Currents Price List October 2021 Table of Contents Currents Introduction Knoll and Sustainable Design 2 Introduction to Currents 3 Currents Textiles 5 Currents Color Program 6 Currents Legacy Finishes 7 Introduction to Upstart 8 Original Upstart Planning Examples 9 Upstart Color Program 11 Upstart Legacy Finishes 12 Service Walls and components Service Wall frames 13 Fence frames 14 Crown and raceway covers 15 Structural base cover kits 16 Access covers 18 Wall ends and connectors 25 Wall frame accessories 31 Spine ends and connectors 33 End Starters 35 Panel system starters and T-ends 36 Panel system starters for Dividends Horizon 40 Power, data and communications components for Service Walls 41 Screens and add-up panels Mobile screens 49 Add-up panels 50 Add up glass panels, for spine 51 Worksurfaces Worksurfaces, universal 52 Currents Stiffeners 58 Cascade edge worksurfaces 59 Worksurface, samples 65 Worksurface supports 66 Floorstanding storage Pedestal accessories 67 Counter Surface Counter surface 69 Upstart table desks and storage Upstart Tables 70 Plannable Upstart Tables 75 Accessories 84 Upstart Privacy Screens 85 Wall Mounting of Knoll Products 86 Alpha-Numeric Index 88 Selling Policy 91 KnollKey Lock Program 94 General Ordering Information 95 Copyright ᮊ 2021 Knoll, Inc. All rights reserved. All prices effective 10/15/2021. 1 PLCURR0921 Knoll and Sustainable Design Each year Knoll sets key initiatives in the journey to sustainability. Focused on our impact to people and planet, Knoll reports material health product attributes and sets operational targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and water use (in our North American facilities.) Material transparency is a core Knoll sustainable design value, enabling us to optimize the design and performance of our products. Our material health program utilizes independent third-party certifications that provide an impartial and trustworthy foundation for industry-wide transparency. Certification by respected third parties ensures that all manufacturers are held to the same high standards. Knoll certifications include: Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Intertek’s Clean Air Program, Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association (BIFMA) LEVEL certification, International Living Future Institute’s (ILFI) Declare labelling and Certified Environmental Product Declarations. In addition, Knoll is aligned with the U.S. Green Building Council and can help organizations achieve credits for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), WELL and the Living Building Challenge (LBC) building certifications. In our manufacturing operations, we focus on efficiency and impact. Knoll Office and Knoll Europe manufacturing locations are ISO 14001:2015 certified. Knoll sets objectives and targets to reduce energy, water and waste. These initiatives are part of a long-term strategy to further reduce energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint. We also believe in helping our customers find viable options when decommissioning furniture or other related assets. ANEW’s Full Circle Program, in partnership with Knoll, allows customers to leverage buy-back and re-sale programs as well as explore options for repurposing or recycling that mitigate landfill impact through energy-from-waste conversion. For more information about Knoll and sustainable design, visit www.knoll.com/environment. 