Denm a rk Activa tion ID: EMSN-046 Glide Num ber: N/A P roduct N.: 01H ILDESH EIM, v1, English Legend Populated places Utilities Transportation Netherla nds P ola nd Hildesheim - Germany Town H igh volta ge grid H ighwa y Airport Belgium Germany Detailed flood delineation in Hildesheim V illa ge P rim a ry Tra in sta tion Luxem bourg Czech R epublic Physiography Seconda ry Fra nce Slova kia Reference Map - Overview Spot heights Austria Hydrographic Network H unga ry 300 P rim a ry Tertia ry Switzerla nd P roduction da te: 06/12/2017 Slovenia R iver Seconda ry R a il Network Points Of Interest H ildesheim Cartographic Information Business P a rk H ospita l Full color A1, high resolution (300dpi) Industria l fa cilities 1:75.000 P olice Da m s Fire sta tion 0 0,75 1,5 3 4,5 6 Electricity infra structure Km Milita ry W ind turbines Educa tion Grid: W GS 84 / U TM zone 32N m a p coordina te system W a ter infra structure Tick m a rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system Sports W a ste trea tm ent infra structure 555000 560000 565000 570000 575000 580000 585000 590000 595000 9°50'0"E 9°55'0"E 10°0'0"E 10°5'0"E 10°10'0"E 10°15'0"E 10°20'0"E 10°25'0"E 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 " 0 0 0 ' 9 9 5 7 7 1 5 5 ° N 2 " 5 0 ' 5 1 ° 2 5 Ruthe Leine hgrab Sarstedt Bruc en Ahrbergen 0 Klein Forste 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 8 8 7 Grob Forste 7 5 Harsum 5 Siegfried Giesen Hasede 100 Asel 100 Honnersum N " 0 ' 0 1 0 0 ° N 0 0 Bettmar 2 " 0 0 5 0 ' 0 Dinklar 0 0 8 8 1 7 7 ° 5 5 2 Einum 5 100 Hildesheim Ottbergen Achtum Uppen 234 20 Wendhausen 0 242,12 200 200 0 231 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 5 2 0 5 7 2 7 7 7 5 Lechstedt 2245 5 Barienrode Grasdorf Heinde Heersum te Wartjenstedt 10 Listringen 100 ers 0 Sohre Inn Derneburg Hockeln Rhene Klein Dungen Holle Binder N " 0 200 ' 20 5 0 ° 207,8 2 N 5 " Wesseln 200 0 ' Baddeckenstedt e 5 ° 2 0 0 m Sottrum 5 0 0 300 312,74 Hackenstedt 0 0 m 0 0 a 293,16 7 7 7 7 L 5 5 Detfurth Sillium Heere 300 2 00 257,12 Bad Salzdetfurth 316,8 Henneckenrode 2 0 0 232 Wehrstedt 279,2 Schlewecke Sehlde bei Salzgitter 0 20 Werder 2 Nette 303 0 0 0 Upstedt 0 0 0 0 Ostrum 0 5 5 6 6 7 200 7 5 eile 5 Bodenburg Bultum N Alt Wallmoden Bonnien Volkersheim 230,3 Klein Ilde Neuwallmoden Bockenem Othfresen Story Wallmoden Upen N Evensen Grob Ilde Hary " 0 Mahlum ' 0 310,3 ° Ostharingen 2 N 5 " Bodenstein 0 ' 0 ° 2 5 0 303 0 0 0 0 Lutter am Barenberge Ostlutter 0 0 3 0 6 00 Ortshausen 6 7 297,82 7 5 Konigsdahlum 5 3 Neuhof 0 Nauen 0 Bredelem Ammenhausen Bornum Jerze 2 00 302,57 Wohlenhausen 300 330 3 00 0 326,02 327,86 30 Jerstedt Hahausen 0 Rhuden 0 0 3 0 0 N 0 0 00 0 5 3 5 e 338,01 5 t 5 7 t G 7 5 r 5 e a ne 565,3 362,7 20 0 N " 0 ' 561,8 5 Bornhausen 5 Mechtshausen ° N 323,8 1 " 3 300 0 5 0 ' S 0 c 5 hildau 5 ° Wolfshagen im Harz 1 570,6 5 2 542,8 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 N 0 0 0 e 433 0 3 0 4 0 t 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 5 e 559 5 7 7 0 5 5 5 0 0 Seesen 4 Bilderlahe 0 608,6 427,7 312,8 Engelade 0 0 50 0 4 3 0 0 200 Herrhausen 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 4 4 7 7 5 5 N " 0 ' 0 5 ° N 1 " 5 0 ' 0 5 ° 1 5 9°50'0"E 9°55'0"E 10°0'0"E 10°5'0"E 10°10'0"E 10°15'0"E 10°20'0"E 555000 560000 565000 570000 575000 580000 585000 590000 595000 Map Information Data Sources Map Production Dissemination/Publication The purpose of the requested m a pping is to genera te com prehensive