. No. Fs 91-2/1964 Contents Members of the Board 5 Organization ......................................... : . 6 Locations of establishments and main areas of their field research, facing ...... 12 Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. (including Pacific Oceanographic Group) 13 Research Laboratory, Vancouver, B.C. (including Technological Unit, London, Ont.) . .. 29 Biological Station, London, Ont. .................................................................... 37 Arctic Biological Station, Montreal, Que ......................................... :............... 41' i' Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B. (including Atlantic Oceanographic Group, Dartmouth, N.S., and Biological Substation, Ellerslie, P.E.I.) .... 47 Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S. (including Technological Unit, St. John's, Nfld., and Technological Station, Grande-Riviere, Que.) ........................ 59 Biological Station, St. John's, Nfld. ................................................................ 71 Publications and Reports ................. ,:............................................................. 78 Index to professional staff by est~blishment .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 3 -.·---------- -------------- ---- ----- Members of the Board The members of the Board during the calendar year 1964 were: *W. E. Ricker, B.A., M.A., PH.n.(Toronto), F.R.s.c.; Acting Chairman to July 31; Biological Consul·tant to the Chairman from August 1 *F. R.' Hayes, M.sc.(Dalhousie), PH.D., n.sc.(Liverpool), F.R.s.c.; Director, Institute of Oceanography, and Vice-President, Dalhousie University, and Member to July 31, Chairman from August 1 C. W. Argue, c.B.E., B.A., B.s.A.(British Columbia), M.s.(Iowa State), n.sc. (New Brunswick); Dean of Science, and Head, Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. (1965) ** *J. M. R. Beveridge, B.sc.(Acadia), PH.D.(Toronto), M.D.(Westem Ontario), D.sc.(Acadia), F.R.s.c.; President, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. (1968) *D. B. DeLury, B.A., M.A., PH.D.(Toronto), F.A.S.A., F.A.A.s.; Chairman; Department of Mathematics, ·university of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. (1965) 0. F. Denstedt, B.sc.(Manitoba), PH.D.(McGill); Gilman Cheney Professor, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Que. ( 1968) M. K. Eriksen, Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association, Prince Rupert, B.C. (1967) G. Filteau, B.A., B.sc.A., PH.D.(Laval), Head, Department of Biology, University of Laval, Quebec, Que. (1968) *G. LeB!anc, B.A., B.sc.(Laval), M.B.A.(Westem Ontario); Secretary General, Quebec United Fishermen, Youville Station, Montreal, Que. ( 1967) M. McLean, McLean Bros. Fisheries, Wheatley, Ont. (1968) *I. McT. Cowan, B.A.(British Columbia), PH.D.(California), F.R.s.c.; Dean of Graduate Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. (1965) E. Page, M.B.E., B.s.A.!Montreal), PH.n.(Come11), F.R.s.c.; Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal, Montreal, Que.; resigned December 31, 1964 *R. L. Payne, Jr., B.ENG.(Mech.)(McGill), M.s .. (M.I.T.); General Manager, J. H. Todd and Sons Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. (1968) G. L. Pickard, M.B.E., B.A., M.A., D.PHIL.(Oxon), F.R.s.c.; Director, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. (1967) H. A. Russell, President, Bonavista Cold Storage Company Limited, St. John's, Nfid. (1968) S. Sinclair, B.s.A., M.sc.(Saskatchewan), PH.D.(Minnesota), F.A.1.c.; Head, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. (1966) *R. G. Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Sea Products Limited, Halifax, N.S. (1966) W. M. Sprules, B.A., PH.D. (Toronto); Special Assistant to Deputy Minister, Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, Ont. (1968) W. L. Williamson, Conley's Lobsters Ltd., St. Andrews, N.B. (1968) The Deputy Minister of Fisheries is also invited to attend meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee. Members whose term of office began on January 1, 1965, are as follows: H. A. Favre, ING.CHIM.DIPL., E.P.F., D.sc.(Swiss Federal Inst. Tech.); Dean of Science, University of Montreal, Montreal, Que. (1969) F. E. ~· F:Y, ·M.B.E., M.A., PH.D.(Toronto), F.R.s.c.; Professor, Department of Zoology, U!11vers1ty of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. (1969) * Member of ·the Executive Committee. * * Appointment terminates at end of year indicated. 