30B, Ramkamal Street & Co. Kolkata-700 023 B. Mukherjee Ph. : 2455-4888, 2459-6310, 30025106 Chartered Accountants Fax': (033) 2455-4888, 2455-3601 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Kolkata Branch Office: 28A, Subarban School Road Kolkata-700 025 Public Disclosure Authorized Auditors' Report We have audited the annexed CONSOLIDATED Annual Balance Sheet of STATE RURAL in Form ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MEGHALAYA (PROGRAMME FUND) in form PN1GSY/F-2 as at March 31. 2014 together with Statement of Annual Account PMGSY F IA together with Schedule PMGSY/ SCII/--52, 52 (REM). 52A, 52B, 52C. 521). 53A. 53B, 53C. 53D. and 57 for the year ended on that date. Our These financial statements are the responsibility of the DPIU*s & the SRRDA. Meghalaya. based on our audit. We have Public Disclosure Authorized responsibilit\ is to express an option on these financial statements in India. Those conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted whether the standards require that we plan and perform the Audit to obtain reasonable assurance financial statements are free of material misstatement. and disclosure in An audit includes examining on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts principles used and financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting financial statement signilicant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. were placed We have obtained all the information we have required for those accounts which as produced before before us. The said accounts are in agreement with the books and documents Public Disclosure Authorized Audit reports us and according to information & explanation given to us read with notes/Internal principles generally thereon gives a true and fair view and in conformity with the accounting as on March 31. accepted in India of the state of affairs of the DPIU's & the SRRDA 2014 subject to our observation as follows : in Balance Sheet of a) The total of opening balances of DPIU & SRRDA as is reported Balance respective DPIU's & SRRDA do not match with opening balances of the Consolidated Sheet. b) In respect of Account of SRRDA & DPIU's we are to report that: in PMGSY format 1. During the year under audit Books of account have not been maintained Accounting Codes in concurrence with PMGSY Guidelines. Public Disclosure Authorized with appropriate Financial Controer PMGSY SRRDA * PMGSY Meghalaya Empowered r, SRRDA d AccO #ophatoShilbW Branches : Siliguri * Berhampore * Guahati 30B, Ramkamal Street DKolkata-700 023 Ph. : 2455-4888, 2459-6310, 30025106 Chartered Accountants Fax': (033) 2455-4888, 2455-3601 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Kolkata Branch Office: 28A, Subarban School Road Kolkata-700 025 2. The following registers/ledgers do not appear to have been maintained by the DPIU"s. SRRDA and details in respect thereto could not be verified (a) General Ledger Book, (b) Stock Register. (c) Advance Register. (d) Liability registers in respect of VAT, FR, IT & LC. (e) Register /Subsidiary Ledger for Security Deposit, (f) Register /Subsidiary Ledger for Bank Guarantees received and released, (g) Register for Call Deposit & Earnest Money. (h) Stale Cheque / Lapse Cheque register, 3. The DPIU's & SRRDA is not regular in generation of Monthly Account. 4. In respect of completed roads Completion Certificate is not forthcoming in all cases. Documents such as bill. invoices etc. in support of payment to Contractors are not maintained in proper manner to support verification of payments with ease and in some cases are not complete in all respects. In some cases opening balances of amounts paid up to the end of previous year as reported in books of accounts do not match with balance of bills drawn up on DPILJ by Contractors. 5. Statutory Taxes payable continues at similar accounts from previous year, in most DPIU's. 6. In respect of Current Assets amounts on account of Advance for DPR & on account of Administrative expenses recoverable continues at similar amount from previous year. 7. Our verification of the Bank Reconciliation Statement reveals Cheques of previous periods continues in the reconciliation of DPIU's and remains to be written back. 8. There appears no mechanism in place employed by the DPIU for determination of liability for unbilled Work in Progress at the year end and Work in Progress is restricted to running bills submitted, liability on this account as at the end of the year cannot therefore be ascertained. For. B. Mukherjee & Co. Chartered Accountants RJ 308, 0 K S. K ee i0r(Partne Datcd at Kolkata d AcCO Membership No- 006601 Firm Regis ration No 302096F The 2 6"'of September, 2014 (Statut ry Auditors) apso oux"Mb PMGSY SRRDA Emped O, .cer, SRRDA P41SY Meghalaya Mqftaki4 Shlb. Branches Siliguri * Berhampore Guahati PMGSY/F2 PMGSY PROGRAMME FUND STATE BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31.03.2014 CONSOLIDATED RURAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: MEGHALAYA PREVIOUS YEAR CAPITAL FUND AND LIABILITIES Schedule CURRENT YEAR Amount Amount 2459566181 