THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1857. 4145 LIABILITIES and ASSETS of the CITY BANK, on Saturday 31st October, 1857. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Amount of Capital 'paid up 225,000 0 0 By Exchequer Bills and Bonds To Amount of Reserved Fund 28,000 0 0 and East India Bonds ... 150,516 9 0 To Amount of Instalments re- By Bills discounted, Loans, ceived on account of third Building Expences, Cash, &c. 1,540,464 19 0 issue of shares ... 69,330 0 0 To Amount due by the Bank on current and other Accounts ... 1,368,651 8 0 £1,690,981 8 0 £1,690,981 8 0 Threadneedle-street, A. J. White, Manager. London, I2th November, 1857. "Wallasey Improvement. land in the township of Poulton-cum-Seacombe as (Power to Local Board of Health to construct Gas abuts upon the Great Float or Wallasey Pool, and Water Works ; to acquire Ferries ; to levy and. to appropriate the said pieces of land, or either Rates and raise Money j Amendment of Acts.) of them, and the said wall and any land to be thereby reclaimed, or any part thereof respectively, IVTOTIGE is hereby given that application is to the purposes of the said intended Act, and as a J_ i intended to be made to Parliament, in the public wharf for the use of the inhabitants of the ensuing session, for an Act to alter and amend, said parish or district of Wallasey, or to such other extend and enlarge, or to repeal all or some of the purposes as may be for the benefit of the said in- powers and provisions remaining unrepealed, of habitants ; and also to sell, or let, or exchange the an Act passed in the eighth year of Her Majesty, said several pieces of land, or either of them, or intituled " An Act for Paving, Lighting, Watch- any part thereof respectively, whether the said ing, Cleansing, and otherwise improving the parish wall shall have been erected or not. of Wallasey, in the county of Chester, and for And it is intended by such Act to make better establishing a police and also a market within the provision for the construction and regulation of said parish, %nd for other purposes ; and if the dwelling-houses and buildings to be erected within said recited Act be wholly repealed, to re-enact the limits of the said first recited Act, ruid of some of the powers and provisions thereof, and to " The Public Health Act, 1848," as applied to the take further or other powers. said district of Wallasey, and for improving the Arid it is also intended by such Act to alter, sanitary condition of the several townshi ps and amend, extend and enlarge, so far as the same are places within such district and the inhabitants applicable to the district of Wallasey, some of the thereof. powers and provisions of the " Public Health Act, And it is also intended by such Act to empower 1848;" " The Public Health Supplemental Act, the said Local Board of Health to supply water 1849;" "The Public Health Supplemental Act, for public and domestic purposes, within the limits 1850, (No. 2);" " The first Public Health Sup- of the said first recited Act, and " The Public plemental Act, 1852 ;" " The Public Health Sup- Health Act, 1848," as applied to the said district plemental Act, 1853 (No. 1).". of Wallasey, and for such purpose to sink, con- And it is intended by such Act to empower the struct, and maintain the following works, or some Local Board of Health for the district of Wallasey of them, with all. necessary conveniences connected to purchase or take on lease a certain ferry within therewith (that is to say) :— the said district called New Brighton Ferry, and. A well or wells with pumps, engines, and other the landing stages, slips, and other works and apparatus in the township of Poulton-cum-Sea- property connected therewith, and to provide and combe, in the said parish of Wallasey, on or near purchase, or hire and maintain, steam and other to the before mentioned piece of common or waste boats, materials and things, and employ and re- land within the township of Poulton-cum-Seacombe compense persons necessary for the proper and aforesaid. efficient working of such ferry, and also of any other A conduit, aqueduct, or main between th>a before- ferries which the said Local Board of Health may, under the provisions of the first recited Act, pur- mentioned intended well or wells and other works, chase or take on lease, and to demand, receive and and the before-mentioned piece of common or waste recover rates, tolls, or dues for the use of the re- land, within the township of Liscard aforesaid. spective ferries or any of them. A water tower, engine, and other works, upon And it is intended by such Act to vest in or or near the said last-mentioned piece of ground. place under the control of the said Local Board of And to lay down within the said district, and Health two certain pieces of land, one lying with- from time to time, maintain and renew such mains, in the township of Poulton-cum-Seacombe, and pipes and other works and conveniences as may be the other within the township of Liscard, in the necessary for affording such supply of water as said district of Wallasey, being part of the com- aforesaid. mons or waste lands left unawarded and unallotted And it is also intended by such Act to vest iu by the commissioners appointed by virtue of two the said Local Board of Health more extensive several Acts passed in the 49th and 54th years powers for lighting the said district; and also to of'the reign of his late Majesty King George the empower them to manufacture and supply gas, and Third, and respectively intituled " An Act for to construct, establish, and maintain upon all or enclosing Waste Lands in the township of Liscard, any part of the lands within the limits hereinafter in the parish of Wallasey, in the county of described, that is to say, the lands lying on the Chester," and "An Act for enclosing Lands in north-east side of the Great Float, otherwise Wal- the parishes of Wallasey and West Kirby, in the lasey Pool, between a point situate 370 yards or county of Chester," and also to empower the said thereabouts north-west of the southern termination Local Board of Health to erect a wharf wall in of a road 20 yards wide, belonging to the trustees front of and along so much of the said piece of of Richard Smith, Esquire, deceased, and a point C 2.
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