Index Page numbers in boldfaced type indicate illustrations. Abamectin, 748 Acheta Abdomen A. assimilis, circulatory system, 576 structure, 83–84 A. domesticus, 190, 190 appendages, 59, 84–89 Achilidae, 219 embryonic development, 608 Acoustic parasitism, 383 Abdominal epidermis, differentiation at Acrida,egg pod, 591 metamorphosis, 635 Acrididae, 186, 193 Abdominalganglia, 411 hearing, 380, 381 Abdominal gills, 480 Acridoidea, 185, 186, 191, 193–194 Absorption, 502–503 Acridomorpha, 187 of insecticides,502 Acroceridae, 255 Acalymma vittata, 324 Acron,60 Acalyptratae, 247, 256, 257–260 Acronycta rumicis, diapause induction, 673, 673 Acanthoscelides Acrosternite, 59 A. obtectus, 323, 324 Acrotergite, 59, 74, 83 as control agent, 324 Activating factor, 360, 362 Accessory hearts, 518 Activation center, 598, 599 Accessory pulsatile organs, 516, 518, 519, 520, Aculeata, 331, 333, 334, 335, 341–349 521 Acyrthosiphon pisum Accessory reproductive glands biocontrol, 773 embryonic origin, 612 as disease vector, 741 female host-plant resistance, 767 functions,565, 590–591 mycetocytes, 505 in Glossina, 616, 617 polyphenism, 668 structure, 565 Adelgidae, 219 male,507,541,565, 579 Adephaga, 307, 308, 309–310 functions, 568, 574, 580, 584, 585, 586 Aderidae, 322 hormonal control,580 Adiheterothripidae, 236 structure, 568 Adipohemocytes, 525–526 Acentropus, larvalgas exchange, 479 Adipokinetic hormone, 418, 419, 464 Acerentomidae, 119 Admirals, 291 Acerentomoidea, 119 Aedeagus, 87, 87 Acerella barberi, 118 Aedes,93 Acetophenone, 426 A. aegypti Acetylcholine, 413 anal papillae in larva, 551, 555 Acetylglucosamine, 358, 362, 505, diurnal rhythms of egg laying,665 524 endocrine control of egg development, 577,578 783 784 Aedes (Continued) Alary muscles, 517, 520 excretory products, 543 embryonic origin, 612 Index hearinginmales, 380 Alderflies, 297, 298, 299 hemolymph osmotic pressure, 548 Aldrin, 508, 747 hormonal control of larval salt and water balance, Alena, 300 555 Aleurocanthus woglumi, 746 vitellogenesis, 578 biocontrol, 758 A. atropalpus Aleurodidae, 213, 215 vitellogenesis, 578 Aleurodoidea, 213, 215 A. canadiensis, 250 Aleurothrixus floccosus, biocontrol, 759 A. detritus Aleyrodidae, 215 hemolymph osmotic pressure, 548 Alfalfa weevil: see Hypera postica osmoregulation, 552 Alienicolae, 667 A. taeniorhynchus Alimentary canal osmoregulation, 552, 553 physiology, 496–503 absorption of amino acids, 503 structure, 489–496, 490 as disease vector, 738 Alinotum, 73, 74, 453 egg diapause, 618 Alkaloids, 295 glycogen, 503 as feeding deterrents, 488, 695 midgut regional differentiation, 495–496 Allantoic acid, 541, 543 Aegiale hesperiaris, as human food,733 Allantoin, 541, 543, 545 Aeolothripidae, 235–236 Allatostatic hormone, 418,578, 640 Aeropyles, 572 Allatotropic hormone, 418, 430, 578, 640, 643 Aeshna Allelochemicals, 421 A. cyanea Allomones, 421, 427, 429–430 hemolymph composition, 522–523 Alsophila pometaria, 289, 729 larval excretory products, 542 Alticinae, 324 diffusion of oxygen to flight muscles, 475 Alucitidae, 287 distance perception, 395 Alucitoidea, 287 Aeshnidae, 143 Alydidae, 230 Aeshnoidea, 143 Amblycera, 203, 204, 205, 206–207 Agaonidae, 340 Ambrosia beetles: see Scolytinae Agasicles