FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 SUBJECT PAGES Flinders 1. OPENING BUSINESS 1 2. OFFICER’S REPORTS Shire 2.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2 – 8 Council 2.2 DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES 9 - 21 PO Box 274 2.3 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING 22 – 44 HUGHENDEN QLD 4821 2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 45- 47 34 Gray Street HUGHENDEN QLD 4821 2.5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 48 - 49 Telephone 07 4741 2900 2.6 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 50 - 51 Facsimile 07 4741 1741 Email: 2.7 SPORT AND RECREATION 52 - 55 [email protected] 2.8 LIBRARIAN 56 - 57 Web Site: www.flinders.qld.gov.au 2.9 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY 58 - 60 2.10 RURAL LANDS 61 – 66 Mayor Brendan V. McNamara 2.11 COMMUNITY CARE 67 - 68 [email protected] Deputy Mayor 3. COUNCILLOR’S REPORTS 69 – 71 Gregory J. Jones [email protected] 4. CLOSED MEETING DISCUSSION ITEMS 72 Councillors 5. CORRESPONDENCE 73 Katherine M. Egan [email protected] 6. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 73 – 74 Clarence N. Haydon [email protected] 7. CRIER NOTES 74 Sean M. O’Neill 8. PROPOSED MEETING CALENDAR AND CLOSURE 75 [email protected] NOTICE OF MEETING Chief Executive Officer Stephen A. McCartney [email protected] NOTICE was given of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 and 8.30 am on Director Corporate Services Thursday, 19 May 2011. Leanne M. Rogers [email protected] Director of Engineering Stephen J. Turner [email protected] Stephen McCartney CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 1 OPENING BUSINESS The Mayor, Cr B.V. McNamara opened the meeting with the Council Prayer at 7.01 pm. 1.1. PRESENT Mayor Cr Brendan V. McNamara Deputy Mayor Cr Gregory J. Jones Councillor Cr Clarence N. Haydon Councillor Cr Sean M. O’Neill Councillor Cr Katherine M. Egan Staff Stephen McCartney Chief Executive Officer Leanne Rogers Director Corporate Services 1.2. APOLOGIES Nil 1.3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Moved Cr K.M. Egan Seconded Cr S.M. O'Neill That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 20-21 April 2011 be taken as read and signed as correct. Carried 1.4. PETITIONS Nil 1.5. CONDOLENCES Nil 1.6. CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES Nil 1 FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 2. OFFICERS' REPORTS 2.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2.1.1 GENERAL REPORT Moved Cr G.J. Jones Seconded Cr K.M. Egan That the Chief Executive Officer’s report as presented for consideration be received. Carried Official Documents Nil NOTED Student Leaders Hayley Lane and Kayla Benham, Hughenden State School Student Leaders attended the meeting this month. NOTED Meetings Attended 25 April 2011 I attended an ANZAC Ceremony and luncheon. 3 May 2011 I attended a tour and meeting with the Federal Coalition Dam Task Group. 4 May 2011 I attended a Teleconference with the Human Resource Project Steering Group. 5 May 2011 I had a meeting with Council Officers and Dennis Kirby to progress the LG Asset. 9 May 2011 I attended the Shire Safety Committee Meeting. Meeting with Deputy Mayor, Cr G.J. Jones and Assistant Police Commissioners regarding closure of the Torrens Creek Police Station. 12 May 2011 A meeting with Patrick Huber (DERM Mareeba) and Peter Gilbey (DERM Brisbane) regarding the 50 year North West Water Strategy; and I attended the Shire Volunteer’s Evening at the Diggers Entertainment Centre. 2 FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 16 May 2011 I attended Australia’s Dinosaur Trail Meeting. NOTED Shire Office Complex Planning Arthur Schrock from Tippett Schrock Architects has commenced preparing the sub-consultants fees and pricing for the full tender design preparation, advertising, assessment and recommendation on tenders to Council and the construction phase - if Council elects to proceed to construction. The following summary is provided for Council and will be referred to the 2011-2012 Budget for consideration. The construction cost is based on the Quantity Surveyors estimate of works from the concept design. Phase 1 Full Design and Tender Process $ 187,200 Professional Consultants Architect, Structural Engineer, Mechanical/Electrical Engineer, Landscape Architect, Hydraulics Design, Quantity Surveyor and Building Certifier. Phase 2 Construction $4,705,000 Professional Consultants Architect, Structural Engineer, Mechanical/Electrical Engineer, Landscape Architect, Hydraulics Design, Quantity Surveyor, Building Certifier, Building Works, demolition and carpark, furniture/equipment and contingencies. These items will be included in the 2011-2012 Budget for consideration to be funded with internal funds and loans. NOTED Hughenden Aged Persons Accommodation Project The Federal Government announced funding of $4.4m under their Health