2 Introduction to Currents Currents Currents creates dynamic, advanced performance work environments from coordinated, independent elements – Service Walls, Fence frames, plannable desks, mobile storage – and existing Knoll office products. Currents workspaces may be spine-supported or freestanding, or planned in combination with conventional panel systems. 3 Introduction to Currents Currents $Qe8Wl5QLUQN8N_^l0W8l^U85FA86l &8WdF58l,1JJ^l50N_FJ8d8Wl bWW8N_^l&8WdF58l,1JJ^lCWLl_E8l ^8U0W0_8Jg lNQJJlbNFd8W^0JllQWl -QWI^b\058l^bUUQW_^l0N6l^g^_8L^l eQWI^b\058^lbUl_QllQWlUWQdF68l ^_Wb5_bW0Jl5QW8l0N6lUWFL0WglU0_ElQ9l lUQe8Wl5QLUQN8N_^lL0gl48l U0N8J^lL0gl48l5QNN85_86l_Ql_E8l 8N6l^bUUQWal<RWl0Ngl^Fj8leQWI^b\058 l ^8WdF58^l6F^_WF4b_FQNl<RWl0l5Jb^_8WlQ9l FN^_0JJ86lFNl_E8l40^8lQ9l_E8l,2JJlQWl0_l bWYN_^l,2JJl0_l0NglUQFN_ l!Q4FJ8l &bUUQWal5QJbLN^lFN68U8N68N_l eQWI^_0_FQN^ lbWW8N_^l&8WdF58l,1JJ^l eQWI^b\058lE8FDE_ l0^8lUQe8WlW0FJ^l ^5W88N^l0W8l0J^Ql0d0FJ04J8lFNl0Nl J8D^l0N6lBQQW^_0N6FNDlU868^_0J^ L0gl0J^Ql5W80_8l4QW68W^l<RWl_80Ll 0558U_l_eQl6bUJ8flQb_J8_^lQNl805El bUEQJ^_8W86l^b\058 l 0W8l3^Ql0d0FJ04J8l<RWleQWI^b]058 eQWI^U058^l5QN98W8N58l0W80^lQWl ^F68lQ9l0lU0N8Jl0_lW058e0glE8FDE_ l ^bUUQWa l0N_FJ8d8W^l0W8l06Hb^_04J8 5QWWF6QW^ l&8WdF58l,1JJ^l0W8ll_EF5Il 8^IE8FDE_lQb_J8_lLQ6bJ8^l0558U_l bWW8N_^leQWI^b\058^l0W8l68^FDN86l FNlKlFN5W8L8N_^l<RWll 0N6l0W8l0d0FJ04J8lFNl_EW88lE8FDE_^l _eQl6bUJ8flQb_J8_^lQNl805El>58l CWl5QLUb_8Wlb^8l0^l_E8lUWFL0WgleQWIl eQWI^b]058 lN6l^bUUQWal4W05I8_^l lCWl^80_86ldF^b0Jl0558^^llCWl 04Qd8lQWl48JQel_E8leQWI^b\058 l#N8l 05_FdF_g l88Ul5QM8W^l0W8l^E0U86l<RWl 0N6lJ8D^l0W8lAf86lE8FDE_l<RWl ^80_86lUWFd05gl_E8lLQ^_ld8W^0_FJ8l QWl_eQlLQ6bJ8^l<RbWl6bUJ8flQb_J8_^l J0WD8lLQNF_QW^l0N6lFN5Jb68leF68l eQWI^b\058lQWl06Hb^_l<RWlll E8FDE_l<RWlQU8NlUJ0Nl0W80^lW8VbFWFNDl 805El^F68lL0gl48lJQ50_86lFNl0Ngl l I8g4Q0W6 LQb^8l0W80^ l&_W0FDE_l eQWI^b\058lE8FDE_ ^QL8lQd8WE806l^_QW0D8l0N6llCWl eF68l^_b6l40g l Q50_8lQb_J8_lLQ6bJ8^l eQWI^b\058^l?0_bW8l^Q<`Jgl5bWd86lQWl ^_0N6FNDlUWFd05glFNl8f85b_Fd8lQWl 0N6lW8J0_86l -lQb_J8_l5Qd8W^l B0_l<XQN_^ l f_8N686l5QM8W^l &8WdF58l,1JJl^_0N60W6lE8FDE_ll 5QO8W8N58l0W80^ l 48<RW8l^U85F;iFNDleF6_E^lQ9l06H058N_l FN5QWUQW0_8l0Nl07058N_leQWIl0W80l 5WQeN^l50NlbULQbN_lQU8Nl^E8Jd8^l U0N8Jl5Qd8W^ l 0N6l0l5QLUb_8Wl5QM8WlFN_Ql0l^FNDJ8l Qd8WE806l^_QW0D8l_0^Il0N6l0L4F8N_l &8WdF58l,1JJ^l0W8l5QLUQ^86lQ9l bNFN_8WWbU_86l^b\058 l*NFd8W^0Jl JFDE_FNDl0N6l066bUlU0N8J^ l <X0L8^l0N6l5Qd8W^ lW0L8^lFN5Jb68l (E8lFN_8WFQWlQ9l_E8l ,2JJl48_e88Nl l eQWI^b\058^lFN5Jb68l0l^_88Jl^_F<=8N8Wl ^_b6^lQNl l58N_8W^l40^8lW058e0gl 0N6l_E8l5WTeNlQ@8W^lbNQ4^_Wb5_86lKl CWlEFDElJQ06l50U05F_gl0N6l5QW6l &8WdF58l,1JJl^_0N60W6lE8FDE_ll eF_ElJ8d8JJFNDlDJF68^l5WQeNl0N6l 688UlJ0gFNl504JFNDlQNl805El^b\058 l L0N0D8L8N_ l 5WQeN^l50NlbULQbN_lQWl6QeNLQbN_l 40^8 lW0L8^lL0gl48l^U85F:F86leF_El +8W_F50JleFW8lL0N0D8L8N_l0N6l8f58^^l QU8Nl^E8Jd8^lQWlVbF_glQd8WE806l0_l Kl5QLU05_l5WTeNlQWll^_0N60W6l 5QW6l50U04FJF_glF^lbNQ4^_Wc5_86l 0NglUQFN_ lVbF_glQd8WE806^l50NlQNJgl 5WQeN lJJl^_b6^lE0d8l4W05I8_^l_Ql