knowledge through perform ing Inset maps based on: The im a ges cover the selected Area of Interest, a nd consist of: The products (m a ps) a re a va ila ble through the EMS Copernicus P orta l a t the following U R L: post-disa ster situa tion a na lysis concerning a flood event which occurred a t H ildesheim a rea in P LEIADES © CNES (2017), distributed by Airbus DS., a cquired on 20.07.2017, a nd 19.08.2016, GSD The m a p shows ba ckground inform a tion of the Area of Interest, with releva nce to physiogra phy, http://em ergency.eu/m a pping/list-of/com ponents/046. Germ a ny. More specifica lly, a retrospective flood m a pping (event ca used by hea vy ra ins during the 0.5 m , ~ 0% cloud covera ge, provided under CO P ER NICU S by the Europea n U nion a nd ESA, a ll rights tra nsporta tion infra structure, built up a rea s, Com m ercia l, P ublic & P riva te Services, etc. The Delivery form a ts a re GeoP DF, GeoJ P EG a nd vectors (ESR I GDB form a t). period 24 – 26, J uly 2017) wa s rea lized within the Area of Interest tha t includes the rivers Nette, reserved. inform a tion wa s genera ted / upda ted though P hoto interpreta tion of the a va ila ble V H R sa tellite No restrictions on the publica tion of the m a pping a pply. La m m e a nd Innerste. Vector layers: Tra nsporta tion, hydrogra phy & Buildings Footprints © O penStreetMa p Contributors da ta , im a gery. The results refer to the spa tia l extent of the floods (ba seline inform a tion) a ccom pa nied by La nd U se/ duly upda ted/ digitized/ refined, on the ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointerpreta tion | Eleva tion Da ta 10 The estim a ted geom etric a ccura cy of the im a ges is 5 m a nd com plies with the JR C requirem ents Contact Cover a nd R eference Inform a tion. Key user of the geospa tia l inform a tion a nd m a p series is the referring to the m a pping sca le a nd is fully supported by the na tive positiona l a ccura cy of the m (spa tia l resolution) DEM © Federa l O ffice of Ca rtogra phy a nd Geodesy (DE). The m a p wa s produced (under the Service Contra ct nr. 259811 of the Europea n Com m ission) on Federa l O ffice of Civil P rotection a nd Disa ster Assista nce (BBK), on beha lf of the La ndkreis ba ckground sa tellite im a gery. The da ta provided is subject to the term s outlined in the a rra ngem ents concerning a ccess to a uthorita tive 06/12/2017 by GEO AP IKO NISIS (EL) – NO A (EL) – CIMA (IT) – TR E ALTAMIR A (ES). H ildesheim ; enga ged, a m ong other, in underta king further m ea sures of flood m a na gem ent. The estim a ted them a tic a ccura cy of this product is 85% or better, ba sed on interna l va lida tion geospa tia l reference da ta for Copernicus em ergency m a na gem ent service. Na m e of the relea se inspector (qua lity control): J R C. procedures a nd visua l interpreta tion of recogniza ble item s on very high resolution optica l im a gery. E-m a il: em s-risk-recovery-m a pping@jrc.ec.europa .eu http://em ergency.copernicus.eu/m a pping Framework The products ela bora ted in the fra m ework of the current R isk a nd R ecovery m a pping a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the best of our a bility. All geogra phic inform a tion ha s lim ita tions due to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l da ta sources. The products a re com plia nt with the Copernicus EMS R isk a nd R ecovery P roduct P ortfolio specifica tions..
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