Political Reviews michael lujan bevacqua, elizabeth (isa) ua ceallaigh bowman, zaldy dandan, monica c labriola, nic maclellan, tiara r na'puti, gonzaga puas peter clegg, lorenz gonschor, margaret mutu, salote talagi, forrest wade young 187 256 the contemporary pacific • 32:1 (2020) References www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific -news/367837/niue-premier-says-leeches All websites accessed 19 September 2019. -comment-idiotic bcn, Broadcasting Corporation of Niue. ———. 2018d. Niue Public Get Say over News videos published in English and Water Bottling Controversy. 11 October. Niuean on YouTube by NIUEtv. Available https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/ from https://www.youtube.com/user/ pacific-news/368474/niue-public-get-say NIUETV/videos -over-water-bottling-controversy bsa, Broadcasting Standards Author- ———. 2019. Niue Police Investigate mp ity. 2019. Newstalk zb’s Heather du over Marijuana Exhibit. 15 May. https:// Plessis-Allan Found to Have Breached www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/ Broadcasting Standards with Pacific 389256/niue-police-investigate-mp-over Islands Comments. Media release, 4 April. -marijuana-exhibit https://bsa.govt.nz/oldsite/assets/Media Siohane, G. Niue’s Diplomatic _Releases/190402_Media_Release 2019 _-_Newstalk_ZB.pdf Relations. Interview by S Talagi. Welling- ton, New Zealand, 31 June. Department of Justice, Lands, Survey & Smith, Mackenzie. NZ Warns Niue Community Affairs. 2017. Niue Legisla- 2018 over Revenue Shortfalls, Budget Blowouts. tive Assembly General Elections 6th May , October. https://www.rnz.co.nz/ 2017—Final Results. Alofi, Niue: Depart- rnz 11 ment of Justice. Copy in author’s files. international/pacific-news/368331/nz -warns-niue-over-revenue-shortfalls Government of Niue. 2006. Niue Laws / -budget-blowouts Tau Fakatufono-Tohi a Niue: Legislation Statistics Niue. 2012. Niue at a Glance. as at December 2006. Volume 1. Alofi: https://niue.prism.spc.int/ Government of Niue. http://www.gov.nu/ wb/media/Volume%201.pdf United Nations. 2019. General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Enhancing United ———. 2018. Asian Development Bank Nations Cooperation with Pacific Islands Act. Forum, Pays Tribute to Late President of ———. 2019. Misuse of Drugs Amend- Tunisia. Meetings coverage, 1 August. ment Act 2019. https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/ ga .doc.htm rnz, Radio New Zealand. 2018a. Apology 12168 to the Honourable Sir Toke Talagi, Premier of the Government of Niue. 20 December. https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/ Pitcairn pacific-news/378716/apology-to-the -honourable-sir-toke-talagi-premier-of The islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, -the-government-of-niue Ducie, and Oeno (commonly known ———. 2018b. Niue Defends Account- as Pitcairn) make up a single territory, ing Issues, Blaming NZ Auditor General. the last remaining United Kingdom 11 October. https://www.rnz.co.nz/ Overseas Territory in the Pacific international/pacific-news/368412/niue Ocean. Much of the period under -defends-accounting-issues-blaming review (1 July 2018–30 June 2019) -nz-auditor-general followed a similar path to that of ———. 2018c. Niue Premier Says Leeches the previous twelve months, with the Comment “Idiotic.” 3 October. https:// local community exploring various political reviews • polynesia 257 opportunities for consolidating and spent some time on the island. The strengthening their extremely vulner- article began by stating that, “rocked able position, while also being con- by child-abuse scandals, the locals strained by well-entrenched issues, were hostile and a culture of silence such as population size, economic culminated in the worst experience of viability, external perceptions of the [the photographer’s] life.” It suggested local community, and the continuing that Pitcairn was introverted, that saga of Brexit. In addition, the House the Islanders disliked outsiders, and of Commons Foreign Affairs Commit- that the experiences of the photogra- tee (fac) undertook an investigation pher showed “that their ideas about into the overseas territories (ots), the relationships and sex have not come findings of which had some potentially on very far.” The alleged response important implications for Pitcairn. from a leading member of the commu- Let us begin this review with a nity was, “If you [make a complaint] consideration of Pitcairn’s extremely you’re jeopardising our future” small population. The local news- (Richardson 2019). The agenda of paper, Pitcairn Miscellany, reported the article was quite clear, but it did that on 24 March 2019 the island’s highlight some of the key issues that population was only thirty-seven—a Pitcairn is really struggling to over- near historically low figure. There come. were fifteen women, nineteen men, The Islanders tried to draw a line and three children (Pitcairn Miscellany under the sex abuse scandals. On 2019b, 9). Although the overall figure 30 November 2018 the Child