1940 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5109 VIRGINIA The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Hattie C. Barrow to be postmaster at Dinwiddie, Va., in approved. place of H. C. Barrow. Incwnbent's commission expired MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE April 12, 1940. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative Ross V. Martindale to be postmaster at sweet Briar, va., in clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend­ place of R. V. Martindale. Incwnbent's commission expired ments in which th'e concurrence of the House is requested, a January 20, 1940. bill of the House of the following title: WASHINGTON H. R. 6264. An act authorizing the construction, repair, and Emery L. Morsbach to be postmaster at Bucoda, Wash. preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, Office became Presidential July 1, 1939. and for other purposes. Aaron vV. Wilson to be postmaster at Clarkston, Wash., in The message also announced that the Senate insists upon place of A. W. Wilson. Incumbent's commission expires its amendments to the foregoing bill, requests a conference April 30, 1940. with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses Robert Kinzel to be postmaster at Entiat, Wash., in place of thereon, and appoints Mr. BAILEY, Mr. SHEPPARD, and Mr. Mc­ Robert Kinzel. Incumbent's commission expires April 30, NARY to be the conferees on the part of the Senate. 1940. The message also announced that th'e Senate had ordered Selma Peterson to be postmaster at Marcus, Wash., in place that Mr. FRAZIER be appointed as an additional conferee on of Selma Peterson. Incumbent's commission expires April the part of the Senate to the committee of conference on the 30, 1940. disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of WYOMING the Senate to the bill <H. R. 3800) entitled "An act to amend Ann D. Keenan to be postmaster at Pine Bluffs, Wyo., in section 8 (e) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment place of A. D. Keenan. Incumbent's commission expired Act, as amended." April 2, 1940. BOARD OF VISITORS, UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ACADEMY The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the fol­ CONFIRMATIONS lowing communication, which was read: Executive nominations confirmed · by the Senate April 26 APRIL 25, 1940. <legislative day ot April 24), 1940 Han. WILLIAM B. BANKHEAD, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. JUDGE OF THE POLICE COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Hon. LINDSAY C. WARREN, Member of Congress from North Carolina, an appointee of the Board of Visitors of the George D. Neilson to be judge of the Police Court for the United States Coast Guard Academy for the calendar year 1940, will District of Co~umbia. be unable to attend the meeting of the Board at New London, Conn., on May 4. Therefore, by authority of Public, No. 183, Seventy-sjxth UNITED STATES MARSHAL Congress, first session, amending section 7, of Public, No. 38, Sev­ Henry C. Armstrong to be United States marshal for the enty-fifth Congress, first session, I have appointed Hon. JAMES A. western district of Arkansas. O'LEARY, Member of Congress from the State of New York, as a member of the Board of Visitors in the place and stead of Mr. POSTMASTERS WARREN. KENTUCKY Yours very sincerely, s. 0. BLAND, Walter B. Sisk, Fleming. Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Fanny L. Scott, Florence. RIVER AND HARBOR APPROPRIATIONS, 1941 Beulah A. Foley, Ravenna. Morgan B. Johnson, McRoberts. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent LOUISIANA to take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 6264) author­ izing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain William F. Roy, Jr., Arabi. public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes, James 0. Brouillette, Marksville. with Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate OHIO amendments and agree to the conference asked by the Nathan A. McCoy, Sr., Columbus. Senate. UTAH The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the DoraN. Dennison, Castle Dale. request of the gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. The Chair appointed the following conferees, Mr. MANS­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FIELD, Mr. GAVAGAN, Mr. DEROUEN, Mr. SEGER, and Mr. CARTER. EXTENSION OF REMARKS FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940 Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. extend my remarks in the RECORD and include therein a de­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., of­ cision of the Supreme Court of the United States, rendered fered the following prayer: by Chief Justice Hughes the other day, concerning the respec­ Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed tive water rights of the States of Colorado and Wyoming. upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Thou art The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection? able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the right to object, think; therefore do Thou work within us the purpose and the though I shall not do so, but I rise to express the gratifica­ pleasure of Thy holy will. We rejoice that the zone of Thy tion of the House upon having the distinguished chairman Fatherhood in its sympathies, provisions, and invitations is as of the Committee on Appropriations back with us, sound wide as the races of men. All glory, honor, and majesty be and well. [Applause.] unto Thee, 0 Lord most high. Spare us from life's sorest The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the loss, a loving and a believing heart. Almighty God, as human request of the gentleman from Colorado. life is so manifold and so inglorious today, making its cries There was no objection. heard around the world, have mercy, have mercy. The cross, Mr. EATON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to with its meaning and purpose, is but faintly gleaming in the extend my remarks in the RECORD by inserting an· editorial minds of men. 0 stay Thou the flood of terror generated by from a New York newspaper. the insanity of war. Draw near to all who are contesting their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection? way in this burdened world, overtaken by fear, disaster, and There was no objection. death. Be with us, 0 Good Shepherd, make plain the path­ VETO OF TRAVEL PAY BILL way of duty, and Thine shall be the praise. In the blessed Mr. GUYER of Kansas. 1\.fr. Speaker, I ask unanimous name of Jesus. Amen. consent to address the House for 1 minute. LXXXVI--322 5110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 26 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the re­ There was no objection. quest of the gentleman from Texas? Mr. GUYER of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I want to call the There was no objection. attention of the House to the remarks of the gentleman from EXTENSION OF REMARKS Washington [Mr. SMITH], on pages 5030, 5031, and 5032 of Mr. ANGELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for yesterday's RECORD, in which he discusses the issues involved two extensions of my remarks: One to extend my remarks in the overriding of President Roosevelt's veto of the travel­ on the bill H. R. 289, and the other to extend my remarks pay bill for certain soldiers who took part in the Philippine and include a letter from the Air Line Pilots' Association. Insurrection. Included in his remarks is the report of the The SPEAKE~ pro tempore. Without objection, it is so Committee on War Claims. This will amply justify the vote ordered. of the House of 274 to 82 to override the President's third There was no objection. veto of thiS just bill, which was intended to right an ancient wrong, for there was never a more just claim against the WHAT THE COMMON PEOPLE TmNK Government. It is more than a just claim; it is a sacred Mr. JENKINS of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous obligation incurred by the responsible heads of the Govern­ consent to ~ddress the House for 1 minute. ment in a very serious crisis. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Witliout objection, it is so I ask the Members of the House to look ove.r that extension ordered. of remarks, so that they may justify their vote of yesterday. There was no objection. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. JENKINS of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I hold in my hand Mr. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ a little piece of paper about 2 inches wide and 3 inches long. sent to extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include It is a letter that was sent to me by one of my constituents letters which I have in my possession and a quotation from who is one of the common people and a coal miner and small the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. farmer. I want the Congress to know what the common The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection? · people think and what they say. On this paper is written a There was no objection. great speech. On it is written a most profound sermon; and Mr. THORKELSON. Also, Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous if I can read it within the time, I will do so. It is as follows: consent to extend my own remarks and to include editorials Mr. JENKINs: There are a iot of people that can and would make on aviation from the Washington News. their own way if the Government would just let them alone.
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