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INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX African sleeping sickness, 38 Kilwa and Mikindani, Afric’Aventure (Dar es 471–472 Salaam), 306 Moshi or Marangu, alyshah Designs (Shela), A Aga Khan University Hospital 445–447 298 (Nairobi), 79 Ruaha National Park, Aardwolf, 491 Air Excel, 33–34 476 AAR Emergency AirKenya, 31 Selous Game Reserve, Ambulance, 78 Amboseli, 104 466 AA Shuttles, 29 Laikipia Plateau, 211 the Serengeti, 426 Abasuba Community Peace Lamu, 283 Stone Town, 340–341 Museum (Mfangano), 198 Meru National Park, 140 Tanga, 332 Abasuba tribe, 197–198 Mombasa, 250, 252 in Tanzania, 33–34 Abercrombie & Kent, 47, 208 Mount Kenya, 127 to Tanzania, 30 Aberdare Country Club Nairobi, 71, 78 Albatros Travel, 47 (Kenya), 135 Samburu National Reserve, Altitude sickness, 39 Aberdare National Park 227–228 Aman (Shela), 298 (Kenya), 58, 60, 125, Tanzania, Arusha, 385 Amboni Caves (Tanzania), 132–135 Air Tanzania, 33 332 Access-Able Travel Source, 42 Air travel Amboseli National Park Accessible Journeys, 42 jet lag, 29 (Kenya), 61, 103–110 Accommodations. See also Kenya Ambulances Accommodations Index Amboseli National Mombasa, 252 best, 6–9 Park, 104 Nairobi, 78 island lodgings, 13–14 Baringo, 161 American Embassy Memorial most romantic safari to Kenya, 29 Garden (Nairobi), 81 destinations, 1–4 within Kenya, 31 American Express, Nairobi, 78 safari, 54–55 Laikipia Plateau, 211 Ancient Ost Afrika tented camps, 19–20, 55 Lake Turkana, 237–238 (Bagamoyo), 328 argument for, 20–21 Lake Victoria, 196 &Beyond, 47, 56, 430 best, 8–9 Lamu, 283 Anglican Cathedral Church of tips on, 53–56 Masai Mara, 171 Christ (Stone Town), 346 Adamson, Joy, 139 Meru National Park, A Novel Idea (Dar es Salaam), Adventure and wellness 140 308 trips, 50 Mombasa, 250–252 Antelopes, 499–503 The Africa Adventure Co., 46 Mount Kenya, 127 greater kudu, 160, 162, Africa Concours D’Elegance Nairobi, 71, 78 464, 473, 475, 477, 500 (Nairobi), 27 Naivasha, 147 sable, 501–502 African buffalo,COPYRIGHTED 499 MATERIAL Samburu National Antique Makonde Carvers African dormouse, 506 Reserve, 227–228 Workshop (Arusha), African Dream (Dar es Tsavo National Park, 387–388 Salaam), 324 116 A.P.D.K. Fair Trade Shop African Heritage House (Nai- Tanzania, 302 (Nairobi), 96 robi), 86 Gombe Stream, Aqua Ventures (Watamu), African Lily (Nairobi), 96 Mahale and Katavi, 274 The African Modern Art Park 481 Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (Bagamoyo), 327 (Kenya), 274–275 Archer’s Post (Kenya), 239 224_285589-bindex.indd4_285589-bindex.indd 517517 44/1/10/1/10 22:29:29 PPMM 518 Area codes Ballooning, 10 Tanzania, 30, 304 Dar es Salaam and safaris dhow cruise to Tanzania, 307 Masai Mara (Kenya), Bongoyo, 323 Kenya, 484 183 Rufiji River, 11–12 Mombasa, 252 the Serengeti Boda-bodas Nairobi, 78 (Tanzania), 428 Kenya, 33 Tanzania, 487 The Banana Box (Nairobi), 97 Tanzania, 35 Art galleries Banded mongoose, 492 Bogoria, Lake (Kenya), 144, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Banks 159–164 321–323 Dar es Salaam, 308 Bombolulu (near Mombasa), Kenya Nairobi, 79 254 Lamu, 298 Baobab trees, 400 Bookstop (Nairobi), 79 Nairobi, 97–100 Barclays Bank (Dar es Bookstores The Art of Ventures, 147 