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Kahfl National Ubrary Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services seNices bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington OttawaON K1A0N4 Ottawa ON K1 A ON4 canada canada The author bas granted a oon­ L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence al10wing the exclusive permettant à la National Library ofCanada ta Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distnbute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies ofthis thesis in microfonn, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur fonnat électronique. The author retains ownership ofthe L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts from it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels May be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. 0-612--44090-7 Canadrl ABSTRACT Author : Erni Haryanti Kahfi Title : Haji Agus Salim: His Raie In The Nationalist Movements In Indonesia During The Barly Twentieth Century Department : Institute of!stamic Studies, McGill University Degree : Master ofArts Haji Agus Salim (1884-1954) was an Indonesian Muslim political figure of the Nationalist Era (1908-1945). He was influential in two important associations; Sarekat Islam (SI-Islamic Union) and the Jang Islamieten Bond (JIB-YOUDg Muslim Union). Salim was barn ioto religious family and had a Western education. In 1915 when he joined the Sarent Islam it was al the height ofits popularity. Salim became so engrossed with its goals, that he devoted most ofbis life to il. As 5uch, he was soon able to obtain a • bigh-ranking position in it, and to help fannulate the movement's strategies. This thesis presents a number of Salim's positions on politics wbicb show bis disagreement and criticism of the Dutch Colonial policy and its effects, as well as bis advocacy of an Islamic approach to politics rather tban "socialism" as advocated by communist members of the Sr. Tbese views aimed at the paramount goal offreeing Indonesia from the Dutch colonialism. His views on ''Nationalism'' can be gleaned from bis exchange ofpolemics with Sukarno, later president of Indonesia. These polemies portrayed Salim as a nationalist who would not depart from a religious viewpoint. Finally t bis involvement with JIB was a continuation of bis desire to implement and promote Islamie values among Young Indonesian Muslims ofWestem education, whom he regarded as the future leaders ofthe country. •' i • RESUME AUTEUR : Erni Haryanti kahfi TITRE : Haji Agus Salim: Son rôle au sein des mouvements nationalistes en Indonésie au début du XXeme siécle DEPARTEMENT : Institut des Etudes Islamiques, Université McGill DIPLOME : Maîrise és Arts ---------------------- Haji Agus Salim 91884-1954) fut une personalité politique Indonésienne de l'époque nationaliste (1908-1945). n fut influent au sein de deux importantes associations: le Sarekat Islam (SI- Association Islamique) ainsi que le Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB- Association des Jeunes Musulmans). Salim naquit au sein d'une famille religieuse et reçut une une éducation occidentale. En 1915, il joignit le Sarekat Islam Alors au summun de sa popularité. Salim devint tellement épris des objectifs du Sarekat 1 Islam qu'il Yconsacrera la majeure partie de sa vie. Ainsi, il réussit àobtenir une position élevée à l'intérieur de l'organisation et collabora à formuler les stratégies du mouvement. ee mémoire présente un certain nombre de positions politiques monttant le désaccord de Salim ainsi que ses critiques des politiques coloniales Néerlandaises et ses effets de même que le plaidoyer de Salim pour une approche Islamique de la politique plutôt que l'approche socialiste telle que défendue par les membres communistes du SI. L'objectif ultime de ces points de vue était la libération de l'Indonésie du colonialisme Néerlandais. Les opinions de l'auteur concernant le nationalisme peuvent être recuillies des ses échanges polémiques avec Sukarno qui deviendra plus tard le Président de l'Indonésie. Ces polémiques montrent Salim comme étant un nationaliste elosant de se dissocier d'une position religieuse. En conclusion, son implication avec le lIB était le prolongement de son désir d'implanter et de promouvoir les valeurs Islamiques parmi les jeunes Indonésiens Musulmans de culture occidentale, qu'il considérait comme étant les futurs dirigents du pays. ü • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude ta my academic Advisor and Supervisor, Prof. A. Uner Turgay, Director of the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, for bis advice in determining the scope and the final direction of this thesis, as weil as bis continuing and valuable support without which my academic dulies would not have been completed. 1 must also recognize the belp, inspiration and guidance, Prof. Howard M. Federspiel, the present Director ofthe McGill Indonesia IAIN Development Project, has shown me, as weIl as bis readiness and patience to read and advise in elaborating every pan of this thesis until its completion. My due regards and appreciatioD go to the Canadian International Development • Agency (CIDA) for granting a valuable scholarsbip towards my study at McGill. 1 am aIso very grateful to the former and present staffs of the McGill Indonesia IAIN Development Project bath in Jakarta and in Montreal for ail the belp extended to me during my entire study at McGill. Thanks are aIso due to the staff ofthe Islamic Study Library of McGill University who assisted me in fmding materials. Special tbanks go to Miss Salwa Ferahian and othen for facilitating my research through interlibrary 108Os. 1 am also thankful to Miss Jasmine Sadr, Steve Millier, and Collin Mitchell for their patience in editing this work. 1must aIso mention my indebtness to Dr. Tarmizi Taher, Ministers of Religious Affaies, who gave me the opportunity to study at the Instilute of Islamic Studies of McGill University; and to the Reetor of IAIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung who granted • permission to study al McGill and gave necessary assistance. 1am also grateful to thase ili people whose names could not he mentioned here for their assistance and collaboration • until my studies could be fmished. Last but not least, 1 wish to express my deepest gratitude to my mother for ber readiness and endless patience to accompany me in the last stages ofthis work; my father for bis permission to let my mother travel with me as weil as bis consistent support; my sisters and brothers for their encouragement; my husband and my first cute son, Erry Setia and Tarmidzi Tibyan Purnama, for their continuous patience and love and for accompanying me during the whole period ofmy study; as weIl as my second cute son, Al Farruqi Pumama whom 1often left while finishing my wade. Montreal, March, 1996. 1 EHK • iv • SPELLING AND TRANSLITERATION In general, the Indonesian names and tenns written in this work are based 00 the new Indonesian spelling used sinee lCJ72. However, certain names and tenns are written in the old spelling, especially those whieh may cause confusion, such as the names of persons. The main differenees between the old and the new spelling are: ch, dj, j, tj and oe whieh became kh, y, sy, e and u. Furthermore, the transliteratioD from Arabie ta English and Indonesian follows the new lndonesian spelling. The main differeoees of transliteration from Arabie are: • Arabie English Indonesian Arabie English lndonesian t kil 1ch t ui- 4 db 4.S i ii J. ~ tb \,) Q u ...,. $ sb ~ i aa Ja ~ th 1 t gh gh ~ dh dz ~ sb If ~ th CS j z z J CI Cl • h h C 1) h aTnasliœnrioa schelDe from Arabie co Eailisb lIId lndoaesiaA 1ftadopœd rroa Howard M. • Fedtnpie1. A Diqi?!"of Ipdqniy islE (AdIeu: OaoUllivnityPress. 1995) pp. nâi-niï i TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i RESUME li ACKNOWLEDGMENT ili SPELLING AND TRANSLITERATION v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi INTRODUCTION ••••••• 1-7 CllAPl'ER1: RAJI AGUS SALIM'S EARLy LIFE AND CAREER A. Educational Background 8..18 B. Early Career 18-29 CllAPl'ER Œ: THE POLITICAL TBOUGRT OF RAJI AGUS SALIM A.
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