Assyrian Periodicals ~D~~w~rn We urge our readers to read and support the Assyrian publications. The activeparticipation FOURTH QUARTER 1997 of all Assyrians is the only guarantee of the VOLUME 20 NO.4 success ofAssyrian periodicals. Julius N. Shabbas . .... •.. ..... .... .... Editor IN THIS ISSUE Joel J. Elias.............. .. ... Assistant Editor • Letters tothe Editor 2 • Benjami n Sayad Adams - Profile 4 • Di spensation of Funds from the 5 POLICY Estateof Benjamin S. Adams • Contributions ofthe Assyrian 5 FoundationofAmerica ARTICLES SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION WILL BE • Assyrian Aid and Social Society-Iraq 6 SELECTED BY THE EDITORIAL STAFF ON THE Summary of Aid Activities BASIS OF THEIR RELATIVE MERIT TO ASSYRIAN •Significant Events in Assyrian History 7 LITERATURE, HISTORY, AND CURRENT EVENTS. during the 19th Century - byYouel A. Baaba OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS MAGAZINE ARE • BenyaminTeymou razof, M.D 11 THOSE OF THE RESPECTIVE AUTHORS AND NOT byDaniel (Dan ik) Sarkisov NECESSARILY THOSE OF NINEVEH. • Habbaniyans Dancedto Zor'na W'da'wou'la 13 ASSYRIAN FOUNDATION OF AMERICA ESTAB· & Western Dance Music - byMikhael K. Pius LISHED IN JUNE 1964 AND INCORPORATED IN THE • History ofDiplomacy - International Politics 19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS A NON·PROFIT, TAX atthe Apogee of Assyria- byGeorge V. Yana EXEMPT ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO THE AD· • Nineveh and Contributions 24 VANCEMENT OF EDUCATION OF ASSYRIANS. •Anwar Khoshaba - Mayor of Fairfield; Austra lia 26 • The Second Assyrian Retreat from Hakkiari. 28 bySolomon S. Solomon ADDRESS LETTERS TO: • Esha Hermis A Gentleman - by Paul S.Hermis 29 • Ex-H abbaniyans Celebrate in Canada Third 31 THEEDITOR School Reunion - byMikhael K. Pius NINEVEH P.O. BOX2620 • Young Malik Khoshaba's Strugg le withthe Bear ........ 35 BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94702 byElizabeth Y. Campbell • Others: Weddings, Ann iversary, Memorial Monument, ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION In Memoriam, Romeo & Juliet on Stage, etc. U.S.A... ....... .... ...... .. .... ............ $20.00 • Assyrian Section 38 CANADA.... .. .. .. ... ....... ... .. .. .. .. $25.00 OVERSEAS .... .. .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. $30.00 Reproduction in whole or in part SUBSCRIBE TO NINEVEH without permission is prohibited. We need your support to All materials submitted to help defray the cost Nineveh become the property of this magazine. of publication 1 Dear Julius, Letters to the Editor I hope these few lines will find you and all the family happy and in the best of health. Enclosed Dear Mr. Shabbas: p lease find a ch e ck for $ 10 0 to cover m y I want to thank you for publis hing the piece subscription for Nineveh magazine and the balance a b ou t Harput's Church of th e Virgin Ma ry In for the needy Assyrians Fund. N i n eve h . The entire m anne r in w h ic h you Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a reproduced the text a nd photos s hows not only very bright New Year. God bless yo u and your c a r efu l a tten tion t o d etail but a lso a car in g colleagu es for the excellent work. Keep it up. r everence whic h b ears particular notice. Your Shimshon L. Essa a rticle with bibliography on the colon ies around Modesto, CA Cap padocia w as a most fitting segue a n d exten sion . Dear Mr. Shabba s: It was especially satisfying to see the material Enclosed herewith pleas e fin d a check in the offered this way on an international level. I grew u p amo u nt pf $50, of which $20 are for the ren ewal of h earing my father talk abou t these matters qutte my subscription to Nineveh maga zin e a nd the regularly to anyone wh o wo u ld lis ten. Yet only other $30 to go towards the needy Assyrians . r ecently h a ve I come to a p p recia te t heir I congratu late you and yo ur colleagu es for the significance a n d a sen s e of con nection to my excellent work you are doing in publishing th is a nces to r s on a deep a n d very personal level. very much liked magazine. Best wishes , good lu ck Writing th is piece was a s tirring way of expressing and God bless you . my re spect, love a nd a pprecia tion ... for my dad, David S . David for a ll he h as taught me