Invertebrate Systematics, 2020, 34, 871–892 © CSIRO 2020 doi:10.1071/IS20010_AC Supplementary material Convergent evolution of sexually dimorphic glands in an amphi-Pacific harvestman family Guilherme GainettA,D, Rodrigo H. WillemartB, Gonzalo GiribetC, and Prashant P. SharmaA ADepartment of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 352 Birge Hall, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA. BLaboratório de Ecologia Sensorial e Comportamento de Artrópodes, Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua Arlindo Béttio, 1000, Ermelino Matarazzo, São Paulo, SP 03828-000, Brazil. CMuseum of Comparative Zoology and Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. DCorresponding author. Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 10 100 Stygnomma teapense DNA104849 Stygnomma bispinatum DNA105836 98 Stygnomma sp. DNA106176 100 Badessa sp. DNA104600 Pellobunus insularis DNA101421 100 Lacurbs sp. DNA105668 Metabiantes sp. DNA100704 Baculigerus sp. DNA104054-3 100 Baculigerus sp. DNA105267 91 Baculigerus sp. DNA100640 95 Urachiche sp. DNA106175 Guasinia sp. DNA105838 Minuella sp. DNA101388 Phalangodinella sp. DNA104054-2 79 100 Phalangodinella sp. DNA105269 61 Phalangodinella sp. DNA105268-2 74 Parascotolemon sp. DNA105268-1 100 Zalmoxoidea f. gen. sp. DNA105272 Turquinia cf. montana DNA105835 99 Icaleptes sp. DNA101420 77 Icaleptes sp. DNA104053 100 Icaleptes sp. DNA104056-1 84 Icaleptes sp. DNA104845 95 100 Icaleptes sp. DNA104842 100 Costabrimma sp. DNA105834 Costabrimma sp. DNA106164 51 Fissiphallius sp. DNA105266 100 Fissiphallius sp. DNA105271 95 Fissiphallius chicoi DNA101551 100 Fissiphallius sp. DNA104055 96 Fissiphallius sp. DNA104057 Ethobunus cf. tuberculatus DNA103853 Pirassunungoleptes calcaratus DNA101114 65 cf. Traiania sp. DNA106167 61 70 Guagonia sp. DNA106162 Ethobunus sp. DNA104054-1 Ethobunus sp. DNA106172 Ethobunus sp. DNA103905-1 100 Pachylicus sp. DNA103873 Pachylicus sp. DNA103880-2 Pachylicus spinatus DNA103876 72 97 Pachylicus sp. DNA103880-1 100 Ethobunus sp. DNA106173 100 Ethobunus sp. DNA103879 98 Ethobunus sp. DNA103877 99 Ethobunus zalmoxiformis DNA101424 Ethobunus sp. DNA103875 100 Ethobunus tarsalis DNA103874 79 Ethobunus sp. DNA103872 Ethobunus sp. DNA104844 99 95 Ethobunus sp. DNA103870 Ethobunus sp. DNA103867 65 Ethobunus sp. DNA103857 98 Ethobunus sp. DNA103856 Ethobunus cf. foliatus DNA103864 Ethobunus sp. DNA103855 66 Ethobunus cf. foliatus DNA103858 Afrotropics 55 Ethobunus cf. foliatus DNA103881-2 98 Ethobunus cf. foliatus DNA103881-1 100 Zalmoxis cf. insularis DNA103581 Zalmoxis sp. DNA103582 Neotropics 89 Zalmoxis sp. DNA103929 100 Zalmoxis princeps DNA102353 Zalmoxis princeps DNA102354 Fiji 48 Zalmoxis princeps DNA102358-1 87 86 Zalmoxis princeps DNA102355 86 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102358-5 49 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102351 Australia Zalmoxis mendax DNA102246 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102357-2 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102352 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102349 93 New Caledonia 94 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102357-1 Zalmoxis cf. neocaledonicus DNA100914 95 56 Zalmoxis perditus DNA102356 West Sulawesi Zalmoxis kaktinsae DNA102350 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102497 Zalmoxis therianthropes sp. nov. DNA102502 94 Zalmoxis bilbo sp. nov. DNA 106883 North Sulawesi Zalmoxis sp. DNA103580-2 70 Zalmoxis sp. DNA103579-3 85 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106901 Java 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA103583 100 Zalmoxis cf. robustus DNA103580-1 100 Zalmoxis pygmaeus DNA103579-2 Zalmoxis pygmaeus DNA103578 Borneo 98 Zalmoxis pygmaeus DNA103579-1 97 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106320 100 Zalmoxis darwinensis DNA106321 100 Zalmoxis falcifer DNA105836 Luzon Zalmoxis sp. DNA103851 99 Zalmoxis cardwellensis DNA106310 80 97 Zalmoxis furcifer DNA106316 Palawan 100 Zalmoxis furcifer DNA106318 98 Zalmoxis furcifer DNA106311 100 Zalmoxis cardwellensis DNA103199 Zalmoxis cardwellensis DNA106308 New Guinea 74 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106010 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102528 96 71 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102527 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102529-3 Micronesia Zalmoxis sp. DNA102529-1 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102530 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102529-2 Vanuatu Zalmoxis sp. DNA106179 69 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106177 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106180-2 Zalmoxis sp. DNA106180-1 90 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102522-3 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102522-1 78 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102522-2 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102526 55 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102523 90 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102524-2 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102524-1 Zalmoxis adze sp. nov. DNA102525 99 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102493 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102492 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102491 Zalmoxis curupira sp. nov. DNA102487 39 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102506 58 Zalmoxis zibelthiurdos DNA104061 91 Zalmoxis sp. DNA104066-2 Zalmoxis sp. DNA104067 0.09 97 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102508-2 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102508-1 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102488 81 26 100 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102496 69 