1 0 1 0 A c o p v r i e l r 2 May 2011 May m 0 ISSN 1759-2216 1 a 1 y 2 1 : £1 price 1 1 : 0 7 Folk Monthly A d i a r y o f f o l k a n d r e l a t e d e v e n t s a c r o s s t h e M i d l a n d s Audience participation, Great Western style - Warwick Folk Festival 2010 0 5 2 7 9 1 5 5 5 0 0 77 77 77 %&-.3./,&%"' 77 6 77 4 77 77 7777 .0-- 77 The Imagined Village Oysterband and special guests Bellowhead Show of Hands The Cecil Sharp Project Kepa Junkera Band Cara Dillon 17 Hippies 77 77 77 77 77 4 77 77 77 776 77 4 77 4 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 4 77 77 77 4 01746 76 88 13 # "2'$&5'&+')&,%"!'( *"1%1)! +++1'&+')&,%"!'( *"1%1)! SFF A6 Advert 2011 (COLOUR).indd 1 20/01/2011 14:48 festival at the The 20th Storytelling Festival at thee Edge dge Stokes Barn, Much Wenlock, Shropshire TF13 6DB (off the A458 Shrewsbury to Bridgnorth Road) 15-17 July 2011 Enjoy superb storytelling and music in Shropshire’s spectacular countryside. Guests include: Tom Bliss; Jasna Held; Faye Hield and Sam Sweeney; Rob Harbron; Nancy Kerr and James Fagan; Eddie Lenihan; Hand to Mouth Theatre; Hugh Lupton; Dogan Mehmet & The Deerhunters; Panic Circus; Paramythokores; Mats Rehnman; Colum Sands; Urban Gypsies; Maria Whatton; Robin Williamson Put your dancing feet and more. New solo storytelling commission by to good use and help Jasna Held Christine McMahon. those without safe Adult weekend ticket £78 (£70 if purchased before the 31st March; water and sanitation. £73 if purchased before the 31st May). Junior weekend ticket £39 Nancy Kerr and James Fagan Mats Rehnman (£31 if purchased before the 31st March; £34 if purchased before the 31st May). www.bignationalceilidh.co.uk Family tickets available. Please check the website for further ticket options. [email protected] For more information, 020 7793 4594 tel: 01939 236 626 email: [email protected] www.festivalattheedge.org Project Part-Financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund Registered charity numbers 288701 (England and Wales) and SC039479 (Scotland) "'-%0.'40052#7+335' ,++2'9:.5;-.968/4-.'98+'22?'88/<+*'9D3=8/:/4- Folk Monthly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editorial.indd 3 12/04/2011, 02:42:13 BELPER FOLK CLUB Every Tuesday at 8:30pm The Old King’s Head Days Lane BELPER Derbyshire DE56 1NP May 10th Notts Alliance June 21st Vicki Swann and Jonny Dyer July 12th Cupola & Lucy Ward August 16th David Gibb & Elly Lucas September 13th Dave Webber & Annie Fentiman Doors open 8pm - Admission £6 (£5 conc.) All remaining Tuesday nights are singers’ nights – musicians, poets, singers and audience are very welcome! For further details ring Kath or Geoff on 01246 865170 or check our website: www.belperfolkclub.co.uk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