Salaam), 308 Dar es Salaam, 308 Arusha Declaration Museum, Baringo, Lake (Kenya), 10, Nairobi, 79 387 144, 158–164 Border crossings, Kenya, 29 Arusha National Park Bat-eared fox, 492 Boribu Sandbar (Zanzibar), (Tanzania), 387 Bawe Island (Zanzibar), 360 357 Arusha (Tanzania), 64, 66, “Beach boys” (Kenya), 260 Boskovic Air Charters, 384–397 Beaches. See also specific 31, 211, 228 accommodations and beaches British Airways, 78, 307 restaurants, 389–397 Kenya, 62–63 Broadbill (charter boat), 259 currency exchange, 386 “beach boys,” 260 Brussels Airlines, 78 emergencies, 386 nude and topless Budget, 34 exploring the area, 387 sunbathing, 260 Buffalo Springs (Kenya), getting around, 386 shells and coral, 260 225–237 hospital, 386 Tanzania, 67 Bujora Sukuma Museum Internet access, 386 Dar es Salaam, (Mwanza), 438 pharmacy, 386 323–324 Burguret (Kenya), 128 police, 386 Behind the Mask, 42 Bush and Beyond, 15, 54, post office, 386 Beit el Amani Memorial 55, 77 shopping, 387–389 Museum (Stone Town), 346 Bushbabies, 497 traveling to, 385 Bey, Amir Ali, 249–250 Bush Homes of East Africa, visitor information, Big Cat Diary series (BBC), 152 385–386 179, 182 Business hours, Kenya, 484 when to go, 386 Bilharzia, 38, 197 Bus travel Asilia, 47 Bill Winter Safaris, 50 Kenya, 32, 33 Association of Independent Bio-Ken Laboratory and Tanzania, 35, 385 Tour Operators (AITO), 45 Snake Farm (near Watamu), Athi River, 118 275 ATMs (automated-teller Bird-watching, 24 Calendar of events, 26–27 machines), 37 Kenya Calving season, 24 Dar es Salaam, 307 Arabuko-Sokoke Camels, Laikipia (Kenya), 11 Nairobi, 78–79 Forest, 274–275 Camel safaris, Kenya, 214 Australia Kakamega Forest, 204 Canada customs regulations, 28 Lake Baringo, 158 customs regulations, 28 High Commission, Nairobi, Lake Bogoria, 159–160 High Commission 79, 484 Lake Nakuru, 153 Dar es Salaam, 488 visas, 486 safaris, 48 Nairobi, 79, 484 Avis, 32, 34 Black-backed jackal, 492–493 visas, 486 Awaken to Africa, 47 Black Tomato, 47, 114 Carbonfund, 45 Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen), Carbon Neutral, 45 123, 190 Carjackings, 32, 40 Baboon Cliff (Lake Nakuru), Museum (Nairobi), 84–85 Car rentals 154 Blue Rhino (Lamu), 298 Dar es Salaam, 308 Baboons, olive, 498 Boat trips and tours Kenya, 32 Bagamoyo Talent Studio, 327 Kenya, 29 Carrier, 55 Bagamoyo (Tanzania), dhow cruises, 291 327–329 Lake Baringo, 161 Lamu, 286 224_285589-bindex.indd4_285589-bindex.indd 518518 44/1/10/1/10 22:29:29 PPMM Car travel. See also Road Crocodiles, 4 Disabilities, travelers with, 42 519 travel Kenya, 118, 158, 172 Discover SCUBA course in Kenya, 31–32 Cross-border violence, 41 (Mafia Island), 377 in Tanzania, 34 Cuisine, Kenyan coast, 248 Doctors and dentists, Castle Royal Hotel Cultural Heritage Company Nairobi, 79 (Mombasa), 252 (Arusha), 388–389 Dolphins, snorkeling with Catholic Museum Culture and history, best (Zanzibar), 357–358 (Bagamoyo), 327 places for, 12–13 Doreen Mashika (Stone Cattle rustling, 41 Currency and currency Town), 347 Caving, Chyulu Hills (Kenya), exchange, 35–37 Driftwood Beach Club 113 Nairobi, 79 (Malindi), 274 Cellphones, Kenya, 19, 52–53 Tanzania, 306 Drinking laws Cellular Abroad, 53 Arusha, 386 Kenya, 484 Central Highlands of Kenya, Dar es Salaam, 308 Tanzania, 487 