Safe- is reduced slightly by the fact that at guarding Memorial was unveiled the age of thirteen children continue (pic 2018b, 2). It read, “To say we’re their schooling in New Zealand, the sorry does not seek punishment or current workforce is still only about blame, it doesn’t say they were right thirty. Pitcairn Councillor Leslie and we were wrong, just that we have Jaques suggested the number was learnt and understand the error of our “too low and which [sic] means things ways.” Whether a long-delayed plaque don’t happen and don’t get done” with some wording on it that fails to (Richardson 2019). Commenting on accept full culpability is sufficient is this situation, one observer who had certainly open to debate. Considered spent some time on the island sug- within the context of the Telegraph gested that the community was “on article, one might have to argue that it the precipice of extinction” (Richard- is not. son 2019). Nevertheless, the local council The tenor of a piece by Nigel Rich- remained committed to its new settlers ardson in the Telegraph was highly program; it established “The New critical and did not help Pitcairn’s Settlers Orientation Group” (pic cause at all. The article was entitled 2019a, 1) and approved long-term “Secrets of Pitcairn, the Tropical visitor visas to aid settlement (pic Island that Covered Up a Child-Sex 2018a, 3). At least two new applica- Scandal,” and it focused on the experi- tions to settle were approved during ences of a photographer who had the period under review, but a recent 258 the contemporary pacific • 32:1 (2020) arrival departed. This was reported in match EU funding for the territories the Pitcairn Miscellany: “For the past up until 2020, including in the event 9 months a Gentleman from Europe of no deal, but was much less clear on has been living upon Pitcairn as an what might happen beyond that date. intending resident. It is with sadness In evidence to the fac, the Foreign to report that his settlement appears and Commonwealth Office noted its to have been unsuccessful, as in late plans to “review objectively the way in August he chose to depart” (2018c, which the UK Government’s commit- 4). So it is clear that despite significant ments to the ots is most effectively investment, time, and promotion, the discharged, taking account of the costs settler program has not proved to be a and benefits of the current arrange- success so far. ments” (fac 2019, 22). One factor is of course the remote- The lack of financial certainty ness of Pitcairn, including the difficul- created real anxiety in Pitcairn. In his ties Islanders face in accessing medical evidence to the fac councillor, Jaques services. This was starkly highlighted stated, “Pitcairn is concerned about in a story in the Pitcairn Miscellany, the replacement mechanism for EU which described the journey of an funding post Brexit. It is imperative Islander who required medical atten- that funding continues and a solid tion (2018d, 8). The trip from Pitcairn commitment on this is given by hmg to the Papeete Central Hospital in [Her Majesty’s Government]” (fac Tahiti required a thirty-hour journey 2018, Q196). Later in his evidence, at sea to Mangareva; a thirty-minute Jaques complained that “we have been water taxi ride to a neighboring islet given no assurance—in fact, no word where the airport is located; a five- at all.” Further, he argued, “The other hour flight to Tahiti; and, finally, a thing that concerns us . is how [any thirty-minute taxi journey. Then all of UK] funding would be disbursed. the medical appointments needed to The EU have an equitable, prorated be concluded within four days; if not, distribution under the edf [European the Islander would have had to wait Development Fund]. From the little bit another three months until the next we have heard, dfid [Department for supply and passenger rotation. International Development] intends Pitcairn’s structural and long- to have perhaps a bidding process of standing difficulties were not eased some kind. If that is the case, it will by the continuing uncertainty over marginalise smaller, less capable terri- the UK’s relationship with the Euro- tories such as ourselves. We would like pean Union (EU) and the process assurances that funds will be distrib- of Brexit. During the period under uted on an equitable, prorated basis review, the UK government struggled in the same way as they are under the and failed to get enough support in edf” (fac 2018, Q214). the House of Commons to allow the The continuing significance of EU UK to leave the EU. This continued funding was clear during the period to create significant uncertainty for under review. For example, a renew- the overseas territories, including able energy project was initiated (pic Pitcairn. The government pledged to 2019b, 3); a new Ship to Shore Vessel political reviews • polynesia 259 was built (pic 2019b, 2); and a new ments continuing post Brexit” (pic replacement “Welcome to Pitcairn” 2018a, 4).
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