ICT for Youth Philanthropy: A Study towards Kitabisa.com and GandengTangan.co.id Yuliana Rakhmawati Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Jl. Raya Telang Po. Box 2, Kamal, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur 69162 Email: [email protected] Abstract: Indonesian youth have initiated strategic philanthropy by establishing social-enterprise startups. It combines the potential of philanthropy and ICTs. This research aims to analyze the ICTs of two startups engaged in youth philanthropy. The subjects of the research are online media documents from Kitabisa.com and GandengTangan.co.id. The results show that ICTs and youth philanthropy contributed to strengthen youth capacity, build youth-adult collaboration, strengthen youth skills and knowledge, build networks, and sustain the program. The findings were examined by employing ICT concepts and youth philanthropy approaches. Future research could focus on developing the mapping of youth philanthropic patterns in Indonesia. Keywords: ICT, philanthropy, startup, youth philanthropy Abstrak: Kaum muda Indonesia telah memprakarsai filantropi strategis dengan mendirikan perusahaan rintisan. Ini menggabungkan potensi filantropi dan TIK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis TIK dari dua startup yang terlibat dalam filantropi kaum muda. Subjek penelitian adalah dokumen media online dari Kitabisa.com dan GandengTangan.co.id. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TIK dan filantropi pemuda berkontribusi untuk memperkuat kapasitas kaum muda, membangun kolaborasi kaum muda-dewasa, memperkuat keterampilan dan pengetahuan kaum muda, membangun jaringan, dan mempertahankan program. Temuan ini dianalisis menggunakan konsep TIK dan pendekatan filantropi pemuda. Penelitian di masa depan dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan pemetaan pola filantropi pemuda di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: filantropi, filantropi pemuda, perusahaan rintisan, TIK Philanthropy is a practical idea of altruism in attachment of ethnicity, cultural, belief, the form of generosity activities (Schervish, youth, and gender identities. However, in line 2014, p. 389). When the terminology of with the current development, philanthropy philanthropy was firstly introduced, this term is performed more professionally including was more closely related to simple charity in the use of information and communication form (Duschinsky, 2009, p. 21). According to technology (ICT). Bailin (2003, p. 635), philanthropic activities Youth philanthropy is a form of require not only financial contribution, philanthropic activities involving youth but also non-financial support. Traditional contributions (Falk & Nissan, 2007, p. 35). philanthropy is often identified with a form Youth philanthropic practices can be carried of philanthropy driven by entities with the out in several forms such as individual charity, 145 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 17, NOMOR 2, Desember 2020: 145-166 youth volunteering, fundraising activities, philanthropic institutions have been formed and development of organized programs for to support the philanthropic programs in grand making (Garza & Stevens, 2002, p. 5). various schemes. The scale of these activities Youth philanthropy is identified by several is carried out at regional, national, and even characteristics such as: the aim of the program international levels. In an international is to strengthen youth capacity, often from perspective, some youth communities certain geographical areas, limited member pay attention to philanthropic activities heterogeneity, relatively small donations, and initiate community empowerment and donations obtained from various sources programs. The following are the profiles of (Rosen & Sedonaen, 2001). international youth philanthropic institutions In its development, youth philanthropic along with their programs. activities increasingly take on various Youth as a strategic entity contributes platforms and patterns. Various youth to philanthropic activities in various forms. Table 1 International Youth Philanthropic Communities Name Program Initiatives Alternatives, Inc. Strengthening youth involvement in the form of technical assistance and www.altinc.org partnerships with youth to contribute to the government, schools, and environment. Building Community Together Becoming a program initiator for youth leadership and local communities through (BCT) partnership service projects in encouraging the birth of young leaders who are able to make decisions as the basis for developing social capital. Common Cents New York Partnership programs in the form of student and teacher collaboration projects www.commoncents.org to contribute to social services to others. Three excellent programs from this community are: The Penny Harvest, Philanthropy Roundtables, and Community