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102494 65 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102501 Zalmoxis sp. DNA102515 67 Zalmoxis cf. dammermani DNA102500 Zalmoxis sp. DNA103724 Zalmoxis bendis DNA104063-1 Zalmoxis sp. DNA104065-1 Zalmoxis sabazios DNA105635 83 Zalmoxis kotys DNA104065-2 Zalmoxis kotys DNA104064-1 100 Zalmoxis mitobatipes DNA106196-1 97 Zalmoxis mitobatipes DNA106196-2 88 Zalmoxis gebeleizis DNA104060 100 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106196-3 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106195 40 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106192-3 30 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106191-3 73 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106192-2 43 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106192-1 97 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106191-1 Zalmoxis cuspanalis DNA106191-2 Fig. S1. Maximum-likelihood tree of all terminals from Sharma and Giribet (2012) supplemented with Zamoxis bilbo, sp. nov. and Zalmoxis sp. MCZ IZ-131205 (Vanuatu). Colour on the branches represent localities following the code in the figure. Numbers on the nodes are bootstrap values. Page 2 of 10 Table S1. Table of terminals used in the analysis of gland evolution, with accession numbers and coding Species ID on tree MCZ DNA MCZ Inv. Latitude Longitude Locality Specific locality Tarsus GenBank number number Zool. number condition Zalmoxis sp. SL2494 DNA102494 131118 0.455 123.9491667 North Sulawesi Gunung Bonde, near sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102494; Matayangan, Bogani monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654071; Nani Wartabone N.P., NCBI GenBank number = JQ435173; north Sulawesi NCBI GenBank number = JQ435270; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435340; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435471 Zalmoxis sp. SL2496 DNA102496 131119 1.345571978 124.871063 North Sulawesi Gunung Mahawu, sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102496; Rurukan, Tomohon monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654054; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435124; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435271; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435472 Zalmoxis SL2502 DNA102502 131124 –5.042222222 119.7352778 West Sulawesi Bantimurung- sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102502; therianthropes Bulusaraung N.P., monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654056; sp. nov. Sulawesi Selatan NCBI GenBank number = JQ435106; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435286; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435347; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435419; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435442 Zalmoxis SL2487 DNA102487 131112 0.575277778 123.895 North Sulawesi Bukit Linggua, near sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102487; curupira sp. Doloduo, north monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE605029; nov. Sulawesi NCBI GenBank number = JN885723; NCBI GenBank number = JN885743; NCBI GenBank number = JN885774; NCBI GenBank number = JN885779; NCBI GenBank number = JN885791 Zalmoxis sp. BR40662 DNA104066-2 131177 –2.644444444 115.4127778 Borneo South Kalimantan sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA104066_2; Prov., Pagat, ~6 km E monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654065 of Barabai, Gunung Batu Benawa Zalmoxis sp. SL2488 DNA102488 131113 0.759166667 124.4213889 North Sulawesi Gunung Ambang, near sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102488; Modoinding, NE of monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654023; Kotamobagu, north NCBI GenBank number = JQ435123; Sulawesi NCBI GenBank number = JQ435278; NCBI GenBank number = JQ435435 Zalmoxis sp. SL2493 DNA102493 131117 0.759166667 124.4213889 North Sulawesi Gunung Ambang, near sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102493; Modoinding, NE of monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = JQ435099; Kotamobagu, north NCBI GenBank number = JQ435280; Sulawesi NCBI GenBank number = JQ435334 Zalmoxis cf. JV2500 DNA102500 131122 –6.746111111 106.9966667 Java Gunung Gede- sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102500; dammermani Pangrango N.P., Jawa monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE605028; Barat NCBI GenBank number = JN885738; NCBI GenBank number = JN885742; NCBI GenBank number = JN885773; NCBI GenBank number = JN885790 Zalmoxis sp. SL25081 DNA102508-1 131127 0.758611111 124.4202778 North Sulawesi Gunung Ambang, near sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA102508; Modoinding, NE of monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654058; Kotamobagu, north NCBI GenBank number = HE654059 Sulawesi Zalmoxis kotys BR40641 DNA104064-1 131175 2.134444444 117.4108333 Borneo East Kalimantan Prov., sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA104064; Sharma et al., Berau District, Hutan monomorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654062 2012 Wisata Sei Tangap, Page 3 of 10 Species ID on tree MCZ DNA MCZ Inv. Latitude Longitude Locality Specific locality Tarsus GenBank number number Zool. number condition ~8 km W of Tanjungredeb Zalmoxis bendis BR40631 DNA104063-1 131174 1.995 117.6008333 Borneo East Kalimantan Prov., sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA104063; Sharma et al., Berau District, near dimorphic NCBI GenBank number = HE654061 2012 Kampung Suaran, ca. 40 km N of Tanjungredeb Zalmoxis BR4061 DNA104061 131172 –1.143333333 116.8497222 Borneo East Kalimantan Prov., sexually DNA Reference Code = DNA104061; zibelthiurdos Sungai Wain monomorphic
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