Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 1926 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questi01:s. [9 NovBMBER.] Questwns. 1677 "2. Tenders and quotations invited. "3. Practically the "·hole of the department's requirements are purchased by quotations. " 4. All vendors of the department's requirements throughout the State. (See attached schedule.) " 5 and 6. See answers to {2), (3), and {4). "7. Department's chief buyer." SCHEDCLE OF SUPPLIE!l~. Brisbane (Hardware, etc.).-J ames Oamp­ lwll and Sons; Smellie and Oo. ; \Vatson Bros.; \Vilson, Tait, and Oo.; Ironmongeries Limited; McDonnell Hardware Co. ; Paul and Gray; Perry Bros.; P. Fleming and Som; E.S.O.A.; Norman Bell and Co.; Trackson Bros.; Ediswan Co.; Wm-: A dams; John Reid and N ephcws; Lawrence and Hansen; Brisbane Electrical Co.; Si-emens (Aust.) Ltd. ; Australian General Electric Co. ; Queensland Machinery Co. ; Elder, Smith, and Co.; Wildridge and Sinclair; Finney, Isles, and Co. ; ;\Ic\Yhirtcrs Ltd.; T. 0. Beirne and Co.; Lanham and Oo.; F. Tritton and Co. ; Chapman and Oo.; John Hicks, Ltd.; McDonnell and East; A. and G. Finla;vson ; Surgical Sup­ plies, Ltd. ; Laycock. Littlcdike, and Co. ; Carricks Ltd. ; Shearer, Brown, and Co.; Joinerics Ltd.: Storic and Co.; A. J. Wills; Bell Bros.; Queensland Cement and Lime Co. ;­ 'rUESDAY, 9 NOVEMBER, 1926. H. M. Russell and Oo.; Yeerong­ pill;v Sawmill Co.; Richmond River C'o. ; Victory Planing Mill; A. J. and C. Carmichael; Brett and Oo. : The SEAKER (Hon. \V. Bertram, Maree) Brisbane Brick and B.S. Oo.; took the chair at 10.30 a.m. Brittains Ltd.; Ebbw Vale Brick \V mks; Dowser. Lever, and Oo. ; QUESTIONS. Brisbane Wharves Ltd.; Graver, 8ancl. and Supply Oo. ; Edwards. Goons l'c:RCHASED BY DEPAR'DIEliT OF PuBLIC Fain, and Oo.; P. J ohnstone; Exton WoRKS, 1925-26. ~1td Co. ; Gour;h Bros. : Cloan and ::Ylr. TAYLOR (Wind<or), for Mr. G. P. Co.; Mascot Painting Co.; Oxlade Bamos llruncick), asked the Secretary for Bros. ; Hoskins and Oo. ; Barker and Public Works- Co.; Slado and Co.; Wunderlich Ltd. ; Tylers Ltd. " 1. \Yhat was the total value of goods purchased by the \Yorks Department for lpswich.-Hancock Br-os.; MacKenzie the vear ended 30th June, 1926-(a) and J ackson ; Cribb and Foote; Buildc,rs' ironmongery <tnd building City Council; J. Outhb{rt. material; (b) furnishings and linoleums; Rose woad.-Rosewood Sawmills. (c) all other purchases? Esk.-L. Anderson; J. C. Schank. " 2. \Yhat rule did the department Gatton.-Cossart, Ltd. follmY in making the purchases? Dugandan.-Cossart, Ltd. " 3. \Yhat was the value of goods pur­ Beaudesert.-Laheys Ltd.; D. H. Dutt. chased by tender? Linville.-F. Fox. " 4. \Vho were the successful ten­ So1tthport.-Johnston and Freeman; derers? Harris and Sons. "5. \Vhat was the value of goods pur­ M oore.-Moore Sawmills. chased other than by tender? Blackbutt.-Blackbutt Sawmills. " 6. From whom were such goods pur­ Yarraman.-Yarraman Sawmills. chased? Boonah.-Wilkie and Nielsen. "7. \Yhat agent or agents, officer or Kalbar.-E. J. Smith. officers, were entrusted with buying conunisjions ?" Harrisville.-A. Wilson. Mm·burg.-Biddle. The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS {Hon. M. J. Kirwan, Brisbane) replied- Toogoolawah.