5 98212--2 - -- ----------------------- ORGANIZATION Honorary Board The long and successful history of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada is attributed to its organization as an independent honorary board. This board is a direct outgrowth of the honorary Board of Management established under the federal Minister of Marine and Fisheries in 1898- to encourage and supervise J marine biofogical research. With growth in the scope of responsibilities and I membership, the board became the Biological Board of Canada in 1912 and the ' Fisheries·Research Board of Canada in 1937. Although the honorary board-type of organization is unique among Canadian federal agencies responsible for re­ search on living renewable resources such as agriculture, forestry, and wildlife, it has been followed by two of the largest research organizations, the National Research Council (1917) and the Defence Research Board (1947). Function. Under the control of the Minister of Fisheries, the Board "has charge of all Dominion fishery research stations in Canada, and has the conduct and control of investigations of practical and economic problems connected with marine and freshwater fisheries, flora and fauna, and such other work as may be assigned by the Minister." It is the only organization in the federal government with scientific research responsibilities in this field. Membership. The Board consists of a full-time Chairman, appointed by the Governor-in-Council, and not more than eighteen honorary members, appointed by the Minister of Fisheries. The majority of members must be scientists and the remainder represent the Department of Fisheries and the fishing industry. In 1964 there were ten scientific members from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, all being distinguished specialists in disciplines related to the Board's work. The seven' industry representatives, from both coasts and the Great Lakes, are prominent business leaders with intimate knowledge of the fishing industry. Representation from the Department of Fish­ eries is at a professional and senior level. Chairman. The first full-time Chairman of the Board was appointed on amendment of the Fisheries Research Board Act in 1953. "The Chairman is the chief executive officer of the Board and has sup~rvision over and direction of the work of the Board and of the persons appointed for the purpose of carrying out the work of the Board." Meetings. At its annual meetings in Ottawa, and at special meetings as necessary, the Board sets objectives and policies, reviews and guides broad research programs, and determines the laboratory and staff organization require­ ments to carry out these programs. Executive Committee. The administrative responsibilities of the Board are delegated to an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman and four to six elected members, approved by the Minister. The Executive establishes the level . and distribution of capital facilities (such as laboratories and research vessels), operating funds, and research staffs required to carry out the Board's work. The appointments and remuneration of scientific, technical, and other staff are re- 6 1.r-T - 1-..:::-- - --:: - I Minister of Fisheries I I Fisheries Research Board of Canada Chairman, appointed full-time by Governor-in-Council Up to 18 honorary members appointed for 5-year terms by Minister (Executive, Regional Advisory, and Special Committees) I Office of the Chairman, Ottawa Chairman, Assistant Chairman Director of Administration Scientific Consultants Editor of Publications and a smal I support staff I Research Establishments Biological Static~, Nanaimo, B.C. Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B. Pacific Oceanographic Group Atlantic Oceanographic Group, Dartmouth, N.S. Biological Sub.station, Ellerslie, P.E.I. Research Laboratory, Vancouver, B .C. Technological Unit, London, Ont. Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S. Technological Station, Grande-Riviere, Que. Biological Stotion, London, Ont. Technological Unit, St. John's, Nfld. Arctic Biological Station, Montreal, Que. Biological Station, St. John's, Nfld. (moved to Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que., early in 196.5) - Pec<j!mber 31 1 1964 -- -------- - - ------ ------------------------------ viewed by a Personnel Subcommittee of the Executive. All of the Executive proposals involving money and staff are subject to approval by the Minister of Fisheries, review by the Treasury Board, and availability of government funds. Advisory Committees. The scientific programs of the Board are regularly reviewed by Advisory Committees for Eastern, Central-Arctic, and Western regions of Canada. The Advisory Committees visit Board laboratories and field operations to review operations and scientific programs. They make recommenda­ tions to the Board for program and operational improvement. Special Committees. Special committees are set up from time
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