
VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH AND DREYERS FORLAG OSLO NORDISK FILOLOGI BANDAMANNA SAGA edited by Hallvard Mager0y BANDAMANNA SAGA edited by HALLVARD MAGER0Y Glossary made by Peter Foote Introduction and Notes englished by Peter Foote and Sue Margeson VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON DREYERS FORLAG OSLO © Copyright 1981 VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON DREYERS FORLAG I/S UNDERVISNINGSLITTERATUR Arbiensgt. 7, Oslo 2 Typeset in Malta by Interprint Litnited ISBN 0-903521-15-6 (English Language market) ISBN 82-09-031341 (Scandinavian market) Printed and bound in Malta 1981 by Interprint Limited on Hamang slightly yellowish 120 g/m^ offset paper PREFACE It is a pleasure to me to express my gratitude to the people who have helped towards the publication of this edition. Professor Peter Foote and Dr Sue Margeson translated and undertook some abridgement of my introduction and notes. Professor Foote also made several helpful suggestions about interpretation and composed the glossary, incorporating in it many of the linguistic comments originally included in my general notes. Professor Jonas Kristjansson, Director of Stofnun Arna Magnussonar a Islandi, read the Norwegian text and made valuable comments on a number of points. Miss Maureen Thomas read a draft of the glossary and Mr Anthony Faulkes improved the presentation in various ways. The edition could not have been undertaken without financial support from the University of Oslo, whose research fund has met the expenses of translation, thanks not least to the good offices of my colleague. Pro­ fessor Eyvind Fjeld Halvorsen. Finally, I acknowledge my obligation to the Council of the Viking Society for Northern Research, London, and the Directors of Dreyers Forlag, Oslo, under whose joint imprint the book is now published. HALLVARD MAGER0Y CONTENTS Abbreviations x Introduction xv Bandamanna saga i General notes 37 Glossary 68 Index of names in the saga text 104 Maps (A. Iceland; B. The land round Hunafloi and at end HunaIJ9rSr; C. E>ingv9llr) ABBREVIATIONS AJVF Arkivfor nordisk filologi. B Bandamanna saga. B 1976 Bandamanna saga utgjcven for Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur vcd Hallvard Mager0y. STUAGNL LXVII. 1956-76. Baetke i960 Bandamanna saga und Qlkofra pattr . herausgegeben von Walter Baetke. Altnordisrhe Textbibl- iothek, N.F., 4. Band. i960. Blondal Sigliis Blondal. Island sk-Dansk Ordhog. 1920-24. de Vries Jan de Vries. Altnordisihe Litera- turgeschiclite^. I -II. Grundriss der germanischen Philologic, 15-16. 1964-7. Finnur Jonsson, Litt. hist. Finnur Jonsson. Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie'^, I- III. 1920-24. Finnur Jonsson 1933 Bandamanna saga . Udgivne for Samfund til udgivelse af gam­ mel nordisk litteratur ved Finn­ ur Jonsson. STUAGNL lA'II. 1933- Fritzner Johan Fritzner. Ordhog over Det gamle norske Sprog, I-III. 1883—96, reprinted 1954. IV. Retteher og tilleggved Finn Hodnebo. 1972- Grdgds la-b Griigas . udgivet , . af Vilhjal- mur Finseii . Forste Del . Anden Del. 1852, reprinted 1974. x ABBREVIATIONS Grdgas II Grdgds . Stadarholshok, udgivet . [ved Vilhjalmur Finsen]. 1879, reprinted 1974. Grdgds III Grdgas . Skdlholtshok . udgivet . [ved Vilhjalmur Finsen]. 1883, reprinted 1974. GuSni Jonsson Grettis saga Asmundarsonar. Banda­ manna saga. Odds pattr Ofeigssonar. GuSni Jonsson gaf ut. IF VII. 1936- Gunnl. Gunnlaugs saga. Halldor Halldorsson I-II Halldor Halldorsson. Islenzkt ord- takasafn I (1968), II (1969). Heusler 1897 Zwei Isidnder-Geschichten, Die Hensna-Pores und die Bandamanna saga herausgegeben von Andreas Heusler. 1897. Heusler 1913 ^ivei Isldndergeschichfen . her­ ausgegeben von Andreas Heus­ ler. Zweite verb. Auflage. 1913. Heusler, Strafrecht Andreas Heusler. Das Strafrecht der Isl'dndersagas. 1911 • H. Fr. Bandamanna Saga, ved H[alld6r] FriSriksson. Nordiske Oldskrifter udgivne af det nordiske Litera- tur-Samfund X. 1850. IF Islenzkfornrit. 1933 —. Isl. pjodhiettir Jonas Jonasson. Islenzkir pjod- hattir^. 1945. Jon Johannesson Jon Johannesson. A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth. Islendinga saga. Translated by Haraldur Bessason. University of Manitoba Icelandic Studies II. 1974. JS Manuscript JS, brot nr 6, Lands- bokasafn Islands. Xll ABBREVIATIONS K Konungsbok, manuscript Gl. kgl. saml. 2845 4to in Det kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen. KL Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder, I-XXII . Admini­ strator [I] Lis Jacobsen, — [II- XXII] Georg Rona. 1956-78. Kalund, Beskrivelse P. E. Kristian Kalund. Bidrag til en historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island, I-II. 1877-82. Landn. Landnamabok. Ljbsv. Ljosvetninga saga. M MoSruvallabok, in the collection of Stofnun Arna Magnussonar a Islandi, Reykjavik, formerly AM 132 fol. in Den Arna- magnaeanske Samling, Copen­ hagen. Malshattasafn Islenzkt malshattasafn. Finnur Jonsson setti saman. 1920. NK Nordisk kultur. 1931-56. Nygaard M. Nygaard. Norron syntax. 1905. Prestatal Sveinn Nielsson. Prestatal og pro- fasta a Islandi''- 1950. Saga Islands Saga Islands, I-HI. Ritstjori Sig- urSur Lindal. 