-Menzies. Booval.-J. Pedley. " 1. (a), (b), (c), £232,466. Separate values under the headings (a), (b), (c) are Coolangatta.-J. Gordon. not spc>cially recorded. Goodna.-A. H. Hillier; J. Mangin. 1678 Quesiwns. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. Wynnum.-J. Blatchford. Home Hill.-D. Buchanan. 1'oowoomba.-A. and D. Munro; Filshie, .4.yr.-Smellie and Co. Broadfoot, and Co.; Forsyth and Cai1·ns.-Cairns Timber Co. ; Alien and Tho:nson; H. Philp; D. A. Merser; Sons; Burns, Philp, and Co.; Smellie C. Plant; J. Brazier; City Council; and Co.; City Council; Jorgensen ;~ \Yyeths Ltd.; Exton and Co.; Kim­ Svensden; Taylor Ltd. mins and Sons; O'Brien and Fitz­ patrick; J. O'Neill; Rosentengels; ll:fount Jfolloy.-Johnston. Klcming Ltd. M arce ba. -Granite· Sawmills; Brick- Dalby.-Downs Timber Co.; J. Jack..:_ works; Smith. Dalby Plumbing Works. Babinda.-Whitchurch Bros.; and Wanvick.-Hewitson and Co.; A. others. Millar; J. Heyden; J. Stewart; Row lands; Barnes and Co. STATEME:>T OF SECRETARY FOR MIXES DURING Stanthorpr.--:-::i. J. Thompson, P. Ryan. DEBATE oN il-lrNES EsrnrATES. Roma.-Lister and Hibberd. Mr. MOORE (c1ubigny) asked the Secre­ tary for Mines- Char le villc.-.J. Roche; Barbers Ltd . .1. Aliens Ltd. " 1. Is the shtemcnt appearing in last night's ' Telegraph' in the report of his C"nnamulla.-F. Hobson; J. Cnff. speech correct, wherein he is reported to Caboolt1lre.-Attewells Ltd. ; JIII. Zanow. have said, '\Yithout mentioning any name~, I sav he is indebted for his in­ Beerwah.-J. Simpson. forn1ation tO a scoundrel, a gaol-birdr Lar.dsborough.-Hancock and Gore. and a ' crook,' and I have never made a Woo m byc.-Bartholomew and Cary. statement during my political career that I have had to withdraw'? .Yambo1lr.-Morcton Central Mill. "' 2. As he is absolutely ignorant of the Eumundi.-G. C. Epheridge; Sh·aker sources from which I gathered my in­ and Gi!liland. for!nation, does he consider such a state­ 9 Cooroy.-Fenwick Bros. ment either fair or justifiable " Gympie.-Ferguson and Co.; Shamblers The SECRETARY .FOR MINES (Hon. Ltd. ; Holloways Ltd. A . .J. JonE', Paddington) replied- Woodford.-Fredin and Co. " 1. \Vhile not questioning the correct­ Kilcoy.-Thurecht Bros. ness of the ' Tclogra ph ' reporter in this §furgon.-Jiiiurgon Sawmilling Co. House, I reco;;nise only the official record of the House. Wondai.-F. H. Jones. " 2. Accepting the attitude of the Kingaroy.-D. Gallagher. Opposition on the matter which was cYanango.-Timber Corporation Ltd.; und2r discussion at the time as a standard D. Raverty. of fairness. I consider my remarks fair Maryborough.-Hyne and Son; Sims and mild." Ltd.; Wilson, Hart, and Co.; Fairlie and Son; Horsborough and Co. ; LEAD ORE SuPPLIED TO f'HILLAGOE STATE City Council; E. Puller; E. Meridith. S)IELTERS BY MR. F. REID. Brooweena.-Lahey Bros. Mr. MOORE (Aubigny) asked the Secre­ Bundaberg.-Skyring and Sons; Keys tary for ::Ylines- Estate; Wyper Bros. ; E. A. Fisher. " 1. Are the following particulars Gladstone.-Skyring and Sons; Glad­ correct with reference to lead ore sup­ stone Hardware Co. plied by F. Rcid to the State smelters at Chillagoe in July last :-Quantity, 646 Childers.-Isis Sawmill Co.; Wyper tons 7 cwt. 0 qr. 20 lb.; net assay, silver, Bros. 6.9 per cont. ; lend. 4.67 per cent. ; net Kabra.