hygrophila, as control agent, 324 American cockroach: see Periplaneta americana Agathiphaga, 280 Ametabola, 13, 98, 113 Agathiphagidae, 280 Amino acids Agathiphagoidea, 280 absorption, 502 Agglutinins: see Lectins as excretory products, 541 Aggregation pheromones, 424, 425–426 in hemolymph, 523 Aggression songs, 582 metabolism, 506 Aglossata, 279, 280 as phagostimulants, 488 Agriotes mancus, 316 Amitermes,171 Agrius, 294 A. hastatus, 172 Agromyza frontella, biocontrol, 759 Amitus spp., as control agents, 758, 795 Agromyzidae, 258 Ammonia, 539, 541, 543, 545, 550 Agromyzoidea, 258 Amnion, 605, 606 Agrotis, 294 Amniotic cavity,605–606 A. infusa, 732 Amniotic fluid, 619 as human food, 731 Amniotic folds, 605, 606 A. ipsilon,asr pest type, 744 Amorphoscelidae, 159, 162 A. orthogonia, 295 Amphibicorisae, 213 Agrypon flaveolatum,ascontrol agent, 729, Amphicerus hamatus, 319 759 Amphientomidae, 201, 202 Agulla, 300 Amphiesmenoptera, 43, 239, 279 A.adnixa, 300 Amphipneustic condition, 470 Ahuahutle, 733 Amphipsocidae, 202 Air sacs, 470, 472, 478 Amphipterygidae, 138 Alarm pheromones, 426–427 Anabrus simplex: see Mormon cricket Anacridium aegyptium,reproductive diapause, larva and pupa, 250 785 574–575 pathogenic bacteria, 715 Anagasta kuhniella¨ Anoplotermes, 171 Index male reproductive organs, 566 Anoplura, 97, 98, 203, 204, 205, 206, as parasitoid host, 710 208–209 pupal heartbeat rate, 521 Anormenis septentrionalis, 220 spacing pheromone, 428, 429 Ant crickets, 190 Anagyrus nr. kivuensis,as control agent, 758 Antarctoperlaria, 149 Anajapygidae, 121 Anteclypeus, 63 Anajapyx, 121 Antecostae, 59, 73, 83 A. vesiculosus, 120 Antecostal sulcus,59 Anal angle, 82 Antennae, 60, 63, 64, 64, 65 Anal gills, ion uptake, 551 Antennal lobes, 410 Anal margin, 82 Antennal sclerite,64 Anal papillae, 89, 552 Antennal segment, 60 hormonal control of sodium uptake, 555 Antennal sulcus, 62 ion uptake, 551 Anterior cervical sclerites, 63 Anal veins, 81 Anterior mediavein, 81 Analogy,96 Anterior notal process, 73, 453, 458 Anamorphosis, 113, 119 Anterior tentorial arms, 63 Anaphes flavipes, as control agent, 759 Anterior tentorial pits, 62 Anapterygota, 98 Antheraea, 293 Anasa tristis, 230, 231 A. pernyi Anastrepha ludens, genetic control, 766 hormonal control of eclosion, 643–644 Anatrepsis, 602, 604,606, 618 pupal diapause, 669 Anax,93 Anthocoridae, 228 A. imperator Anthomyiidae, 260 diapause induction, 673 Anthonomus, 324 A. junius A. grandis, 324 compound eye resolution, 394 adult diapause, 669 Andrena, 348 genetic control, 766 diurnal segregation, 708 male sex attractant, 424 Andreninae, 348 Anthophorinae, 349 Androconia, 277 Anthrenus, 318 Androgenic hormone, 420 A. scrophulariae, 318 Angel insects, 195 Anthribiidae, 324–325 Angumois grain moth, 284 Antibacterial peptides, 527, 531, 532, 533, 565, Anisembiidae, 156 637 Anisolabididae, 178 Antibiosis, 767 Anisomorpha buprestoides, 181 Anticarsia gemmatalis, viral control, 761 Anisoplia austriaca, microbial control, 716 Antidiuretic hormones, 554, 555 Anisopodidae, 249 Antifreeze proteins, 659, 660, 661 Anisops, 226 Antigonadotropic hormone, 421, 569, 575, 579 Anisoptera, 36, 37, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, Antixenosis, 767 143–144 