Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CII PASSAIC, N.J., SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 NUMBER 4999 Scenes of the 58th International Slovak Catholic Sokol Golf Tournament Held at the Mountain Valley Golf Course in Barnesville, Pa., August 9-11 Supreme offi cers, l-r, Supreme Sports Director Edward D. Moeller, Supreme President Larry M. Glugosh, Supeme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Member of the Su- preme Physical Fitness Board Denise DiMartino and Supreme Assistant Sports Director James C. Matlon. Chairperson of Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Horvath, second from the right, is shown with Group 7 golfers, l-r, Kelly Palchanis, Heather Horvath and Danielle Zabloney. L-r, Ben Moeller, Ryan Gregg, Jason Fareri, Dan Dawson and Jay Macko. Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., right, is shown with his sons, Scott T. Pogorelec and Steven M. Pogorelec, Jr. Supreme Sports Director Edward D. Moeller with Charma Baker, recipient of the Frank S. Kevin Matlon Petruff Memorial Sports Award. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 At Mt. Assisi Convent in Pittsburgh Year of Faith Pilgrimage in Danville, Pa., Oct. 6 Introducing School Sisters of St. Francis Celebrate Centennial The Sisters of SS. Cyril and our newest Methodius will host a Year of Faith members The School Sisters of St. Francis to begin their educational minis- First Catholic Slovak Ladies Asso- Pilgrimage at the Basilica of SS. celebrated the 100th anniversary of try among the Slovak parishes in ciation and the Most Rev. Michael Cyril and Methodius located at their arrival in the United States on western Pennsylvania. Follow- Pfeifer, O.M.I., Bishop of San their Motherhouse, Villa Sacred the feast of the Assumption of the ing the liturgy, the Sisters hosted Angelo, Tex. In the lower photo, Heart in Danville, Pa. on Sunday, BVM on August 15 at their mother- a festive dinner. Shown on the top Bishop Zubik and Bishop Pfeifer October 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. In addi- house, Mt. Assisi in Pittsburgh, Pa. photo below are from the left, Edi- are shown with members of the tion to celebrating the Year of Faith, Bishop David A. Zubik, Bishop of tor Daniel F. Tanzone, who repre- Council of the American Province participants will commemorate the Pittsburgh, whose mother was edu- sented our organization at the cel- as well as visitors from Rome and 1,150th anniversary of the arrival of cated by the Sisters at the former ebration; Bishop David A. Zubik, Slovakia. Also shown, lower right, SS. Cyril and Methodius in Great Divine Redeemer Slovak Parish in who is our Sokol member; Sister is Sister Maria Glodava, O.S.F. Moravia, present day Slovakia and Ambridge, Pa., was principal cel- Bernadine Marie Stemnock, Gen- with Attorney Cynthia M. Maleski. the Czech Republic, to Christian- ebrant and homilist at the festive eral Superior of the community; Sister Maria, a member of the con- ize the Slavic peoples. Not only did liturgy. The Sisters arrived at the Cynthia M. Maleski and Virginia gregation and our Sokolka is a vo- these Greek brothers from Thes- former St. Gabriel’s Slovak Parish A. Holmes, national president and cation from SS. Cyril and Metho- solonica share their faith with the on Pittsburgh’s North Side in 1913 national trustee, respectively of the dius Parish in Clifton, N.J. peoples they encountered in eastern and southern Europe, they also left them a legacy of profound devotion to “Theotokos” - Mary, the Mother of God. The program begins with a power point presentation offered in Maria Hall Theatre at 1 p.m. That will be followed by an outdoor Ro- Jason Peng Vang, born May 25, sary beginning at Maria Hall and 2012, is the son of Rocky and continuing past the Pieta along the Mailee Xiang Vang of Fond du path to Assumption Court on to Lac, Wis. He was enrolled as a the outdoor mosaic of Our Lady member of Wreath 93 in Mil- of Perpetual Help, into the basilica. waukee, Wis. Prayers for the Year of Faith will be offered following a refl ection pro- vided by Msgr. Thomas Derzack, national chaplain of the Slovak Catholic Federation. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will conclude the pilgrimage. Sokol members are invited to participate in this unique spiritual exercise. The 1,150th Anniversary of the Arrival of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Slovakia, the land of our ancestors Cyrilo-Methodian program in New York City The consulate General of Slo- vakia in New York and the Per- manent Mission of Slovakia to the Cal Leonard Vallance, born April United Nations, will host a special 3, 2013 is the son of Anthony and program honoring the 1,150th an- Allison Iancale Vallance of Ham- niversary of the arrival of SS. Cyril den, Conn. He was enrolled as a and Methodius in Great Moravia member of Assembly 9 in Bridge- on Tuesday, September 24 at The port, Conn. Bohemian National Hall located at 321 East 73rd Street in New York City beginning at 5 p.m. The pro- gram is titled “In the Footsteps of (Continued on page 3) BABY SPOONS JUNE 2013 ASSEMBLY No. NAME 59 Kirah Genter Wreath Adeline Nichole Antosy, born 47 Zaylie Chang April 13, 2013, is the daughter of Christopher and Megan Her- JULY 2013 man Antosy, Jr. of Bennville, Pa. Assembly She was enrolled as a member of No. Name Wreath 155 in Reading, Pa. 162 Ismaail Pollard Wreath 43 Jacob Ford 43 Lucas Meinen 93 Isabella Vang SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 PAGE 3 OCT.27-29 Sokol Q 102nd annual meeting of the Penn- From the Desk of the Supreme President Calendar sylvania Fraternal Alliance at the SAT.SEPT.21 burgh, Pa. for info visit: www.wpsca. Hershey Lodge, Hershey, Pa. Thoughts on Fraternalism Q Quarterly meeting of the Slovak NOV.1-2 org. by Larry M. Glugosh Catholic Sokol Supreme Board of Q 31st annual Slovak Radio Hour Q 89th annual meeting of the New Directors via a Conference Call be- benefi t dinner-dance at the Slovak England Fraternal Alliance at the Sea Recently, I represented our society and your interest at ginning at 10 a.m. Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 East Car- Crest Beach Hotel & Conference the 2013 Annual American Fraternal Alliance meeting in Hol- Q Annual Assembly 59 Golf Tourna- son St., South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., Center, North Falmouth, Mass. lywood, Florida along with our Supreme Secretary Steven M. ment at the Hollenback Golf Course, reception at 5 p.m., dinner at 5:30 SUN.NOV.3 Pogorelec, General Counsel John D. Pogorelec North Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, p.m., call (412)421-1204 for tickets. Q Annual St. Andrew Svorad Bene- and our Director of Sales and Marketing Albert Pa.; shotgun start at 9 a.m.; for reser- SUN.OCT.6 dictine Abbey Benefi t at Assumption J. Suess. It was a very informative and insight- vations call (570)829-3398. Q Wreath 81 meeting at the Sacred of the B.V.M. Parish, 9183 Broad- ful couple of days and I would like to share Q Group 1 offi cers meeting at Slo- Heart Rose Room, 1731 LaPorte view Rd., Broadview Heights, Oh. some common themes and direction that was vak Catholic Sokol headquarters, 205 Ave., Whiting, Ind. beginning at 12 beginning with Mass at 12:15 p.m. in outlined throughout the conference. Madison St., Passaic, N.J. beginning noon, refreshments and games will church followed by receptio and din- Many of the presenters and speakers dis- at 12 noon. be enjoyed following business meet- ner in the parish center; for reserva- cussed the changing trends in our society. They SUN.SEPT.22 ing; monetary donations for food tions contact Rose Stiftar at the abbey stressed how communication and technology Q Group 3 annual meeting at the Slo- pantry will be accepted. at (216)721-5300 ext.0. have reshaped how we live, work and play. vak Catholic Sokol Hall, Route 16, Q Year of Faith Pilgrimage hosted by Q 6th annual Kidz Bowling 4 Kidz As an example, Social Networking and Media has captured the Douglas, Mass. beginning at 10:15 the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Metho- hosted by the Fraternal Societies of hearts and minds of our younger generation however parents a.m. dius at the Basilica of SS. Cyril and Greater Pittsburgh for the benefi t of and even grandparents are just as “connected” as our youth in Q Group 5 Golf Tournament at the Methodius, Villa Sacred Heart, Rail- Childen’s Hospital of Pittsburgh at terms of this new trend. In many ways, this new emerging tech- Chippewa Golf Club, 12147 Shank road Street, Danville, Pa.1 to 5 p.m. the AMF Mt. Lebanon Lanes, Mt. nology has reshaped our lifestyles and the way we think, market Road, Doylestown, Oh.; for res- Q Chicken Barbecue Dinner hosted Lebanon, Pa. beginning at 11:30 a.m. and sell our products. This is very relevant to our organization’s ervations call Joseph Underation by St. John the Evangelist Parish, for info call Karen Pintar (724)695- direction and objectives. I hope you discuss how this form of (440)281-4325. at the Seton Catholic Cafeteria, 35 1100. communication and how it can benefi t your individual groups, Q 78th annual Sokol Day Picnic William St., Pittston, Pa., 11 a.m.
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