Programme fund Received from Government of India Ll(PMGSY/SCH/F-52AA) 2300566181.41 0 Programme fund Received from NABARD Ll(PMGSY/SCH/F-52AA) 15900000000 4653438 Funds Received from State Government for cost runs L1(PMGSY/SCH/F-52AA) 4653438.00 Incidental Fund (from interest & other receipts) L2(PMGSY/SCH/F-52B) 173700916.28 149367473 Miscellanous Income L2(PMGSY/SCH/F-52B) 0.00 0 52614396 Deposits Repayable L3(PMGSY/SCH/F-52C) 59831448.00 19636452 Current Liabilities L4(PMGSY/SCH/F-52D) 19658499.00 0.00 0 Unreconciled Bank Authorisation L5 (PMGSY/SCH/F-54) TOTAL 2717410482.69 2685837941 ASSETS Expenditure on New Roads (Completed) Financed by: Al 745535665.00 698870216 MORD 0 World Bank (PMGSY/SCH/F-53AA) 79008340.00 Asian Development Bank Others Expenditure on New Roads (in Progress) Financed by: 1138336647 MORD 1141420435.00 0 World Bank 303772395.00 Asian Development Bank Others Expenditure on Upgradatin of Existing A2 2627679.00 2627679 Roads (Completed) Financed by: (PMGSY/SCH/F-53BB) MORD World Bank Asian Development Bank Others Expenditure on Upgradation of Existing Roads (in Progress) Financed by: MORD World Bank Asian Development Bank Others 26489288.00 11320344916 33 64 Expenditure on DPR Preperation 114 42 43B0 2527268 Expenditure on Sign Boards A3(PMGSY/SCH/F-43CC) 2527268.00 Investments, Deposits and Other Balances 3037295.0. 37363095 Current Assets A4(PMGSY/SCH/F-53D) 60632321.32 Material at Site:-2 51*(PMGSY/SCH/F-53BB);2627679P00S2627679 a) Constuction of New Roads b) Up-Gradation of Existing Roads_________ Cash in ChestOthersay 642761444 Bank Balance with the accredited bank 212390416.37 143006675 Automatic Investments with accredited Bank 14306675.00 Unreconcilled programme fund transferred to PIUs L5(PMGSY/SCH/F-5) 79008340.00_0 Significant Accountin Policies (PMGSY/SCH/F-57A) Total 1 2717410482.69, 2685837941, In terms of our report of even date Wol BaMFor, D Das & Ass 'ates RJ- en DAMrEREE) ACCOUWiAIII; Cha red A ountants ol0-23 ~?CyPlace Shillong K-Debap Das Date 12.08.2014 (Part r) ILLUII) Membership o.059206 Roads(CompSe(internal Auditors) PMGSY/FIA(ANNUAL) PMGSY PROGRAMME FUND CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31/3/2014 Name of STATE: STATE RURAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: MEGHALAYA Account Code Head of Account Receipts Number Current Year Prevoius Year 1 2 3 4 Opening Banlance i A) Cash in Hand B) Imprest with Staff C) Bank Balance with the accredited bank a) Saving Account 642761445.37 440769529 b) Automatic deposits 143006675.00 143006675 ii i. Programme Fund Received from GOI 500000000 ii. Funds received from the State Government for cost over runs 0 ncome form Automatic Investment /miscellaneous receipts 24333442.00 20092073 iv Other Income (Bank Charges Refunded) 0.00 1051 v Advances Recovery 6304174.00 2258385 Deposits of Contractors and Suppliers 62207760.00 12257502 vi Other Creditors 39095911 Total 878613496.37 1157481126 PMGSY/FIA(ANNUAL) PMGSY PROGRAMME FUND ANNUAL ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENT FOR SRRDA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31/3/2014 Name of STATE : STATE RURAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: MEGHALAYA Account Code Head of Account Payments Number Current Year Prevoius Year 1 2 3 4 i Construction of New Road 389493290.00 275370875 Construction of Completed Road 43036682.00 0 Advance to Contractors 0.00 13530217 ii Expenditure on DPR preparation 6144372.00 9881144 Advances for DPR preparation 0.00 20326955 Mobilisation Advance 6361000.00 0 Machinery Advance 23205000.00 0 iii Refund of Security deposit 8829434.00 13712836 iv Statutory taxes paid 46139227.00 38889279 Bank Charges 7400.00 1700 v Closing Balance a) Cash In Hand b) Bank Balances with the accredited bank i) Saving Account 212390416.37 642761445 ii) Automatic Deposit 143006675.00 143006675 ,___Total 87M13496.37 1157481126 FinanW Controllet PMGSY SRRDA 7 Meghalaya 0 o Signature of Division Accountant re of Officer In-Charge DPIU Ko-23 e mpowered Officer, A, PMGSY PMGSY/SCHIF52AA PMGSY PROGRAMME FUND SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET OF STATE (Referred to in paragraph 15.4.1 of Manual) Schedule of Programme Fund Receipts by SRRDA CONSOLIDATED RURAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: MEGHALAYA Schedule No. L1- PMGSY Programme Fund Current Year Previous Year Programme Fund received from MORD (GOI) Opening Balance as per the last Balance Sheet 2300566181.41 1959566181 Add:- Received during the period/ Year 0.00 500000000 Programme Fund received from NABARD Add:- Transfer of Fund 159000000.00 0 Closing Balance 2459566181.41 2459566181 II.Fund Received from State Government to meet cost over run or its other Commitments Opening Balance as per the last Balance Sheet 4653438.00 Add:- Received during the period/ Year 0.00 4653438 Closing Balance 4653438.00 4653438 PMGSY/SCHIF-52B Schedule of Incidental Funds and Miscellaneous Income Referred to in pragraphs 15.4.1 and 15.4.1 and 15.4.3 of the Manual Schedule No.
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