Antlike stone beetles, 313 larval swimming,452 Antlions, 301, 304, 305 Anisotomidae, 313 Antliophora, 43, 239 Anisozygoptera, 140 Antonina graminis, biocontrol, 759 Annuli,64, 362, 472 Ants, 330, 342–345 Annulipalpia, 270, 271–272 castes, 342–344, 344, 345 Anobiidae, 318 fungus gardens, 502 cellulase, 499 mutualism withhomopterans, 344, 711, 711 Anobium punctatum, 318 spectral sensitivity, 396 Ano-jugal area, 82 See also Formicidae Anopheles Aonidiella aurantii,parasitoids, 705 A. quadrimaculatus, 250 Aorta,515, 519 as disease vector, 738 embryonic origin, 611 786 Apanteles Apomorphy, 96 A. cajae, 338 Apophyses, 59 Index as control agent, 339 Apoptosis, 641 A. melanoscelus Aposematic coloration, 295, 697, 709 host acceptance, 710 Appendages Apatelodidae, 293 abdomen, 84–89 Aphaniptera, 264 embryonic development, 635–637 Aphelinidae, 341 head,64–72 as control agents, 758, 759 postembryonic development, 635–637 Aphelinus mali, 341 thorax, 75–83 Aphelocheirus,plastron, 482, 483 Applemaggot fly: see Rhagoletis pomonella Aphididae, 217–218 Apple sucker, 215 Aphidius smithi, as control agent, 773 Appletwig borer, 319 Aphidoidea, 211, 213, 216–219 Apposition image, 393 Aphids, 211, 217 Aptera, 97 avoidance of toxins in food plants, 696 Apteropanorpa tasmanica, 243 paedogenesis, 617 Apteropanorpidae, 240, 243 as plant-disease vectors, 212, 741, 742 Apterygogenea, 98, 99 pseudoplacental viviparity, 615 Apterygota, 13, 98, 113 saliva, 491 Aquatic insects symbiotic bacteria, 211, 505 factors affecting distribution, 677– wing polymorphism, 645–647 678 Aphis osmoregulation, 550–554, 532, 677 A. craccivora Arachnida, 6, 7–8, 16, 18, 97 as disease vector, 741 Arachnomorpha, 19 host-plant resistance, 767 Aradidae, 229 A. fabae Aradoidea, 229 as disease vector, 741 Aradus acutus, 229 polymorphism, 646 Araecerus fasciculatus, 325 as r pest type, 744 Araschnia levana, seasonaldimorphism, Aphrophora, ocellus, 399 667 Aphrophoridae, 220 Archaeolepis mane,279 Aphytis spp. Archeognatha, 25, 122 as control agents, 758, 759 Archescytinidae, 38, 213 interspecific competitive exclusion, 705–706, Archidermaptera, 177 706, 707 Archiperlaria, 149 spatial segregation, 706 Archips argyrospilus, control, 772 Apical angle, 82 Archipsocidae, 202 Apical cell, 567 Archizygoptera, 36, 140 Apical margin, 82 Archodonata, 35 Apicotermes, l71 Archostemata, 308–309 Apicotermitinae, 171 Arctic insects, activity,657 Apidae, 347–349 Arctiidae, 295 Apinae, 349 Arctoperlaria, 148, 149–153 Apini, 349 Arctotypus, 35 Apionidae, 325 Argentine ant: see Iridomyrmex humilis Apis, 349 Argidae, 335 A. mellifera: see Honey bee Arixenia, 177, 177 Aplomyiopsis epilachnae, 262 Arixeniina, 176, 177 Apneustic condition, 470 Armored scales, 216 Apocrita, 44, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 337–349 Army ants, 344 Apodemes, 59 Armyworms, 294 Apoidea, 332, 334, 342, 347–349 Arolium, 76, 77 Apolysial membrane, 363 Arrestant pheromones, 583 Apolysis, 362, 365 Artematopidae, 316 of embryonic cuticle at hatching, 619 Artematopoidea, 316 in pupa, 632 Arthropleona, 114, 115, 116 Arthropods Axymyiidae, 248 787 evolutionary relationships, 14–21 Axymyiomorpha, 248 features,3 Aysheaia
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