125–142 Customs regulations, 27–28 Drugstores, Dar es Salaam, Central Island National Park 308 (Kenya), 240–241 Central Market (Arusha), 387 Dala-dalas, 33 Central Rent-a-Car, 32 Dar es Salaam, 305 EastAfrican, The 78 Chagga Tours, 49, 460–461 Darajani Market (Stone East African Treasures, 149 Chala, Lake (Tanzania), 462 Town), 345–346 Eco Directory, 45 Cheetahs, 4, 430, 493 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Economics of2 dive center Cheli & Peacock, 54 299–326 (Mikindani), 301 Chimpanzees, 5, 480, 498 accommodations, 309–318 Economy class syndrome, 38 Chogoria (Kenya), 128 average monthly high/low Eco-Resorts, 51 Chole Island (Tanzania), 378 temperatures and rainfall Ecotourism, 44–45 accommodations, 380–381 in, 25 Ecotourism Australia, 45 Cholera, 28, 38 brief description of, 63 Ecotourism Society of Chumbe Island (Zanzibar), exploring, 320–324 Kenya, 45 360 getting around, 306 Eid al Fitr (Kenya), 484–485 Chyulu Hills, 111–114 layout of, 304–305 Eland, 500 Cin Cin (Nairobi), 101 nightlife, 325–326 Electricity Classic Furniture (Stone police, 309 Kenya, 484 Town), 347 post office, 309 Tanzania, 487 Classic Tours and Safaris, 450 restaurants, 318–320 in tented camps, 21 Climbing restrooms, 309 Elephants, 503 Kilimanjaro, 66, 452–460 safety, 309 Kenya Mount Kenya, 127–129 shopping, 324–325 Amboseli National Clothing, on safaris, 20–21 travel agents and ground Park, 104 Coastal Aviation (Tanzania), operators, 307 Elephant Watch, 33, 304, 307, 332 traveling to, 302–304 2, 234–235 Coastal Kenya, 58. See also visitor information, 306 Mwaluganje Elephant Lamu Archipelago; The weather, 309 Sanctuary, 260–261 North Coast; The South David Sheldrick Elephant & Nairobi, 81–82, 84 Coast Rhino Orphanage red elephants (Tsavo Coco Beach (Dar es Salaam), (Nairobi), 81–82 National Park), 123 322 Deep vein thrombosis, 38 Save the Elephants, Coke’s hartebeest, 499–500 Dentists, Dar es Salaam, 308 227, 234 Colobus monkeys, 205, 236, Desert rose (mdiga), 160 Elephant shrew, golden- 265, 317 Diani Beach (Kenya), 258, rumped, 274 Cost of safaris, 15 263–267 El Molo tribe (Kenya), 241, Courier services, Dar es Diani Bikes (Kenya), 259 243 Salaam, 308 Dida Galgalu Desert (Kenya), Embassies and consulates Courtesy Cabs (Nairobi), 80 238 Dar es Salaam, 308, 488 Credit cards, 37 Dietary red flags, 39 Nairobi, 79, 484 on safaris, 19 Dietary requirements, Emergencies Tanzania, 447 special, 17–18 Dar es Salaam, 308 Crime, 40 Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen), Nairobi, 79 Crocodile Point, 118 123, 190 Tanzania, 488 Museum (Nairobi), 84–85 Emirates, 78, 307 224_285589-bindex.indd4_285589-bindex.indd 519519 44/1/10/1/10 22:29:29 PPMM 520 Entry requirements, 27–28 Hell’s Gate National Park Environmentally Friendly Gabbra tribe (Kenya), (Kenya), 146, 148 Hotels, 45 242–243 Hemingway, Ernest, 190, Equatorial Fruit Parlour Galana River (Kenya), 118 272, 454 (Mombasa), 253 Gallery Baraka (Lamu), 298 Hepatitis A and B, 28 Escorted safaris, 51–52 Gallery Tours & Safari (Stone Heritage Hotels, 43, 55 Ethnic conflicts, 41 Town), 342 Hertz, 32, 34 Exchange Bar (Nairobi), 101 Gallman, Kuki, 219 High-altitude hazards, 39 Extreme weather exposure, Gametrackers (Kenya),

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