-J. O'Shanessey. sih-er contents, 4.262 oz.; net lead con­ Rocklwmpton.-'N. A. Lawson; Thorpe tents, 28.8680 tons; lead paid for at and Robson; Williams Ltd. ; Brickles £31 13s. 10d. a ton; cheque to Reid, and Co. ; J. J ames; Skyring and £1.095 6s. 7d.? Sons. " 2. Assuming that the figures are cor­ Mount "'forgan.-J. W. Chenery. rect, are not lead ores assaying under Lonrfrcach.-Meacham and Leyland; 10 per cent. subject to a deduction of Edwards, :Martin, Ltd. · 5 per cent., leaving no lead value m Barcaldine.-Meacham and Leyland. this ore? " 3. Under the tariff what ''ould be Jfac~ay.-Porter and Sons; \Vilson, Hart, and Co. ; Marsh and Webster; the correct calculations with respect. to Flemings Ltd.; Shepherd and Sons; this ore under the following headings:­ J. H. Wright; E. Manuel. (a) Metal contents-(1) silver and value, (2) lead and value. (b) Deductions-(1) Bowrn.-C. Michael; T. J. Heron; smelting charge, (2) charge for realisation Burns, Philp, and Co. of lead, (3) roasting charge, (4) railage 1'mcnsz-ille.-G. Walsh; Chapmans Ltd.; and any other charges? Rooneys Ltd. ; City Council; S. "4. \Vould the final balance be a debit Alien and Sons; Cathcart and or a credit, and how much?" Ritchie; J. McCohnell; T. Juster. Clzartrrs Towers.-H. Hall; T. Chap­ The SECRETARY FOR l\1INES (Hon. pell. A. J. Jones, Paddington) replied- lngham.-I. Church; W. J. Bird. " Th<' information is being obtained."" Gift Duty Bill. [9 NOVE;>IBER.] Gift Duty Bill. 1679 SLAG SFPPLJED 'fO CHILLAGOE SMELTERS BY I do not propose to go into this que,tion );IR. F. REID. very deeply this morning, I say that there Mr. :MOORE (.A,ubigny) asked the Secre­ is only one principle contained in this Bill-· that is, Is it right or equitable that r,ifts tary for ::Yfines- should be taxed? The machinery clauses of " With rderence to various parcels of the Bill, setting out the method to be adopted the 'Ti-Tree' slag supplied by Frederick in arriving at the taxation, comprise th·_1 Reid to the State smelters between 12th whole Bill. There is a difference of opinion December, 1923; and 18th February, 1924, as to whether the State shoald tax giftc, totalling 543 tons, and averaging approxi­ especially if they arc bona fide gifts: mately 0.5 oz. silver, no lead, and 0.33 but we know that the object behind the Bill per cent. copper, what was the total is t0 accomplish something by preYcnting amount paid to Reid for these parcels?" the method which is taking place to-day of The SECRETARY FOR MINES (Hon. using the gift method to evade taxatio'l A. J. Joncs, Paddington) replied- generally. t~o one ,will argue that it ls not right to prevent people evading taxation. " The inforrna6on is being obtained." \Ve all agren that income tax: and prob:ttc duty arc legitimate and equitable taxes-I PAPERS. do not 'ay that we all agree about the rCct.•s that rrre applied; but the principle bP hind The following paper was laid on the table, succe'Sion duty, probate duty, and income and ordered to be printed:- tax is recognised and agreed to by all Report of the Provisional Forestry Board political parties; and anv section cf the for the year ended 30th June, 1926.
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