1974-8. Skirnir 1977 Sverrir Tomasson, "Banda­ manna saga og aheyrendur a 14. og 15. old", Skirnir 151 (1977), 97-117- Studiar Hallvard Mageray. Studiar i Bandamanna saga. Bibliotheca Arnamagnaeana XVIII. 1957. Sturl. Sturlunga saga. Sturl. 1911 Sturlunga saga . udgiven . [ved Kr. Kalund], I-II. 1966-11. Sturl. 1946 Sturlunga saga, I-II. Jon Jo- ABBREVIATIONS XIU hannesson, Magniis Finnboga- son og Kristjan Eldjarn sau um utgafuna. 1946. Verzeichnis Einar Ol. Sveinsson. Verzeichnis isldndischer Mdrchenvarianten. Folk­ lore Fellows Communications 83- 1929- Pingvollur Matthias J>6r3arson. Pingvdllur. Alpingisstadurinnforni. 1945. Aarbeger Aarbeger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic. INTRODUCTION The general character and structure of the saga. Bandamanna saga (hereafter B) belongs to the type of sagas known as Sagas of Icelanders (or Family Sagas). The main characters in these sagas are mostly Icelanders and the events they describe are mostly set in Iceland during the period from the settlement (A.D. 870-930) to the early eleventh century {c. 1030) when the Viking Age had ended and Christianity was firmly established in both Norway and Iceland. But B is distinctive among Sagas of Icelanders in that almost all its action belongs to a time subsequent to this period. From what is otherwise known about some of the people involved in the story we must imagine that the chief events take place in the 1050S.' And while the action in Sagas of Icelanders normally covers a relatively long period, often several generations or at least the life-span of one main character, the central action in B (disregarding Oddr Ofeigsson's youth) takes only a little over four years. B differs from the usual run of sagas in other ways too. In the form it has in the M redaction B is seen to be constructed with unusually taut artistic economy; it has a tighter unity than even such carefully planned sagas as Laxdcela saga and Hrafnkels saga. In B there is not a single sentence that does not have a clear connection with the main action.^ In other sagas one may often find informa- ' At 31/12-21 there is reference to a hard winter in BorgarfJ9rSr, probably the one preceding the summer in which the confederates prosecute Oddr. This might conceivably be related to the great famine recorded by Icelandic annals as oqld i kristni, dated by most of them to 1056. The Althing in question would then be that of 1057. Cf Gustav Storm, hlandske Annaler indtil 1578 (1888), 58, 108, 250, 318, 470. Gu5ni Jonsson, IF \'II i.xxx and c, suggested (h(^ year I055- ^Cf note to 36/24-25. XVI INTRODUCTION tion about genealogy which has nothing to do with the principal story. All information in B about ancestors and kinship is either related to events in the saga (the father-son relationship of Ofeigr and Oddr, the relation­ ship between Svala and E>6rarinn LangdoelagoSi) or serves to explain the characters and roles of some of the main figures (Ofeigr SkiSason, Ospakr Glumsson). Sagas of Icelanders are very varied in content, but what we hear most about is conflict between individuals or groups over property, honour or women. As in the heroic poetry of the Edda, the central incidents are usually brutal battle-scenes or burnings, the heroes are champions of outstanding physical and/or mental capacity, and the dominant note is tragic, though glimpses of a rather harsh humour and sense of comedy are vouchsafed here and there. In some short stories (pettir), on the other hand, a sense of humour and a comic spirit provide the key-note. The contents of B are also extremely varied. The saga is built like a frame round a centre-piece. The frame is the story of a father and son who are so unlike in character and interests that the father, partly because of his own lack of understanding, loses his son and his son's affection. He wins him back only after years of patient waiting, and then by exerting all his mental powers at the psycho­ logically decisive moment. In the prelude which sets the chief events in motion there is one killing and in the epilogue there are two. But the saga has no battles and no warrior heroes. Odd's achievements as seafarer and merchant are of a peaceful nature, and the victories of the central character, Ofeigr SkiSason, are won entirely through his mental prowess, which is displayed in striking contrast to his fragile body, enfeebled by age. Another well-known saga hero, who is also rather old INTRODUCTION XVll and extraordinarily sage in counsel and who fights only with intellectual weapons, is Njall E>orgeirsson in .Njals saga. But there is a fundamental distinction between Njal's situation and Ofeig's. Njal's wise advice is continu­ ally turned to misfortune by the intervention of destiny. That is Njal's tragedy. But when everything turns out well for Ofeigr in B, it is because there is no interference from a fate that works in a mysterious way. B is certainly one of the least "mystical", one of the most clear-as-day and rational of all the Sagas of Icelanders.
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