DOCUMENT RESUME ED 459 630 FL 801 481 AUTHOR Moine-Boothe, Judith D., Ed. TITLE Notes on Literacy, 2000. INSTITUTION SIL International, Dallas, TX. ISSN ISSN-0737-6707 PUB DATE 2000-00-00 NOTE 110p.; Published quarterly. AVAILABLE FROM International Academic Bookstore, 7500 West Camp Wisdom Road, Dallas, TX 75236 (annual subscription, $20.95; individual issues, $3) .Tel: 972-708-7404; Fax: 972-708-7433; e-mail: [email protected]. PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Notes on Literacy; v26 n1-4 2000 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Applied Linguistics; Chinese; Foreign Countries; *Literacy; Second Language.Instruction; Second Language Learning; *Sociolinguistics; Student Evaluation; Student Motivation; Test Validity; *Uncommonly Taught Languages IDENTIFIERS Cameroon; Orthography ABSTRACT This volume contains the following articles: "Orthography and Identity in Cameroon" (Steven Bird); "Literacy Evaluation Tool" (Becky Feldpausch, Jean Nichols, Robin Rempel); "Kenyang Literacy Program" (Tanyi Eyong Mbuagbaw); "Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): A Brief Overview" (Ian Mowatt); "Adaptation of the Multi-Strategy Method for the Far North of Cameroon" (Susan Gravina); "SALT '98: A Short-Term Literacy Team in Cameroon" (Fiona Clayton, Jason Hunt, Ulrike Hunt, Alies Zandbergen). There are also four book reviews: "150 Ways To Increase Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom" by J. P. Raffini (reviewed by Scott A. Satre); "Modern Chinese: a History and Sociolinguistics" by Ping Chen (reviewed by Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung); "Local Literacies: Reading and Writing in One Community" by David Barton and Mary Hamilton (reviewed by Fiona Holburn); "Beyond Training: Perspective on Language Education" by Jack C. Richards (reviewed by Craig Soderberg) .(Contains 75 references.)(Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education) (KFT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. LITERACYNOTES ON LITERACYNOTES ON Volume 26, Number 1&2CONTENTS 2000 Volume 26, Number 3&4CONTENTS 2000 ARTICLESOrthography and Identity in CameroonSteven Bird 3 ARTICLESMonitoringKenyang Literacy and Evaluation Program (M&E): A BriefTanyi Overviewlan Eyong Mbuagbaw Mowatt 6557 Literacy Evaluation Tool andBecky Robin Feldpausch, Rempel Jean Nichols,35 SALTAdaptationFionaCameroon '98: Clayton, Aof Short-Term the Multi-Strategy Jason Hunt, Literacy Ulrike Method Team Hunt, in for Cameroon and the AliesFarSusan NorthZandbergen Gravina of 7175 EDUCATIONALOfficeUS. of DEPARTMENT Educational'CENTER RESOURCESResearch (ERIC)OF EDUCATIONandreproducedINFORMATION Improvement as PERMISSIONDISSEMINATEBEEN TOGRANTED THIS REPRODUCE MATERIAL BY HAS AND 0 MinorThisoriginatingreceived document changes from it. the havehas person beenbeenquality.or made organization to SKelt REVIEWS150 ways to increase intrinsic motivation in the classroom,by J. P. 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WestDallas, Camp Texas WisdomBEST 75236 RoadCOPYAVAILABLE Dallas, Texas 75236 NOTES ON Volume 26, Number 1&2 LITERACY2000 ARTICLES CONTENTS OrthographyLiteracy Evaluation and Identity Tool in CameroonandBeckySteven Robin Feldpausch,Bird Rempel Jean Nichols,353 7500 WestDallas,SIL CampInternational Texas Wisdom 752364 Road NOTES ON LITERACY Notes on Literacy 26.1 &2:3-34. fieldNotes literacy on Literacy programs isEDITOR: published by sharing Judith quarterly information D. 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