abo ut our ancestors, and Chlcago, lL for the paris of me I share with them on bo th the co rporeal an d s piritual pla nes . Dear Friends: I am very gratefu l to you for recogn izing this Keep up the great work yo u a re all doing. Have a m aterial and my father in th is way, Mr. Shabbas. beautiful and happy Holiday sea son . Love to all. Another pleasing outcome in this process has been Irene Lazar con necting with you a nd your work. It's clear that Modesto, CA Nineveh is for you a labor of love, just a s preparing th is piece for my fa ther was thus a labor of love for Dear Friends : m e . Warm regards. May the h appiness a n d peace of the Holiday Leslie Saffer Thimmig Season be with you: and with gra titude for all tha t New Haven, Connecticut you do and with best wishes for the coming year. Andy & Barbara Chiari Dear Mr. Shabbas: Burlingame, CA My husband and I wish to t han k you for publishing th e article on Harput, Turkey and the Dear Julius, Ch u rch of the Virgin Mary. Our daughter's "labor I was really very glad to read the a rticle in of love" was well rewarded as a result of your hard Assyrian by Madlaine Davis Moradkhan of France work and your interest in Assyrian his tory. a bou t Prof. Lilli Oraham Tamraz (Teymourazt). We thought you r article about Ca ppa docia was which appeared in Nineveh m a g a zine Th ird excellent. The map was es pecially interesting. The Quarter 1991 Vol. 14 No. 3. Not long ago in my q u ote from Da vid Perley's review was m os t family albums a nd records I fou n d a photograph in welcome.It felt good to "h ear" from a friend in th is which one of t h e p ers ons is Dr. Benyamin unexpected manner. Teymourazof, hu sband of Lilli Tamraz, who lived Our regards to you Mr. Shabba s. We applaud and worked in Tbiltsi, together with his fa mily from you r dedication to Nineveh. 1919 until 1934. He was one of the intellectu al Phyllis Saffer (Mrs . Kasper Saffer) persons of Tbilisi and we ll -k n ow n a m ong th e Worcester, MA Assyrians of the city. During their residence h ere , both were involved in Assyrian ed ucational and Dea r Julius, cultural activities. I am enclosing a ch eck for $50 to cover my Raabl Lilli contin u ed her studies at the Tb ilisi s ub scription for Nineveh magaz ine as we ll as a Institute a n d gr a d u ated m ajoring in History, s mall do nation for the n eedy Assyrians. Economics a n d Accounta n cy. She a lso taught We wish you an d your family, as well as all the Assyrian language to little boys and girls, prior to s taff, a very merry Chris tma s and a happy New a n d subsequent to h e r husband's a bsence Year. (1934-1938). These classes were m ana ged by Davis & Liza David Awraham Evanovich, an Assyrian from Kuilasar, Modesto. CA an Assyrian village near Yerevan, Armenia. I am 2 enclosing the photograph a nd some information With regards a nd best wishes for Christmas and that I heard abou t Dr. Benyamin Teymourazof and the New Year to yo u, your family, staff and readers other re lated ma terial. [contain ed in this issue] everywhere . I look forward to my n ext copy of I am very grateful to you for sending me Nineveh Nineveh . Many than ks a nd best wis h es. magazine which I receive punctu ally. God bless Elizabeth Y. Campbell yo u and your staff. Tra ralgon, Vic., Au s tralia Daniel (Dan ik) Sarkisov Tb ilisi . Rep ublic of Geo rgia Dear Julius , Hope a ll of you are doing well. Enclosed is a Dear Mr. Shabbas: check for $ 150. of which $ 100 are for the n eedy I read Nineveh m agazine with lots of joy. It keeps Assyrians an d S50 for Nineveh magazine. my hopes for ou r nation alive . Please keep the You and you r colleagues are in my prayers for torch alive. I enclose a check for S IOO to cover my the beautiful work you are doi ng. May the Almighty subscription a nd a new s ubscription for Fred lead you by His Holy Spirit and God bless you all. Badal of Anaheim. CA, and u s e the S60 remaining Lena S . Lazar balance for the needy Assyrian fu nd . Bryn Mawr, PA Wilson Sh irabad Anaheim ,CA Dear Mr. Shabbas: In appreciation of you r good work and in the Dear Julius, spirit of giving d uring this joyou s s eas on, enclosed Greetings . I hope th e Nineveh staff is in excellent pleas e find my smal l dona tion to be u sed for al l the health .
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