and Ageing Program in last week’s budget. It is now recommended that Council obtain a fee proposal from Tippett Schrock Architects to finalise designs and project manage this project. Tippett Schrock Architects were the architects used to formulate the original plans and costings when the HAPA Project commenced about ten years ago. Due to his previous understanding of the project and his current involvement in the Shire Office project, it is recommended that they be appointed as Architect and Project Managers subject to an agreeable fee proposal. The project submitted for various funding applications for an estimated cost of $5,013,000 is as follows – . Site preparation; . Twelve Units; Bedroom for Caretakers; . Dining/Kitchen; . Recreation Hall/Office; . Walkways; 3 FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 . General Store; and . Porte Cochere. Funds available for this project are as follows – Federal Government Grant 4,400,000 Community Trust Funds 521,700 Council commitment (refer to Budget) 100,000 Total Budget Allocation $ 5,021,700 Moved Cr G.J Jones Seconded Cr S.M. O’Neill That Tippet Schrock Architects be appointed as Architect and Project Managers, subject to an agreeable fee proposal. Carried Moved Cr G.J Jones Seconded Cr S.M. O’Neill That Council formally thank Hon Nicola Roxon (Minister for Health and Ageing), Hon Bob Katter (Member for Kennedy) and Hon Wayne Swan (Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer) for their budget allocation of $4.4m towards the Hughenden Aged Persons Accommodation. All letters are to be signed by the Mayor, Cr B.V. McNamara and invitations to be sent to relevant members upon the opening of the building. Carried Torrens Creek Police Station Following a meeting with the Assistant Commissioners of Police in Hughenden and their community consultation in Torrens Creek they have decided to close the Police Station down. The Station is currently unoccupied and they will transfer that position and vehicle to Hughenden in the near future to have a four-man station. Appropriate housing will need to be found for the new position. Council is currently receiving feedback from the Torrens Creek community on possible locations to place the building. (Refer Item2.3.1.2) NOTED Staff Road Construction Foreman - Council still advertising Construction Foreman Stabilizer - Council still advertising NOTED 4 FLINDERS SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES 18-19 MAY 2011 Shire Revaluation The revaluation return for the whole of the Shire has been returned by the Department of Environment and Resource Management and will be affective from 1 July 2011 for our rates in 2011-2012. The following summary is provided for Councillors. The previous valuation came into effect 1 July 2006; The new valuation comes into effect for the 2011-2012 rates; Valuations only effect the General Rate and Wild Dog Levy; Rates will NOT increase by the change in the revaluation; Town revaluations increased by an average of 696% (individual towns 689% Hughenden, 1,098% Prairie, 1,162% Torrens Creek and 418% Stamford); Rural valuations increased by an average of 1.27% (Hughenden area - 4.12%, Porcupine area 1.79%, Prairie area 0.92%, Tangorin area -3.59%, Torrens Creek area 0.16% and Stamford area 7.74%; Valuations changed from Unimproved Capital Values to site values – this will have little change in Flinders Shire; and Appeals against valuations need to be lodged with the Department of Environment and Resource Management by 4 July 2011 Rate Implications – Council will adjust the rate in the dollar to receive the same total level of general rates from each category e.g. Rural, Wild Dog Levy and Urban; Assuming a nil rate increase, properties that had valuations go up by the average increase (Rural 1.27% and Urban 696%) will see no change in their General Rates. Properties that went up above the average will have an increase in rates and those that went down or less than the average will have a reduction in rates; Rate increases will be known following the adoption of the Council Budget in late June 2011. NOTED Irrigation/Dam Development The Federal Opposition’s Coalition Task Force on Dams visited North Queensland and Hughenden as part of their investigation and recommendation on priorities for dam construction around Australia. The Task Force tour took a trip to the Mount Beckford Dam site and a meeting at the Diggers Entertainment Centre with Councillors, Council Officers, MITEZ, Council Officers and irrigators. The following people attended as part of the Task Force – Senators Ian Macdonald, Barnaby Joyce and Robb Birmingham, four advisers and some journalists. Project Updates Phytofuel The Kalpa trees planted in the Swanson Street area are growing well. Phytofuel have visited Hughenden to consider other trial sites and will be back to undertake maintenance work in the next month.
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