Action Projects. Community Partnerships with Providing a curriculum for high school students regarding philanthropic activities. Youth Inc. The aim of this organization is to create youth and parent partnerships to encourage www.cpyinc.org youth to be the representative of their communities. Youth on Board Engaging in workshop, training, consultation, and publication to help youth share [email protected] ideas about mutual respect with parents. Equal discussions with partners regarding issues of law, philanthropy, development of non-profit organizations, recruitment, and partnerships on par with parents. Innovation Center for Community Offering training, consultations, and materials on youth and community on topics: and Youth Development development, participation in the government, community planning, and program [email protected] evaluation. www.theinnovationcenter.org Michigan Community Foundations’ Providing grants for community capacity building by emphasizing youth Youth Project involvement in philanthropic activities. (MCFYP) [email protected] www.mcfyp.org Youth as Resources Consisting of youth and parents and staff who work to promote the values of www.cyar.org community resources, strengthening youth involvement in local activities and in national politics. Youth Leadership Institute Youth-based community to build youth skills in developing equality, respect, and [email protected] support. As a non-profit organization that helps develop curriculum related to www.yli.org youth involvement in supporting philanthropy. Source: Primary Data (2019) 146 Yuliana Rakhmawati. ICT for Youth ... Previous research has shown that youth converging with information and commu- involvement has been carried out to influence nication technologies (ICTs). The youth use more responsible policy making (Ginwright ICTs to encourage the implementation of & James, 2002, p. 27); philanthropy for social global development and social inclusion. One change (Zeldin, Camino, & Calvert, 2012, of the newest methods in achieving these goals p. 77; Zeldin, Christens, & Powers, 2013, is to combine the spirit of entrepreneurship p. 385). Youth philanthropic activities are and social activities with the basis of an also carried out on environmental awareness information technology communication themes (Gerro, Lee, Greenspan, Frey, & platform. The company is run for the purpose Handy, 2015, p. 1485). of contributing to solve social problems or In Indonesian context, youth philan- influence social changes. thropic activities are also often brought Pasquali (in Johanson, 2011, p. 8) argues closer to the perspective of “the golden that ICTs as the powerful connection of rules”. The religious teaching values computer networks and telecommunication contribute to strengthen the motivation technologies. The World Bank defines ICTs as and practices in sharing and maintaining hardware, software, networks, and media for activities. The involvement of Indonesian collection, storage, processing, transmission, youth in philanthropic activities has been and presentation of information in the form going on for decades. The youth involve of voice, data, text and messages (Qiang & themselves in community associations that Pitt, 2003, p. 1). Furthermore, the Indonesian actively carry out philanthropic activities. Ministry of Research and Technology states Youth attachment is done in communities that ICT as part of science and technology engaged in hobbies, social care, and which in general are all technologies related environmental issues (Adiarsi & Silsa, to the collection, processing, storage, 2018, p. 94). Some are also involved in the distribution, and presentation of information. entrepreneurial movement (Purwani, Partini, ICT include two inseparable aspects & Wastutiningsih, 2018, p. 19). Other youth of integration: information technology and initiate various philanthropic communities, communication technology. Information among others: Komunitas 1001 Buku, technology includes all matters relating to Indonesia Mengajar, Akademi Berbagi, the process, use as a tool, manipulation, Card To Post, Gerakan Diet Kantong Plastik, and management of information. Whereas Indonesia Bercerita, Indonesia Berkebun, communication technology is related to Kopi Keliling, Pencerah Nusantara, the use of assistive devices to process and Indonesian Future Leader, Sahabat Pulau, transfer data from one device to another. Save Street Child, SPEAK, Earth Hour Acting together, ICTs present a formidable Indonesia, and Transformasi Hijau. array of empowerment tools; they can also The initiation of strategic-philantrophic (justifiably) instill awe, fear and antagonism. program is carried out by young people Historical parallels are drawn between ICTs 147 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 17, NOMOR 2, Desember 2020:
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