klfl l48_e88Nl^_b6^ l 48l6QeNLQbN_86l<XQLl,1JJ^leF_El ^bUUQWal5Qd8W^l0_ll l ll Kl5QLU05_l5WTeN lW05I8_^l0W8l l0N6ll04Qd8l_E8lBQQW lWTeNl &8WdF58l,1JJ^leF_El^_0N60W6ll 0d0FJ04J8l_Ql6QeNLQbN_lFdF68N6^l 0N6lW058e0gl5Qd8W^l^_Wb5_bW0Jl40^8l 5WQeNl8N04J8lbULQbN_86l^E8Jd8^l &8WF8^l<RWlFdF68N6^lQWlVbF_gl 5Qd8W^l<XQLll_Ql l04Qd8l_E8lBQQWl Qd8WE806l^_QW0D8l504FN8_^l0N6l Qd8WE806l504FN8_^l<XQLll&8WdF58l 0N6l5Qd8W^l04Qd8l lLb^_l48l 50NQUglJFDE_FNDl0_l0NglUQFN_lQNlQN8l ,1JJleF_El8F_E8Wl5QLU05_lQWl^_0N60W6l ^U85FA86l^8U0W0_8Jg l QWl4Q_El^F68^ l*UEQJ^_8W86lQWl 5WQeN l <X0L8J8^^lDJ0^^l066bUlU0N8J^lA_lFN_Ql &_Wb5_bW0Jl40^8l5Qd8W^l8N04J8l 0l58N_8Wl5E0NN8Jl0NgeE8W8l0JQNDl_E8l U8WU8N6F5bJ0WlU0N8J^leQWI^c\058l 5WQeNl9SWl l lQWllQ9l ^bUUQWa^lQWlQb_WFDD8W^l_Ql48l0__05E86l 066F_FQN0Jl8N5JQ^bW8 l 0_l0NglUQFN_ l&_Wb5_bW0Jl40^8l5Qd8W^l L0gl48lU0FN_86l^_88JlU8ZQW0_86lQWl &_05I04J8l066bUlU0N8J^l0W8l0J^Ql bUEQJ^_8W86 l 0d0FJ04J8lFNlbUEQJ^_8W86lL0WI8WlQWl DJ0j86l^b\058 lFW^_lbUlU0N8J^l0W8l ,1JJl5Qd8W^l04Qd8l l^N0UlFN_Qle0JJl l lQWllEFDElN8f_lbUl^_05IFNDl <X0L8l4W05I8_^l0_l lFN_8Wd0J^l0N6l U0N8J^l0W8l lEFDE l 0W8lW8LQd04J8leF_EQb_l_QQJ^ lQd8W^l L0gl48lU0FN_86lbUEQJ^_8W86l FW^_lbUlU0N8J^l50Nl48lLQbN_86l 05Qb^_F50J _05I04J8lbUEQJ^_8W86l QNl0NgllFN5W8L8N_l0JQNDl 504J8l_W0hl^J0_le0JJlQWlL0WI8Wl &8WdF58l-0JJl5WQeN l ^b[058 l bWW8N_^l,1JJ^lUJ0NlFNl0Ngl 5QL4FN0_FQNlQ9ll lQWlleF6_E^l 5QWW8^UQN6FNDl_Ql_E8l_Q_0JlJ8ND_ElQ9l ,1JJlW8VbFW86 l66lQb_WFDD8W^l'8N6l 0N6l 8N6lU0N8J^lQWl QWl UQ^_l5QNN85_FQN^l0_l805El8N6lQ9l &8WdF58l,1JJl^UFN8 l&_W0FDE_l 5QNN85_QW^l0W8lFN5Jb686leF_El805El <X0L8lIF_l_QlHQFNl<X0L8^lQ9l_E8l^0L8l E8FDE_lFNl0l^_W0FDE_lJFN8 lFDEJQel ^_W0FDE_l5QNN85_QW^l0W8l0d0FJ04J8l ^8U0W0_8Jg l&8WdF58l,1JJ^lW8VbFW8l Qb_WFDD8W^lQWlU8WU8N6F5bJ0Wl^g^_8L^l U0N8J^l8d8Wgl l 4 Currents Textiles Currents KnollTextiles Approved for Wall covers, Additional textiles are Dapper Masquerade Tabloid f mobile screens and available on linkable screens Delite Melange Tempest privacy screens and stackable add-up Demure Melody ࠗfr Theory ࠗfr panels: see Morrison price Diva Menagerie Tight Rope ࠗfr Fabric Group10 list for approved fabrics. Djenne Meroe Tilden ࠗfr Annex (W1360) Double Agent ࠗfr Midpoint Tinge ࠗfr Beacon (W1597) Customer’s Own Material is Dristi ࠗfr Milestone Topography Broadcloth II (W1619) subject to an application Dune Mod Plaid Topos Circuit (W1754) testing fee of $750 per fabric Durand Monarch f Totem Element (W1077) and a $2500 fee for UL Dynamic Moto CR Tower Grid Messa (W20611) testing. Fabric requirements Earthwork f Nature Walk Treble CR Pivot (W1926) - application test, 10 yards; Eclat Weave Night Life Trophy Symbolic Details (W693) UL test, 15 yards. COM is Entouragef Noble Tryst Skylark (W1718) also subject to extended Entwine North Island Ultrasuede f Tailor Made II (W1610) leadtimes. COM panels are Essence Obi Utmost II Twister (W1923) priced at Group 10 plus cost Fancy Twill Origins Utopia Versatility (W432) of fabric. Ferry Palisade Utrillo Fabric Group 20 Approved textiles for Fibra Panache CR Vatera Circle Line (W1146) Currents Mobile Pedestal Firefly Paradigm Venue Criss Cross (W305) Cushion Forza ࠗfr Pedal Pusher ࠗfr Versa f Delite
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